import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:cwtch/main.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:win_toast/win_toast.dart'; import 'package:desktop_notifications/desktop_notifications.dart' as linux_notifications; import 'package:flutter_local_notifications/flutter_local_notifications.dart'; import 'package:flutter_local_notifications_linux/flutter_local_notifications_linux.dart'; import 'package:flutter_local_notifications_linux/src/model/hint.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; import 'config.dart'; // NotificationsManager provides a wrapper around platform specific notifications logic. abstract class NotificationsManager { Future notify(String message, String profile, int conversationId); } // NullNotificationsManager ignores all notification requests class NullNotificationsManager implements NotificationsManager { @override Future notify(String message, String profile, int conversationId) async {} } // Windows Notification Manager uses to implement // windows notifications class WindowsNotificationManager implements NotificationsManager { bool active = false; bool initialized = false; WindowsNotificationManager() { scheduleMicrotask(() async { initialized = await WinToast.instance().initialize(appName: 'cwtch', productName: 'Cwtch', companyName: 'Open Privacy Research Society'); }); } Future notify(String message, String profile, int conversationId) async { if (initialized && !globalAppState.focus) { if (!active) { active = true; WinToast.instance().clear(); final toast = await WinToast.instance().showToast(type: ToastType.text01, title: message); toast?.eventStream.listen((event) { if (event is ActivatedEvent) { WinToast.instance().bringWindowToFront(); } active = false; }); } } } } // LinuxNotificationsManager uses the desktop_notifications package to implement // the standard dbus-powered linux desktop notifications. class LinuxNotificationsManager implements NotificationsManager { int previous_id = 0; late linux_notifications.NotificationsClient client; late Future Function(String, int) notificationSelectConvo; late String assetsPath; LinuxNotificationsManager(Future Function(String, int) notificationSelectConvo) { this.client = linux_notifications.NotificationsClient(); this.notificationSelectConvo = notificationSelectConvo; scheduleMicrotask(() async { assetsPath = await detectLinuxAssetsPath(); }); } // Cwtch can install in non flutter supported ways on linux, this code detects where the assets are on Linux Future detectLinuxAssetsPath() async { var devStat = FileStat.stat("assets"); var localStat = FileStat.stat("data/flutter_assets"); var homeStat = FileStat.stat((Platform.environment["HOME"] ?? "") + "/.local/share/cwtch/data/flutter_assets"); var rootStat = FileStat.stat("/usr/share/cwtch/data/flutter_assets"); if ((await devStat).type == { return Directory.current.path; //appPath; } else if ((await localStat).type == { return path.join(Directory.current.path, "data/flutter_assets/"); } else if ((await homeStat).type == { return (Platform.environment["HOME"] ?? "") + "/.local/share/cwtch/data/flutter_assets/"; } else if ((await rootStat).type == { return "/usr/share/cwtch/data/flutter_assets/"; } return ""; } Future notify(String message, String profile, int conversationId) async { var iconPath = Uri.file(path.join(assetsPath, "assets/knott.png")); client.notify(message, appName: "cwtch", appIcon: iconPath.toString(), replacesId: this.previous_id).then((linux_notifications.Notification value) async { previous_id =; if ((await value.closeReason) == linux_notifications.NotificationClosedReason.dismissed) { this.notificationSelectConvo(profile, conversationId); } }); } } class NotificationPayload { late String profileOnion; late int convoId; NotificationPayload(String po, int cid) { profileOnion = po; convoId = cid; } NotificationPayload.fromJson(Map json) : profileOnion = json['profileOnion'], convoId = json['convoId']; Map toJson() => { 'profileOnion': profileOnion, 'convoId': convoId, }; } // FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin based NotificationManager that handles MacOS // Todo: work with author to allow settings of asset_path so we can use this for Linux and deprecate the LinuxNotificationManager // Todo: it can also handle Android, do we want to migrate away from our manual solution? class NixNotificationManager implements NotificationsManager { late FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin; late Future Function(String, int) notificationSelectConvo; NixNotificationManager(Future Function(String, int) notificationSelectConvo) { this.notificationSelectConvo = notificationSelectConvo; flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin = FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin(); final MacOSInitializationSettings initializationSettingsMacOS = MacOSInitializationSettings(defaultPresentSound: false); final LinuxInitializationSettings initializationSettingsLinux = LinuxInitializationSettings(defaultActionName: 'Open notification', defaultIcon: AssetsLinuxIcon('assets/knott.png'), defaultSuppressSound: true); final InitializationSettings initializationSettings = InitializationSettings(android: null, iOS: null, macOS: initializationSettingsMacOS, linux: initializationSettingsLinux); scheduleMicrotask(() async { flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.resolvePlatformSpecificImplementation()?.requestPermissions( alert: true, badge: false, sound: false, ); await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.initialize(initializationSettings, onSelectNotification: selectNotification); }); } Future notify(String message, String profile, int conversationId) async { if (!globalAppState.focus) { // Warning: Only use title field on Linux, body field will render links as clickable await, message, '', NotificationDetails(linux: LinuxNotificationDetails(suppressSound: true, category: LinuxNotificationCategory.imReceived())), payload: jsonEncode(NotificationPayload(profile, conversationId))); } } // Notification click response function, triggers ui jump to conversation void selectNotification(String? payloadJson) async { if (payloadJson != null) { Map payloadMap = jsonDecode(payloadJson); var payload = NotificationPayload.fromJson(payloadMap); notificationSelectConvo(payload.profileOnion, payload.convoId); } } } NotificationsManager newDesktopNotificationsManager(Future Function(String profileOnion, int convoId) notificationSelectConvo) { if (Platform.isLinux && !Platform.isAndroid) { try { return LinuxNotificationsManager(notificationSelectConvo); } catch (e) { EnvironmentConfig.debugLog("Failed to create LinuxNotificationManager. Switching off notifications."); } } else if (Platform.isMacOS) { try { return NixNotificationManager(notificationSelectConvo); } catch (e) { EnvironmentConfig.debugLog("Failed to create NixNotificationManager. Switching off notifications."); } } else if (Platform.isWindows) { try { return WindowsNotificationManager(); } catch (e) { EnvironmentConfig.debugLog("Failed to create Windows desktoasts notification manager"); } } return NullNotificationsManager(); }