import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:ffi'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'dart:io' show Platform; import 'package:cwtch/cwtch/cwtchNotifier.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart'; import 'package:cwtch/cwtch/cwtch.dart'; import '../config.dart'; import "package:path/path.dart" show dirname, join; import 'dart:io' show Platform; ///////////////////// /// Cwtch API /// ///////////////////// typedef start_cwtch_function = Int8 Function(Pointer str, Int32 length, Pointer str2, Int32 length2); typedef StartCwtchFn = int Function(Pointer dir, int len, Pointer tor, int torLen); typedef void_from_void_funtion = Void Function(); typedef VoidFromVoidFunction = void Function(); typedef free_function = Void Function(Pointer); typedef FreeFn = void Function(Pointer); typedef void_from_string_string_function = Void Function(Pointer, Int32, Pointer, Int32); typedef VoidFromStringStringFn = void Function(Pointer, int, Pointer, int); typedef void_from_string_string_string_function = Void Function(Pointer, Int32, Pointer, Int32, Pointer, Int32); typedef VoidFromStringStringStringFn = void Function(Pointer, int, Pointer, int, Pointer, int); typedef void_from_string_string_string_string_function = Void Function(Pointer, Int32, Pointer, Int32, Pointer, Int32, Pointer, Int32); typedef VoidFromStringStringStringStringFn = void Function(Pointer, int, Pointer, int, Pointer, int, Pointer, int); typedef void_from_string_string_string_string_string_function = Void Function(Pointer, Int32, Pointer, Int32, Pointer, Int32, Pointer, Int32, Pointer, Int32); typedef VoidFromStringStringStringStringStringFn = void Function(Pointer, int, Pointer, int, Pointer, int, Pointer, int, Pointer, int); typedef void_from_string_string_int_int_function = Void Function(Pointer, Int32, Pointer, Int32, Int64, Int64); typedef VoidFromStringStringIntIntFn = void Function(Pointer, int, Pointer, int, int, int); typedef void_from_string_string_byte_function = Void Function(Pointer, Int32, Pointer, Int32, Int8); typedef VoidFromStringStringByteFn = void Function(Pointer, int, Pointer, int, int); typedef string_to_void_function = Void Function(Pointer str, Int32 length); typedef StringFn = void Function(Pointer dir, int); typedef string_string_to_void_function = Void Function(Pointer str, Int32 length, Pointer str2, Int32 length2); typedef StringStringFn = void Function(Pointer, int, Pointer, int); typedef get_json_blob_string_function = Pointer Function(Pointer str, Int32 length); typedef GetJsonBlobStringFn = Pointer Function(Pointer str, int len); //func GetMessage(profile_ptr *C.char, profile_len, handle_ptr *C.char, handle_len, message_index *C.char { typedef get_json_blob_from_str_str_int_function = Pointer Function(Pointer, Int32, Pointer, Int32, Int32); typedef GetJsonBlobFromStrStrIntFn = Pointer Function(Pointer, int, Pointer, int, int); // func c_GetMessagesByContentHash(profile_ptr *C.char, profile_len, handle_ptr *C.char, handle_len, contenthash_ptr *C.char, contenthash_len *C.char typedef get_json_blob_from_str_str_str_function = Pointer Function(Pointer, Int32, Pointer, Int32, Pointer, Int32); typedef GetJsonBlobFromStrStrStrFn = Pointer Function(Pointer, int, Pointer, int, Pointer, int); typedef appbus_events_function = Pointer Function(); typedef AppbusEventsFn = Pointer Function(); const String UNSUPPORTED_OS = "unsupported-os"; class CwtchFfi implements Cwtch { late DynamicLibrary library; late CwtchNotifier cwtchNotifier; late Isolate cwtchIsolate; ReceivePort _receivePort = ReceivePort(); static String getLibraryPath() { if (Platform.isWindows) { return "libCwtch.dll"; } else if (Platform.isLinux) { return ""; } else if (Platform.isMacOS) { print(dirname(Platform.script.path)); return "libCwtch.dylib"; } else { return UNSUPPORTED_OS; } } CwtchFfi(CwtchNotifier _cwtchNotifier) { String library_path = getLibraryPath(); if (library_path == UNSUPPORTED_OS) { print("OS ${Platform.operatingSystem} not supported by cwtch/ffi"); // emergency, ideally the app stays on splash and just posts the error till user closes exit(0); } library =; cwtchNotifier = _cwtchNotifier; } // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names Future Start() async { String home = ""; String bundledTor = ""; Map envVars = Platform.environment; String cwtchDir = ""; if (Platform.isLinux) { cwtchDir = envVars['CWTCH_HOME'] ?? path.join(envVars['HOME']!, ".cwtch"); if (await File("linux/tor").exists()) { bundledTor = "linux/tor"; } else if (await File("lib/tor").exists()) { bundledTor = "lib/tor"; } else if (await File(path.join(home, ".local/lib/cwtch/tor")).exists()) { bundledTor = path.join(home, ".local/lib/cwtch/tor"); } else if (await File("/usr/lib/cwtch/tor").exists()) { bundledTor = "/usr/lib/cwtch/tor"; } else { bundledTor = "tor"; } } else if (Platform.isWindows) { cwtchDir = envVars['CWTCH_DIR'] ?? path.join(envVars['UserProfile']!, ".cwtch"); bundledTor = "Tor\\Tor\\tor.exe"; } else if (Platform.isMacOS) { cwtchDir = envVars['CWTCH_HOME'] ?? path.join(envVars['HOME']!, "Library/Application Support/Cwtch"); if (await File("").exists()) { bundledTor = ""; } else if (await File("/Applications/").exists()) { bundledTor = "/Applications/"; } else if (await File("/Volumes/Cwtch/").exists()) { bundledTor = "/Volumes/Cwtch/"; } else if (await File("/Applications/Tor").exists()) { bundledTor = "/Applications/Tor"; print("We couldn't find Tor in the Cwtch app directory, however we can fall back to the Tor Browser binary"); } else { var splitPath = path.split(dirname(Platform.script.path)); if (splitPath[0] == "/" && splitPath[1] == "Applications") { var appName = splitPath[2]; print("We're running in /Applications in a non standard app name: $appName"); if (await File("/Applications/$appName/Contents/MacOS/Tor/tor.real").exists()) { bundledTor = "/Applications/$appName/Contents/MacOS/Tor/tor.real"; } } } } // the first Cwtch MacOS release (1.2) accidently was a dev build // we need to temporarily remedy this for a release or two then delete // if macOs and release build and no profile and is dev profile // copy dev profile to release profile if (Platform.isMacOS && EnvironmentConfig.BUILD_VER != dev_version) { var devProfileExists = await Directory(path.join(cwtchDir, "dev", "profiles")).exists(); var releaseProfileExists = await Directory(path.join(cwtchDir, "profiles")).exists(); if (devProfileExists && !releaseProfileExists) { print("MacOS one time dev -> release profile migration..."); await"cp", ["-r", "-p", path.join(cwtchDir, "dev", "profiles"), cwtchDir]); await"cp", ["-r", "-p", path.join(cwtchDir, "dev", "SALT"), cwtchDir]); await"cp", ["-r", "-p", path.join(cwtchDir, "dev", "ui.globals"), cwtchDir]); } } if (EnvironmentConfig.BUILD_VER == dev_version) { cwtchDir = path.join(cwtchDir, "dev"); } print("StartCwtch( cwtchdir: $cwtchDir, torPath: $bundledTor )"); var startCwtchC = library.lookup>("c_StartCwtch"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final StartCwtch = startCwtchC.asFunction(); final ut8CwtchDir = cwtchDir.toNativeUtf8(); StartCwtch(ut8CwtchDir, ut8CwtchDir.length, bundledTor.toNativeUtf8(), bundledTor.length); // Spawn an isolate to listen to events from libcwtch-go and then dispatch them when received on main thread to cwtchNotifier cwtchIsolate = await Isolate.spawn(_checkAppbusEvents, _receivePort.sendPort); _receivePort.listen((message) { var env = jsonDecode(message); cwtchNotifier.handleMessage(env["EventType"], env["Data"]); }); } // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names Future ReconnectCwtchForeground() async { var reconnectCwtch = library.lookup>("c_ReconnectCwtchForeground"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final ReconnectCwtchForeground = reconnectCwtch.asFunction(); ReconnectCwtchForeground(); } // Called on object being disposed to (presumably on app close) to close the isolate that's listening to libcwtch-go events @override void dispose() { cwtchIsolate.kill(priority: Isolate.immediate); } // Entry point for an isolate to listen to a stream of events pulled from libcwtch-go and return them on the sendPort static void _checkAppbusEvents(SendPort sendPort) async { var stream = pollAppbusEvents(); await for (var value in stream) { sendPort.send(value); } print("checkAppBusEvents finished..."); } // Steam of appbus events. Call blocks in libcwtch-go GetAppbusEvent. Static so the isolate can use it static Stream pollAppbusEvents() async* { late DynamicLibrary library =; var getAppbusEventC = library.lookup>("c_GetAppBusEvent"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final GetAppbusEvent = getAppbusEventC.asFunction(); // Embedded Version of _UnsafeFreePointerAnyUseOfThisFunctionMustBeDoubleApproved var free = library.lookup>("c_FreePointer"); final Free = free.asFunction(); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final GetAppBusEvent = () { // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names Pointer result = GetAppbusEvent(); String event = result.toDartString(); Free(result); return event; }; while (true) { final event = GetAppBusEvent(); if (event.startsWith("{\"EventType\":\"Shutdown\"")) { print("Shutting down isolate thread: $event"); return; } yield event; } } // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void SelectProfile(String onion) async { var selectProfileC = library.lookup>("c_SelectProfile"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final SelectProfile = selectProfileC.asFunction(); final ut8Onion = onion.toNativeUtf8(); SelectProfile(ut8Onion, ut8Onion.length);; } // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void CreateProfile(String nick, String pass) { var createProfileC = library.lookup>("c_CreateProfile"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final CreateProfile = createProfileC.asFunction(); final utf8nick = nick.toNativeUtf8(); final ut8pass = pass.toNativeUtf8(); CreateProfile(utf8nick, utf8nick.length, ut8pass, ut8pass.length);;; } // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void LoadProfiles(String pass) { var loadProfileC = library.lookup>("c_LoadProfiles"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final LoadProfiles = loadProfileC.asFunction(); final ut8pass = pass.toNativeUtf8(); LoadProfiles(ut8pass, ut8pass.length);; } // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names Future GetMessage(String profile, String handle, int index) async { var getMessageC = library.lookup>("c_GetMessage"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final GetMessage = getMessageC.asFunction(); final utf8profile = profile.toNativeUtf8(); final utf8handle = handle.toNativeUtf8(); Pointer jsonMessageBytes = GetMessage(utf8profile, utf8profile.length, utf8handle, utf8handle.length, index); String jsonMessage = jsonMessageBytes.toDartString(); _UnsafeFreePointerAnyUseOfThisFunctionMustBeDoubleApproved(jsonMessageBytes);;; return jsonMessage; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void SendProfileEvent(String onion, String json) { var sendAppBusEvent = library.lookup>("c_SendProfileEvent"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final SendAppBusEvent = sendAppBusEvent.asFunction(); final utf8onion = onion.toNativeUtf8(); final utf8json = json.toNativeUtf8(); SendAppBusEvent(utf8onion, utf8onion.length, utf8json, utf8json.length);;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void SendAppEvent(String json) { var sendAppBusEvent = library.lookup>("c_SendAppEvent"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final SendAppBusEvent = sendAppBusEvent.asFunction(); final utf8json = json.toNativeUtf8(); SendAppBusEvent(utf8json, utf8json.length);; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void AcceptContact(String profileOnion, String contactHandle) { var acceptContact = library.lookup>("c_AcceptContact"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final AcceptContact = acceptContact.asFunction(); final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = contactHandle.toNativeUtf8(); AcceptContact(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length);;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void BlockContact(String profileOnion, String contactHandle) { var blockContact = library.lookup>("c_BlockContact"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final BlockContact = blockContact.asFunction(); final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = contactHandle.toNativeUtf8(); BlockContact(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length);;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void SendMessage(String profileOnion, String contactHandle, String message) { var sendMessage = library.lookup>("c_SendMessage"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final SendMessage = sendMessage.asFunction(); final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = contactHandle.toNativeUtf8(); final u3 = message.toNativeUtf8(); SendMessage(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, u3, u3.length);;;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void SendInvitation(String profileOnion, String contactHandle, String target) { var sendInvitation = library.lookup>("c_SendInvitation"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final SendInvitation = sendInvitation.asFunction(); final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = contactHandle.toNativeUtf8(); final u3 = target.toNativeUtf8(); SendInvitation(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, u3, u3.length);;;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void ShareFile(String profileOnion, String contactHandle, String filepath) { var shareFile = library.lookup>("c_ShareFile"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final ShareFile = shareFile.asFunction(); final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = contactHandle.toNativeUtf8(); final u3 = filepath.toNativeUtf8(); ShareFile(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, u3, u3.length);;;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void DownloadFile(String profileOnion, String contactHandle, String filepath, String manifestpath, String filekey) { var dlFile = library.lookup>("c_DownloadFile"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final DownloadFile = dlFile.asFunction(); final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = contactHandle.toNativeUtf8(); final u3 = filepath.toNativeUtf8(); final u4 = manifestpath.toNativeUtf8(); final u5 = filekey.toNativeUtf8(); DownloadFile(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, u3, u3.length, u4, u4.length, u5, u5.length);;;;;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void CreateDownloadableFile(String profileOnion, String contactHandle, String filenameSuggestion, String filekey) { // android only - do nothing } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void CheckDownloadStatus(String profileOnion, String fileKey) { var checkDownloadStatus = library.lookup>("c_CheckDownloadStatus"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final CheckDownloadStatus = checkDownloadStatus.asFunction(); final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = fileKey.toNativeUtf8(); CheckDownloadStatus(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length);;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void VerifyOrResumeDownload(String profileOnion, String contactHandle, String filekey) { var fn = library.lookup>("c_VerifyOrResumeDownload"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final VerifyOrResumeDownload = fn.asFunction(); final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = contactHandle.toNativeUtf8(); final u3 = filekey.toNativeUtf8(); VerifyOrResumeDownload(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, u3, u3.length);;;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void ResetTor() { var resetTor = library.lookup>("c_ResetTor"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final ResetTor = resetTor.asFunction(); ResetTor(); } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void ImportBundle(String profileOnion, String bundle) { var importBundle = library.lookup>("c_ImportBundle"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final ImportBundle = importBundle.asFunction(); final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = bundle.toNativeUtf8(); ImportBundle(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length);;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void SetGroupAttribute(String profileOnion, String groupHandle, String key, String value) { var setGroupAttribute = library.lookup>("c_SetGroupAttribute"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final SetGroupAttribute = setGroupAttribute.asFunction(); final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = groupHandle.toNativeUtf8(); final u3 = key.toNativeUtf8(); final u4 = value.toNativeUtf8(); SetGroupAttribute(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, u3, u3.length, u4, u4.length);;;;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void RejectInvite(String profileOnion, String groupHandle) { var rejectInvite = library.lookup>("c_RejectInvite"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final RejectInvite = rejectInvite.asFunction(); final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = groupHandle.toNativeUtf8(); RejectInvite(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length);;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void CreateGroup(String profileOnion, String server, String groupName) { var createGroup = library.lookup>("c_CreateGroup"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final CreateGroup = createGroup.asFunction(); final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = server.toNativeUtf8(); final u3 = groupName.toNativeUtf8(); CreateGroup(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, u3, u3.length);;;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void ArchiveConversation(String profileOnion, String handle) { var archiveConversation = library.lookup>("c_ArchiveConversation"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final ArchiveConversation = archiveConversation.asFunction(); final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = handle.toNativeUtf8(); ArchiveConversation(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length);;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void DeleteContact(String profileOnion, String handle) { var deleteContact = library.lookup>("c_DeleteContact"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final DeleteContact = deleteContact.asFunction(); final u1 = profileOnion.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = handle.toNativeUtf8(); DeleteContact(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length);;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void UpdateMessageFlags(String profile, String handle, int index, int flags) { var updateMessageFlagsC = library.lookup>("c_UpdateMessageFlags"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final updateMessageFlags = updateMessageFlagsC.asFunction(); final utf8profile = profile.toNativeUtf8(); final utf8handle = handle.toNativeUtf8(); updateMessageFlags(utf8profile, utf8profile.length, utf8handle, utf8handle.length, index, flags);;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void DeleteProfile(String onion, String currentPassword) { var deleteprofile = library.lookup>("c_DeleteProfile"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final DeleteProfile = deleteprofile.asFunction(); final u1 = onion.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = currentPassword.toNativeUtf8(); DeleteProfile(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length);;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void SetProfileAttribute(String profile, String key, String val) { var setProfileAttribute = library.lookup>("c_SetProfileAttribute"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final SetProfileAttribute = setProfileAttribute.asFunction(); final u1 = profile.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = key.toNativeUtf8(); final u3 = key.toNativeUtf8(); SetProfileAttribute(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, u3, u3.length);;;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void SetContactAttribute(String profile, String contact, String key, String val) { var setContactAttribute = library.lookup>("c_SetContactAttribute"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final SetContactAttribute = setContactAttribute.asFunction(); final u1 = profile.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = contact.toNativeUtf8(); final u3 = key.toNativeUtf8(); final u4 = key.toNativeUtf8(); SetContactAttribute(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, u3, u3.length, u4, u4.length);;;;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void LoadServers(String password) { var loadServers = library.lookup>("c_LoadServers"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final LoadServers = loadServers.asFunction(); final u1 = password.toNativeUtf8(); LoadServers(u1, u1.length);; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void CreateServer(String password, String description, bool autostart) { var createServer = library.lookup>("c_CreateServer"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final CreateServer = createServer.asFunction(); final u1 = password.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = description.toNativeUtf8(); CreateServer(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, autostart ? 1 : 0);;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void DeleteServer(String serverOnion, String password) { var deleteServer = library.lookup>("c_DeleteServer"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final DeleteServer = deleteServer.asFunction(); final u1 = serverOnion.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = password.toNativeUtf8(); DeleteServer(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length);;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void LaunchServers() { var launchServers = library.lookup>("c_LaunchServers"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final LaunchServers = launchServers.asFunction(); LaunchServers(); } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void LaunchServer(String serverOnion) { var launchServer = library.lookup>("c_LaunchServer"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final LaunchServer = launchServer.asFunction(); final u1 = serverOnion.toNativeUtf8(); LaunchServer(u1, u1.length);; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void StopServer(String serverOnion) { var shutdownServer = library.lookup>("c_StopServer"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final ShutdownServer = shutdownServer.asFunction(); final u1 = serverOnion.toNativeUtf8(); ShutdownServer(u1, u1.length);; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void StopServers() { var shutdownServers = library.lookup>("c_StopServers"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final ShutdownServers = shutdownServers.asFunction(); ShutdownServers(); } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void DestroyServers() { var destroyServers = library.lookup>("c_DestroyServers"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final DestroyServers = destroyServers.asFunction(); DestroyServers(); } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names void SetServerAttribute(String serverOnion, String key, String val) { var setServerAttribute = library.lookup>("c_SetServerAttribute"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final SetServerAttribute = setServerAttribute.asFunction(); final u1 = serverOnion.toNativeUtf8(); final u2 = key.toNativeUtf8(); final u3 = val.toNativeUtf8(); SetServerAttribute(u1, u1.length, u2, u2.length, u3, u3.length);;;; } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names Future Shutdown() async { var shutdown = library.lookup>("c_ShutdownCwtch"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // Shutdown Cwtch + Tor... // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final Shutdown = shutdown.asFunction(); Shutdown(); // Kill our Isolate cwtchIsolate.kill(priority: Isolate.immediate); print("Isolate killed"); _receivePort.close(); print("Receive Port Closed"); } @override // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names Future GetMessageByContentHash(String profile, String handle, String contentHash) async { var getMessagesByContentHashC = library.lookup>("c_GetMessagesByContentHash"); // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names final GetMessagesByContentHash = getMessagesByContentHashC.asFunction(); final utf8profile = profile.toNativeUtf8(); final utf8handle = handle.toNativeUtf8(); final utf8contentHash = contentHash.toNativeUtf8(); Pointer jsonMessageBytes = GetMessagesByContentHash(utf8profile, utf8profile.length, utf8handle, utf8handle.length, utf8contentHash, utf8contentHash.length); String jsonMessage = jsonMessageBytes.toDartString(); _UnsafeFreePointerAnyUseOfThisFunctionMustBeDoubleApproved(jsonMessageBytes);;;; return jsonMessage; } // ignore: non_constant_identifier_names // Incredibly dangerous function which invokes a free in libCwtch, should only be used // as documented in `` in libCwtch repo. void _UnsafeFreePointerAnyUseOfThisFunctionMustBeDoubleApproved(Pointer ptr) { var free = library.lookup>("c_FreePointer"); final Free = free.asFunction(); Free(ptr); } }