import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:cwtch/config.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:provider/provider.dart'; import '../main.dart'; import 'messagecache.dart'; import 'messages/filemessage.dart'; import 'messages/invitemessage.dart'; import 'messages/malformedmessage.dart'; import 'messages/quotedmessage.dart'; import 'messages/textmessage.dart'; import 'profile.dart'; // Define the overlays const TextMessageOverlay = 1; const QuotedMessageOverlay = 10; const SuggestContactOverlay = 100; const InviteGroupOverlay = 101; const FileShareOverlay = 200; // Defines the length of the tor v3 onion address. Code using this constant will // need to updated when we allow multiple different identifiers. At which time // it will likely be prudent to define a proper Contact wrapper. const TorV3ContactHandleLength = 56; // Defines the length of a Cwtch v2 Group. const GroupConversationHandleLength = 32; abstract class Message { MessageMetadata getMetadata(); Widget getWidget(BuildContext context, Key key); Widget getPreviewWidget(BuildContext context); } Message compileOverlay(MessageMetadata metadata, String messageData) { try { dynamic message = jsonDecode(messageData); var content = message['d'] as dynamic; var overlay = int.parse(message['o'].toString()); switch (overlay) { case TextMessageOverlay: return TextMessage(metadata, content); case SuggestContactOverlay: case InviteGroupOverlay: return InviteMessage(overlay, metadata, content); case QuotedMessageOverlay: return QuotedMessage(metadata, content); case FileShareOverlay: return FileMessage(metadata, content); default: // Metadata is valid, content is not.. return MalformedMessage(metadata); } } catch (e) { return MalformedMessage(metadata); } } Future messageHandler(BuildContext context, String profileOnion, int conversationIdentifier, {bool byIndex = false, int? index, bool byID = false, int? id, bool byHash = false, String? hash}) { var malformedMetadata = MessageMetadata(profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, 0,, "", "", "", {}, false, true, false); if (!byIndex && !byID && !byHash) { EnvironmentConfig.debugLog("Error calling messageHandler: one of byIndex, byID, byHash must be set"); return Future.value(MalformedMessage(malformedMetadata)); } if ((byID && id == null) || (byIndex && index == null) || (byHash && hash == null)) { EnvironmentConfig.debugLog("Error calling messageHandler: byType needs corresponding value and it was not set"); return Future.value(MalformedMessage(malformedMetadata)); } // Hit cache MessageInfo? messageInfo = getMessageInfoFromCache(context, profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, byIndex: byIndex, index: index, byID: byID, id: id, byHash: byHash, hash: hash); if (messageInfo != null) { return Future.value(compileOverlay(messageInfo.metadata, messageInfo.wrapper)); } // Fetch and Cache var messageInfoFuture = fetchAndCacheMessageInfo(context, profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, byIndex: byIndex, index: index, byID: byID, id: id, byHash: byHash, hash: hash); return messageInfoFuture.then( (MessageInfo? messageInfo) { if (messageInfo != null) { return compileOverlay(messageInfo.metadata, messageInfo.wrapper); } else { return MalformedMessage(malformedMetadata); } }); } MessageInfo? getMessageInfoFromCache(BuildContext context, String profileOnion, int conversationIdentifier, {bool byIndex = false, int? index, bool byID = false, int? id, bool byHash = false, String? hash}) { // Hit cache try { var cache = Provider.of(context, listen: false).contactList.getContact(conversationIdentifier)?.messageCache; if (cache != null) { MessageInfo? messageInfo = null; if (byID) { messageInfo = cache.getById(id!); } else if (byHash) { messageInfo = cache.getByContentHash(hash!); } else { messageInfo = cache.getByIndex(index!); } if (messageInfo != null) { return messageInfo; } } } catch (e) { EnvironmentConfig.debugLog("message handler exception on get from cache: $e"); // provider check failed...make an expensive call... } return null; } Future fetchAndCacheMessageInfo(BuildContext context, String profileOnion, int conversationIdentifier, {bool byIndex = false, int? index, bool byID = false, int? id, bool byHash = false, String? hash}) { // Load and cache try { Future rawMessageEnvelopeFuture; if (byID) { rawMessageEnvelopeFuture = Provider .of(context, listen: false) .cwtch .GetMessageByID(profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, id!); } else if (byHash) { rawMessageEnvelopeFuture = Provider .of(context, listen: false) .cwtch .GetMessageByContentHash(profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, hash!); } else { rawMessageEnvelopeFuture = Provider .of(context, listen: false) .cwtch .GetMessage(profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, index!); } return rawMessageEnvelopeFuture.then((dynamic rawMessageEnvelope) { try { dynamic messageWrapper = jsonDecode(rawMessageEnvelope); // There are 2 conditions in which this error condition can be met: // 1. The application == nil, in which case this instance of the UI is already // broken beyond repair, and will either be replaced by a new version, or requires a complete // restart. // 2. This index was incremented and we happened to fetch the timeline prior to the messages inclusion. // This should be rare as Timeline addition/fetching is mutex protected and Dart itself will pipeline the // calls to libCwtch-go - however because we use goroutines on the backend there is always a chance that one // will find itself delayed. // The second case is recoverable by tail-recursing this future. if (messageWrapper['Message'] == null || messageWrapper['Message'] == '' || messageWrapper['Message'] == '{}') { return Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2), () { print("Tail recursive call to messageHandler called. This should be a rare event. If you see multiples of this log over a short period of time please log it as a bug."); return fetchAndCacheMessageInfo(context, profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, byIndex: byIndex, index: index, byID: byID, id: id, byHash: byHash, hash: hash).then((value) => value); }); } // Construct the initial metadata var messageID = messageWrapper['ID']; var timestamp = DateTime.tryParse(messageWrapper['Timestamp'])!; var senderHandle = messageWrapper['PeerID']; var senderImage = messageWrapper['ContactImage']; var attributes = messageWrapper['Attributes']; var ackd = messageWrapper['Acknowledged']; var error = messageWrapper['Error'] != null; var signature = messageWrapper['Signature']; var contenthash = messageWrapper['ContentHash']; var localIndex = messageWrapper['LocalIndex']; var metadata = MessageMetadata( profileOnion, conversationIdentifier, messageID, timestamp, senderHandle, senderImage, signature, attributes, ackd, error, false); var messageInfo = new MessageInfo(metadata, messageWrapper['Message']); var cache = Provider .of(context, listen: false) .contactList .getContact(conversationIdentifier) ?.messageCache; if (cache != null) { if (byID) { cache.addUnindexed(messageInfo, contenthash); } else if (byHash) { cache.addUnindexed(messageInfo, contenthash); } else { cache.add(messageInfo, index!, contenthash); } } return messageInfo; } catch (e) { EnvironmentConfig.debugLog("message handler exception on parse message and cache: " + e.toString()); return null; } }); } catch (e) { EnvironmentConfig.debugLog("message handler exeption on get message: $e"); return Future.value(null); } } class MessageMetadata extends ChangeNotifier { // meta-metadata final String profileOnion; final int conversationIdentifier; final int messageID; final DateTime timestamp; final String senderHandle; final String? senderImage; final dynamic _attributes; bool _ackd; bool _error; final bool isAuto; final String? signature; dynamic get attributes => this._attributes; bool get ackd => this._ackd; set ackd(bool newVal) { this._ackd = newVal; notifyListeners(); } bool get error => this._error; set error(bool newVal) { this._error = newVal; notifyListeners(); } MessageMetadata( this.profileOnion, this.conversationIdentifier, this.messageID, this.timestamp, this.senderHandle, this.senderImage, this.signature, this._attributes, this._ackd, this._error, this.isAuto); }