--- sidebar_position: 1 --- # Testing Cwtch This section documents some ways to get started with Cwtch Testing. ### Running Fuzzbot FuzzBot is our development testing bot. You can add FuzzBot as a contact: `cwtch:4y2hxlxqzautabituedksnh2ulcgm2coqbure6wvfpg4gi2ci25ta5ad`. :::info FuzzBot Help Sending FuzzBot a `help` message will trigger it to send a reply with all the currently available testing commands. ::: For more information on FuzzBot see our [Discreet Log development blog](https://openprivacy.ca/discreet-log/07-fuzzbot/). ### Join the Cwtch Release Candidate Testers Group Sending Fuzzbot the command `testgroup-invite` will cause FuzzBot to invite you to the **Cwtch Testers Group**! There you can ask questions, post bug reports and offer feedback. ### Cwtch Nightlies Cwtch Nightly builds are development builds that contain new features that are ready for testing. The most recent few development versions of Cwtch are available from our [build server](https://build.openprivacy.ca/files/). We **do not** recommend that testers always upgrade to the latest nightly, Instead, we will post a message to the Cwtch Release Candidate Testers group when a significant nightly becomes available. A nightly is considered significant if it contains a new feature or a major bug fix.