Fixing up first time storage and ensuring we no longer dupe messages in timeline

This commit is contained in:
Sarah Jamie Lewis 2019-02-02 19:24:42 -08:00
bovenliggende b9f7ab3757
commit 2b47c50d0d
6 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 20 en 19 verwijderingen

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@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ func (g *Group) Invite(initialMessage []byte) ([]byte, error) {
// AddMessage takes a DecryptedGroupMessage and adds it to the Groups Timeline
func (g *Group) AddMessage(message *protocol.DecryptedGroupMessage, sig []byte) *Message {
func (g *Group) AddMessage(message *protocol.DecryptedGroupMessage, sig []byte) (*Message, bool) {
timelineMessage := &Message{
Message: message.GetText(),
Timestamp: time.Unix(int64(message.GetTimestamp()), 0),
@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ func (g *Group) AddMessage(message *protocol.DecryptedGroupMessage, sig []byte)
PeerID: message.GetOnion(),
PreviousMessageSig: message.GetPreviousMessageSig(),
return timelineMessage
seen := g.Timeline.Insert(timelineMessage)
return timelineMessage, seen
// GetTimeline provides a safe copy of the timeline

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@ -80,12 +80,12 @@ func TestTranscriptConsistency(t *testing.T) {
c5, s5, _ := alice.EncryptMessageToGroup("Hello World 5", group.GroupID)
t.Logf("Length of Encrypted Message: %v", len(c5))
_, _, m1 := sarah.AttemptDecryption(c1, s1)
_, _, m1, _ := sarah.AttemptDecryption(c1, s1)
sarah.AttemptDecryption(c1, s1) // Try a duplicate
_, _, m2 := sarah.AttemptDecryption(c2, s2)
_, _, m3 := sarah.AttemptDecryption(c3, s3)
_, _, m4 := sarah.AttemptDecryption(c4, s4)
_, _, m5 := sarah.AttemptDecryption(c5, s5)
_, _, m2, _ := sarah.AttemptDecryption(c2, s2)
_, _, m3, _ := sarah.AttemptDecryption(c3, s3)
_, _, m4, _ := sarah.AttemptDecryption(c4, s4)
_, _, m5, _ := sarah.AttemptDecryption(c5, s5)
// Now we simulate a client receiving these Messages completely out of order

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@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ func (p *Profile) AddGroup(group *Group) {
// AttemptDecryption takes a ciphertext and signature and attempts to decrypt it under known groups.
func (p *Profile) AttemptDecryption(ciphertext []byte, signature []byte) (bool, string, *Message) {
func (p *Profile) AttemptDecryption(ciphertext []byte, signature []byte) (bool, string, *Message, bool) {
for _, group := range p.Groups {
success, dgm := group.DecryptMessage(ciphertext)
if success {
@ -308,14 +308,15 @@ func (p *Profile) AttemptDecryption(ciphertext []byte, signature []byte) (bool,
// Either way, someone who has the private key is being detectably bad so we are just going to throw this message away and mark the group as Compromised.
if !verified {
return false, group.GroupID, nil
return false, group.GroupID, nil, false
return true, group.GroupID, group.AddMessage(dgm, signature)
message, seen := group.AddMessage(dgm, signature)
return true, group.GroupID, message, seen
// If we couldn't find a group to decrypt the message with we just return false. This is an expected case
return false, "", nil
return false, "", nil, false
func getRandomness(arr *[]byte) {

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@ -161,13 +161,13 @@ func TestProfileGroup(t *testing.T) {
bob.ProcessInvite(gci2.GetGroupChatInvite(), alice.Onion)
c3, s3, err := bob.EncryptMessageToGroup("Bobs Message", group2.GroupID)
if err == nil {
ok, _, message := alice.AttemptDecryption(c3, s3)
ok, _, message, _ := alice.AttemptDecryption(c3, s3)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("Bobs message to the group should be decrypted %v %v", message, ok)
eve := GenerateNewProfile("eve")
ok, _, _ = eve.AttemptDecryption(c3, s3)
ok, _, _, _ = eve.AttemptDecryption(c3, s3)
if ok {
t.Errorf("Eves hould not be able to decrypt Messages!")

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@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ func (cp *cwtchPeer) StartGroupWithMessage(server string, initialMessage []byte)
if err == nil {
group := cp.GetGroup(groupID)
jsobj, err := json.Marshal(group)
if err != nil {
if err == nil {
cp.eventBus.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.GroupCreated, map[event.Field]string{
event.Data: string(jsobj),
@ -312,10 +312,10 @@ func (cp *cwtchPeer) eventHandler() {
ev := cp.queue.Next()
switch ev.EventType {
case event.EncryptedGroupMessage:
ok, groupID, message := cp.Profile.AttemptDecryption([]byte(ev.Data[event.Ciphertext]), []byte(ev.Data[event.Signature]))
ok, groupID, message, seen := cp.Profile.AttemptDecryption([]byte(ev.Data[event.Ciphertext]), []byte(ev.Data[event.Signature]))
log.Debugf("ok,gid,msg = %v,%v,%v", ok, groupID, message)
if ok {
cp.eventBus.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.NewMessageFromGroup, map[event.Field]string{event.TimestampReceived: message.Received.Format(time.RFC3339Nano), event.TimestampSent: message.Timestamp.Format(time.RFC3339Nano), event.Data: message.Message, event.GroupID: groupID, event.RemotePeer: message.PeerID}))
if ok && !seen {
cp.eventBus.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.NewMessageFromGroup, map[event.Field]string{event.TimestampReceived: message.Received.Format(time.RFC3339Nano), event.TimestampSent: message.Timestamp.Format(time.RFC3339Nano), event.Data: message.Message, event.GroupID: groupID, event.Signature: string(message.Signature), event.RemotePeer: message.PeerID}))
case event.NewGroupInvite:
var groupInvite protocol.GroupChatInvite

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@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ func (ps *profileStore) eventHandler() {
received, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, ev.Data[event.TimestampReceived])
sent, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, ev.Data[event.TimestampSent])
// TODO: Sig, prev message Sig
message := model.Message{Received: received, Timestamp: sent, Message: ev.Data[event.Data], PeerID: ev.Data[event.RemotePeer]}
message := model.Message{Received: received, Timestamp: sent, Message: ev.Data[event.Data], PeerID: ev.Data[event.RemotePeer], Signature: []byte(ev.Data[event.Signature])}
//ps.profile.Groups[groupid].AddMessage(message) <- wants protocol.DecryptedGroupMessage so group.Timeline will drift here from launch when it's initialized