Import/Export Group #39

dan export 에서 master 로 1 commits 를 머지했습니다 2018-06-09 16:54:57 +00:00

This code imports/exports a group via a string. I have a test application called cwtchbot which can accept the string produced by the cli app and connect to the group to download new messages.

    cwtchbot torv2ixljxp35os3zpww6tX65gjEkeT1GsW3WL5XyXdEYL+bUwXObfydaGeoabuM=EpgBCiBlODNlZmE1NzJjZTc4MmQ5NDQzMjkxNDkxNDc5NTMxORIgB+D0KL+FPH9Urn2vDI6Ll31sce/vwpf8/MPtYxF/+bcaEGZtdmhjZjNraHRuNWQ0dzUiQIjQHzHsVbZYNsbD4scxdRPz1mR9mqC6iCprMpWellly2i2WY3yxRHBfrYj/+TXPyGJ60bp6rTovG3buhDdC+gw=
2018/06/09 00:46:20 Imported Group e83efa572ce782d94432914914795319 1
New Message: Hello
New Message: Another message for cwtchbot

I'll push cwtchbot to a new repo once I have a basic framework in place, but my main goal is to start building some simple apps on top of cwtch to test the current APIs

This code imports/exports a group via a string. I have a test application called `cwtchbot` which can accept the string produced by the cli app and connect to the group to download new messages. cwtchbot torv2ixljxp35os3zpww6tX65gjEkeT1GsW3WL5XyXdEYL+bUwXObfydaGeoabuM=EpgBCiBlODNlZmE1NzJjZTc4MmQ5NDQzMjkxNDkxNDc5NTMxORIgB+D0KL+FPH9Urn2vDI6Ll31sce/vwpf8/MPtYxF/+bcaEGZtdmhjZjNraHRuNWQ0dzUiQIjQHzHsVbZYNsbD4scxdRPz1mR9mqC6iCprMpWellly2i2WY3yxRHBfrYj/+TXPyGJ60bp6rTovG3buhDdC+gw= 2018/06/09 00:46:20 Imported Group e83efa572ce782d94432914914795319 1 New Message: Hello New Message: Another message for cwtchbot I'll push cwtchbot to a new repo once I have a basic framework in place, but my main goal is to start building some simple apps on top of cwtch to test the current APIs

Do we want to encrypt the output at all? these are a little dangerous, unencrypted persistable group invites?

Do we want to encrypt the output at all? these are a little dangerous, unencrypted persistable group invites?
dan closed this pull request 2018-06-09 16:54:57 +00:00

I think of this like an "application token" and not an invite - it's not something we would expose to most users, but for developers making stuff to interact with a specific group.

I think of this like an "application token" and not an invite - it's not something we would expose to most users, but for developers making stuff to interact with a specific group.

Comments and naming then :P

Comments and naming then :P
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