wishlist: show open invites #105

" kardan2018-08-05 00:25:36 +00:00을 오픈" · 1 comment

It would be nice to be noticed on invites in the cli.

I found that group invites were piling up and I had to accept-invite them.

Also invitations by peers should be shown to remind the user to trust them.

The prompt could show something like:

cwtch [user](0:1)>

as a reference for: zero group invitations, 1 invitation by a peer to be trusted.

What do you think?

It would be nice to be noticed on invites in the cli. I found that group invites were piling up and I had to accept-invite them. Also invitations by peers should be shown to remind the user to trust them. The prompt could show something like: ``` cwtch [user](0:1)> ``` as a reference for: zero group invitations, 1 invitation by a peer to be trusted. What do you think?

I like this approach, it would definitely be nice to have some kind of indication in the CLI

I like this approach, it would definitely be nice to have some kind of indication in the CLI
sarah closed this issue 2021-06-18 23:09:26 +00:00
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Reference: cwtch.im/cwtch#105
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