import 'dart:collection'; import 'dart:ui'; import 'dart:core'; import 'package:cwtch/themes/cwtch.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:package_info_plus/package_info_plus.dart'; import 'themes/opaque.dart'; import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart'; const TapirGroupsExperiment = "tapir-groups-experiment"; const ServerManagementExperiment = "servers-experiment"; const FileSharingExperiment = "filesharing"; const ImagePreviewsExperiment = "filesharing-images"; const ClickableLinksExperiment = "clickable-links"; const FormattingExperiment = "message-formatting"; const QRCodeExperiment = "qrcode-support"; enum DualpaneMode { Single, Dual1to2, Dual1to4, CopyPortrait, } enum NotificationPolicy { Mute, OptIn, DefaultAll, } enum NotificationContent { SimpleEvent, ContactInfo, } /// Settings govern the *Globally* relevant settings like Locale, Theme and Experiments. /// We also provide access to the version information here as it is also accessed from the /// Settings Pane. class Settings extends ChangeNotifier { Locale locale; late PackageInfo packageInfo; OpaqueThemeType theme; // explicitly set experiments to false until told otherwise... bool experimentsEnabled = false; HashMap experiments = HashMap.identity(); DualpaneMode _uiColumnModePortrait = DualpaneMode.Single; DualpaneMode _uiColumnModeLandscape = DualpaneMode.CopyPortrait; NotificationPolicy _notificationPolicy = NotificationPolicy.DefaultAll; NotificationContent _notificationContent = NotificationContent.SimpleEvent; bool blockUnknownConnections = false; bool streamerMode = false; String _downloadPath = ""; bool _allowAdvancedTorConfig = false; bool _useCustomTorConfig = false; String _customTorConfig = ""; int _socksPort = -1; int _controlPort = -1; String _customTorAuth = ""; bool _useTorCache = false; String _torCacheDir = ""; bool _useSemanticDebugger = false; String get torCacheDir => _torCacheDir; set useSemanticDebugger(bool newval) { this._useSemanticDebugger = newval; notifyListeners(); } bool get useSemanticDebugger => _useSemanticDebugger; void setTheme(String themeId, String mode) { theme = getTheme(themeId, mode); notifyListeners(); } /// Get access to the current theme. OpaqueThemeType current() { return theme; } /// isExperimentEnabled can be used to safely check whether a particular /// experiment is enabled bool isExperimentEnabled(String experiment) { if (this.experimentsEnabled) { if (this.experiments.containsKey(experiment)) { // We now know it cannot be null... return this.experiments[experiment]! == true; } } // If message formatting has not explicitly been turned off, then // turn it on by default. if (experiment == FormattingExperiment) { return true; } return false; } /// Called by the event bus. When new settings are loaded from a file the JSON will /// be sent to the function and new settings will be instantiated based on the contents. handleUpdate(dynamic settings) { // Set Theme and notify listeners this.setTheme(settings["Theme"], settings["ThemeMode"] ?? mode_dark); // Set Locale and notify listeners switchLocaleByCode(settings["Locale"]); blockUnknownConnections = settings["BlockUnknownConnections"] ?? false; streamerMode = settings["StreamerMode"] ?? false; // Decide whether to enable Experiments experimentsEnabled = settings["ExperimentsEnabled"] ?? false; // Set the internal experiments map. Casting from the Map that we get from JSON experiments = new HashMap.from(settings["Experiments"]); // single pane vs dual pane preferences _uiColumnModePortrait = uiColumnModeFromString(settings["UIColumnModePortrait"]); _uiColumnModeLandscape = uiColumnModeFromString(settings["UIColumnModeLandscape"]); _notificationPolicy = notificationPolicyFromString(settings["NotificationPolicy"]); _notificationContent = notificationContentFromString(settings["NotificationContent"]); // auto-download folder _downloadPath = settings["DownloadPath"] ?? ""; // allow a custom tor config _allowAdvancedTorConfig = settings["AllowAdvancedTorConfig"] ?? false; _useCustomTorConfig = settings["UseCustomTorrc"] ?? false; _customTorConfig = settings["CustomTorrc"] ?? ""; _socksPort = settings["CustomSocksPort"] ?? -1; _controlPort = settings["CustomControlPort"] ?? -1; _useTorCache = settings["UseTorCache"] ?? false; _torCacheDir = settings["TorCacheDir"] ?? ""; // Push the experimental settings to Consumers of Settings notifyListeners(); } /// Initialize the Package Version information initPackageInfo() { PackageInfo.fromPlatform().then((PackageInfo newPackageInfo) { packageInfo = newPackageInfo; notifyListeners(); }); } /// Switch the Locale of the App by Language Code switchLocaleByCode(String languageCode) { var code = languageCode.split("_"); if (code.length == 1) { this.switchLocale(Locale(languageCode)); } else { this.switchLocale(Locale(code[0],code[1])); } } /// Switch the Locale of the App switchLocale(Locale newLocale) { locale = newLocale; notifyListeners(); } setStreamerMode(bool newSteamerMode) { streamerMode = newSteamerMode; notifyListeners(); } /// Block Unknown Connections will autoblock connections if they authenticate with public key not in our contacts list. /// This is one of the best tools we have to combat abuse, while it isn't ideal it does allow a user to curate their contacts /// list without being bothered by spurious requests (either permanently, or as a short term measure). /// Note: This is not an *appear offline* setting which would explicitly close the listen port, rather than simply auto disconnecting unknown attempts. forbidUnknownConnections() { blockUnknownConnections = true; notifyListeners(); } /// Allow Unknown Connections will allow new contact requires from unknown public keys /// See above for more information. allowUnknownConnections() { blockUnknownConnections = false; notifyListeners(); } /// Turn Experiments On, this will also have the side effect of enabling any /// Experiments that have been previously activated. enableExperiments() { experimentsEnabled = true; notifyListeners(); } /// Turn Experiments Off. This will disable **all** active experiments. /// Note: This will not set the preference for individual experiments, if experiments are enabled /// any experiments that were active previously will become active again unless they are explicitly disabled. disableExperiments() { experimentsEnabled = false; notifyListeners(); } /// Turn on a specific experiment. enableExperiment(String key) { experiments.update(key, (value) => true, ifAbsent: () => true); notifyListeners(); } /// Turn off a specific experiment disableExperiment(String key) { experiments.update(key, (value) => false, ifAbsent: () => false); notifyListeners(); } DualpaneMode get uiColumnModePortrait => _uiColumnModePortrait; set uiColumnModePortrait(DualpaneMode newval) { this._uiColumnModePortrait = newval; notifyListeners(); } DualpaneMode get uiColumnModeLandscape => _uiColumnModeLandscape; set uiColumnModeLandscape(DualpaneMode newval) { this._uiColumnModeLandscape = newval; notifyListeners(); } NotificationPolicy get notificationPolicy => _notificationPolicy; set notificationPolicy(NotificationPolicy newpol) { this._notificationPolicy = newpol; notifyListeners(); } NotificationContent get notificationContent => _notificationContent; set notificationContent(NotificationContent newcon) { this._notificationContent = newcon; notifyListeners(); } List uiColumns(bool isLandscape) { var m = (!isLandscape || uiColumnModeLandscape == DualpaneMode.CopyPortrait) ? uiColumnModePortrait : uiColumnModeLandscape; switch (m) { case DualpaneMode.Single: return [1]; case DualpaneMode.Dual1to2: return [1, 2]; case DualpaneMode.Dual1to4: return [1, 4]; } print("impossible column configuration: portrait/$uiColumnModePortrait landscape/$uiColumnModeLandscape"); return [1]; } static List uiColumnModeOptions(bool isLandscape) { if (isLandscape) return [ DualpaneMode.CopyPortrait, DualpaneMode.Single, DualpaneMode.Dual1to2, DualpaneMode.Dual1to4, ]; else return [DualpaneMode.Single, DualpaneMode.Dual1to2, DualpaneMode.Dual1to4]; } static DualpaneMode uiColumnModeFromString(String m) { switch (m) { case "DualpaneMode.Single": return DualpaneMode.Single; case "DualpaneMode.Dual1to2": return DualpaneMode.Dual1to2; case "DualpaneMode.Dual1to4": return DualpaneMode.Dual1to4; case "DualpaneMode.CopyPortrait": return DualpaneMode.CopyPortrait; } print("Error: ui requested translation of column mode [$m] which doesn't exist"); return DualpaneMode.Single; } static String uiColumnModeToString(DualpaneMode m, BuildContext context) { switch (m) { case DualpaneMode.Single: return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.settingUIColumnSingle; case DualpaneMode.Dual1to2: return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.settingUIColumnDouble12Ratio; case DualpaneMode.Dual1to4: return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.settingUIColumnDouble14Ratio; case DualpaneMode.CopyPortrait: return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.settingUIColumnOptionSame; } } static NotificationPolicy notificationPolicyFromString(String? np) { switch (np) { case "NotificationPolicy.Mute": return NotificationPolicy.Mute; case "NotificationPolicy.OptIn": return NotificationPolicy.OptIn; case "NotificationPolicy.OptOut": return NotificationPolicy.DefaultAll; } return NotificationPolicy.DefaultAll; } static NotificationContent notificationContentFromString(String? nc) { switch (nc) { case "NotificationContent.SimpleEvent": return NotificationContent.SimpleEvent; case "NotificationContent.ContactInfo": return NotificationContent.ContactInfo; } return NotificationContent.SimpleEvent; } static String notificationPolicyToString(NotificationPolicy np, BuildContext context) { switch (np) { case NotificationPolicy.Mute: return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.notificationPolicyMute; case NotificationPolicy.OptIn: return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.notificationPolicyOptIn; case NotificationPolicy.DefaultAll: return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.notificationPolicyDefaultAll; } } static String notificationContentToString(NotificationContent nc, BuildContext context) { switch (nc) { case NotificationContent.SimpleEvent: return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.notificationContentSimpleEvent; case NotificationContent.ContactInfo: return AppLocalizations.of(context)!.notificationContentContactInfo; } } // checks experiment settings and file extension for image previews // (ignores file size; if the user manually accepts the file, assume it's okay to preview) bool shouldPreview(String path) { var lpath = path.toLowerCase(); return isExperimentEnabled(ImagePreviewsExperiment) && (lpath.endsWith(".jpg") || lpath.endsWith(".jpeg") || lpath.endsWith(".png") || lpath.endsWith(".gif") || lpath.endsWith(".webp") || lpath.endsWith(".bmp")); } String get downloadPath => _downloadPath; set downloadPath(String newval) { _downloadPath = newval; notifyListeners(); } bool get allowAdvancedTorConfig => _allowAdvancedTorConfig; set allowAdvancedTorConfig(bool torConfig) { _allowAdvancedTorConfig = torConfig; notifyListeners(); } bool get useTorCache => _useTorCache; set useTorCache(bool useTorCache) { _useTorCache = useTorCache; notifyListeners(); } // Settings / Gettings for setting the custom tor config.. String get torConfig => _customTorConfig; set torConfig(String torConfig) { _customTorConfig = torConfig; notifyListeners(); } int get socksPort => _socksPort; set socksPort(int newSocksPort) { _socksPort = newSocksPort; notifyListeners(); } int get controlPort => _controlPort; set controlPort(int controlPort) { _controlPort = controlPort; notifyListeners(); } // Setters / Getters for toggling whether the app should use a custom tor config bool get useCustomTorConfig => _useCustomTorConfig; set useCustomTorConfig(bool useCustomTorConfig) { _useCustomTorConfig = useCustomTorConfig; notifyListeners(); } /// Construct a default settings object. Settings(this.locale, this.theme); /// Convert this Settings object to a JSON representation for serialization on the /// event bus. dynamic asJson() { return { "Locale": this.locale.toString(), "Theme": theme.theme, "ThemeMode": theme.mode, "PreviousPid": -1, "BlockUnknownConnections": blockUnknownConnections, "NotificationPolicy": _notificationPolicy.toString(), "NotificationContent": _notificationContent.toString(), "StreamerMode": streamerMode, "ExperimentsEnabled": this.experimentsEnabled, "Experiments": experiments, "StateRootPane": 0, "FirstTime": false, "UIColumnModePortrait": uiColumnModePortrait.toString(), "UIColumnModeLandscape": uiColumnModeLandscape.toString(), "DownloadPath": _downloadPath, "AllowAdvancedTorConfig": _allowAdvancedTorConfig, "CustomTorRc": _customTorConfig, "UseCustomTorrc": _useCustomTorConfig, "CustomSocksPort": _socksPort, "CustomControlPort": _controlPort, "CustomAuth": _customTorAuth, "UseTorCache": _useTorCache, "TorCacheDir": _torCacheDir }; } }