fixing go lint issues

This commit is contained in:
Sarah Jamie Lewis 2018-03-15 09:33:26 -07:00
vanhempi b43aa55b44
commit 9a4693c223
8 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 38 lisäystä ja 9 poistoa

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@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ import (
//Group defines and encapsulates Cwtch's conception of group chat. Which are sessions
// tied to a server under a given group key. Each group has a set of messages.
type Group struct {
GroupID string
GroupKey [32]byte
@ -14,6 +17,7 @@ type Group struct {
Timeline []Message
// NewGroup initializes a new group associated with a given CwtchServer
func NewGroup(server string) *Group {
group := new(Group)
group.GroupServer = server
@ -32,14 +36,17 @@ func NewGroup(server string) *Group {
return group
// AddMember ...
func (g *Group) AddMember() {
// TODO: Rotate Key
// RemoveMember ...
func (g *Group) RemoveMember() {
// TODO: Rotate Key
//EncryptMessage takes a message and encrypts the message under the group key.
func (g *Group) EncryptMessage(message string) []byte {
var nonce [24]byte
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, nonce[:]); err != nil {
@ -49,6 +56,8 @@ func (g *Group) EncryptMessage(message string) []byte {
return encrypted
// DecryptMessage takes a ciphertext and returns true and the decrypted message if the
// cipher text can be successfully decrypted,else false.
func (g *Group) DecryptMessage(ciphertext []byte) (bool, string) {
var decryptNonce [24]byte
copy(decryptNonce[:], ciphertext[:24])

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@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import (
// Message is a local representation of a given message sent over a group chat channel.
type Message struct {
Timestamp time.Time
PeerID string

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@ -11,11 +11,15 @@ import (
// PublicProfile is a local copy of a CwtchIdentity
type PublicProfile struct {
Name string
Ed25519PublicKey ed25519.PublicKey
// Profile encapsulates all the attributes necessary to be a Cwtch Peer.
type Profile struct {
Contacts map[string]PublicProfile
@ -24,6 +28,7 @@ type Profile struct {
Groups map[string]*Group
// GenerateNewProfile creates a new profile, with new encryption and signing keys, and a profile name.
func GenerateNewProfile(name string) *Profile {
p := new(Profile)
p.Name = name
@ -38,7 +43,7 @@ func GenerateNewProfile(name string) *Profile {
return p
// GetCwtchIdentity returns the wire message for conveying this profiles identity.
// GetCwtchIdentityPacket returns the wire message for conveying this profiles identity.
func (p *Profile) GetCwtchIdentityPacket() (message []byte) {
ci := &protocol.CwtchIdentity{
Name: p.Name,
@ -79,11 +84,14 @@ func (p *Profile) VerifyMessage(onion string, message string, signature []byte)
return ed25519.Verify(p.Contacts[onion].Ed25519PublicKey, []byte(message), signature)
// SignMessage takes a given message and returns an Ed21159 signature
func (p *Profile) SignMessage(message string) []byte {
sig := ed25519.Sign(p.Ed25519PrivateKey, []byte(message))
return sig
//StartGroup when given a server, creates a new Group under this profile and returns the group id an a precomputed
// invite which can be sent on the wire.
func (p *Profile) StartGroup(server string) (groupID string, invite []byte) {
group := NewGroup(server)
@ -101,7 +109,7 @@ func (p *Profile) StartGroup(server string) (groupID string, invite []byte) {
// ProcessInvite
// ProcessInvite adds a new group invite to the profile.
func (p *Profile) ProcessInvite(gci *protocol.GroupChatInvite) {
group := new(Group)
group.GroupID = gci.GetGroupName()
@ -110,13 +118,13 @@ func (p *Profile) ProcessInvite(gci *protocol.GroupChatInvite) {
// AddGroup
// AddGroup is a conveniance method for adding a group to a profle.
func (p *Profile) AddGroup(group *Group) {
p.Groups[group.GroupID] = group
// EncryptMessageToGroup
func (p *Profile) AttemptDecryption(ciphertext []byte, signature []byte) (success bool, groupId string, onion string, message string) {
// AttemptDecryption takes a ciphertext and signature and attempts to decrypt it under known groups.
func (p *Profile) AttemptDecryption(ciphertext []byte, signature []byte) (success bool, groupID string, onion string, message string) {
for id, group := range p.Groups {
success, message := group.DecryptMessage(ciphertext)
if success {
@ -131,7 +139,8 @@ func (p *Profile) AttemptDecryption(ciphertext []byte, signature []byte) (succes
return false, "", "", ""
// EncryptMessageToGroup
// EncryptMessageToGroup when given a message and a group, encrypts and signs the message under the group and
// profile
func (p *Profile) EncryptMessageToGroup(message string, groupid string) (ciphertext []byte, signature []byte) {
group := p.Groups[groupid]
ciphertext = group.EncryptMessage(message)
@ -139,11 +148,13 @@ func (p *Profile) EncryptMessageToGroup(message string, groupid string) (ciphert
// Save makes a opy of the profile in the given file
func (p *Profile) Save(profilefile string) error {
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(p)
return ioutil.WriteFile(profilefile, bytes, 0600)
// LoadProfile loads a saved profile from a file.
func LoadProfile(profilefile string) (*Profile, error) {
bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(profilefile)
profile := new(Profile)

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func TestPeerServerConnection(t *testing.T) {
psc := NewPeerServerConnection("|kwke2hntvyfqm7dr")
numcalls := 0
psc.GroupMessageHandler = func(s string, gm *protocol.GroupMessage) {
numcalls += 1
state := psc.GetState()
if state != DISCONNECTED {

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@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
package connections
// ConnectionState defines the various states a connection can be in from disconnected to authenticated
type ConnectionState int
// Connection States
// DISCONNECTED - No existing connection has been made, or all attempts have failed
// CONNECTING - We are in the process of attempting to connect to a given endpoint
// CONNECTED - We have connected but not yet authenticated
// AUTHENTICATED - im.ricochet.auth-hidden-server has succeeded on thec onnection.
const (
DISCONNECTED ConnectionState = iota

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ type CwtchPeerChannelHandler interface {
// Type returns the type string for this channel, e.g. "im.ricochet.Cwtch".
// SendMessage sends a raw message on this channel
func (cpc *CwtchPeerChannel) SendMessage(data []byte) {

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
// Guard implements a spam protection mechanism for Cwtch Servers.
type Guard struct {
Difficulty int
nonce [24]byte