forked from
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Getting Started

Sign up to the Open Privacy Gogs instance

Get the code


Make a development branch to do your work

git checkout -b work-branch-name

If you are using Goland as an IDE, now would be a good time to enable automatic gofmt on save of files with the File Watches plugin

Pull Requests

When you are done, rebase squash any multiple commits you have into one

git rebase -i master

Test the code and check it has not quality issues


Ideally run the integration tests (~5 minutes)

cd testing
go test

push your branch (-f for force in the case you've rebased and squashed)

git push origin work-branch-name -f

create a pull request

If you have fixes, you can amend them to the current commit rather than a new one with

git commit --amend
git push -f

Review Board

For very large and complicated Pull Requests we have created a Review Board instance to facilitate more in depth review and discussion at

First acquire the client, RBTools, on Ubuntu:

apt install rbtools

Then hookup your git repo to review board with:

rbt setup-repo

Using the repo cwtch

Finally you will be able to create commits with

rbt post --parent master

It possibly will need the arguments --tracking-branch=cwtch/master --branch=YOUR-BRANCH -d (-d for debug if you are having trouble)