More golinting, fixing timing sidechannel

This commit is contained in:
Sarah Jamie Lewis 2018-05-16 14:31:06 -07:00
parent 96fd3bbdda
commit 5f3ee80627
7 changed files with 47 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -7,12 +7,14 @@ import (
// Manager encapsulates all the logic necessary to manage outgoing peer and server connections.
type Manager struct {
peerConnections map[string]*PeerPeerConnection
serverConnections map[string]*PeerServerConnection
lock sync.Mutex
// NewConnectionsManager creates a new instance of Manager.
func NewConnectionsManager() *Manager {
m := new(Manager)
m.peerConnections = make(map[string]*PeerPeerConnection)
@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ func NewConnectionsManager() *Manager {
return m
// ManagePeerConnection creates a new PeerConnection for the given Host and Profile.
func (m *Manager) ManagePeerConnection(host string, profile *model.Profile) {
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ func (m *Manager) ManagePeerConnection(host string, profile *model.Profile) {
// ManageServerConnection creates a new ServerConnection for Host with the given callback handler.
func (m *Manager) ManageServerConnection(host string, handler func(string, *protocol.GroupMessage)) {
@ -46,6 +50,7 @@ func (m *Manager) ManageServerConnection(host string, handler func(string, *prot
// GetPeers returns a map of all peer connections with their state
func (m *Manager) GetPeers() map[string]ConnectionState {
rm := make(map[string]ConnectionState)
@ -56,6 +61,7 @@ func (m *Manager) GetPeers() map[string]ConnectionState {
return rm
// GetServers returns a map of all server connections with their state.
func (m *Manager) GetServers() map[string]ConnectionState {
rm := make(map[string]ConnectionState)
@ -66,6 +72,7 @@ func (m *Manager) GetServers() map[string]ConnectionState {
return rm
// GetPeerPeerConnectionForOnion safely returns a given peer connection
func (m *Manager) GetPeerPeerConnectionForOnion(host string) (ppc *PeerPeerConnection) {
ppc = m.peerConnections[host]
@ -73,6 +80,7 @@ func (m *Manager) GetPeerPeerConnectionForOnion(host string) (ppc *PeerPeerConne
// GetPeerServerConnectionForOnion safely returns a given host connection
func (m *Manager) GetPeerServerConnectionForOnion(host string) (psc *PeerServerConnection) {
psc = m.serverConnections[host]
@ -80,6 +88,7 @@ func (m *Manager) GetPeerServerConnectionForOnion(host string) (psc *PeerServerC
// AttemptReconnections repeatedly attempts to reconnect with failed peers and servers.
func (m *Manager) AttemptReconnections() {
for _, ppc := range m.peerConnections {

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
// PeerPeerConnection encapsulates a single outgoing Peer->Peer connection
type PeerPeerConnection struct {
PeerHostname string
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ type PeerPeerConnection struct {
profile *model.Profile
// NewPeerPeerConnection creates a new peer connection for the given hostname and profile.
func NewPeerPeerConnection(peerhostname string, profile *model.Profile) *PeerPeerConnection {
ppc := new(PeerPeerConnection)
ppc.PeerHostname = peerhostname
@ -34,18 +36,22 @@ func (ppc *PeerPeerConnection) GetState() ConnectionState {
return ppc.state
// ClientIdentity passes the given CwtchIdentity packet to the profile.
func (ppc *PeerPeerConnection) ClientIdentity(ci *protocol.CwtchIdentity) {
ppc.profile.AddCwtchIdentity(ppc.PeerHostname, ci)
// HandleGroupInvite passes the given group invite tothe profile
func (ppc *PeerPeerConnection) HandleGroupInvite(gci *protocol.GroupChatInvite) {
ppc.profile.ProcessInvite(gci, ppc.PeerHostname)
// GetClientIdentityPacket returns nil to avoid peers constantly sending identity packets to eachother.
func (ppc *PeerPeerConnection) GetClientIdentityPacket() []byte {
return nil
// SendGroupInvite sends the given serialized invite packet to the Peer
func (ppc *PeerPeerConnection) SendGroupInvite(invite []byte) {
ppc.connection.Do(func() error {
channel := ppc.connection.Channel("im.cwtch.peer", channels.Outbound)

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import (
// PeerServerConnection encapsulates a single Peer->Server connection
type PeerServerConnection struct {
Server string
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ type PeerServerConnection struct {
GroupMessageHandler func(string, *protocol.GroupMessage)
// NewPeerServerConnection creates a new Peer->Server outbound connection
func NewPeerServerConnection(serverhostname string) *PeerServerConnection {
psc := new(PeerServerConnection)
psc.Server = serverhostname
@ -74,6 +76,7 @@ func (psc *PeerServerConnection) Break() error {
return psc.connection.Break()
// SendGroupMessage sends the given protocol message to the Server.
func (psc *PeerServerConnection) SendGroupMessage(gm *protocol.GroupMessage) error {
if psc.state != AUTHENTICATED {
return errors.New("peer is not yet connected & authenticated to server cannot send message")
@ -109,6 +112,7 @@ func (psc *PeerServerConnection) SendGroupMessage(gm *protocol.GroupMessage) err
return err
// HandleGroupMessage passes the given group message back to the profile.
func (psc *PeerServerConnection) HandleGroupMessage(gm *protocol.GroupMessage) {
log.Printf("Received Group Message: %v", gm)
psc.GroupMessageHandler(psc.Server, gm)

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@ -16,16 +16,7 @@ import (
Background thread running Process()
Pointer to connections
Move CwtchPeerChannel under peer/
Write tests for Peer Channel
// CwtchPeer manages incoming and outgoing connections and all processing for a Cwtch Peer
type CwtchPeer struct {
Profile *model.Profile
@ -55,6 +46,7 @@ func (cp *CwtchPeer) setup() {
// NewCwtchPeer creates and returns a new CwtchPeer with the given name.
func NewCwtchPeer(name string) *CwtchPeer {
cp := new(CwtchPeer)
cp.Profile = model.GenerateNewProfile(name)
@ -62,6 +54,7 @@ func NewCwtchPeer(name string) *CwtchPeer {
return cp
// Save saves the CwtchPeer profile state to a file.
func (cp *CwtchPeer) Save(profilefile string) error {
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(cp)
@ -71,6 +64,7 @@ func (cp *CwtchPeer) Save(profilefile string) error {
return err
// LoadCwtchPeer loads an existing CwtchPeer from a file.
func LoadCwtchPeer(profilefile string) (*CwtchPeer, error) {
bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(profilefile)
cp := new(CwtchPeer)
@ -80,7 +74,7 @@ func LoadCwtchPeer(profilefile string) (*CwtchPeer, error) {
return cp, err
// AddContactRequest is the entry point for CwtchPeer relationships
// PeerWithOnion is the entry point for CwtchPeer relationships
func (cp *CwtchPeer) PeerWithOnion(onion string) {
cp.connectionsManager.ManagePeerConnection(onion, cp.Profile)
@ -110,14 +104,17 @@ func (cp *CwtchPeer) InviteOnionToGroup(onion string, groupid string) error {
return errors.New("group id could not be found")
// ReceiveGroupMessage is a callback function that processes GroupMessages from a given server
func (cp *CwtchPeer) ReceiveGroupMessage(server string, gm *protocol.GroupMessage) {
// JoinServer manages a new server connection with the given onion address
func (cp *CwtchPeer) JoinServer(onion string) {
cp.connectionsManager.ManageServerConnection(onion, cp.ReceiveGroupMessage)
// SendMessageToGroup attemps to sent the given message to the given group id.
func (cp *CwtchPeer) SendMessageToGroup(groupid string, message string) error {
group := cp.Profile.GetGroupByGroupID(groupid)
if group == nil {
@ -138,14 +135,17 @@ func (cp *CwtchPeer) SendMessageToGroup(groupid string, message string) error {
return err
// GetPeers returns a list of peer connections.
func (cp *CwtchPeer) GetPeers() map[string]connections.ConnectionState {
return cp.connectionsManager.GetPeers()
// GetServers returns a list of server connections
func (cp *CwtchPeer) GetServers() map[string]connections.ConnectionState {
return cp.connectionsManager.GetServers()
// TrustPeer sets an existing peer relationship to trusted
func (cp *CwtchPeer) TrustPeer(peer string) error {
_, ok := cp.Profile.Contacts[peer]
if !ok {
@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ func (cp *CwtchPeer) TrustPeer(peer string) error {
return nil
// BlockPeer blocks an existing peer relationship.
func (cp *CwtchPeer) BlockPeer(peer string) error {
_, ok := cp.Profile.Contacts[peer]
if !ok {
@ -165,6 +166,7 @@ func (cp *CwtchPeer) BlockPeer(peer string) error {
return nil
// AcceptInvite accepts a given existing group invite
func (cp *CwtchPeer) AcceptInvite(groupID string) error {
g := cp.Profile.GetGroupByGroupID(groupID)
if g == nil {
@ -174,15 +176,18 @@ func (cp *CwtchPeer) AcceptInvite(groupID string) error {
return nil
// RejectInvite rejects a given group invite.
func (cp *CwtchPeer) RejectInvite(groupID string) error {
g := cp.Profile.GetGroupByGroupID(groupID)
if g == nil {
return errors.New("group invite does not exit")
g.Accepted = false
// TODO delete group from Profile
return nil
// Listen sets up an onion listener to process incoming cwtch messages
func (cp *CwtchPeer) Listen() error {
cwtchpeer := new(application.RicochetApplication)
l, err := application.SetupOnion("", "tcp4", "", cp.Profile.OnionPrivateKey, 9878)
@ -209,35 +214,38 @@ func (cp *CwtchPeer) Listen() error {
return nil
// CwtchPeerInstance encapsulates incoming peer connections
type CwtchPeerInstance struct {
rai *application.ApplicationInstance
ra *application.RicochetApplication
// Init sets up a CwtchPeerInstance
func (cpi *CwtchPeerInstance) Init(rai *application.ApplicationInstance, ra *application.RicochetApplication) {
cpi.rai = rai
cpi.ra = ra
// CwtchPeerHandler encapsulates handling of incoming CwtchPackets
type CwtchPeerHandler struct {
Onion string
Peer *CwtchPeer
// ClientIdentity handles incoming ClientIdentity packets
func (cph *CwtchPeerHandler) ClientIdentity(ci *protocol.CwtchIdentity) {
log.Printf("Received Client Identity from %v %v\n", cph.Onion, ci.String())
cph.Peer.Profile.AddCwtchIdentity(cph.Onion, ci)
// HandleGroupInvite handles incoming GroupInvites
func (cph *CwtchPeerHandler) HandleGroupInvite(gci *protocol.GroupChatInvite) {
log.Printf("Received GroupID from %v %v\n", cph.Onion, gci.String())
cph.Peer.Profile.ProcessInvite(gci, cph.Onion)
func (cph *CwtchPeerHandler) HandleGroupMessage(gm *protocol.GroupMessage) {
// GetClientIdentityPacket returns our ClientIdentity packet so it can be sent to the connected peer.
func (cph *CwtchPeerHandler) GetClientIdentityPacket() []byte {
return cph.Peer.Profile.GetCwtchIdentityPacket()

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@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ func (cpfc *CwtchPeerFetchChannel) OpenOutboundResult(err error, crm *Protocol_D
// FetchRequest sends a FetchMessage to the Server.
func (cpfc *CwtchPeerFetchChannel) FetchRequest() {
fm := &protocol.FetchMessage{}
csp := &protocol.CwtchServerPacket{

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@ -78,7 +78,10 @@ func (cplc *CwtchPeerListenChannel) Packet(data []byte) {
if err == nil {
if csp.GetGroupMessage() != nil {
gm := csp.GetGroupMessage()
// We create a new profile here to avoid leaking any information about processing
// times.
// TODO Is this necessary / sufficient?
go cplc.Handler.HandleGroupMessage(gm)

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@ -1 +1 @@