{ "@@locale": "es", "@@last_modified": "2022-02-08T20:13:50+01:00", "newMessageNotificationConversationInfo": "New Message From %1", "newMessageNotificationSimple": "New Message", "notificationContentContactInfo": "Conversation Information", "notificationContentSimpleEvent": "Plain Event", "conversationNotificationPolicySettingDescription": "Control this conversation's notification behaviour", "conversationNotificationPolicySettingLabel": "Conversation Notification Policy", "settingsGroupExperiments": "Experiments", "settingsGroupAppearance": "Appearance", "settingGroupBehaviour": "Behaviour", "notificationContentSettingDescription": "Controls the contents of conversation notifications", "notificationPolicySettingDescription": "Controls the default application notification behaviour", "notificationContentSettingLabel": "Notification Content", "notificationPolicySettingLabel": "Notification Policy", "conversationNotificationPolicyNever": "Never", "conversationNotificationPolicyOptIn": "Opt In", "conversationNotificationPolicyDefault": "Default", "notificationPolicyDefaultAll": "Default All", "notificationPolicyOptIn": "Opt In", "notificationPolicyMute": "Mute", "tooltipSelectACustomProfileImage": "Select a Custom Profile Image", "torSettingsEnabledCacheDescription": "Cache the current downloaded Tor consensus to reuse next time Cwtch is opened. This will allow Tor to start faster. When disabled, Cwtch will purge cached data on start up.", "torSettingsEnableCache": "Cache Tor Consensus", "labelTorNetwork": "Tor Network", "descriptionACNCircuitInfo": "In depth information about the path that the anonymous communication network is using to connect to this conversation.", "labelACNCircuitInfo": "ACN Circuit Info", "fileSharingSettingsDownloadFolderTooltip": "Browse to select a different default folder for downloaded files.", "fileSharingSettingsDownloadFolderDescription": "When files are downloaded automatically (e.g. image files, when image previews are enabled) a default location to download the files to is needed.", "torSettingsErrorSettingPort": "Port Number must be between 1 and 65535", "torSettingsUseCustomTorServiceConfigurastionDescription": "Override the default tor configuration. Warning: This could be dangerous. Only turn this on if you know what you are doing.", "torSettingsUseCustomTorServiceConfiguration": "Use a Custom Tor Service Configuration (torrc)", "torSettingsCustomControlPortDescription": "Use a custom port for control connections to the Tor proxy", "torSettingsCustomControlPort": "Custom Control Port", "torSettingsCustomSocksPortDescription": "Use a custom port for data connections to the Tor proxy", "torSettingsCustomSocksPort": "Custom SOCKS Port", "torSettingsEnabledAdvancedDescription": "Use an existing Tor service on your system, or change the parameters of the Cwtch Tor Service", "torSettingsEnabledAdvanced": "Enable Advanced Tor Configuration", "msgAddToAccept": "Add this account to your contacts in order to accept this file.", "btnSendFile": "Send File", "msgConfirmSend": "Are you sure you want to send", "msgFileTooBig": "File size cannot exceed 10 GB", "storageMigrationModalMessage": "Migrating profiles to new storage format. This could take a few minutes...", "loadingCwtch": "Loading Cwtch...", "themeColorLabel": "Color Theme", "themeNameNeon2": "Neon2", "themeNameNeon1": "Neon1", "themeNameMidnight": "Midnight", "themeNameMermaid": "Mermaid", "themeNamePumpkin": "Pumpkin", "themeNameGhost": "Ghost", "themeNameVampire": "Vampire", "themeNameWitch": "Witch", "themeNameCwtch": "Cwtch", "settingDownloadFolder": "Download Folder", "settingImagePreviewsDescription": "Images will be downloaded and previewed automatically. Please note that image previews can often lead to security vulnerabilities, and you should not enable this Experiment if you use Cwtch with untrusted contacts. Profile pictures are planned for Cwtch 1.6.", "settingImagePreviews": "Image Previews and Profile Pictures", "experimentClickableLinksDescription": "The clickable links experiment allows you to click on URLs shared in messages", "enableExperimentClickableLinks": "Enable Clickable Links", "serverConnectionsLabel": "Connection", "serverTotalMessagesLabel": "Total Messages", "serverMetricsLabel": "Server Metrics", "manageKnownServersShort": "Servers", "manageKnownServersLong": "Manage Known Servers", "displayNameTooltip": "Please enter a display name", "manageKnownServersButton": "Manage Known Servers", "fieldDescriptionLabel": "Description", "groupsOnThisServerLabel": "Groups I am in hosted on this server", "importLocalServerButton": "Import %1", "importLocalServerSelectText": "Select Local Server", "importLocalServerLabel": "Import a locally hosted server", "newMessagesLabel": "New Messages", "localeRU": "Russian", "copyServerKeys": "Copy keys", "verfiyResumeButton": "Verify\/resume", "fileCheckingStatus": "Checking download status", "fileInterrupted": "Interrupted", "fileSavedTo": "Saved to", "encryptedServerDescription": "Encrypting a server with a password protects it from other people who may also use this device. Encrypted servers cannot be decrypted, displayed or accessed until the correct password is entered to unlock them.", "plainServerDescription": "We recommend that you protect your Cwtch servers with a password. If you do not set a password on this server then anyone who has access to this device may be able to access information about this server, including sensitive cryptographic keys.", "deleteServerConfirmBtn": "Really delete server", "deleteServerSuccess": "Successfully deleted server", "enterCurrentPasswordForDeleteServer": "Please enter current password to delete this server", "copyAddress": "Copy Address", "settingServersDescription": "The hosting servers experiment enables hosting and managing Cwtch servers", "settingServers": "Hosting Servers", "enterServerPassword": "Enter password to unlock server", "unlockProfileTip": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin!", "unlockServerTip": "Please create or unlock a server to begin!", "addServerTooltip": "Add new server", "serversManagerTitleShort": "Servers", "serversManagerTitleLong": "Servers You Host", "saveServerButton": "Save Server", "serverAutostartDescription": "Controls if the application will automatically launch the server on start", "serverAutostartLabel": "Autostart", "serverEnabledDescription": "Start or stop the server", "serverEnabled": "Server Enabled", "serverDescriptionDescription": "Your description of the server for personal management use only, will never be shared", "serverDescriptionLabel": "Server Description", "serverAddress": "Server Address", "editServerTitle": "Edit Server", "addServerTitle": "Add Server", "titleManageProfilesShort": "Profiles", "descriptionFileSharing": "The file sharing experiment allows you to send and receive files from Cwtch contacts and groups. Note that sharing a file with a group will result in members of that group connecting with you directly over Cwtch to download it.", "settingFileSharing": "File Sharing", "tooltipSendFile": "Send File", "messageFileOffered": "Contact is offering to send you a file", "messageFileSent": "You sent a file", "messageEnableFileSharing": "Enable the file sharing experiment to view this message.", "labelFilesize": "Size", "labelFilename": "Filename", "downloadFileButton": "Download", "openFolderButton": "Open Folder", "retrievingManifestMessage": "Retrieving file information...", "descriptionStreamerMode": "If turned on, this option makes the app more visually private for streaming or presenting with, for example, hiding profile and contact addresses", "streamerModeLabel": "Streamer\/Presentation Mode", "archiveConversation": "Archive this Conversation", "blockUnknownConnectionsEnabledDescription": "Connections from unknown contacts are blocked. You can change this in Settings", "showMessageButton": "Show Message", "blockedMessageMessage": "This message is from a profile you have blocked.", "placeholderEnterMessage": "Type a message...", "plainProfileDescription": "We recommend that you protect your Cwtch profiles with a password. If you do not set a password on this profile then anyone who has access to this device may be able to access information about this profile, including contacts, messages and sensitive cryptographic keys.", "encryptedProfileDescription": "Encrypting a profile with a password protects it from other people who may also use this device. Encrypted profiles cannot be decrypted, displayed or accessed until the correct password is entered to unlock them.", "addContactConfirm": "Add contact %1", "addContact": "Add contact", "contactGoto": "Go to conversation with %1", "settingUIColumnOptionSame": "Same as portrait mode setting", "settingUIColumnDouble14Ratio": "Double (1:4)", "settingUIColumnDouble12Ratio": "Double (1:2)", "settingUIColumnSingle": "Single", "settingUIColumnLandscape": "UI Columns in Landscape Mode", "settingUIColumnPortrait": "UI Columns in Portrait Mode", "localePl": "Polish", "tooltipRemoveThisQuotedMessage": "Remove quoted message.", "tooltipReplyToThisMessage": "Reply to this message", "tooltipRejectContactRequest": "Reject this contact request", "tooltipAcceptContactRequest": "Accept this contact request.", "notificationNewMessageFromGroup": "New message in a group!", "notificationNewMessageFromPeer": "New message from a contact!", "tooltipHidePassword": "Hide Password", "tooltipShowPassword": "Show Password", "groupInviteSettingsWarning": "You have been invited to join a group! Please enable the Group Chat Experiment in Settings to view this Invitation.", "shutdownCwtchAction": "Shutdown Cwtch", "shutdownCwtchDialog": "Are you sure you want to shutdown Cwtch? This will close all connections, and exit the application.", "shutdownCwtchDialogTitle": "Shutdown Cwtch?", "shutdownCwtchTooltip": "Shutdown Cwtch", "malformedMessage": "Malformed message", "profileDeleteSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile", "debugLog": "Turn on console debug logging", "torNetworkStatus": "Tor network status", "addContactFirst": "Add or pick a contact to begin chatting.", "createProfileToBegin": "Please create or unlock a profile to begin", "nickChangeSuccess": "Profile nickname changed successfully", "addServerFirst": "You need to add a server before you can create a group", "deleteProfileSuccess": "Successfully deleted profile", "sendInvite": "Send a contact or group invite", "sendMessage": "Send Message", "cancel": "Cancel", "resetTor": "Reset", "torStatus": "Tor Status", "torVersion": "Tor Version", "sendAnInvitation": "You sent an invitation for: ", "contactSuggestion": "This is a contact suggestion for: ", "rejected": "Rejected!", "accepted": "Accepted!", "chatHistoryDefault": "This conversation will be deleted when Cwtch is closed! Message history can be enabled per-conversation via the Settings menu in the upper right.", "newPassword": "New Password", "yesLeave": "Yes, Leave This Conversation", "reallyLeaveThisGroupPrompt": "Are you sure you want to leave this conversation? All messages and attributes will be deleted.", "leaveConversation": "Leave This Conversation", "inviteToGroup": "You have been invited to join a group:", "titleManageServers": "Manage Servers", "dateNever": "Never", "dateLastYear": "Last Year", "dateYesterday": "Yesterday", "dateLastMonth": "Last Month", "dateRightNow": "Right Now", "successfullAddedContact": "Successfully added ", "descriptionBlockUnknownConnections": "If turned on, this option will automatically close connections from Cwtch users that have not been added to your contact list.", "descriptionExperimentsGroups": "The group experiment allows Cwtch to connect with untrusted server infrastructure to facilitate communication with more than one contact.", "descriptionExperiments": "Cwtch experiments are optional, opt-in features that add additional functionality to Cwtch that may have different privacy considerations than traditional 1:1 metadata resistant chat e.g. group chat, bot integration etc.", "titleManageProfiles": "Manage Cwtch Profiles", "tooltipUnlockProfiles": "Unlock encrypted profiles by entering their password.", "titleManageContacts": "Conversations", "tooltipAddContact": "Add a new contact or conversation", "tooltipOpenSettings": "Open the settings pane", "contactAlreadyExists": "Contact Already Exists", "invalidImportString": "Invalid import string", "conversationSettings": "Conversation Settings", "enterCurrentPasswordForDelete": "Please enter current password to delete this profile.", "enableGroups": "Enable Group Chat", "defaultScalingText": "Tamaño predeterminado de texto (factor de escala:", "todoPlaceholder": "Por hacer...", "bulletinsBtn": "Boletines", "radioNoPassword": "Sin cifrado (sin contraseña)", "themeDark": "Oscuro", "smallTextLabel": "Pequeño", "loadingTor": "Cargando tor...", "cycleCatsAndroid": "Click para cambiar categoría. Mantenga pulsado para reiniciar.", "cycleCatsDesktop": "Click para cambiar categoría. Click derecho para reiniciar.", "cycleColoursDesktop": "Click para cambiar colores. Click derecho para reiniciar.", "cycleColoursAndroid": "Click para cambiar colores. Mantenga pulsado para reiniciar.", "builddate": "Basado en: %2", "cycleMorphsAndroid": "Click para cambiar transformaciones. Mantenga pulsado para reiniciar.", "cycleMorphsDesktop": "Click para cambiar transformaciones. Click derecho para reiniciar.", "localeDe": "Alemán", "localePt": "Portugués", "localeFr": "Francés", "addListItem": "Añadir un nuevo elemento a la lista", "unblockBtn": "Desbloquear contacto", "joinGroupTab": "Únete a un grupo", "viewGroupMembershipTooltip": "Ver membresía del grupo", "peerBlockedMessage": "Contacto bloqueado", "peerOfflineMessage": "Este contacto no está en línea, los mensajes no pueden ser entregados en este momento", "profileOnionLabel": "Envía esta dirección a los contactos con los que quieras conectarte", "couldNotSendMsgError": "No se pudo enviar este mensaje", "pendingLabel": "Pendiente", "chatBtn": "Chat", "dontSavePeerHistory": "Eliminar historial de contacto", "password": "Contraseña", "peerNotOnline": "Este contacto no está en línea, la aplicación no puede ser usada en este momento", "enterProfilePassword": "Ingresa tu contraseña para ver tus perfiles", "networkStatusConnecting": "Conectando a la red y a los contactos...", "localeIt": "Italiano", "savePeerHistoryDescription": "Determina si eliminar o no el historial asociado con el contacto.", "acknowledgedLabel": "Reconocido", "blockBtn": "Bloquear contacto", "savePeerHistory": "Guardar el historial con contacto", "defaultProfileName": "Alicia", "versionBuilddate": "Versión: %1 Basado en %2", "zoomLabel": "Zoom de la interfaz (afecta principalmente el tamaño del texto y de los botones)", "settingTheme": "Tema", "themeLight": "Claro", "experimentsEnabled": "Experimentos habilitados", "versionTor": "Versión %1 con tor %2", "localeEs": "Español", "networkStatusOnline": "En línea", "newConnectionPaneTitle": "Nueva conexión", "addNewItem": "Añadir un nuevo elemento a la lista", "createGroupTitle": "Crear un grupo", "serverLabel": "Servidor", "groupNameLabel": "Nombre del grupo", "defaultGroupName": "El Grupo Asombroso", "createGroupBtn": "Crear", "copiedToClipboardNotification": "Copiado al portapapeles", "addPeerTab": "Agregar Contacto", "createGroupTab": "Crear un grupo", "peerAddress": "Dirección", "peerName": "Nombre", "groupName": "Nombre del grupo", "server": "Servidor", "invitation": "Invitación", "groupAddr": "Dirección", "addPeer": "Agregar Contacto", "createGroup": "Crear perfil", "joinGroup": "Únete al grupo", "newBulletinLabel": "Nuevo Boletín", "postNewBulletinLabel": "Publicar nuevo boletín", "titlePlaceholder": "título...", "pasteAddressToAddContact": "...pegar una dirección aquí para añadir contacto...", "blocked": "Bloqueado", "search": "Búsqueda...", "invitationLabel": "Invitación", "serverInfo": "Información del servidor", "serverConnectivityConnected": "Servidor conectado", "serverConnectivityDisconnected": "Servidor desconectado", "serverSynced": "Sincronizado", "serverNotSynced": "Fuera de sincronización con el servidor", "viewServerInfo": "Información del servidor", "saveBtn": "Guardar", "inviteToGroupLabel": "Invitar al grupo", "inviteBtn": "Invitar", "deleteBtn": "Eliminar", "update": "Actualizar", "searchList": "Buscar en la lista", "addListItemBtn": "Agregar artículo", "membershipDescription": "La lista a continuación solo muestra los miembros que han enviado mensajes al grupo, no incluye a todos los usuarios dentro del grupo", "dmTooltip": "Haz clic para enviar mensaje directo", "copyBtn": "Copiar", "copiedClipboardNotification": "Copiado al portapapeles", "newGroupBtn": "Crear un nuevo grupo de chat", "acceptGroupInviteLabel": "¿Quieres aceptar la invitación a ", "acceptGroupBtn": "Aceptar", "rejectGroupBtn": "Rechazar", "listsBtn": "Listas", "puzzleGameBtn": "Juego de rompecabezas", "addressLabel": "Dirección", "displayNameLabel": "Nombre de Usuario", "addProfileTitle": "Agregar nuevo perfil", "editProfileTitle": "Editar perfil", "profileName": "Nombre de Usuario", "newProfile": "Nuevo perfil", "editProfile": "Editar perfil", "radioUsePassword": "Contraseña", "noPasswordWarning": "No usar una contraseña para esta cuenta significa que los datos almacenados localmente no serán encriptados", "password2Label": "Vuelve a ingresar tu contraseña", "yourDisplayName": "Tu nombre de usuario", "currentPasswordLabel": "Contraseña actual", "password1Label": "Contraseña", "passwordErrorEmpty": "El campo de contraseña no puede estar vacío", "createProfileBtn": "Crear perfil", "saveProfileBtn": "Guardar perfil", "passwordErrorMatch": "Las contraseñas no coinciden", "passwordChangeError": "Hubo un error cambiando tu contraseña: la contraseña ingresada fue rechazada", "deleteProfileBtn": "Eliminar Perfil", "deleteConfirmLabel": "Escribe ELIMINAR para confirmar", "deleteProfileConfirmBtn": "Confirmar eliminar perfil", "deleteConfirmText": "ELIMINAR", "addNewProfileBtn": "Agregar nuevo perfil", "error0ProfilesLoadedForPassword": "0 perfiles cargados con esa contraseña", "yourProfiles": "Tus perfiles", "yourServers": "Tus servidores", "unlock": "Desbloquear", "cwtchSettingsTitle": "Configuración de Cwtch", "blockUnknownLabel": "Bloquear conexiones desconocidas", "settingLanguage": "Idioma", "localeEn": "Inglés", "settingInterfaceZoom": "Nivel de zoom", "largeTextLabel": "Grande", "version": "Versión %1", "networkStatusDisconnected": "Sin conexión, comprueba tu conexión", "networkStatusAttemptingTor": "Intentando conectarse a la red Tor" }