Remove Client Identify from Peer, Add Contact Level Attributes #150

erinn sloučil 1 commity z větve contact-level-attributes do větve storagerefactor před 2018-11-01 01:46:59 +00:00

Note: That this PR is currently based on storagefactor

More Important Note: This PR does not implement an alternative contact-request functionality, and thus the library will never implicitly add anything to profile.contacts (thus pushes contact management to the application layer / user to explictly add a contract to their keyring)

This is probably not the end state we want, but that is a question for design work coming out of the cwtch ui work.

Note: That this PR is currently based on storagefactor More Important Note: This PR does not implement an alternative contact-request functionality, and thus the library will never implicitly add anything to profile.contacts (thus pushes contact management to the application layer / user to explictly add a contract to their keyring) This is probably not the end state we want, but that is a question for design work coming out of the cwtch ui work.
Drone Build Status: success
erinn uzavřel/a tento požadavek na natažení 2018-11-01 01:46:59 +00:00
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