# Cwtch UI A Flutter based [Cwtch](https://cwtch.im) UI. This README covers build instructions, for information on Cwtch itself please go to [https://cwtch.im](https://cwtch.im) ## Installing - Android: Available from the Google Play Store (currently patrons only) or from [https://cwtch.im/download/](https://cwtch.im/download/) as an APK - Windows: Available from [https://cwtch.im/download/](https://cwtch.im/download/) as an installer or .zip file - Linux: Available from [https://cwtch.im/download/](https://cwtch.im/download/) as a .tar.gz - `install.home.sh` installs the app into your home directory - `install.sys.sh` as root to install system wide - or run out of the unziped directory - MacOS: Available from [https://cwtch.im/download/](https://cwtch.im/download/) as a .dmg ## Running Cwtch processes the following environment variables: - `CWTCH_HOME=` overrides the default storage path of `~/.cwtch` with what ever you choose - `LOG_FILE=` will reroute all of libcwtch-go's logging to the specified file instead of the console - `LOG_LEVEL=debug` will set the log level to debug instead of info ## Building ### Getting Started First you will need a valid [flutter sdk installation](https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install). You will probably want to disable Analytics on the Flutter Tool: `flutter config --no-analytics` This project uses the flutter `dev` channel, which you will need to switch to: `flutter channel dev; flutter upgrade`. Once flutter is set up, run `flutter pub get` from this project folder to fetch dependencies. By default a development version is built, which loads profiles from `$CWTCH_HOME/dev/`. This is so that you can build and test development builds with alternative profiles while running a release/stable version of Cwtch uninterrupted. To build a release version and load normal profiles, use `build-release.sh X` instead of `flutter build X` ### Building on Linux (for Linux) - copy `libCwtch-go.so` to `linux/`, or run `fetch-libcwtch-go.sh` to download it - set `LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$PWD/linux"` - copy a `tor` binary to `linux/` or run `fetch-tor.sh` to download one - run `flutter config --enable-linux-desktop` if you've never done so before - optional: launch cwtch-ui directly by running `flutter run -d linux` - to build cwtch-ui, run `flutter build linux` - optional: launch cwtch-ui build with `env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=linux ./build/linux/x64/release/bundle/cwtch` - to package the build, run `linux/package-release.sh` ### Building on Windows (for Windows) - copy `libCwtch.dll` to `windows/`, or run `fetch-libcwtch-go.ps1` to download it - run `fetch-tor-win.ps1` to fetch Tor for windows - optional: launch cwtch-ui directly by running `flutter run -d windows` - to build cwtch-ui, run `flutter build windows` ### Building on Linux/Windows (for Android) - Follow the steps above to fetch `libCwtch-go` and `tor` (these will fetch Android versions of these binaries also) - run `flutter run` with an Android phone connect via USB (or some other valid debug mode) ### Building on MacOS - Cocaopods is required, you may need to `gem install cocaopods -v 1.9.3` - copy `libCwtch.dylib` into the root folder, or run `fetch-libcwtch-go-macos.sh` to download it - run `fetch-tor-macos.sh` to fetch Tor or Download and install Tor Browser and `cp -r /Applications/Tor\ Browser.app/Contents/MacOS/Tor ./macos/` - `flutter build macos` - optional: launch cwtch-ui build with `./build/linux/x64/release/bundle/cwtch` - `./macos/package-release.sh` results in a Cwtch.dmg that has libCwtch.dylib and tor in it as well and can be installed into Applications ### Known Platform Issues - **Windows**: Flutter engine has a [known bug](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/75675) around the Right Shift key being sticky. We have implemented a partial workaround, if this happens, tap left shift and it will reset. ## l10n Instructions ### Adding a new string Strings are managed directly from our Lokalise(url?) project. Keys should be valid Dart variable names in lowerCamelCase. After adding a new key and providing/obtaining translations for it, follow the next step to update your local copy. ### Updating translations Only Open Privacy staff members can update translations. In Lokalise, hit Download and make sure: * Format is set to "Flutter (.arb) * Output filename is set to `l10n/intl_%LANG_ISO%.%FORMAT%` * Empty translations is set to "Replace with base language" * Order "Last Update" Build, download and unzip the output, overwriting `lib/l10n`. The next time Flwtch is built, Flutter will notice the changes and update `app_localizations.dart` accordingly (thanks to `generate:true` in `pubspec.yaml`). ### Adding a language If a new language has been added to the Lokalise project, two additional manual steps need to be done: * Create a new key called `localeXX` for the name of the language * Add it to the settings pane by updating `getLanguageFull()` in `lib/views/globalsettingsview.dart` Then rebuild as normal. ### Using a string Any widget underneath the main MaterialApp should be able to: ``` import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart'; ``` and then use: ``` Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.stringIdentifer), ``` ### Configuration With `generate: true` in `pubspec.yaml`, the Flutter build process checks `l10n.yaml` for input/output filenames.