Improve New Group Sync #233

aperto 2019-02-27 21:01:44 +00:00 da sarah · 1 comment

Right now when someone accepts an invite to a new group we kill the connections and reconnect. We can (and should) make this more seamless so all the other groups connected to that server don't go offline while we are setting up the new connection.

Right now when someone accepts an invite to a new group we kill the connections and reconnect. We can (and should) make this more seamless so all the other groups connected to that server don't go offline while we are setting up the new connection.

Note: Technically we can make this trivial now by reissuing a replay request (might need a small server side protocol adjustment).

Note: Technically we can make this trivial now by reissuing a replay request (might need a small server side protocol adjustment).
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etichette 2020-10-08 20:40:25 +00:00
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