custom handlers for arbitrary channel types in cwtch peer-peer connections #149

Merge aplicado
dan aplicou merge dos 1 commits de handlers em master 2018-10-29 19:32:02 +00:00
  • create an ApplicationInstanceFactory with handlers for as many channels of any types you like, and register them with a cwtch peer
    • doesn't clobber the underlying aif and its associated cwtch management channels
    • set by SetApplicationInstanceFactory(...) instead of in the constructor to preserve backwards compatibility
  • use DoOnChannel(...) to perform an operation on an arbitrary channel type
    • provides .Do(func) wrapping
  • requires an update to libricochet-go as well

I have some good example code for this coming up in [redacted]

* create an ApplicationInstanceFactory with handlers for as many channels of any types you like, and register them with a cwtch peer * doesn't clobber the underlying aif and its associated cwtch management channels * set by SetApplicationInstanceFactory(...) instead of in the constructor to preserve backwards compatibility * use DoOnChannel(...) to perform an operation on an arbitrary channel type * provides .Do(func) wrapping * requires an update to libricochet-go as well I have some good example code for this coming up in [redacted]
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dan fechou este pull request 2018-10-29 19:32:01 +00:00
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