deleted users/groups data still lying around, working #227

aperto 2019-02-19 19:02:40 +00:00 da dan · 1 comment

in the ui, deleted users

  • correct: they no longer show in the side bar
  • bad: when re adding, old aliases are still remembered
  • bad: inviting users to group: they are available

in the ui: delete group

  • on restarted, refetched messages and group reappeared
in the ui, deleted users - correct: they no longer show in the side bar - bad: when re adding, old aliases are still remembered - bad: inviting users to group: they are available in the ui: delete group - on restarted, refetched messages and group reappeared

this was fixed in #265

this was fixed in #265
dan chiuso questo probleam 2019-08-14 20:59:21 +00:00
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