Updating Attempt Decryption to Remove Older Verification Logic #187

erinn sloučil 1 commity z větve update_group_checks do větve master před 2019-01-19 22:00:52 +00:00

Much of this verification was designed when we were dealing with v2 onions and trying to validate messages from peers we had never seen before. Now that we can easily validate a message from a remote peer by knowing their v3 address we can decomplicate this function

Much of this verification was designed when we were dealing with v2 onions and trying to validate messages from peers we had never seen before. Now that we can easily validate a message from a remote peer by knowing their v3 address we can decomplicate this function
Drone Build Status: success https://build.openprivacy.ca/cwtch.im/cwtch/353
Drone Build Status: success https://build.openprivacy.ca/cwtch.im/cwtch/355
erinn uzavřel/a tento požadavek na natažení 2019-01-19 22:00:52 +00:00
Přihlaste se pro zapojení do konverzace.
Žádní posuzovatelé
Bez milníku
Bez zpracovatelů
2 účastníků
Termín dokončení
Termín dokončení není platný nebo je mimo rozsah. Použijte prosím formát „rrrr-mm-dd“.

Žádný termín dokončení.


Nejsou nastaveny žádné závislosti.

Reference: cwtch.im/cwtch#187
No description provided.