Derivar 16

merging some bugfixes #163

sarah integrou 1 cometimento(s) do ramo bigmerge no ramo master 2018-11-22 01:05:24 +00:00

we need to be able to set the AIF before launching individual peers, so this splits that out

we need to be able to set the AIF before launching individual peers, so this splits that out
Drone Build Status: failure https://build.openprivacy.ca/cwtch.im/cwtch/278
Drone Build Status: success https://build.openprivacy.ca/cwtch.im/cwtch/280
sarah fechou este pedido de integração 2018-11-22 01:05:23 +00:00

i did away with startPeer in app
Listen now does the go function thing, so you can call peer.Listen directly and itll fork

i did away with startPeer in app Listen now does the go function thing, so you can call peer.Listen directly and itll fork

so yeah
lines 113-114


start and launch the peer. I got rid of app.startPeer cus its wrong and terrible

to be fair, LaunchPeers will basically nop
.Listen go calls .listenFn inside a look to handle socket fails
and you added cp.started = true inside listenFn
so LaunchPeers should always find them all started already

so yeah lines 113-114 ``` p.Init(app.mn) p.Listen() ``` start and launch the peer. I got rid of app.startPeer cus its wrong and terrible to be fair, LaunchPeers will basically nop because .Listen go calls .listenFn inside a look to handle socket fails and you added `cp.started = true` inside listenFn so LaunchPeers should always find them all `started` already
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Referência: cwtch.im/cwtch#163
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