
608 lines
20 KiB

package main
import (
app2 ""
peer2 ""
var app app2.Application
var peer peer2.CwtchPeer
var group *model.Group
var groupFollowBreakChan chan bool
var prmpt string
var suggestionsBase = []prompt.Suggest{
{Text: "/new-profile", Description: "create a new profile"},
{Text: "/load-profiles", Description: "loads profiles with a password"},
{Text: "/list-profiles", Description: "list active profiles"},
{Text: "/select-profile", Description: "selects an active profile to use"},
{Text: "/help", Description: "print list of commands"},
{Text: "/quit", Description: "quit cwtch"},
var suggestionsSelectedProfile = []prompt.Suggest{
{Text: "/info", Description: "show user info"},
{Text: "/list-contacts", Description: "retrieve a list of contacts"},
{Text: "/list-groups", Description: "retrieve a list of groups"},
{Text: "/new-group", Description: "create a new group on a server"},
{Text: "/select-group", Description: "selects a group to follow"},
{Text: "/unselect-group", Description: "stop following the current group"},
{Text: "/invite", Description: "invite a new contact"},
{Text: "/invite-to-group", Description: "invite an existing contact to join an existing group"},
{Text: "/accept-invite", Description: "accept the invite of a group"},
{Text: "/list-servers", Description: "retrieve a list of servers and their connection status"},
{Text: "/list-peers", Description: "retrieve a list of peers and their connection status"},
{Text: "/export-group", Description: "export a group invite: prints as a string"},
{Text: "/trust", Description: "trust a peer"},
{Text: "/block", Description: "block a peer - you will no longer see messages or connect to this peer"},
var suggestions = suggestionsBase
var usages = map[string]string{
"/new-profile": "/new-profile [name]",
"/load-profiles": "/load-profiles",
"/list-profiles": "",
"/select-profile": "/select-profile [onion]",
"/quit": "",
"/list-servers": "",
"/list-peers": "",
"/list-contacts": "",
"/list-groups": "",
"/select-group": "/select-group [groupid]",
"/unselect-group": "",
"/export-group": "/export-group [groupid]",
"/info": "",
"/send": "/send [groupid] [message]",
"/timeline": "/timeline [groupid]",
"/accept-invite": "/accept-invite [groupid]",
"/invite": "/invite [peerid]",
"/invite-to-group": "/invite-to-group [groupid] [peerid]",
"/new-group": "/new-group [server]",
"/help": "",
"/trust": "/trust [peerid]",
"/block": "/block [peerid]",
func printMessage(m model.Message) {
p := peer.GetContact(m.PeerID)
name := "unknown"
if p != nil {
name = p.Name
} else if peer.GetProfile().Onion == m.PeerID {
name = peer.GetProfile().Name
fmt.Printf("%v %v (%v): %v\n", m.Timestamp, name, m.PeerID, m.Message)
func startGroupFollow() {
groupFollowBreakChan = make(chan bool)
go func() {
for {
l := len(group.Timeline.GetMessages())
select {
case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
if group == nil {
gms := group.Timeline.GetMessages()
if len(gms) != l {
for ; l < len(gms); l++ {
case <-groupFollowBreakChan:
func stopGroupFollow() {
if group != nil {
groupFollowBreakChan <- true
group = nil
func completer(d prompt.Document) []prompt.Suggest {
var s []prompt.Suggest
if d.FindStartOfPreviousWord() == 0 {
return prompt.FilterHasPrefix(suggestions, d.GetWordBeforeCursor(), true)
w := d.CurrentLine()
// Suggest a profile id
if strings.HasPrefix(w, "/select-profile") {
s = []prompt.Suggest{}
peerlist := app.ListPeers()
for onion, peername := range peerlist {
s = append(s, prompt.Suggest{Text: onion, Description: peername})
if peer == nil {
return s
// Suggest groupid
if /*strings.HasPrefix(w, "send") || strings.HasPrefix(w, "timeline") ||*/ strings.HasPrefix(w, "/export-group") || strings.HasPrefix(w, "/select-group") {
s = []prompt.Suggest{}
groups := peer.GetGroups()
for _, groupID := range groups {
group := peer.GetGroup(groupID)
s = append(s, prompt.Suggest{Text: group.GroupID, Description: "Group owned by " + group.Owner + " on " + group.GroupServer})
return prompt.FilterHasPrefix(s, d.GetWordBeforeCursor(), true)
// Suggest unaccepted group
if strings.HasPrefix(w, "/accept-invite") {
s = []prompt.Suggest{}
groups := peer.GetGroups()
for _, groupID := range groups {
group := peer.GetGroup(groupID)
if group.Accepted == false {
s = append(s, prompt.Suggest{Text: group.GroupID, Description: "Group owned by " + group.Owner + " on " + group.GroupServer})
return prompt.FilterHasPrefix(s, d.GetWordBeforeCursor(), true)
// suggest groupid AND peerid
if strings.HasPrefix(w, "/invite-to-group") {
if d.FindStartOfPreviousWordWithSpace() == 0 {
s = []prompt.Suggest{}
groups := peer.GetGroups()
for _, groupID := range groups {
group := peer.GetGroup(groupID)
if group.Owner == "self" {
s = append(s, prompt.Suggest{Text: group.GroupID, Description: "Group owned by " + group.Owner + " on " + group.GroupServer})
return prompt.FilterHasPrefix(s, d.GetWordBeforeCursor(), true)
s = []prompt.Suggest{}
contacts := peer.GetContacts()
for _, onion := range contacts {
contact := peer.GetContact(onion)
s = append(s, prompt.Suggest{Text: contact.Onion, Description: contact.Name})
return prompt.FilterHasPrefix(s, d.GetWordBeforeCursor(), true)
// Suggest contact onion / peerid
if strings.HasPrefix(w, "/block") || strings.HasPrefix(w, "/trust") || strings.HasPrefix(w, "/invite") {
s = []prompt.Suggest{}
contacts := peer.GetContacts()
for _, onion := range contacts {
contact := peer.GetContact(onion)
s = append(s, prompt.Suggest{Text: contact.Onion, Description: contact.Name})
return prompt.FilterHasPrefix(s, d.GetWordBeforeCursor(), true)
return s
func main() {
cwtch :=
#, #'
@'@@+#' @@@@+
''''''@ #+@ :
@''''+;+' . '
@''@' :+' , ; ##, +'
,@@ ;' #'#@''. #''@''#
# ''''''#:,,#'''''@
: @''''@ :+'''@
' @;+'@ @'#
.:# '#..# '# @
@# . .
+++, #'@+'@
''', ''''''#
.#+# ''', @'''+,
@''# ''', .#@
:; '@''# .;. ''', ' : ;. ,
@+'''@ '+'+ @++ @+'@+''''+@ #+'''#: ''';#''+@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@ :@@@@#
#''''''# +''. +'': +'''''''''+ @'''''''# '''+'''''@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@:
@'''@@'''@ @''# ,'''@ ''+ @@''+#+ :'''@@+''' ''''@@'''' @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
'''# @''# +''@ @'''# ;''@ +''+ @''@ ,+'', '''@ #'''. @@@@ @@@@ '@@@# @@@@
;''' @@; '''# #'@'' @''@ @''+ +''# .@@ ''', '''. @@@@ @@@ @@@ .@@@
@''# #'' ''#''#@''. #''# '''. '''. +'', @@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@
@''# @''@'' #'@+'+ #''# '''. ''', +'', +@@@.@@@ @@@@ @@@, @@@ ,@@@
;''+ @, +''@'# @'+''@ @''# +''; '+ ''', +'', @@@@@@@@# @@@@ @@@. .@@@ .@@@
'''# ++'+ ''''@ ,''''# #''' @''@ '@''+ ''', ''', @@@@@@@@: @@@@ @@@; .@@@' ;@@@
@'''@@'''@ #'''. +'''' ;'''#@ :'''#@+''+ ''', ''', @@@@@@# @@@@ @@@+ ,@@@. @@@@
#''''''# @''+ @''+ +'''' @'''''''# ''', ''', #@@@. @@@@ @@@+ @@@ @@@@
@+''+@ '++@ ;++@ '#''@ ##'''@: +++, +++, :@ @@@@ @@@' @@@ '@@@
:' ' '`
fmt.Printf("%v\n\n", cwtch)
quit := false
usr, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("\nError: could not load current user: %v\n", err)
acn, err := connectivity.StartTor(path.Join(usr.HomeDir, ".cwtch"), "")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("\nError connecting to Tor: %v\n", err)
app = app2.NewApp(acn, path.Join(usr.HomeDir, ".cwtch"))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error initializing application: %v", err)
fmt.Printf("\nWelcome to Cwtch!\n")
fmt.Printf("If this if your first time you should create a profile by running `/new-profile`\n")
fmt.Printf("`/load-profiles` will prompt you for a password and load profiles from storage\n")
fmt.Printf("`/help` will show you other available commands\n")
fmt.Printf("There is full [TAB] completion support\n\n")
var history []string
for !quit {
prmpt = "cwtch> "
if group != nil {
prmpt = fmt.Sprintf("cwtch %v (%v) [%v] say> ", peer.GetProfile().Name, peer.GetProfile().Onion, group.GroupID)
} else if peer != nil {
prmpt = fmt.Sprintf("cwtch %v (%v)> ", peer.GetProfile().Name, peer.GetProfile().Onion)
text := prompt.Input(prmpt, completer, prompt.OptionSuggestionBGColor(prompt.Purple),
commands := strings.Split(text[0:], " ")
history = append(history, text)
if peer == nil {
if commands[0] != "/help" && commands[0] != "/quit" && commands[0] != "/new-profile" && commands[0] != "/load-profiles" && commands[0] != "/select-profile" && commands[0] != "/list-profiles" {
fmt.Printf("Profile needs to be set\n")
// Send
if group != nil && !strings.HasPrefix(commands[0], "/") {
err := peer.SendMessageToGroup(group.GroupID, text)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error sending message: %v\n", err)
switch commands[0] {
case "/quit":
quit = true
case "/new-profile":
if len(commands) == 2 {
name := strings.Trim(commands[1], " ")
if name == "" {
fmt.Printf("Error creating profile, usage: %v\n", usages[commands[0]])
password := ""
failcount := 0
for ; failcount < 3; failcount++ {
fmt.Print("Enter a password to encrypt the profile: ")
bytePassword, _ := terminal.ReadPassword(int(syscall.Stdin))
if string(bytePassword) == "" {
fmt.Print("\nBlank password not allowed.")
fmt.Print("\nRe-enter password: ")
bytePassword2, _ := terminal.ReadPassword(int(syscall.Stdin))
if bytes.Equal(bytePassword, bytePassword2) {
password = string(bytePassword)
} else {
fmt.Print("\nPASSWORDS DIDN'T MATCH! Try again.\n")
if failcount >= 3 {
fmt.Printf("Error creating profile for %v: Your password entries must match!\n", name)
} else {
p, err := app.CreatePeer(name, password)
if err == nil {
fmt.Printf("\nNew profile created for %v\n", name)
peer = p
suggestions = append(suggestionsBase, suggestionsSelectedProfile...)
} else {
fmt.Printf("\nError creating profile for %v: %v\n", name, err)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Error creating New Profile, usage: %s\n", usages[commands[0]])
case "/load-profiles":
fmt.Print("Enter a password to decrypt the profile: ")
bytePassword, err := terminal.ReadPassword(int(syscall.Stdin))
err = app.LoadProfiles(string(bytePassword))
if err == nil {
profiles := app.ListPeers()
fmt.Printf("\n%v profiles active now\n", len(profiles))
fmt.Printf("You should run `select-profile` to use a profile or `list-profiles` to view loaded profiles\n")
} else {
fmt.Printf("\nError loading profiles: %v\n", err)
case "/list-profiles":
peerlist := app.ListPeers()
for onion, peername := range peerlist {
fmt.Printf(" %v\t%v\n", onion, peername)
case "/select-profile":
if len(commands) == 2 {
p := app.GetPeer(commands[1])
if p == nil {
fmt.Printf("Error: profile '%v' does not exist\n", commands[1])
} else {
peer = p
suggestions = append(suggestionsBase, suggestionsSelectedProfile...)
// Auto cwtchPeer / Join Server
// TODO There are some privacy implications with this that we should
// think over.
for _, name := range p.GetProfile().GetContacts() {
profile := p.GetContact(name)
if profile.Trusted && !profile.Blocked {
for _, groupid := range p.GetGroups() {
group := p.GetGroup(groupid)
if group.Accepted || group.Owner == "self" {
} else {
fmt.Printf("Error selecting profile, usage: %s\n", usages[commands[0]])
case "/info":
if peer != nil {
fmt.Printf("Address cwtch:%v\n", peer.GetProfile().Onion)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Profile needs to be set\n")
case "/invite":
if len(commands) == 2 {
fmt.Printf("Inviting cwtch:%v\n", commands[1])
} else {
fmt.Printf("Error inviting peer, usage: %s\n", usages[commands[0]])
case "/list-peers":
peers := peer.GetPeers()
for p, s := range peers {
fmt.Printf("Name: %v Status: %v\n", p, connections.ConnectionStateName[s])
case "/list-servers":
servers := peer.GetServers()
for s, st := range servers {
fmt.Printf("Name: %v Status: %v\n", s, connections.ConnectionStateName[st])
case "/list-contacts":
contacts := peer.GetContacts()
for _, onion := range contacts {
c := peer.GetContact(onion)
fmt.Printf("Name: %v Onion: %v Trusted: %v\n", c.Name, c.Onion, c.Trusted)
case "/list-groups":
for _, gid := range peer.GetGroups() {
g := peer.GetGroup(gid)
fmt.Printf("Group Id: %v Owner: %v Accepted:%v\n", gid, g.Owner, g.Accepted)
case "/trust":
if len(commands) == 2 {
} else {
fmt.Printf("Error trusting peer, usage: %s\n", usages[commands[0]])
case "/block":
if len(commands) == 2 {
} else {
fmt.Printf("Error blocking peer, usage: %s\n", usages[commands[0]])
case "/accept-invite":
if len(commands) == 2 {
groupID := commands[1]
err := peer.AcceptInvite(groupID)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)
} else {
group := peer.GetGroup(groupID)
if group == nil {
fmt.Printf("Error: group does not exist\n")
} else {
} else {
fmt.Printf("Error accepting invite, usage: %s\n", usages[commands[0]])
case "/invite-to-group":
if len(commands) == 3 {
fmt.Printf("Inviting %v to %v\n", commands[1], commands[2])
err := peer.InviteOnionToGroup(commands[2], commands[1])
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Error inviting peer to group, usage: %s\n", usages[commands[0]])
case "/new-group":
if len(commands) == 2 && commands[1] != "" {
fmt.Printf("Setting up a new group on server:%v\n", commands[1])
id, _, err := peer.StartGroup(commands[1])
if err == nil {
fmt.Printf("New Group [%v] created for server %v\n", id, commands[1])
group := peer.GetGroup(id)
if group == nil {
fmt.Printf("Error: group does not exist\n")
} else {
} else {
fmt.Printf("Error creating new group: %v", err)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Error creating a new group, usage: %s\n", usages[commands[0]])
case "/select-group":
if len(commands) == 2 {
g := peer.GetGroup(commands[1])
if g == nil {
fmt.Printf("Error: group %s not found!\n", commands[1])
} else {
group = g
fmt.Printf("--------------- %v ---------------\n", group.GroupID)
gms := group.Timeline.Messages
max := 20
if len(gms) < max {
max = len(gms)
for i := len(gms) - max; i < len(gms); i++ {
} else {
fmt.Printf("Error selecting a group, usage: %s\n", usages[commands[0]])
case "/unselect-group":
case "/export-group":
if len(commands) == 2 {
group := peer.GetGroup(commands[1])
if group == nil {
fmt.Printf("Error: group does not exist\n")
} else {
invite, _ := peer.ExportGroup(commands[1])
fmt.Printf("Invite: %v\n", invite)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Error exporting group, usage: %s\n", usages[commands[0]])
case "/import-group":
if len(commands) == 2 {
groupID, err := peer.ImportGroup(commands[1])
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error importing group: %v\n", err)
} else {
fmt.Printf("Imported group: %s\n", groupID)
} else {
fmt.Printf("%v", commands)
fmt.Printf("Error importing group, usage: %s\n", usages[commands[0]])
case "/save":
case "/help":
for _, command := range suggestions {
fmt.Printf("%-18s%-56s%s\n", command.Text, command.Description, usages[command.Text])
case "/sendlots":
if len(commands) == 2 {
group := peer.GetGroup(commands[1])
if group == nil {
fmt.Printf("Error: group does not exist\n")
} else {
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
fmt.Printf("Sending message: %v\n", i)
err := peer.SendMessageToGroup(commands[1], fmt.Sprintf("this is message %v", i))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("could not send message %v because %v\n", i, err)
fmt.Printf("Waiting 5 seconds for message to process...\n")
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
timeline := group.GetTimeline()
totalLatency := time.Duration(0)
maxLatency := time.Duration(0)
totalMessages := 0
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
found := false
for _, m := range timeline {
if m.Message == fmt.Sprintf("this is message %v", i) && m.PeerID == peer.GetProfile().Onion {
found = true
latency := m.Received.Sub(m.Timestamp)
fmt.Printf("Latency for Message %v was %v\n", i, latency)
totalLatency = totalLatency + latency
if maxLatency < latency {
maxLatency = latency
if !found {
fmt.Printf("message %v was never received\n", i)
fmt.Printf("Average Latency for %v messages was: %vms\n", totalMessages, time.Duration(int64(totalLatency)/int64(totalMessages)))
fmt.Printf("Max Latency for %v messages was: %vms\n", totalMessages, maxLatency)
if peer != nil {
if peer != nil {