New Storage Refactor #404

sarah merged 33 commits from p2p-interim-new-storage into master 2021-11-25 23:56:51 +00:00
55 changed files with 2709 additions and 4335 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -25,3 +25,6 @@ testing/tordir/

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@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import (
@ -32,7 +31,6 @@ type application struct {
storage map[string]storage.ProfileStore
engines map[string]connections.Engine
appBus event.Manager
appmutex sync.Mutex
@ -41,7 +39,6 @@ type application struct {
// Application is a full cwtch peer application. It allows management, usage and storage of multiple peers
type Application interface {
LoadProfiles(password string)
CreatePeer(name string, password string)
CreateTaggedPeer(name string, password string, tag string)
DeletePeer(onion string, currentPassword string)
AddPeerPlugin(onion string, pluginID plugins.PluginID)
@ -61,7 +58,7 @@ type Application interface {
// LoadProfileFn is the function signature for a function in an app that loads a profile
type LoadProfileFn func(profile *model.Profile, store storage.ProfileStore)
type LoadProfileFn func(profile peer.CwtchPeer)
func newAppCore(appDirectory string) *applicationCore {
appCore := &applicationCore{eventBuses: make(map[string]event.Manager), directory: appDirectory}
@ -72,33 +69,13 @@ func newAppCore(appDirectory string) *applicationCore {
// NewApp creates a new app with some environment awareness and initializes a Tor Manager
func NewApp(acn connectivity.ACN, appDirectory string) Application {
log.Debugf("NewApp(%v)\n", appDirectory)
app := &application{storage: make(map[string]storage.ProfileStore), engines: make(map[string]connections.Engine), applicationCore: *newAppCore(appDirectory), appBus: event.NewEventManager()}
app := &application{engines: make(map[string]connections.Engine), applicationCore: *newAppCore(appDirectory), appBus: event.NewEventManager()}
app.appletACN.init(acn, app.getACNStatusHandler())
return app
// CreatePeer creates a new Peer with a given name and core required accessories (eventbus)
func (ac *applicationCore) CreatePeer(name string) (*model.Profile, error) {
log.Debugf("CreatePeer(%v)\n", name)
profile := storage.NewProfile(name)
defer ac.coremutex.Unlock()
_, exists := ac.eventBuses[profile.Onion]
if exists {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error: profile for onion %v already exists", profile.Onion)
eventBus := event.NewEventManager()
ac.eventBuses[profile.Onion] = eventBus
return profile, nil
func (ac *applicationCore) DeletePeer(onion string) {
defer ac.coremutex.Unlock()
@ -108,37 +85,29 @@ func (ac *applicationCore) DeletePeer(onion string) {
func (app *application) CreateTaggedPeer(name string, password string, tag string) {
profile, err := app.applicationCore.CreatePeer(name)
defer app.appmutex.Unlock()
profileDirectory := path.Join(, "profiles", model.GenerateRandomID())
sarah marked this conversation as resolved


profile, err := peer.CreateEncryptedStorePeer(profileDirectory, name, password)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error Creating Peer: %v", err)
app.appBus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.PeerError, event.Error, err.Error()))
profileStore := storage.CreateProfileWriterStore(app.eventBuses[profile.Onion], path.Join(, "profiles", profile.LocalID), password, profile)[profile.Onion] = profileStore
pc :=[profile.Onion].GetProfileCopy(true)
p := peer.FromProfile(pc)
peerAuthorizations := profile.ContactsAuthorizations()
// TODO: Would be nice if ProtocolEngine did not need to explicitly be given the Private Key.
identity := primitives.InitializeIdentity(profile.Name, &profile.Ed25519PrivateKey, &profile.Ed25519PublicKey)
engine := connections.NewProtocolEngine(identity, profile.Ed25519PrivateKey, app.acn, app.eventBuses[profile.Onion], peerAuthorizations)
app.peers[profile.Onion] = p
app.engines[profile.Onion] = engine
eventBus := event.NewEventManager()
app.eventBuses[profile.GetOnion()] = eventBus
app.peers[profile.GetOnion()] = profile
app.engines[profile.GetOnion()], _ = profile.GenerateProtocolEngine(app.acn, app.eventBuses[profile.GetOnion()])
if tag != "" {
p.SetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Tag, tag)
profile.SetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Tag, tag)
app.appBus.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.NewPeer, map[event.Field]string{event.Identity: profile.Onion, event.Created: event.True}))
// CreatePeer creates a new Peer with the given name and required accessories (eventbus, storage, protocol engine)
func (app *application) CreatePeer(name string, password string) {
app.CreateTaggedPeer(name, password, "")
app.appBus.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.NewPeer, map[event.Field]string{event.Identity: profile.GetOnion(), event.Created: event.True}))
func (app *application) DeletePeer(onion string, password string) {
@ -146,23 +115,20 @@ func (app *application) DeletePeer(onion string, password string) {
defer app.appmutex.Unlock()
if[onion].CheckPassword(password) {
if app.peers[onion].CheckPassword(password) {
delete(app.peers, onion)
// Shutdown and Remove the Engine
delete(app.engines, onion)
dan marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

delete commented out code?

delete commented out code?[onion].Shutdown()[onion].Delete()
delete(, onion)
delete(app.peers, onion)
app.eventBuses[onion].Publish(event.NewEventList(event.ShutdownPeer, event.Identity, onion))
log.Debugf("Delete peer for %v Done\n", onion)
app.appBus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.PeerDeleted, event.Identity, onion))
@ -186,27 +152,28 @@ func (ac *applicationCore) LoadProfiles(password string, timeline bool, loadProf
for _, file := range files {
eventBus := event.NewEventManager()
profileStore, err := storage.LoadProfileWriterStore(eventBus, path.Join(, "profiles", file.Name()), password)
if err != nil {
// Attempt to load an encrypted database
profileDirectory := path.Join(, "profiles", file.Name())
profile, err := peer.FromEncryptedDatabase(profileDirectory, password)
if err == nil {
// return the load the profile...
log.Infof("loading profile from new-type storage database...")
} else { // On failure attempt to load a legacy profile
profileStore, err := storage.LoadProfileWriterStore(profileDirectory, password)
if err != nil {
log.Infof("found legacy profile. importing to new database structure...")
legacyProfile := profileStore.GetProfileCopy(timeline)
cps, err := peer.CreateEncryptedStore(profileDirectory, password)
if err != nil {
sarah marked this conversation as resolved Outdated


log.Errorf("error creating encrypted store: %v", err)
profile := peer.ImportLegacyProfile(legacyProfile, cps)
profile := profileStore.GetProfileCopy(timeline)
_, exists := ac.eventBuses[profile.Onion]
if exists {
log.Errorf("profile for onion %v already exists", profile.Onion)
ac.eventBuses[profile.Onion] = eventBus
loadProfileFn(profile, profileStore)
return nil
@ -214,20 +181,22 @@ func (ac *applicationCore) LoadProfiles(password string, timeline bool, loadProf
// LoadProfiles takes a password and attempts to load any profiles it can from storage with it and create Peers for them
func (app *application) LoadProfiles(password string) {
count := 0
app.applicationCore.LoadProfiles(password, true, func(profile *model.Profile, profileStore storage.ProfileStore) {
peer := peer.FromProfile(profile)
peerAuthorizations := profile.ContactsAuthorizations()
identity := primitives.InitializeIdentity(profile.Name, &profile.Ed25519PrivateKey, &profile.Ed25519PublicKey)
engine := connections.NewProtocolEngine(identity, profile.Ed25519PrivateKey, app.acn, app.eventBuses[profile.Onion], peerAuthorizations)
app.applicationCore.LoadProfiles(password, true, func(profile peer.CwtchPeer) {
app.peers[profile.Onion] = peer[profile.Onion] = profileStore
app.engines[profile.Onion] = engine
// Only attempt to finalize the profile if we don't have one loaded...
if app.peers[profile.GetOnion()] == nil {
eventBus := event.NewEventManager()
app.eventBuses[profile.GetOnion()] = eventBus
app.peers[profile.GetOnion()] = profile
app.engines[profile.GetOnion()], _ = profile.GenerateProtocolEngine(app.acn, app.eventBuses[profile.GetOnion()])
app.appBus.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.NewPeer, map[event.Field]string{event.Identity: profile.GetOnion(), event.Created: event.False}))
} else {
// Otherwise shutdown the connections
app.appBus.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.NewPeer, map[event.Field]string{event.Identity: profile.Onion, event.Created: event.False}))
if count == 0 {
message := event.NewEventList(event.AppError, event.Error, event.AppErrLoaded0)
@ -251,12 +220,12 @@ func (ac *applicationCore) GetEventBus(onion string) event.Manager {
func (app *application) getACNStatusHandler() func(int, string) {
return func(progress int, status string) {
progStr := strconv.Itoa(progress)
app.appBus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.ACNStatus, event.Progress, progStr, event.Status, status))
for _, bus := range app.eventBuses {
bus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.ACNStatus, event.Progress, progStr, event.Status, status))
@ -280,8 +249,6 @@ func (app *application) ShutdownPeer(onion string) {
delete(app.peers, onion)
delete(app.engines, onion)[onion].Shutdown()
delete(, onion)
@ -293,8 +260,6 @@ func (app *application) Shutdown() {
log.Debugf("Shutting Down Engines for %v", id)
log.Debugf("Shutting Down Storage for %v", id)[id].Shutdown()
log.Debugf("Shutting Down Bus for %v", id)

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@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
package app
import ""
import ""
const (
// DestApp should be used as a destination for IPC messages that are for the application itself an not a peer
DestApp = "app"
type applicationBridge struct {
bridge event.IPCBridge
handle func(*event.Event)
func (ab *applicationBridge) listen() {
for {
ipcMessage, ok := ab.bridge.Read()
log.Debugf("listen() got %v for %v\n", ipcMessage.Message.EventType, ipcMessage.Dest)
if !ok {
log.Debugln("exiting appBridge.listen()")
if ipcMessage.Dest == DestApp {
} else {
if eventBus, exists := ab.eventBuses[ipcMessage.Dest]; exists {
func (ab *applicationBridge) Shutdown() {

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@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
type applicationClient struct {
appBus event.Manager
acmutex sync.Mutex
// NewAppClient returns an Application that acts as a client to a AppService, connected by the IPCBridge supplied
func NewAppClient(appDirectory string, bridge event.IPCBridge) Application {
appClient := &applicationClient{appletPeers: appletPeers{peers: make(map[string]peer.CwtchPeer)}, applicationBridge: applicationBridge{applicationCore: *newAppCore(appDirectory), bridge: bridge}, appBus: event.NewEventManager()}
appClient.handle = appClient.handleEvent
go appClient.listen()
appClient.bridge.Write(&event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: event.NewEventList(event.ReloadClient)})
log.Infoln("Created new App Client")
return appClient
// GetPrimaryBus returns the bus the Application uses for events that aren't peer specific
func (ac *applicationClient) GetPrimaryBus() event.Manager {
return ac.appBus
func (ac *applicationClient) handleEvent(ev *event.Event) {
switch ev.EventType {
case event.NewPeer:
localID := ev.Data[event.Identity]
key := ev.Data[event.Key]
salt := ev.Data[event.Salt]
reload := ev.Data[event.Status] == event.StorageRunning
created := ev.Data[event.Created]
ac.newPeer(localID, key, salt, reload, created)
case event.PeerDeleted:
onion := ev.Data[event.Identity]
case event.PeerError:
case event.AppError:
case event.ACNStatus:
case event.ACNVersion:
case event.ReloadDone:
func (ac *applicationClient) newPeer(localID, key, salt string, reload bool, created string) {
var keyBytes [32]byte
var saltBytes [128]byte
copy(keyBytes[:], key)
copy(saltBytes[:], salt)
profile, err := storage.ReadProfile(path.Join(, "profiles", localID), keyBytes, saltBytes)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Could not read profile for NewPeer event: %v\n", err)
ac.appBus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.PeerError, event.Error, fmt.Sprintf("Could not read profile for NewPeer event: %v\n", err)))
_, exists := ac.peers[profile.Onion]
if exists {
log.Errorf("profile for onion %v already exists", profile.Onion)
ac.appBus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.PeerError, event.Error, fmt.Sprintf("profile for onion %v already exists", profile.Onion)))
eventBus := event.NewIPCEventManager(ac.bridge, profile.Onion)
peer := peer.FromProfile(profile)
defer ac.peerLock.Unlock()
ac.peers[profile.Onion] = peer
ac.eventBuses[profile.Onion] = eventBus
npEvent := event.NewEvent(event.NewPeer, map[event.Field]string{event.Identity: profile.Onion, event.Created: created})
if reload {
npEvent.Data[event.Status] = event.StorageRunning
if reload {
ac.bridge.Write(&event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: event.NewEventList(event.ReloadPeer, event.Identity, profile.Onion)})
// CreatePeer messages the service to create a new Peer with the given name
func (ac *applicationClient) CreatePeer(name string, password string) {
ac.CreateTaggedPeer(name, password, "")
func (ac *applicationClient) CreateTaggedPeer(name, password, tag string) {
log.Infof("appClient CreatePeer %v\n", name)
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: event.NewEvent(event.CreatePeer, map[event.Field]string{event.ProfileName: name, event.Password: password, event.Data: tag})}
// DeletePeer messages the service to delete a peer
func (ac *applicationClient) DeletePeer(onion string, password string) {
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: event.NewEvent(event.DeletePeer, map[event.Field]string{event.Identity: onion, event.Password: password})}
func (ac *applicationClient) ChangePeerPassword(onion, oldpass, newpass string) {
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: onion, Message: event.NewEventList(event.ChangePassword, event.Password, oldpass, event.NewPassword, newpass)}
func (ac *applicationClient) handleDeletedPeer(onion string) {
defer ac.acmutex.Unlock()
delete(ac.peers, onion)
ac.eventBuses[onion].Publish(event.NewEventList(event.ShutdownPeer, event.Identity, onion))
ac.appBus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.PeerDeleted, event.Identity, onion))
func (ac *applicationClient) AddPeerPlugin(onion string, pluginID plugins.PluginID) {
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: event.NewEvent(event.AddPeerPlugin, map[event.Field]string{event.Identity: onion, event.Data: strconv.Itoa(int(pluginID))})}
// LoadProfiles messages the service to load any profiles for the given password
func (ac *applicationClient) LoadProfiles(password string) {
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: event.NewEvent(event.LoadProfiles, map[event.Field]string{event.Password: password})}
func (ac *applicationClient) QueryACNStatus() {
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: event.NewEvent(event.GetACNStatus, map[event.Field]string{})}
func (ac *applicationClient) QueryACNVersion() {
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: event.NewEvent(event.GetACNVersion, map[event.Field]string{})}
// ShutdownPeer shuts down a peer and removes it from the app's management
func (ac *applicationClient) ShutdownPeer(onion string) {
defer ac.acmutex.Unlock()
delete(ac.eventBuses, onion)
delete(ac.peers, onion)
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: event.NewEvent(event.ShutdownPeer, map[event.Field]string{event.Identity: onion})}
// Shutdown shuts down the application client and all front end peer components
func (ac *applicationClient) Shutdown() {
for id := range ac.peers {

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@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
package app
import (
path "path/filepath"
type applicationService struct {
storage map[string]storage.ProfileStore
engines map[string]connections.Engine
asmutex sync.Mutex
// ApplicationService is the back end of an application that manages engines and writing storage and communicates to an ApplicationClient by an IPCBridge
type ApplicationService interface {
// NewAppService returns an ApplicationService that runs the backend of an app and communicates with a client by the supplied IPCBridge
func NewAppService(acn connectivity.ACN, appDirectory string, bridge event.IPCBridge) ApplicationService {
appService := &applicationService{storage: make(map[string]storage.ProfileStore), engines: make(map[string]connections.Engine), applicationBridge: applicationBridge{applicationCore: *newAppCore(appDirectory), bridge: bridge}}
appService.appletACN.init(acn, appService.getACNStatusHandler())
appService.handle = appService.handleEvent
go appService.listen()
log.Infoln("Created new App Service")
return appService
func (as *applicationService) handleEvent(ev *event.Event) {
log.Infof("app Service handleEvent %v\n", ev.EventType)
switch ev.EventType {
case event.CreatePeer:
profileName := ev.Data[event.ProfileName]
password := ev.Data[event.Password]
tag := ev.Data[event.Data]
as.createPeer(profileName, password, tag)
case event.DeletePeer:
onion := ev.Data[event.Identity]
password := ev.Data[event.Password]
as.deletePeer(onion, password)
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: *ev}
case event.AddPeerPlugin:
onion := ev.Data[event.Identity]
pluginID, _ := strconv.Atoi(ev.Data[event.Data])
as.AddPlugin(onion, plugins.PluginID(pluginID), as.eventBuses[onion], as.acn)
case event.LoadProfiles:
password := ev.Data[event.Password]
case event.ReloadClient:
for _, storage := range {
peerMsg := *storage.GetNewPeerMessage()
peerMsg.Data[event.Status] = event.StorageRunning
peerMsg.Data[event.Created] = event.False
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: peerMsg}
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: event.NewEventList(event.ReloadDone)}
case event.ReloadPeer:
onion := ev.Data[event.Identity]
events :=[onion].GetStatusMessages()
for _, ev := range events {
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: onion, Message: *ev}
case event.GetACNStatus:
prog, status := as.acn.GetBootstrapStatus()
as.getACNStatusHandler()(prog, status)
case event.GetACNVersion:
version := as.acn.GetVersion()
as.bridge.Write(&event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: event.NewEventList(event.ACNVersion, event.Data, version)})
case event.ShutdownPeer:
onion := ev.Data[event.Identity]
func (as *applicationService) createPeer(name, password, tag string) {
log.Infof("app Service create peer %v %v\n", name, password)
profile, err := as.applicationCore.CreatePeer(name)
as.eventBuses[profile.Onion] = event.IPCEventManagerFrom(as.bridge, profile.Onion, as.eventBuses[profile.Onion])
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Could not create Peer: %v\n", err)
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: event.NewEventList(event.PeerError, event.Error, err.Error())}
profileStore := storage.CreateProfileWriterStore(as.eventBuses[profile.Onion], path.Join(, "profiles", profile.LocalID), password, profile)
peerAuthorizations := profile.ContactsAuthorizations()
// TODO: Would be nice if ProtocolEngine did not need to explicitly be given the Private Key.
identity := primitives.InitializeIdentity(profile.Name, &profile.Ed25519PrivateKey, &profile.Ed25519PublicKey)
engine := connections.NewProtocolEngine(identity, profile.Ed25519PrivateKey, as.acn, as.eventBuses[profile.Onion], peerAuthorizations)[profile.Onion] = profileStore
as.engines[profile.Onion] = engine
peerMsg := *profileStore.GetNewPeerMessage()
peerMsg.Data[event.Created] = event.True
peerMsg.Data[event.Status] = event.StorageNew
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: peerMsg}
func (as *applicationService) loadProfiles(password string) {
count := 0
as.applicationCore.LoadProfiles(password, false, func(profile *model.Profile, profileStore storage.ProfileStore) {
as.eventBuses[profile.Onion] = event.IPCEventManagerFrom(as.bridge, profile.Onion, as.eventBuses[profile.Onion])
peerAuthorizations := profile.ContactsAuthorizations()
identity := primitives.InitializeIdentity(profile.Name, &profile.Ed25519PrivateKey, &profile.Ed25519PublicKey)
engine := connections.NewProtocolEngine(identity, profile.Ed25519PrivateKey, as.acn, as.eventBuses[profile.Onion], peerAuthorizations)
as.asmutex.Lock()[profile.Onion] = profileStore
as.engines[profile.Onion] = engine
peerMsg := *profileStore.GetNewPeerMessage()
peerMsg.Data[event.Created] = event.False
peerMsg.Data[event.Status] = event.StorageNew
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: peerMsg}
if count == 0 {
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: event.NewEventList(event.AppError, event.Error, event.AppErrLoaded0)}
func (as *applicationService) getACNStatusHandler() func(int, string) {
return func(progress int, status string) {
progStr := strconv.Itoa(progress)
as.bridge.Write(&event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: event.NewEventList(event.ACNStatus, event.Progress, progStr, event.Status, status)})
defer as.applicationCore.coremutex.Unlock()
for _, bus := range as.eventBuses {
bus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.ACNStatus, event.Progress, progStr, event.Status, status))
func (as *applicationService) deletePeer(onion, password string) {
defer as.asmutex.Unlock()
if[onion].CheckPassword(password) {
delete(as.engines, onion)[onion].Shutdown()[onion].Delete()
delete(, onion)
as.eventBuses[onion].Publish(event.NewEventList(event.ShutdownPeer, event.Identity, onion))
log.Debugf("Delete peer for %v Done\n", onion)
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: event.NewEventList(event.PeerDeleted, event.Identity, onion)}
message := event.IPCMessage{Dest: DestApp, Message: event.NewEventList(event.AppError, event.Error, event.PasswordMatchError, event.Identity, onion)}
func (as *applicationService) ShutdownPeer(onion string) {
delete(as.engines, onion)[onion].Shutdown()
delete(, onion)
delete(as.eventBuses, onion)
// Shutdown shuts down the application Service and all peer related backend parts
func (as *applicationService) Shutdown() {
log.Debugf("shutting down application service...")
for id := range as.engines {
log.Debugf("shutting down application service peer engine %v", id)

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@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
package bridge
import (
type goChanBridge struct {
in chan event.IPCMessage
out chan event.IPCMessage
closedChan chan bool
closed bool
lock sync.Mutex
// MakeGoChanBridge returns a simple testing IPCBridge made from inprocess go channels
func MakeGoChanBridge() (b1, b2 event.IPCBridge) {
chan1 := make(chan event.IPCMessage)
chan2 := make(chan event.IPCMessage)
closed := make(chan bool)
a := &goChanBridge{in: chan1, out: chan2, closedChan: closed, closed: false}
b := &goChanBridge{in: chan2, out: chan1, closedChan: closed, closed: false}
go monitor(a, b)
return a, b
func monitor(a, b *goChanBridge) {
a.closed = true
b.closed = true
a.closedChan <- true
func (pb *goChanBridge) Read() (*event.IPCMessage, bool) {
message, ok := <
return &message, ok
func (pb *goChanBridge) Write(message *event.IPCMessage) {
defer pb.lock.Unlock()
if !pb.closed {
pb.out <- *message
func (pb *goChanBridge) Shutdown() {
if !pb.closed {
pb.closedChan <- true

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@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
package bridge
/* Todo: When go generics ships, refactor this and event.infiniteChannel into one */
// InfiniteChannel implements the Channel interface with an infinite buffer between the input and the output.
type InfiniteChannel struct {
input, output chan interface{}
length chan int
buffer *InfiniteQueue
func newInfiniteChannel() *InfiniteChannel {
ch := &InfiniteChannel{
input: make(chan interface{}),
output: make(chan interface{}),
length: make(chan int),
buffer: newInfiniteQueue(),
go ch.infiniteBuffer()
return ch
// In returns the input channel
func (ch *InfiniteChannel) In() chan<- interface{} {
return ch.input
// Out returns the output channel
func (ch *InfiniteChannel) Out() <-chan interface{} {
return ch.output
// Len returns the length of items in queue
func (ch *InfiniteChannel) Len() int {
return <-ch.length
// Close closes the InfiniteChanel
func (ch *InfiniteChannel) Close() {
func (ch *InfiniteChannel) infiniteBuffer() {
var input, output chan interface{}
var next interface{}
input = ch.input
for input != nil || output != nil {
select {
case elem, open := <-input:
if open {
} else {
input = nil
case output <- next:
case ch.length <- ch.buffer.Length():
if ch.buffer.Length() > 0 {
output = ch.output
next = ch.buffer.Peek()
} else {
output = nil
next = nil

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@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
package bridge
/* Todo: When go generics ships, refactor this and event.infinitQueue channel into one */
Package queue provides a fast, ring-buffer queue based on the version suggested by Dariusz Górecki.
Using this instead of other, simpler, queue implementations (slice+append or linked list) provides
substantial memory and time benefits, and fewer GC pauses.
The queue implemented here is as fast as it is for an additional reason: it is *not* thread-safe.
// minQueueLen is smallest capacity that queue may have.
// Must be power of 2 for bitwise modulus: x % n == x & (n - 1).
const minQueueLen = 16
// InfiniteQueue represents a single instance of the queue data structure.
type InfiniteQueue struct {
buf []interface{}
head, tail, count int
// New constructs and returns a new Queue.
func newInfiniteQueue() *InfiniteQueue {
return &InfiniteQueue{
buf: make([]interface{}, minQueueLen),
// Length returns the number of elements currently stored in the queue.
func (q *InfiniteQueue) Length() int {
return q.count
// resizes the queue to fit exactly twice its current contents
// this can result in shrinking if the queue is less than half-full
func (q *InfiniteQueue) resize() {
newBuf := make([]interface{}, q.count<<1)
if q.tail > q.head {
copy(newBuf, q.buf[q.head:q.tail])
} else {
n := copy(newBuf, q.buf[q.head:])
copy(newBuf[n:], q.buf[:q.tail])
q.head = 0
q.tail = q.count
q.buf = newBuf
// Add puts an element on the end of the queue.
func (q *InfiniteQueue) Add(elem interface{}) {
if q.count == len(q.buf) {
q.buf[q.tail] = elem
// bitwise modulus
q.tail = (q.tail + 1) & (len(q.buf) - 1)
// Peek returns the element at the head of the queue. This call panics
// if the queue is empty.
func (q *InfiniteQueue) Peek() interface{} {
if q.count <= 0 {
panic("queue: Peek() called on empty queue")
return q.buf[q.head]
// Get returns the element at index i in the queue. If the index is
// invalid, the call will panic. This method accepts both positive and
// negative index values. Index 0 refers to the first element, and
// index -1 refers to the last.
func (q *InfiniteQueue) Get(i int) interface{} {
// If indexing backwards, convert to positive index.
if i < 0 {
i += q.count
if i < 0 || i >= q.count {
panic("queue: Get() called with index out of range")
// bitwise modulus
return q.buf[(q.head+i)&(len(q.buf)-1)]
// Remove removes and returns the element from the front of the queue. If the
// queue is empty, the call will panic.
func (q *InfiniteQueue) Remove() interface{} {
if q.count <= 0 {
panic("queue: Remove() called on empty queue")
ret := q.buf[q.head]
q.buf[q.head] = nil
// bitwise modulus
q.head = (q.head + 1) & (len(q.buf) - 1)
// Resize down if buffer 1/4 full.
if len(q.buf) > minQueueLen && (q.count<<2) == len(q.buf) {
return ret

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
// +build windows
package bridge
import (
func NewPipeBridgeClient(inFilename, outFilename string) event.IPCBridge {
log.Fatal("Not supported on windows")
return nil
// NewPipeBridgeService returns a pipe backed IPCBridge for a service
func NewPipeBridgeService(inFilename, outFilename string) event.IPCBridge {
log.Fatal("Not supported on windows")
return nil

View File

@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
// +build !windows
package bridge
import (
/* pipeBridge creates a pair of named pipes
Needs a call to new client and service to fully successfully open
const maxBufferSize = 1000
const serviceName = "service"
const clientName = "client"
const syn = "SYN"
const synack = "SYNACK"
const ack = "ACK"
type pipeBridge struct {
infile, outfile string
in, out *os.File
read chan event.IPCMessage
write *InfiniteChannel
closedChan chan bool
state connections.ConnectionState
lock sync.Mutex
threeShake func() bool
// For logging / debugging purposes
name string
func newPipeBridge(inFilename, outFilename string) *pipeBridge {
syscall.Mkfifo(inFilename, 0600)
syscall.Mkfifo(outFilename, 0600)
pb := &pipeBridge{infile: inFilename, outfile: outFilename, state: connections.DISCONNECTED} = make(chan event.IPCMessage, maxBufferSize)
pb.write = newInfiniteChannel() //make(chan event.IPCMessage, maxBufferSize)
return pb
// NewPipeBridgeClient returns a pipe backed IPCBridge for a client
func NewPipeBridgeClient(inFilename, outFilename string) event.IPCBridge {
log.Debugf("Making new PipeBridge Client...\n")
pb := newPipeBridge(inFilename, outFilename) = clientName
pb.threeShake = pb.threeShakeClient
go pb.connectionManager()
return pb
// NewPipeBridgeService returns a pipe backed IPCBridge for a service
func NewPipeBridgeService(inFilename, outFilename string) event.IPCBridge {
log.Debugf("Making new PipeBridge Service...\n")
pb := newPipeBridge(inFilename, outFilename) = serviceName
pb.threeShake = pb.threeShakeService
go pb.connectionManager()
log.Debugf("Successfully created new PipeBridge Service!\n")
return pb
func (pb *pipeBridge) setState(state connections.ConnectionState) {
defer pb.lock.Unlock()
pb.state = state
func (pb *pipeBridge) getState() connections.ConnectionState {
defer pb.lock.Unlock()
return pb.state
func (pb *pipeBridge) connectionManager() {
for pb.getState() != connections.KILLED {
log.Debugf("clientConnManager loop start init\n")
var err error
log.Debugf("%v open file infile\n",, err = os.OpenFile(pb.infile, os.O_RDWR, 0600)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("%v open file outfile\n",
pb.out, err = os.OpenFile(pb.outfile, os.O_RDWR, 0600)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Successfully connected PipeBridge %v!\n",
log.Debugf("exiting %v ConnectionManager\n",
// threeShake performs a 3way handshake sync up
func (pb *pipeBridge) threeShakeService() bool {
synacked := false
for {
resp, err := pb.readString()
if err != nil {
return false
if string(resp) == syn {
if !synacked {
err = pb.writeString([]byte(synack))
if err != nil {
return false
synacked = true
} else if string(resp) == ack {
return true
func (pb *pipeBridge) synLoop(stop chan bool) {
delay := time.Duration(0)
for {
select {
case <-time.After(delay):
err := pb.writeString([]byte(syn))
if err != nil {
delay = time.Second
case <-stop:
func (pb *pipeBridge) threeShakeClient() bool {
stop := make(chan bool)
go pb.synLoop(stop)
for {
resp, err := pb.readString()
if err != nil {
return false
if string(resp) == synack {
stop <- true
err := pb.writeString([]byte(ack))
return err == nil
func (pb *pipeBridge) handleConns() {
if !pb.threeShake() {
pb.closedChan = make(chan bool, 5)
log.Debugf("handleConns authed, %v 2xgo\n",
go pb.handleRead()
go pb.handleWrite()
log.Debugf("handleConns <-closedChan (%v)\n",
if pb.getState() != connections.KILLED {
log.Debugf("handleConns done for %v, exit\n",
func (pb *pipeBridge) closeReset() {
if pb.getState() != connections.KILLED { = make(chan event.IPCMessage, maxBufferSize)
pb.write = newInfiniteChannel()
func (pb *pipeBridge) handleWrite() {
log.Debugf("handleWrite() %v\n",
defer log.Debugf("exiting handleWrite() %v\n",
for {
select {
case messageInf := <-pb.write.output:
if messageInf == nil {
pb.closedChan <- true
message := messageInf.(event.IPCMessage)
if message.Message.EventType == event.EncryptedGroupMessage || message.Message.EventType == event.SendMessageToGroup || message.Message.EventType == event.NewMessageFromGroup {
log.Debugf("handleWrite <- message: %v %v ...\n", message.Dest, message.Message.EventType)
} else {
log.Debugf("handleWrite <- message: %v\n", message)
if pb.getState() == connections.AUTHENTICATED {
encMessage := &event.IPCMessage{Dest: message.Dest, Message: event.Event{EventType: message.Message.EventType, EventID: message.Message.EventID, Data: make(map[event.Field]string)}}
for k, v := range message.Message.Data {
encMessage.Message.Data[k] = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(v))
messageJSON, _ := json.Marshal(encMessage)
err := pb.writeString(messageJSON)
if err != nil {
pb.closedChan <- true
} else {
func (pb *pipeBridge) handleRead() {
log.Debugf("handleRead() %v\n",
defer log.Debugf("exiting handleRead() %v",
for {
log.Debugf("Waiting to handleRead()...\n")
buffer, err := pb.readString()
if err != nil {
pb.closedChan <- true
var message event.IPCMessage
err = json.Unmarshal(buffer, &message)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Read error: '%v', value: '%v'", err, buffer)
pb.closedChan <- true
return // probably new connection trying to initialize
for k, v := range message.Message.Data {
val, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(v)
message.Message.Data[k] = string(val)
if message.Message.EventType == event.EncryptedGroupMessage || message.Message.EventType == event.SendMessageToGroup || message.Message.EventType == event.NewMessageFromGroup {
log.Debugf("handleRead read<-: %v %v ...\n", message.Dest, message.Message.EventType)
} else {
log.Debugf("handleRead read<-: %v\n", message)
} <- message
log.Debugf("handleRead wrote\n")
func (pb *pipeBridge) Read() (*event.IPCMessage, bool) {
log.Debugf("Read() %v...\n",
var ok = false
var message event.IPCMessage
for !ok && pb.getState() != connections.KILLED {
message, ok = <
if message.Message.EventType == event.EncryptedGroupMessage || message.Message.EventType == event.SendMessageToGroup || message.Message.EventType == event.NewMessageFromGroup {
log.Debugf("Read %v: %v %v ...\n",, message.Dest, message.Message.EventType)
} else {
log.Debugf("Read %v: %v\n",, message)
return &message, pb.getState() != connections.KILLED
func (pb *pipeBridge) Write(message *event.IPCMessage) {
if message.Message.EventType == event.EncryptedGroupMessage || message.Message.EventType == event.SendMessageToGroup || message.Message.EventType == event.NewMessageFromGroup {
log.Debugf("Write %v: %v %v ...\n",, message.Dest, message.Message.EventType)
} else {
log.Debugf("Write %v: %v\n",, message)
pb.write.input <- *message
func (pb *pipeBridge) Shutdown() {
log.Debugf("pb.Shutdown() for %v currently in state: %v\n",, connections.ConnectionStateName[pb.getState()])
pb.state = connections.KILLED
pb.closedChan <- true
log.Debugf("Done Shutdown for %v\n",
func (pb *pipeBridge) writeString(message []byte) error {
size := make([]byte, 2)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(size, uint16(len(message)))
for pos := 0; pos < len(message); {
n, err := pb.out.Write(message[pos:])
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Writing out on pipeBridge: %v\n", err)
return err
pos += n
return nil
func (pb *pipeBridge) readString() ([]byte, error) {
var n int
size := make([]byte, 2)
var err error
n, err =
if err != nil || n != 2 {
log.Errorf("Could not read len int from stream: %v\n", err)
return nil, err
n = int(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(size))
pos := 0
buffer := make([]byte, n)
for n > 0 {
m, err :=[pos:])
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Reading into buffer from pipe: %v\n", err)
return nil, err
n -= m
pos += m
return buffer, nil

View File

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
package bridge
import (
var (
clientPipe = "./client"
servicePipe = "./service"
func clientHelper(t *testing.T, in, out string, messageOrig *event.IPCMessage, done chan bool) {
client := NewPipeBridgeClient(in, out)
messageAfter, ok := client.Read()
if !ok {
t.Errorf("Reading from client IPCBridge failed")
done <- true
if messageOrig.Dest != messageAfter.Dest {
t.Errorf("Dest's value differs expected: %v actaul: %v", messageOrig.Dest, messageAfter.Dest)
if messageOrig.Message.EventType != messageAfter.Message.EventType {
t.Errorf("EventTypes's value differs expected: %v actaul: %v", messageOrig.Message.EventType, messageAfter.Message.EventType)
if messageOrig.Message.Data[event.Identity] != messageAfter.Message.Data[event.Identity] {
t.Errorf("Data[Identity]'s value differs expected: %v actaul: %v", messageOrig.Message.Data[event.Identity], messageAfter.Message.Data[event.Identity])
done <- true
func serviceHelper(t *testing.T, in, out string, messageOrig *event.IPCMessage, done chan bool) {
service := NewPipeBridgeService(in, out)
done <- true
func TestPipeBridge(t *testing.T) {
messageOrig := &event.IPCMessage{Dest: "ABC", Message: event.NewEventList(event.NewPeer, event.Identity, "It is I")}
serviceDone := make(chan bool)
clientDone := make(chan bool)
go clientHelper(t, clientPipe, servicePipe, messageOrig, clientDone)
go serviceHelper(t, servicePipe, clientPipe, messageOrig, serviceDone)
func restartingClient(t *testing.T, in, out string, done chan bool) {
client := NewPipeBridgeClient(in, out)
message1 := &event.IPCMessage{Dest: "ABC", Message: event.NewEventList(event.NewPeer)}
log.Infoln("client writing message 1")
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
log.Infoln("client shutdown")
log.Infoln("client new client")
client = NewPipeBridgeClient(in, out)
message2 := &event.IPCMessage{Dest: "ABC", Message: event.NewEventList(event.DeleteContact)}
log.Infoln("client2 write message2")
done <- true
func stableService(t *testing.T, in, out string, done chan bool) {
service := NewPipeBridgeService(in, out)
log.Infoln("service wait read 1")
message1, ok := service.Read()
log.Infof("service read 1 %v ok:%v\n", message1, ok)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("Reading from client IPCBridge 1st time failed")
done <- true
if message1.Message.EventType != event.NewPeer {
t.Errorf("Wrong message received, expected NewPeer\n")
done <- true
log.Infoln("service wait read 2")
message2, ok := service.Read()
log.Infof("service read 2 got %v ok:%v\n", message2, ok)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("Reading from client IPCBridge 2nd time failed")
done <- true
if message2.Message.EventType != event.DeleteContact {
t.Errorf("Wrong message received, expected DeleteContact, got %v\n", message2)
done <- true
done <- true
func TestReconnect(t *testing.T) {
serviceDone := make(chan bool)
clientDone := make(chan bool)
go restartingClient(t, clientPipe, servicePipe, clientDone)
go stableService(t, servicePipe, clientPipe, serviceDone)

View File

@ -126,8 +126,7 @@ const (
// a peer contact has been added
// attributes:
// RemotePeer [eg ""]
// Authorization
PeerCreated = Type("PeerCreated")
ContactCreated = Type("ContactCreated")
// Password, NewPassword
ChangePassword = Type("ChangePassword")
@ -253,6 +252,9 @@ const (
FileDownloadProgressUpdate = Type("FileDownloadProgressUpdate")
FileDownloaded = Type("FileDownloaded")
FileVerificationFailed = Type("FileVerificationFailed")
// Profile Attribute Event
UpdatedProfileAttribute = Type("UpdatedProfileAttribute")
// Field defines common event attributes
@ -273,6 +275,7 @@ const (
Identity = Field("Identity")
ConversationID = Field("ConversationID")
GroupID = Field("GroupID")
GroupServer = Field("GroupServer")
ServerTokenY = Field("ServerTokenY")

View File

@ -62,11 +62,9 @@ type manager struct {
// Manager is an interface for an event bus
// FIXME this interface lends itself to race conditions around channels
type Manager interface {
Subscribe(Type, Queue)
@ -123,11 +121,6 @@ func (em *manager) Publish(event Event) {
// Publish an event only locally, not going over an IPC bridge if there is one
func (em *manager) PublishLocal(event Event) {
// eventBus is an internal function that is used to distribute events to all subscribers
func (em *manager) eventBus() {
for {

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
package event
type ipcManager struct {
manager Manager
onion string
ipcBridge IPCBridge
// NewIPCEventManager returns an EvenetManager that also pipes events over and supplied IPCBridge
func NewIPCEventManager(bridge IPCBridge, onion string) Manager {
em := &ipcManager{onion: onion, ipcBridge: bridge, manager: NewEventManager()}
return em
// IPCEventManagerFrom returns an IPCEventManger from the supplied manager and IPCBridge
func IPCEventManagerFrom(bridge IPCBridge, onion string, manager Manager) Manager {
em := &ipcManager{onion: onion, ipcBridge: bridge, manager: manager}
return em
func (ipcm *ipcManager) Publish(ev Event) {
message := &IPCMessage{Dest: ipcm.onion, Message: ev}
func (ipcm *ipcManager) PublishLocal(ev Event) {
func (ipcm *ipcManager) Subscribe(eventType Type, queue Queue) {
ipcm.manager.Subscribe(eventType, queue)
func (ipcm *ipcManager) Shutdown() {

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
package event
// IPCMessage is a wrapper for a regular eventMessage with a destination (onion|AppDest) so the other side of the bridge can route appropriately
type IPCMessage struct {
Dest string
Message Event
// IPCBridge is an interface to a IPC construct used to communicate IPCMessages
type IPCBridge interface {
Read() (*IPCMessage, bool)
Write(message *IPCMessage)

View File

@ -23,9 +23,10 @@ import (
type Functionality struct {
// FunctionalityGate returns contact.Functionality always
// FunctionalityGate returns filesharing if enabled in the given experiment map
sarah marked this conversation as resolved Outdated

comment seems wrong lol

comment seems wrong lol
// Note: Experiment maps are currently in libcwtch-go
func FunctionalityGate(experimentMap map[string]bool) (*Functionality, error) {
if experimentMap["filesharing"] == true {
if experimentMap["filesharing"] {
return new(Functionality), nil
return nil, errors.New("filesharing is not enabled")
@ -42,7 +43,8 @@ type OverlayMessage struct {
// DownloadFile given a profile, a conversation handle and a file sharing key, start off a download process
// to downloadFilePath
func (f *Functionality) DownloadFile(profile peer.CwtchPeer, handle string, downloadFilePath string, manifestFilePath string, key string) {
func (f *Functionality) DownloadFile(profile peer.CwtchPeer, conversationID int, downloadFilePath string, manifestFilePath string, key string) {
// Store local.filesharing.filekey.manifest as the location of the manifest
profile.SetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.FilesharingZone, fmt.Sprintf("%s.manifest", key), manifestFilePath)
@ -50,12 +52,12 @@ func (f *Functionality) DownloadFile(profile peer.CwtchPeer, handle string, down
profile.SetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.FilesharingZone, fmt.Sprintf("%s.path", key), downloadFilePath)
// Get the value of conversation.filesharing.filekey.manifest.size from `handle`
profile.SendScopedZonedGetValToContact(handle, attr.ConversationScope, attr.FilesharingZone, fmt.Sprintf("%s.manifest.size", key))
profile.SendScopedZonedGetValToContact(conversationID, attr.ConversationScope, attr.FilesharingZone, fmt.Sprintf("%s.manifest.size", key))
// ShareFile given a profile and a conversation handle, sets up a file sharing process to share the file
// at filepath
func (f *Functionality) ShareFile(filepath string, profile peer.CwtchPeer, handle string) error {
func (f *Functionality) ShareFile(filepath string, profile peer.CwtchPeer, conversationID int) error {
manifest, err := files.CreateManifest(filepath)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ func (f *Functionality) ShareFile(filepath string, profile peer.CwtchPeer, handl
profile.ShareFile(key, string(serializedManifest))
profile.SendMessage(handle, string(wrapperJSON))
profile.SendMessage(conversationID, string(wrapperJSON))
return nil

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ require ( v1.5.0 v1.0.3 v0.1.2 v4.4.2 v0.0.0-20200227124842-a10e7caefd8e // indirect v0.0.0-20201012173705-84dcc777aaee v0.0.0-20210510120138-977fb7262007 // indirect

View File

@ -22,11 +22,14 @@ v0.1.0 h1:45sCR5RtlFHMR4UwH9sdQ5TC8v0qDQCHnXt+kaKSTVE= v0.1.0/go.mod h1:4Jbv+DJW3UT/LiOwJeYQe1efqtUx/iVham/4vfdArNI= v0.0.0-20181016162300-f8f6d4d2b643 h1:hLDRPB66XQT/8+wG9WsDpiCvZf1yKO7sz7scAjSlBa0= v0.0.0-20181016162300-f8f6d4d2b643/go.mod h1:43+3pMjjKimDBf5Kr4ZFNGbLql1zKkbImw+fZbw3geM= v4.4.2 h1:eM10bFtI4UvibIsKr10/QT7Yfz+NADfjZYh0GKrXUNc= v4.4.2/go.mod h1:mF2UmIpBnzFeBdu/ypTDb/LdbS0nk0dfSN1WUsWTjMA= v0.0.0-20200227124842-a10e7caefd8e h1:fD57ERR4JtEqsWbfPhv4DMiApHyliiK5xCTNVSPiaAs= v0.0.0-20200227124842-a10e7caefd8e/go.mod h1:zD1mROLANZcx1PVRCS0qkT7pwLkGfwJo4zjcN/Tysno= v1.0.0 h1:4DBwDE0NGyQoBHbLQYPwSUPoCMWR5BEzIk/f1lZbAQM= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:iKH77koFhYxTK1pcRnkKkqfTogsbg7gZNVY4sRDYZ/4= v0.1.0/go.mod h1:HFkY916IF+rwdDfMAkV7OtwuqBVzrE8GR6GFx+wExME= v1.3.0/go.mod h1:M5WIy9Dh21IEIfnGCwXGc5bZfKNJtfHm1UVUgZn+9EI= v1.6.1 h1:hDPOHmpOpP40lSULcqw7IrRb/u7w6RpDC9399XyoNd0= v1.6.1/go.mod h1:6Fq8oRcR53rry900zMqJjRRixrwX3KX962/h/Wwjteg= v1.3.4 h1:hi1bXHMVrlQh6WwxAy+qZCV/SYIlqo+Ushwdpa4tAKg=

View File

@ -17,9 +17,15 @@ const (
// ProfileZone for attributes related to profile details like name and profile image
ProfileZone = Zone("profile")
// LegacyGroupZone for attributes related to legacy group experiment
LegacyGroupZone = Zone("legacygroup")
// FilesharingZone for attributes related to file sharing
FilesharingZone = Zone("filesharing")
// ServerKeyZone for attributes related to Server Keys
ServerKeyZone = Zone("serverkey")
// UnknownZone is a catch all useful for error handling
UnknownZone = Zone("unknown")
@ -44,8 +50,12 @@ func ParseZone(path string) (Zone, string) {
switch Zone(parts[0]) {
case ProfileZone:
return ProfileZone, parts[1]
case LegacyGroupZone:
return LegacyGroupZone, parts[1]
case FilesharingZone:
return FilesharingZone, parts[1]
case ServerKeyZone:
return ServerKeyZone, parts[1]
return UnknownZone, parts[1]

View File

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ package constants
// Name refers to a Profile Name
const Name = "name"
// Onion refers the Onion address of the profile
const Onion = "onion"
// Tag describes the type of a profile e.g. default password / encrypted etc.
const Tag = "tag"
@ -11,3 +14,38 @@ const ProfileTypeV1DefaultPassword = "v1-defaultPassword"
// ProfileTypeV1Password is a tag describing a profile encrypted derived from a user-provided password.
const ProfileTypeV1Password = "v1-userPassword"
// GroupID is the ID of a group
const GroupID = "groupid"
// GroupServer identifies the Server the legacy group is hosted on
const GroupServer = "groupserver"
// GroupKey is the name of the group key attribute...
const GroupKey = "groupkey"
// True - true
const True = "true"
// False - false
const False = "false"
// AttrAuthor - conversation attribute for author of the message - referenced by pub key rather than conversation id because of groups.
const AttrAuthor = "author"
// AttrAck - conversation attribute for acknowledgement status
const AttrAck = "ack"
// AttrErr - conversation attribute for errored status
const AttrErr = "error"
// AttrSentTimestamp - conversation attribute for the time the message was (nominally) sent
const AttrSentTimestamp = "sent"
// Legacy MessageFlags
// AttrRejected - conversation attribute for storing rejected prompts (for invites)
const AttrRejected = "rejected-invite"
// AttrDownloaded - conversation attribute for storing downloaded prompts (for file downloads)
const AttrDownloaded = "file-downloaded"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package constants
// ServerPrefix precedes a server import statement
const ServerPrefix = "server:"
// TofuBundlePrefix precedes a server and a group import statement
const TofuBundlePrefix = "tofubundle:"
// GroupPrefix precedes a group import statement
const GroupPrefix = "torv3"
// ImportBundlePrefix is an error api constant for import bundle error messages
const ImportBundlePrefix = "importBundle"

model/conversation.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
package model
import (
// AccessControl is a type determining client assigned authorization to a peer
type AccessControl struct {
Blocked bool // Any attempts from this handle to connect are blocked
Read bool // Allows a handle to access the conversation
Append bool // Allows a handle to append new messages to the conversation
// DefaultP2PAccessControl - because in the year 2021, go does not support constant structs...
func DefaultP2PAccessControl() AccessControl {
return AccessControl{Read: true, Append: true, Blocked: false}
// AccessControlList represents an access control list for a conversation. Mapping handles to conversation
// functions
type AccessControlList map[string]AccessControl
// Serialize transforms the ACL into json.
func (acl *AccessControlList) Serialize() []byte {
data, _ := json.Marshal(acl)
return data
// DeserializeAccessControlList takes in JSON and returns an AccessControlList
func DeserializeAccessControlList(data []byte) AccessControlList {
var acl AccessControlList
json.Unmarshal(data, &acl)
return acl
// Attributes a type-driven encapsulation of an Attribute map.
type Attributes map[string]string
// Serialize transforms an Attributes map into a JSON struct
func (a *Attributes) Serialize() []byte {
data, _ := json.Marshal(a)
return data
// DeserializeAttributes converts a JSON struct into an Attributes map
func DeserializeAttributes(data []byte) Attributes {
var attributes Attributes
json.Unmarshal(data, &attributes)
return attributes
// Conversation encapsulates high-level information about a conversation, including the
// handle, any set attributes, the access control list associated with the message tree and the
// accepted status of the conversation (whether the user has consented into the conversation).
type Conversation struct {
ID int
Handle string
Attributes Attributes
ACL AccessControlList
Accepted bool
// GetAttribute is a helper function that fetches a conversation attribute by scope, zone and key
func (ci *Conversation) GetAttribute(scope attr.Scope, zone attr.Zone, key string) (string, bool) {
if value, exists := ci.Attributes[scope.ConstructScopedZonedPath(zone.ConstructZonedPath(key)).ToString()]; exists {
sarah marked this conversation as resolved

this syntax is a little painful

this syntax is a little painful
return value, true
return "", false
// IsGroup is a helper attribute that identifies whether a conversation is a legacy group
func (ci *Conversation) IsGroup() bool {
if _, exists := ci.Attributes[attr.LocalScope.ConstructScopedZonedPath(attr.LegacyGroupZone.ConstructZonedPath(constants.GroupID)).ToString()]; exists {
return true
return false
sarah marked this conversation as resolved

....if true return true, else return false....

....if true return true, else return false....

I agree, but current linting in does not.

I agree, but current linting in does not.
// IsServer is a helper attribute that identifies whether a conversation is with a server
func (ci *Conversation) IsServer() bool {
if _, exists := ci.Attributes[attr.PublicScope.ConstructScopedZonedPath(attr.ServerKeyZone.ConstructZonedPath(string(BundleType))).ToString()]; exists {
return true
return false
sarah marked this conversation as resolved


// ConversationMessage bundles an instance of a conversation message row
type ConversationMessage struct {
ID int
Body string
Attr Attributes
Signature string
ContentHash string

View File

@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ import (
@ -13,13 +11,13 @@ import (
@ -33,25 +31,19 @@ const GroupInvitePrefix = "torv3"
// tied to a server under a given group key. Each group has a set of Messages.
type Group struct {
// GroupID is now derived from the GroupKey and the GroupServer
GroupID string
GroupKey [32]byte
GroupServer string
Timeline Timeline `json:"-"`
Accepted bool
IsCompromised bool
Attributes map[string]string
lock sync.Mutex
LocalID string
State string `json:"-"`
Version int
GroupID string
GroupName string
GroupKey [32]byte
GroupServer string
Attributes map[string]string //legacy to not use
Version int
Timeline Timeline `json:"-"`
LocalID string
// NewGroup initializes a new group associated with a given CwtchServer
func NewGroup(server string) (*Group, error) {
group := new(Group)
group.Version = CurrentGroupVersion
group.LocalID = GenerateRandomID()
group.Accepted = true // we are starting a group, so we assume we want to connect to it...
if !tor.IsValidHostname(server) {
return nil, errors.New("server is not a valid v3 onion")
@ -68,11 +60,6 @@ func NewGroup(server string) (*Group, error) {
// Derive Group ID from the group key and the server public key. This binds the group to a particular server
// and key.
group.GroupID = deriveGroupID(groupKey[:], server)
group.Attributes = make(map[string]string)
// By default we set the "name" of the group to a random string, we can override this later, but to simplify the
// codes around invite, we assume that this is always set.
group.Attributes[attr.GetLocalScope(constants.Name)] = group.GroupID
return group, nil
@ -89,17 +76,12 @@ func deriveGroupID(groupKey []byte, serverHostname string) string {
return hex.EncodeToString(pbkdf2.Key(groupKey, pubkey, 4096, 16, sha512.New))
// Compromised should be called if we detect a groupkey leak
func (g *Group) Compromised() {
g.IsCompromised = true
// Invite generates a invitation that can be sent to a cwtch peer
func (g *Group) Invite() (string, error) {
gci := &groups.GroupInvite{
GroupID: g.GroupID,
GroupName: g.Attributes[attr.GetLocalScope(constants.Name)],
GroupName: g.GroupName,
SharedKey: g.GroupKey[:],
ServerHost: g.GroupServer,
@ -109,75 +91,6 @@ func (g *Group) Invite() (string, error) {
return serializedInvite, err
// AddSentMessage takes a DecryptedGroupMessage and adds it to the Groups Timeline
func (g *Group) AddSentMessage(message *groups.DecryptedGroupMessage, sig []byte) Message {
defer g.lock.Unlock()
timelineMessage := Message{
Message: message.Text,
Timestamp: time.Unix(int64(message.Timestamp), 0),
Received: time.Unix(0, 0),
Signature: sig,
PeerID: message.Onion,
PreviousMessageSig: message.PreviousMessageSig,
ReceivedByServer: false,
return timelineMessage
// ErrorSentMessage removes a sent message from the unacknowledged list and sets its error flag if found, otherwise returns false
func (g *Group) ErrorSentMessage(sig []byte, error string) bool {
defer g.lock.Unlock()
return g.Timeline.SetSendError(sig, error)
// GetMessage returns the message at index `index` if it exists. Otherwise returns false.
// This routine also returns the length of the timeline
// If go has an optional type this would return Option<Message>...
func (g *Group) GetMessage(index int) (bool, Message, int) {
defer g.lock.Unlock()
length := len(g.Timeline.Messages)
if length > index {
return true, g.Timeline.Messages[index], length
return false, Message{}, length
// AddMessage takes a DecryptedGroupMessage and adds it to the Groups Timeline
func (g *Group) AddMessage(message *groups.DecryptedGroupMessage, sig []byte) (*Message, int) {
defer g.lock.Unlock()
timelineMessage := &Message{
Message: message.Text,
Timestamp: time.Unix(int64(message.Timestamp), 0),
Received: time.Now(),
Signature: sig,
PeerID: message.Onion,
PreviousMessageSig: message.PreviousMessageSig,
ReceivedByServer: true,
Error: "",
Acknowledged: true,
index := g.Timeline.Insert(timelineMessage)
return timelineMessage, index
// GetTimeline provides a safe copy of the timeline
func (g *Group) GetTimeline() (timeline []Message) {
defer g.lock.Unlock()
return g.Timeline.GetMessages()
//EncryptMessage takes a message and encrypts the message under the group key.
func (g *Group) EncryptMessage(message *groups.DecryptedGroupMessage) ([]byte, error) {
var nonce [24]byte
@ -211,21 +124,6 @@ func (g *Group) DecryptMessage(ciphertext []byte) (bool, *groups.DecryptedGroupM
return false, nil
// SetAttribute allows applications to store arbitrary configuration info at the group level.
func (g *Group) SetAttribute(name string, value string) {
defer g.lock.Unlock()
g.Attributes[name] = value
// GetAttribute returns the value of a value set with SetAttribute. If no such value has been set exists is set to false.
func (g *Group) GetAttribute(name string) (value string, exists bool) {
defer g.lock.Unlock()
value, exists = g.Attributes[name]
// ValidateInvite takes in a serialized invite and returns the invite structure if it is cryptographically valid
// and an error if it is not
func ValidateInvite(invite string) (*groups.GroupInvite, error) {
@ -263,3 +161,115 @@ func ValidateInvite(invite string) (*groups.GroupInvite, error) {
return nil, errors.New("invite has invalid structure")
// AttemptDecryption takes a ciphertext and signature and attempts to decrypt it under known groups.
// If successful, adds the message to the group's timeline
func (g *Group) AttemptDecryption(ciphertext []byte, signature []byte) (bool, *groups.DecryptedGroupMessage) {
success, dgm := g.DecryptMessage(ciphertext)
if success {
// Attempt to serialize this message
serialized, err := json.Marshal(dgm)
// Someone send a message that isn't a valid Decrypted Group Message. Since we require this struct in orer
// to verify the message, we simply ignore it.
if err != nil {
return false, nil
// This now requires knowledge of the Sender, the Onion and the Specific Decrypted Group Message (which should only
// be derivable from the cryptographic key) which contains many unique elements such as the time and random padding
verified := g.VerifyGroupMessage(dgm.Onion, g.GroupID, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(serialized), signature)
if !verified {
// An earlier version of this protocol mistakenly signed the ciphertext of the message
// instead of the serialized decrypted group message.
// This has 2 issues:
// 1. A server with knowledge of group members public keys AND the Group ID would be able to detect valid messages
// 2. It made the metadata-security of a group dependent on keeping the cryptographically derived Group ID secret.
// While not awful, it also isn't good. For Version 3 groups only we permit Cwtch to check this older signature
// structure in a backwards compatible way for the duration of the Groups Experiment.
// TODO: Delete this check when Groups are no long Experimental
if g.Version == 3 {
verified = g.VerifyGroupMessage(dgm.Onion, g.GroupID, string(ciphertext), signature)
// So we have a message that has a valid group key, but the signature can't be verified.
// The most obvious explanation for this is that the group key has been compromised (or we are in an open group and the server is being malicious)
// Either way, someone who has the private key is being detectably bad so we are just going to throw this message away and mark the group as Compromised.
if !verified {
return false, nil
return true, dgm
// If we couldn't find a group to decrypt the message with we just return false. This is an expected case
return false, nil
// VerifyGroupMessage confirms the authenticity of a message given an sender onion, message and signature.
// The goal of this function is 2-fold:
// 1. We confirm that the sender referenced in the group text is the actual sender of the message (or at least
// knows the senders private key)
// 2. Secondly, we confirm that the sender sent the message to a particular group id on a specific server (it doesn't
// matter if we actually received this message from the server or from a hybrid protocol, all that matters is
// that the sender and receivers agree that this message was intended for the group
// The 2nd point is important as it prevents an attack documented in the original Cwtch paper (and later at
// in which a malicious profile sets up 2 groups
// on two different servers with the same key and then forwards messages between them to convince the parties in
// each group that they are actually in one big group (with the intent to later censor and/or selectively send messages
// to each group).
func (g *Group) VerifyGroupMessage(onion string, groupID string, message string, signature []byte) bool {
// We use our group id, a known reference server and the ciphertext of the message.
m := groupID + g.GroupServer + message
// Otherwise we derive the public key from the sender and check it against that.
decodedPub, err := base32.StdEncoding.DecodeString(strings.ToUpper(onion))
if err == nil && len(decodedPub) >= 32 {
return ed25519.Verify(decodedPub[:32], []byte(m), signature)
return false
// EncryptMessageToGroup when given a message and a group, encrypts and signs the message under the group and
// profile
func EncryptMessageToGroup(message string, author primitives.Identity, group *Group) ([]byte, []byte, *groups.DecryptedGroupMessage, error) {
if len(message) > MaxGroupMessageLength {
return nil, nil, nil, errors.New("group message is too long")
timestamp := time.Now().Unix()
// Select the latest message from the timeline as a reference point.
var prevSig []byte
if len(group.Timeline.Messages) > 0 {
prevSig = group.Timeline.Messages[len(group.Timeline.Messages)-1].Signature
} else {
prevSig = []byte(group.GroupID)
lenPadding := MaxGroupMessageLength - len(message)
padding := make([]byte, lenPadding)
hexGroupID, err := hex.DecodeString(group.GroupID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
dm := &groups.DecryptedGroupMessage{
Onion: author.Hostname(),
Text: message,
SignedGroupID: hexGroupID,
Timestamp: uint64(timestamp),
PreviousMessageSig: prevSig,
Padding: padding[:],
ciphertext, err := group.EncryptMessage(dm)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
serialized, _ := json.Marshal(dm)
signature := author.Sign([]byte(group.GroupID + group.GroupServer + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(serialized)))
return ciphertext, signature, dm, nil

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (
@ -42,11 +41,7 @@ func TestGroup(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("group encryption was invalid, or returned wrong message decrypted:%v message:%v", ok, message)
g.SetAttribute("test", "test_value")
value, exists := g.GetAttribute("test")
if !exists || value != "test_value" {
t.Errorf("Custom Attribute Should have been set, instead %v %v", exists, value)
t.Logf("Got message %v", message)
@ -61,17 +56,12 @@ func TestGroupErr(t *testing.T) {
func TestGroupValidation(t *testing.T) {
group := &Group{
GroupID: "",
GroupKey: [32]byte{},
GroupServer: "",
Timeline: Timeline{},
Accepted: false,
IsCompromised: false,
Attributes: nil,
lock: sync.Mutex{},
LocalID: "",
State: "",
Version: 0,
GroupID: "",
GroupKey: [32]byte{},
GroupServer: "",
Timeline: Timeline{},
LocalID: "",
Version: 0,
invite, _ := group.Invite()

View File

@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
package model
import (
func TestMessagePadding(t *testing.T) {
// Setup the Group
sarah := GenerateNewProfile("Sarah")
alice := GenerateNewProfile("Alice")
sarah.AddContact(alice.Onion, &alice.PublicProfile)
alice.AddContact(sarah.Onion, &sarah.PublicProfile)
gid, invite, _ := alice.StartGroup("2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd")
group := alice.GetGroup(gid)
c1, s1, err := sarah.EncryptMessageToGroup("Hello World 1", group.GroupID)
t.Logf("Length of Encrypted Message: %v %v", len(c1), err)
alice.AttemptDecryption(c1, s1)
c2, s2, _ := alice.EncryptMessageToGroup("Hello World 2", group.GroupID)
t.Logf("Length of Encrypted Message: %v", len(c2))
alice.AttemptDecryption(c2, s2)
c3, s3, _ := alice.EncryptMessageToGroup("Hello World 3", group.GroupID)
t.Logf("Length of Encrypted Message: %v", len(c3))
alice.AttemptDecryption(c3, s3)
c4, s4, _ := alice.EncryptMessageToGroup("Hello World this is a much longer message 3", group.GroupID)
t.Logf("Length of Encrypted Message: %v", len(c4))
alice.AttemptDecryption(c4, s4)
func TestTranscriptConsistency(t *testing.T) {
timeline := new(Timeline)
// Setup the Group
sarah := GenerateNewProfile("Sarah")
alice := GenerateNewProfile("Alice")
sarah.AddContact(alice.Onion, &alice.PublicProfile)
alice.AddContact(sarah.Onion, &sarah.PublicProfile)
// The lightest weight server entry possible (usually we would import a key bundle...)
sarah.AddContact("2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd", &PublicProfile{Attributes: map[string]string{string(KeyTypeServerOnion): "2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd"}})
gid, invite, _ := alice.StartGroup("2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd")
group := alice.GetGroup(gid)
t.Logf("group: %v, sarah %v", group, sarah)
c1, s1, _ := alice.EncryptMessageToGroup("Hello World 1", group.GroupID)
t.Logf("Length of Encrypted Message: %v", len(c1))
alice.AttemptDecryption(c1, s1)
c2, s2, _ := alice.EncryptMessageToGroup("Hello World 2", group.GroupID)
t.Logf("Length of Encrypted Message: %v", len(c2))
alice.AttemptDecryption(c2, s2)
c3, s3, _ := alice.EncryptMessageToGroup("Hello World 3", group.GroupID)
t.Logf("Length of Encrypted Message: %v", len(c3))
alice.AttemptDecryption(c3, s3)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
c4, s4, _ := alice.EncryptMessageToGroup("Hello World 4", group.GroupID)
t.Logf("Length of Encrypted Message: %v", len(c4))
alice.AttemptDecryption(c4, s4)
c5, s5, _ := alice.EncryptMessageToGroup("Hello World 5", group.GroupID)
t.Logf("Length of Encrypted Message: %v", len(c5))
_, _, m1, _ := sarah.AttemptDecryption(c1, s1)
sarah.AttemptDecryption(c1, s1) // Try a duplicate
_, _, m2, _ := sarah.AttemptDecryption(c2, s2)
_, _, m3, _ := sarah.AttemptDecryption(c3, s3)
_, _, m4, _ := sarah.AttemptDecryption(c4, s4)
_, _, m5, _ := sarah.AttemptDecryption(c5, s5)
// Now we simulate a client receiving these Messages completely out of order
for i, m := range group.GetTimeline() {
if m.Message != "Hello World "+strconv.Itoa(i+1) {
t.Fatalf("Timeline Out of Order!: %v %v", i, m)
t.Logf("Messages %v: %v %x %x", i, m.Message, m.Signature, m.PreviousMessageSig)
// Test message by hash lookup...
hash := timeline.calculateHash(*m5)
t.Logf("Looking up %v ", hash)
for key, msgs := range timeline.hashCache {
t.Logf("%v %v", key, msgs)
// check a real message..
msgs, err := timeline.GetMessagesByHash(hash)
if err != nil || len(msgs) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("looking up message by hash %v should have not errored: %v", hash, err)
} else if msgs[0].Message.Message != m5.Message {
t.Fatalf("%v != %v", msgs[0].Message, m5.Message)
// Check a non existed hash... error if there is no error
_, err = timeline.GetMessagesByHash("not a real hash")
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("looking up message by hash %v should have errored: %v", hash, err)

model/message_utils.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package model
import (
// CalculateContentHash derives a hash using the author and the message body. It is intended to be
// globally referencable in the context of a single conversation
func CalculateContentHash(author string, messageBody string) string {
content := []byte(author + messageBody)
contentBasedHash := sha256.Sum256(content)
return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(contentBasedHash[:])
sarah marked this conversation as resolved

add timestamp or something? otherwise this generates lotsa duplicates

add timestamp or something? otherwise this generates lotsa duplicates

we cannot as content hash must be the same for all members of a conversation.

we cannot as content hash must be the same for all members of a conversation.

View File

@ -2,25 +2,16 @@ package model
import (
// Authorization is a type determining client assigned authorization to a peer
// Deprecated - Only used for Importing legacy profile formats
// Still used in some APIs in UI but will be replaced prior to full deprecation
type Authorization string
const (
@ -33,6 +24,7 @@ const (
// PublicProfile is a local copy of a CwtchIdentity
// Deprecated - Only used for Importing legacy profile formats
type PublicProfile struct {
Name string
Ed25519PublicKey ed25519.PublicKey
@ -48,6 +40,7 @@ type PublicProfile struct {
// Profile encapsulates all the attributes necessary to be a Cwtch Peer.
// Deprecated - Only used for Importing legacy profile formats
type Profile struct {
Contacts map[string]*PublicProfile
@ -59,418 +52,6 @@ type Profile struct {
// TODO: Should this be per server?
const MaxGroupMessageLength = 1800
// GenerateRandomID generates a random 16 byte hex id code
func GenerateRandomID() string {
randBytes := make([]byte, 16)
return filepath.Join(hex.EncodeToString(randBytes))
func (p *PublicProfile) init() {
if p.Attributes == nil {
p.Attributes = make(map[string]string)
p.UnacknowledgedMessages = make(map[string]int)
p.LocalID = GenerateRandomID()
// SetAttribute allows applications to store arbitrary configuration info at the profile level.
func (p *PublicProfile) SetAttribute(name string, value string) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
p.Attributes[name] = value
// IsServer returns true if the profile is associated with a server.
func (p *PublicProfile) IsServer() (isServer bool) {
_, isServer = p.GetAttribute(string(KeyTypeServerOnion))
// GetAttribute returns the value of a value set with SetCustomAttribute. If no such value has been set exists is set to false.
func (p *PublicProfile) GetAttribute(name string) (value string, exists bool) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
value, exists = p.Attributes[name]
// GenerateNewProfile creates a new profile, with new encryption and signing keys, and a profile name.
func GenerateNewProfile(name string) *Profile {
p := new(Profile)
p.Name = name
pub, priv, _ := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
p.Ed25519PublicKey = pub
p.Ed25519PrivateKey = priv
p.Onion = tor.GetTorV3Hostname(pub)
p.Contacts = make(map[string]*PublicProfile)
p.Contacts[p.Onion] = &p.PublicProfile
p.Groups = make(map[string]*Group)
return p
// AddContact allows direct manipulation of cwtch contacts
func (p *Profile) AddContact(onion string, profile *PublicProfile) {
// We expect callers to verify addresses before we get to this point, so if this isn't a
// valid address this is a noop.
if tor.IsValidHostname(onion) {
decodedPub, err := base32.StdEncoding.DecodeString(strings.ToUpper(onion[:56]))
if err == nil {
profile.Ed25519PublicKey = ed25519.PublicKey(decodedPub[:32])
p.Contacts[onion] = profile
// UpdateMessageFlags updates the flags stored with a message
func (p *Profile) UpdateMessageFlags(handle string, mIdx int, flags uint64) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
if contact, exists := p.Contacts[handle]; exists {
if len(contact.Timeline.Messages) > mIdx {
contact.Timeline.Messages[mIdx].Flags = flags
} else if group, exists := p.Groups[handle]; exists {
if len(group.Timeline.Messages) > mIdx {
group.Timeline.Messages[mIdx].Flags = flags
// DeleteContact deletes a peer contact
func (p *Profile) DeleteContact(onion string) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
delete(p.Contacts, onion)
// DeleteGroup deletes a group
func (p *Profile) DeleteGroup(groupID string) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
delete(p.Groups, groupID)
// RejectInvite rejects and removes a group invite
func (p *Profile) RejectInvite(groupID string) {
delete(p.Groups, groupID)
// AddSentMessageToContactTimeline allows the saving of a message sent via a direct connection chat to the profile.
func (p *Profile) AddSentMessageToContactTimeline(onion string, messageTxt string, sent time.Time, eventID string) *Message {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
contact, ok := p.Contacts[onion]
if ok {
now := time.Now()
sig := p.SignMessage(onion + messageTxt + sent.String() + now.String())
message := &Message{PeerID: p.Onion, Message: messageTxt, Timestamp: sent, Received: now, Signature: sig, Acknowledged: false}
if contact.UnacknowledgedMessages == nil {
contact.UnacknowledgedMessages = make(map[string]int)
contact.UnacknowledgedMessages[eventID] = contact.Timeline.Len() - 1
return message
return nil
// AddMessageToContactTimeline allows the saving of a message sent via a direct connection chat to the profile.
func (p *Profile) AddMessageToContactTimeline(onion string, messageTxt string, sent time.Time) (message *Message) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
contact, ok := p.Contacts[onion]
// We don't really need a Signature here, but we use it to maintain order
now := time.Now()
sig := p.SignMessage(onion + messageTxt + sent.String() + now.String())
if ok {
message = &Message{PeerID: onion, Message: messageTxt, Timestamp: sent, Received: now, Signature: sig, Acknowledged: true}
// ErrorSentMessageToPeer sets a sent message's error message and removes it from the unacknowledged list
func (p *Profile) ErrorSentMessageToPeer(onion string, eventID string, error string) int {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
contact, ok := p.Contacts[onion]
if ok {
mIdx, ok := contact.UnacknowledgedMessages[eventID]
if ok {
contact.Timeline.Messages[mIdx].Error = error
delete(contact.UnacknowledgedMessages, eventID)
return mIdx
return -1
// AckSentMessageToPeer sets mesage to a peer as acknowledged
func (p *Profile) AckSentMessageToPeer(onion string, eventID string) int {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
contact, ok := p.Contacts[onion]
if ok {
mIdx, ok := contact.UnacknowledgedMessages[eventID]
if ok {
contact.Timeline.Messages[mIdx].Acknowledged = true
delete(contact.UnacknowledgedMessages, eventID)
return mIdx
return -1
// AddGroupSentMessageError searches matching groups for the message by sig and marks it as an error
func (p *Profile) AddGroupSentMessageError(groupID string, signature []byte, error string) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
group, exists := p.Groups[groupID]
if exists {
group.ErrorSentMessage(signature, error)
// AcceptInvite accepts a group invite
func (p *Profile) AcceptInvite(groupID string) (err error) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
group, ok := p.Groups[groupID]
if ok {
group.Accepted = true
} else {
err = errors.New("group does not exist")
// GetGroups returns an unordered list of group IDs associated with this profile.
func (p *Profile) GetGroups() []string {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
var keys []string
for onion := range p.Groups {
keys = append(keys, onion)
return keys
// GetContacts returns an unordered list of contact onions associated with this profile.
func (p *Profile) GetContacts() []string {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
var keys []string
for onion := range p.Contacts {
if onion != p.Onion {
keys = append(keys, onion)
return keys
// SetContactAuthorization sets the authoirization level of a peer
func (p *Profile) SetContactAuthorization(onion string, auth Authorization) (err error) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
contact, ok := p.Contacts[onion]
if ok {
contact.Authorization = auth
} else {
err = errors.New("peer does not exist")
// GetContactAuthorization returns the contact's authorization level
func (p *Profile) GetContactAuthorization(onion string) Authorization {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
contact, ok := p.Contacts[onion]
if ok {
return contact.Authorization
return AuthUnknown
// ContactsAuthorizations calculates a list of Peers who are at the supplied auth levels
func (p *Profile) ContactsAuthorizations(authorizationFilter ...Authorization) map[string]Authorization {
authorizations := map[string]Authorization{}
for _, contact := range p.GetContacts() {
c, _ := p.GetContact(contact)
authorizations[c.Onion] = c.Authorization
return authorizations
// GetContact returns a contact if the profile has it
func (p *Profile) GetContact(onion string) (*PublicProfile, bool) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
contact, ok := p.Contacts[onion]
return contact, ok
// VerifyGroupMessage confirms the authenticity of a message given an sender onion, message and signature.
// The goal of this function is 2-fold:
// 1. We confirm that the sender referenced in the group text is the actual sender of the message (or at least
// knows the senders private key)
// 2. Secondly, we confirm that the sender sent the message to a particular group id on a specific server (it doesn't
// matter if we actually received this message from the server or from a hybrid protocol, all that matters is
// that the sender and receivers agree that this message was intended for the group
// The 2nd point is important as it prevents an attack documented in the original Cwtch paper (and later at
// in which a malicious profile sets up 2 groups
// on two different servers with the same key and then forwards messages between them to convince the parties in
// each group that they are actually in one big group (with the intent to later censor and/or selectively send messages
// to each group).
func (p *Profile) VerifyGroupMessage(onion string, groupID string, message string, signature []byte) bool {
group := p.GetGroup(groupID)
if group == nil {
return false
// We use our group id, a known reference server and the ciphertext of the message.
m := groupID + group.GroupServer + message
// If the message is ostensibly from us then we check it against our public key...
if onion == p.Onion {
return ed25519.Verify(p.Ed25519PublicKey, []byte(m), signature)
// Otherwise we derive the public key from the sender and check it against that.
decodedPub, err := base32.StdEncoding.DecodeString(strings.ToUpper(onion))
if err == nil && len(decodedPub) >= 32 {
return ed25519.Verify(decodedPub[:32], []byte(m), signature)
return false
// SignMessage takes a given message and returns an Ed21159 signature
func (p *Profile) SignMessage(message string) []byte {
sig := ed25519.Sign(p.Ed25519PrivateKey, []byte(message))
return sig
// StartGroup when given a server, creates a new Group under this profile and returns the group id an a precomputed
// invite which can be sent on the wire.
func (p *Profile) StartGroup(server string) (groupID string, invite string, err error) {
group, err := NewGroup(server)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
groupID = group.GroupID
invite, err = group.Invite()
defer p.lock.Unlock()
p.Groups[group.GroupID] = group
// GetGroup a pointer to a Group by the group Id, returns nil if no group found.
func (p *Profile) GetGroup(groupID string) (g *Group) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
g = p.Groups[groupID]
// ProcessInvite validates a group invite and adds a new group invite to the profile if it is valid.
// returns the new group ID on success, error on fail.
func (p *Profile) ProcessInvite(invite string) (string, error) {
gci, err := ValidateInvite(invite)
if err == nil {
if server, exists := p.GetContact(gci.ServerHost); !exists || !server.IsServer() {
return "", fmt.Errorf("unknown server. a server key bundle needs to be imported before this group can be verified")
group := new(Group)
group.Version = CurrentGroupVersion
group.GroupID = gci.GroupID
group.LocalID = GenerateRandomID()
copy(group.GroupKey[:], gci.SharedKey[:])
group.GroupServer = gci.ServerHost
group.Accepted = false
group.Attributes = make(map[string]string)
group.Attributes[attr.GetLocalScope(constants.Name)] = gci.GroupName
return gci.GroupID, nil
return "", err
// AddGroup is a convenience method for adding a group to a profile.
func (p *Profile) AddGroup(group *Group) {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
_, exists := p.Groups[group.GroupID]
if !exists {
p.Groups[group.GroupID] = group
// AttemptDecryption takes a ciphertext and signature and attempts to decrypt it under known groups.
// If successful, adds the message to the group's timeline
func (p *Profile) AttemptDecryption(ciphertext []byte, signature []byte) (bool, string, *Message, int) {
for _, group := range p.Groups {
success, dgm := group.DecryptMessage(ciphertext)
if success {
// Attempt to serialize this message
serialized, err := json.Marshal(dgm)
// Someone send a message that isn't a valid Decrypted Group Message. Since we require this struct in orer
// to verify the message, we simply ignore it.
if err != nil {
return false, group.GroupID, nil, -1
// This now requires knowledge of the Sender, the Onion and the Specific Decrypted Group Message (which should only
// be derivable from the cryptographic key) which contains many unique elements such as the time and random padding
verified := p.VerifyGroupMessage(dgm.Onion, group.GroupID, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(serialized), signature)
if !verified {
// An earlier version of this protocol mistakenly signed the ciphertext of the message
// instead of the serialized decrypted group message.
// This has 2 issues:
// 1. A server with knowledge of group members public keys AND the Group ID would be able to detect valid messages
// 2. It made the metadata-security of a group dependent on keeping the cryptographically derived Group ID secret.
// While not awful, it also isn't good. For Version 3 groups only we permit Cwtch to check this older signature
// structure in a backwards compatible way for the duration of the Groups Experiment.
// TODO: Delete this check when Groups are no long Experimental
if group.Version == 3 {
verified = p.VerifyGroupMessage(dgm.Onion, group.GroupID, string(ciphertext), signature)
// So we have a message that has a valid group key, but the signature can't be verified.
// The most obvious explanation for this is that the group key has been compromised (or we are in an open group and the server is being malicious)
// Either way, someone who has the private key is being detectably bad so we are just going to throw this message away and mark the group as Compromised.
if !verified {
return false, group.GroupID, nil, -1
message, index := group.AddMessage(dgm, signature)
return true, group.GroupID, message, index
// If we couldn't find a group to decrypt the message with we just return false. This is an expected case
return false, "", nil, -1
func getRandomness(arr *[]byte) {
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, (*arr)[:]); err != nil {
if err != nil {
@ -481,53 +62,11 @@ func getRandomness(arr *[]byte) {
// EncryptMessageToGroup when given a message and a group, encrypts and signs the message under the group and
// profile
func (p *Profile) EncryptMessageToGroup(message string, groupID string) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
if len(message) > MaxGroupMessageLength {
return nil, nil, errors.New("group message is too long")
group := p.GetGroup(groupID)
if group != nil {
timestamp := time.Now().Unix()
// Select the latest message from the timeline as a reference point.
var prevSig []byte
if len(group.Timeline.Messages) > 0 {
prevSig = group.Timeline.Messages[len(group.Timeline.Messages)-1].Signature
} else {
prevSig = []byte(group.GroupID)
lenPadding := MaxGroupMessageLength - len(message)
padding := make([]byte, lenPadding)
hexGroupID, err := hex.DecodeString(group.GroupID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
dm := &groups.DecryptedGroupMessage{
Onion: p.Onion,
Text: message,
SignedGroupID: hexGroupID,
Timestamp: uint64(timestamp),
PreviousMessageSig: prevSig,
Padding: padding[:],
ciphertext, err := group.EncryptMessage(dm)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
serialized, _ := json.Marshal(dm)
signature := p.SignMessage(groupID + group.GroupServer + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(serialized))
group.AddSentMessage(dm, signature)
return ciphertext, signature, nil
return nil, nil, errors.New("group does not exist")
// GenerateRandomID generates a random 16 byte hex id code
func GenerateRandomID() string {
randBytes := make([]byte, 16)
dan marked this conversation as resolved

dup? it's also in app

dup? it's also in app

GenerateRandomID is still dupped in model/profile and app/app

GenerateRandomID is still dupped in model/profile and app/app
return hex.EncodeToString(randBytes)
// GetCopy returns a full deep copy of the Profile struct and its members (timeline inclusion control by arg)

View File

@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
package model
import (
func TestProfileIdentity(t *testing.T) {
sarah := GenerateNewProfile("Sarah")
alice := GenerateNewProfile("Alice")
alice.AddContact(sarah.Onion, &sarah.PublicProfile)
if alice.Contacts[sarah.Onion].Name != "Sarah" {
t.Errorf("alice should have added sarah as a contact %v", alice.Contacts)
if len(alice.GetContacts()) != 1 {
t.Errorf("alice should be only contact: %v", alice.GetContacts())
alice.SetAttribute("test", "hello world")
value, _ := alice.GetAttribute("test")
if value != "hello world" {
t.Errorf("value from custom attribute should have been 'hello world', instead was: %v", value)
t.Logf("%v", alice)
func TestTrustPeer(t *testing.T) {
sarah := GenerateNewProfile("Sarah")
alice := GenerateNewProfile("Alice")
sarah.AddContact(alice.Onion, &alice.PublicProfile)
alice.AddContact(sarah.Onion, &sarah.PublicProfile)
alice.SetContactAuthorization(sarah.Onion, AuthApproved)
if alice.GetContactAuthorization(sarah.Onion) != AuthApproved {
t.Errorf("peer should be approved")
func TestBlockPeer(t *testing.T) {
sarah := GenerateNewProfile("Sarah")
alice := GenerateNewProfile("Alice")
sarah.AddContact(alice.Onion, &alice.PublicProfile)
alice.AddContact(sarah.Onion, &sarah.PublicProfile)
alice.SetContactAuthorization(sarah.Onion, AuthBlocked)
if alice.GetContactAuthorization(sarah.Onion) != AuthBlocked {
t.Errorf("peer should be blocked")
if alice.SetContactAuthorization("", AuthUnknown) == nil {
t.Errorf("Seting Auth level of a non existent peer should error")
func TestAcceptNonExistentGroup(t *testing.T) {
sarah := GenerateNewProfile("Sarah")
func TestRejectGroupInvite(t *testing.T) {
sarah := GenerateNewProfile("Sarah")
alice := GenerateNewProfile("Alice")
sarah.AddContact(alice.Onion, &alice.PublicProfile)
alice.AddContact(sarah.Onion, &sarah.PublicProfile)
// The lightest weight server entry possible (usually we would import a key bundle...)
sarah.AddContact("2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd", &PublicProfile{Attributes: map[string]string{string(KeyTypeServerOnion): "2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd"}})
gid, invite, _ := alice.StartGroup("2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd")
group := alice.GetGroup(gid)
if len(sarah.Groups) == 1 {
if sarah.GetGroup(group.GroupID).Accepted {
t.Errorf("Group should not be accepted")
if len(sarah.Groups) != 0 {
t.Errorf("Group %v should have been deleted", group.GroupID)
t.Errorf("Group should exist in map")
func TestProfileGroup(t *testing.T) {
sarah := GenerateNewProfile("Sarah")
alice := GenerateNewProfile("Alice")
sarah.AddContact(alice.Onion, &alice.PublicProfile)
alice.AddContact(sarah.Onion, &sarah.PublicProfile)
gid, invite, _ := alice.StartGroup("2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd")
// The lightest weight server entry possible (usually we would import a key bundle...)
sarah.AddContact("2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd", &PublicProfile{Attributes: map[string]string{string(KeyTypeServerOnion): "2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd"}})
if len(sarah.GetGroups()) != 1 {
t.Errorf("sarah should only be in 1 group instead: %v", sarah.GetGroups())
group := alice.GetGroup(gid)
c, s1, _ := sarah.EncryptMessageToGroup("Hello World", group.GroupID)
alice.AttemptDecryption(c, s1)
gid2, invite2, _ := alice.StartGroup("2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd")
group2 := alice.GetGroup(gid2)
c2, s2, _ := sarah.EncryptMessageToGroup("Hello World", group2.GroupID)
alice.AttemptDecryption(c2, s2)
_, _, err := sarah.EncryptMessageToGroup(string(make([]byte, MaxGroupMessageLength*2)), group2.GroupID)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Overly long message should have returned an error")
bob := GenerateNewProfile("bob")
bob.AddContact(alice.Onion, &alice.PublicProfile)
// The lightest weight server entry possible (usually we would import a key bundle...)
bob.AddContact("2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd", &PublicProfile{Attributes: map[string]string{string(KeyTypeServerOnion): "2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd"}})
c3, s3, err := bob.EncryptMessageToGroup("Bobs Message", group2.GroupID)
if err == nil {
ok, _, message, _ := alice.AttemptDecryption(c3, s3)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("Bobs message to the group should be decrypted %v %v", message, ok)
eve := GenerateNewProfile("eve")
ok, _, _, _ = eve.AttemptDecryption(c3, s3)
if ok {
t.Errorf("Eves hould not be able to decrypt Messages!")
} else {
t.Errorf("Bob failed to encrypt a message to the group")

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

peer/cwtchprofilestorage.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
package peer
import (
// StorageKeyType is an interface wrapper around storage key types
type StorageKeyType string
const (
// TypeAttribute for Profile Scoped and Zoned Attributes
TypeAttribute = StorageKeyType("Attribute")
// TypePrivateKey for Profile Private Keys
TypePrivateKey = StorageKeyType("PrivateKey")
// TypePublicKey for Profile Public Keys
TypePublicKey = StorageKeyType("PublicKey")
// CwtchProfileStorage encapsulates common datastore requests so as to not pollute the main cwtch profile
// struct with database knowledge
type CwtchProfileStorage struct {
// Note: Statements are thread safe..
// Profile related statements
insertProfileKeyValueStmt *sql.Stmt
selectProfileKeyValueStmt *sql.Stmt
// Conversation related statements
insertConversationStmt *sql.Stmt
fetchAllConversationsStmt *sql.Stmt
selectConversationStmt *sql.Stmt
selectConversationByHandleStmt *sql.Stmt
acceptConversationStmt *sql.Stmt
deleteConversationStmt *sql.Stmt
setConversationAttributesStmt *sql.Stmt
setConversationACLStmt *sql.Stmt
channelInsertStmts map[ChannelID]*sql.Stmt
channelUpdateMessageStmts map[ChannelID]*sql.Stmt
channelGetMessageStmts map[ChannelID]*sql.Stmt
channelGetMessageBySignatureStmts map[ChannelID]*sql.Stmt
channelGetCountStmts map[ChannelID]*sql.Stmt
channelGetMostRecentMessagesStmts map[ChannelID]*sql.Stmt
sarah marked this conversation as resolved

statements are threadsafe but these maps are not

statements are threadsafe but these maps are not
channelGetMessageByContentHashStmts map[ChannelID]*sql.Stmt
channelRowNumberStmts map[ChannelID]*sql.Stmt
ProfileDirectory string
db *sql.DB
// ChannelID encapsulates the data necessary to reference a channel structure.
type ChannelID struct {
Conversation int
Channel int
const insertProfileKeySQLStmt = `insert or replace into profile_kv(KeyType, KeyName, KeyValue) values(?,?,?);`
const selectProfileKeySQLStmt = `select KeyValue from profile_kv where KeyType=(?) and KeyName=(?);`
const insertConversationSQLStmt = `insert into conversations(Handle, Attributes, ACL, Accepted) values(?,?,?,?);`
const fetchAllConversationsSQLStmt = `select ID, Handle, Attributes, ACL, Accepted from conversations;`
const selectConversationSQLStmt = `select ID, Handle, Attributes, ACL, Accepted from conversations where ID=(?);`
const selectConversationByHandleSQLStmt = `select ID, Handle, Attributes, ACL, Accepted from conversations where Handle=(?);`
const acceptConversationSQLStmt = `update conversations set Accepted=true where ID=(?);`
const setConversationAttributesSQLStmt = `update conversations set Attributes=(?) where ID=(?) ;`
const setConversationACLSQLStmt = `update conversations set ACL=(?) where ID=(?) ;`
const deleteConversationSQLStmt = `delete from conversations where ID=(?);`
// createTableConversationMessagesSQLStmt is a template for creating conversation based tables...
const createTableConversationMessagesSQLStmt = `create table if not exists channel_%d_0_chat (ID integer unique primary key autoincrement, Body text, Attributes []byte, Expiry datetime, Signature text unique, ContentHash blob text);`
// insertMessageIntoConversationSQLStmt is a template for creating conversation based tables...
const insertMessageIntoConversationSQLStmt = `insert into channel_%d_%d_chat (Body, Attributes, Signature, ContentHash) values(?,?,?,?);`
// updateMessageIntoConversationSQLStmt is a template for updating attributes of a message in a conversation
const updateMessageIntoConversationSQLStmt = `update channel_%d_%d_chat set Attributes=(?) where ID=(?);`
// purgeMessagesFromConversationSQLStmt is a template for updating attributes of a message in a conversation
const purgeMessagesFromConversationSQLStmt = `delete from channel_%d_%d_chat;`
// getMessageFromConversationSQLStmt is a template for fetching a message by ID from a conversation
const getMessageFromConversationSQLStmt = `select Body, Attributes from channel_%d_%d_chat where ID=(?);`
// getMessageBySignatureFromConversationSQLStmt is a template for selecting conversation messages by signature
const getMessageBySignatureFromConversationSQLStmt = `select ID from channel_%d_%d_chat where Signature=(?);`
// getMessageByContentHashFromConversationSQLStmt is a template for selecting conversation messages by content hash
const getMessageByContentHashFromConversationSQLStmt = `select ID from channel_%d_%d_chat where ContentHash=(?) order by ID desc limit 1;`
// getLocalIndexOfMessageIDSQLStmt is a template for fetching the offset of a message from the bottom of the database.
const getLocalIndexOfMessageIDSQLStmt = `select count (*) from channel_%d_%d_chat where ID >= (?) order by ID desc;`
// getMessageCountFromConversationSQLStmt is a template for fetching the count of a messages in a conversation channel
const getMessageCountFromConversationSQLStmt = `select count(*) from channel_%d_%d_chat;`
// getMostRecentMessagesSQLStmt is a template for fetching the most recent N messages in a conversation channel
const getMostRecentMessagesSQLStmt = `select ID, Body, Attributes, Signature, ContentHash from channel_%d_%d_chat order by ID desc limit (?) offset (?);`
// NewCwtchProfileStorage constructs a new CwtchProfileStorage from a database. It is also responsible for
// Preparing commonly used SQL Statements
func NewCwtchProfileStorage(db *sql.DB, profileDirectory string) (*CwtchProfileStorage, error) {
if db == nil {
return nil, errors.New("cannot construct cwtch profile storage with a nil database")
insertProfileKeyValueStmt, err := db.Prepare(insertProfileKeySQLStmt)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error preparing query: %v %v", insertProfileKeySQLStmt, err)
return nil, err
selectProfileKeyStmt, err := db.Prepare(selectProfileKeySQLStmt)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error preparing query: %v %v", selectProfileKeySQLStmt, err)
return nil, err
insertConversationStmt, err := db.Prepare(insertConversationSQLStmt)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error preparing query: %v %v", insertConversationSQLStmt, err)
return nil, err
fetchAllConversationsStmt, err := db.Prepare(fetchAllConversationsSQLStmt)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error preparing query: %v %v", fetchAllConversationsSQLStmt, err)
return nil, err
selectConversationStmt, err := db.Prepare(selectConversationSQLStmt)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error preparing query: %v %v", selectConversationSQLStmt, err)
return nil, err
sarah marked this conversation as resolved Outdated


selectConversationByHandleStmt, err := db.Prepare(selectConversationByHandleSQLStmt)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error preparing query: %v %v", selectConversationByHandleSQLStmt, err)
return nil, err
acceptConversationStmt, err := db.Prepare(acceptConversationSQLStmt)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error preparing query: %v %v", acceptConversationSQLStmt, err)
return nil, err
deleteConversationStmt, err := db.Prepare(deleteConversationSQLStmt)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error preparing query: %v %v", deleteConversationSQLStmt, err)
return nil, err
setConversationAttributesStmt, err := db.Prepare(setConversationAttributesSQLStmt)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error preparing query: %v %v", setConversationAttributesSQLStmt, err)
return nil, err
setConversationACLStmt, err := db.Prepare(setConversationACLSQLStmt)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error preparing query: %v %v", setConversationACLSQLStmt, err)
return nil, err
return &CwtchProfileStorage{db: db,
ProfileDirectory: profileDirectory,
insertProfileKeyValueStmt: insertProfileKeyValueStmt,
selectProfileKeyValueStmt: selectProfileKeyStmt,
fetchAllConversationsStmt: fetchAllConversationsStmt,
insertConversationStmt: insertConversationStmt,
selectConversationStmt: selectConversationStmt,
selectConversationByHandleStmt: selectConversationByHandleStmt,
acceptConversationStmt: acceptConversationStmt,
deleteConversationStmt: deleteConversationStmt,
setConversationAttributesStmt: setConversationAttributesStmt,
setConversationACLStmt: setConversationACLStmt,
channelInsertStmts: map[ChannelID]*sql.Stmt{},
channelUpdateMessageStmts: map[ChannelID]*sql.Stmt{},
channelGetMessageStmts: map[ChannelID]*sql.Stmt{},
channelGetMessageBySignatureStmts: map[ChannelID]*sql.Stmt{},
channelGetMessageByContentHashStmts: map[ChannelID]*sql.Stmt{},
channelGetMostRecentMessagesStmts: map[ChannelID]*sql.Stmt{},
channelGetCountStmts: map[ChannelID]*sql.Stmt{},
channelRowNumberStmts: map[ChannelID]*sql.Stmt{},
// StoreProfileKeyValue allows storing of typed Key/Value attribute in the Storage Engine
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) StoreProfileKeyValue(keyType StorageKeyType, key string, value []byte) error {
_, err := cps.insertProfileKeyValueStmt.Exec(keyType, key, value)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing query: %v", err)
return err
return nil
// LoadProfileKeyValue allows fetching of typed values via a known Key from the Storage Engine
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) LoadProfileKeyValue(keyType StorageKeyType, key string) ([]byte, error) {
rows, err := cps.selectProfileKeyValueStmt.Query(keyType, key)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing query: %v", err)
return nil, err
result := rows.Next()
if !result {
return nil, errors.New("no result found")
var keyValue []byte
err = rows.Scan(&keyValue)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error fetching rows: %v", err)
return nil, err
return keyValue, nil
// NewConversation stores a new conversation in the data store
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) NewConversation(handle string, attributes model.Attributes, acl model.AccessControlList, accepted bool) (int, error) {
tx, err := cps.db.Begin()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing transaction: %v", err)
return -1, err
result, err := tx.Stmt(cps.insertConversationStmt).Exec(handle, attributes.Serialize(), acl.Serialize(), accepted)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing transaction: %v", err)
return -1, tx.Rollback()
id, err := result.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing transaction: %v", err)
return -1, tx.Rollback()
result, err = tx.Exec(fmt.Sprintf(createTableConversationMessagesSQLStmt, id))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing transaction: %v", err)
return -1, tx.Rollback()
conversationID, err := result.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing transaction: %v", err)
return -1, tx.Rollback()
sarah marked this conversation as resolved Outdated


err = tx.Commit()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing transaction: %v", err)
return -1, tx.Rollback()
return int(conversationID), nil
// GetConversationByHandle is a convenience method to fetch an active conversation by a handle
// Usage Notes: This should **only** be used to look up p2p conversations by convention.
// Ideally this function should not exist, and all lookups should happen by ID (this is currently
// unavoidable in some circumstances because the event bus references conversations by handle, not by id)
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) GetConversationByHandle(handle string) (*model.Conversation, error) {
rows, err := cps.selectConversationByHandleStmt.Query(handle)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing query: %v", err)
return nil, err
result := rows.Next()
if !result {
return nil, errors.New("no result found")
var id int
var acl []byte
var attributes []byte
var accepted bool
err = rows.Scan(&id, &handle, &attributes, &acl, &accepted)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error fetching rows: %v", err)
return nil, err
return &model.Conversation{ID: id, Handle: handle, ACL: model.DeserializeAccessControlList(acl), Attributes: model.DeserializeAttributes(attributes), Accepted: accepted}, nil
// FetchConversations returns *all* active conversations. This method should only be called
// on app start up to build a summary of conversations for the UI. Any further updates should be integrated
// through the event bus.
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) FetchConversations() ([]*model.Conversation, error) {
rows, err := cps.fetchAllConversationsStmt.Query()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing query: %v", err)
return nil, err
var conversations []*model.Conversation
defer rows.Close()
for {
result := rows.Next()
if !result {
return conversations, nil
var id int
var handle string
var acl []byte
var attributes []byte
var accepted bool
err = rows.Scan(&id, &handle, &attributes, &acl, &accepted)
if err != nil {
sarah marked this conversation as resolved

by id*

by id*
log.Errorf("error fetching rows: %v", err)
return nil, err
conversations = append(conversations, &model.Conversation{ID: id, Handle: handle, ACL: model.DeserializeAccessControlList(acl), Attributes: model.DeserializeAttributes(attributes), Accepted: accepted})
// GetConversation looks up a particular conversation by id
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) GetConversation(id int) (*model.Conversation, error) {
rows, err := cps.selectConversationStmt.Query(id)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing query: %v", err)
return nil, err
result := rows.Next()
if !result {
return nil, errors.New("no result found")
var handle string
var acl []byte
var attributes []byte
var accepted bool
err = rows.Scan(&id, &handle, &attributes, &acl, &accepted)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error fetching rows: %v", err)
return nil, err
return &model.Conversation{ID: id, Handle: handle, ACL: model.DeserializeAccessControlList(acl), Attributes: model.DeserializeAttributes(attributes), Accepted: accepted}, nil
// AcceptConversation sets the accepted status of a conversation to true in the backing datastore
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) AcceptConversation(id int) error {
_, err := cps.acceptConversationStmt.Exec(id)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing query: %v", err)
return err
return nil
// DeleteConversation purges the conversation and any associated message history from the conversation store.
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) DeleteConversation(id int) error {
_, err := cps.deleteConversationStmt.Exec(id)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing query: %v", err)
return err
return nil
// SetConversationACL sets a new ACL on a given conversation.
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) SetConversationACL(id int, acl model.AccessControlList) error {
_, err := cps.setConversationACLStmt.Exec(acl, id)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing query: %v", err)
return err
return nil
// SetConversationAttribute sets a new attribute on a given conversation.
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) SetConversationAttribute(id int, path attr.ScopedZonedPath, value string) error {
ci, err := cps.GetConversation(id)
if err != nil {
return err
ci.Attributes[path.ToString()] = value
_, err = cps.setConversationAttributesStmt.Exec(ci.Attributes.Serialize(), id)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing query: %v", err)
return err
return nil
// InsertMessage appends a message to a conversation channel, with a given set of attributes
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) InsertMessage(conversation int, channel int, body string, attributes model.Attributes, signature string, contentHash string) error {
channelID := ChannelID{Conversation: conversation, Channel: channel}
_, exists := cps.channelInsertStmts[channelID]
if !exists {
conversationStmt, err := cps.db.Prepare(fmt.Sprintf(insertMessageIntoConversationSQLStmt, conversation, channel))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing transaction: %v", err)
return err
cps.channelInsertStmts[channelID] = conversationStmt
_, err := cps.channelInsertStmts[channelID].Exec(body, attributes.Serialize(), signature, contentHash)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error inserting message: %v %v", signature, err)
return err
return nil
// UpdateMessageAttributes updates the attributes associated with a message of a given conversation
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) UpdateMessageAttributes(conversation int, channel int, messageID int, attributes model.Attributes) error {
channelID := ChannelID{Conversation: conversation, Channel: channel}
_, exists := cps.channelUpdateMessageStmts[channelID]
if !exists {
conversationStmt, err := cps.db.Prepare(fmt.Sprintf(updateMessageIntoConversationSQLStmt, conversation, channel))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing transaction: %v", err)
return err
cps.channelUpdateMessageStmts[channelID] = conversationStmt
_, err := cps.channelUpdateMessageStmts[channelID].Exec(attributes.Serialize(), messageID)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error updating message: %v", err)
return err
return nil
// GetChannelMessageBySignature looks up a conversation message by signature instead of identifier. Both are unique but
// signatures are common between conversation participants (in groups) and so are a more useful message to index.
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) GetChannelMessageBySignature(conversation int, channel int, signature string) (int, error) {
channelID := ChannelID{Conversation: conversation, Channel: channel}
_, exists := cps.channelGetMessageBySignatureStmts[channelID]
if !exists {
conversationStmt, err := cps.db.Prepare(fmt.Sprintf(getMessageBySignatureFromConversationSQLStmt, conversation, channel))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing transaction: %v", err)
return -1, err
cps.channelGetMessageBySignatureStmts[channelID] = conversationStmt
rows, err := cps.channelGetMessageBySignatureStmts[channelID].Query(signature)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing query: %v", err)
return -1, err
result := rows.Next()
if !result {
return -1, errors.New("no result found")
var id int
err = rows.Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error fetching rows: %v", err)
return -1, err
return id, nil
// GetChannelMessageByContentHash looks up a conversation message by hash instead of identifier.
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) GetChannelMessageByContentHash(conversation int, channel int, hash string) (int, error) {
channelID := ChannelID{Conversation: conversation, Channel: channel}
_, exists := cps.channelGetMessageByContentHashStmts[channelID]
if !exists {
conversationStmt, err := cps.db.Prepare(fmt.Sprintf(getMessageByContentHashFromConversationSQLStmt, conversation, channel))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing transaction: %v", err)
return -1, err
cps.channelGetMessageByContentHashStmts[channelID] = conversationStmt
rows, err := cps.channelGetMessageByContentHashStmts[channelID].Query(hash)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing query: %v", err)
return -1, err
result := rows.Next()
if !result {
return -1, errors.New("no result found")
var id int
err = rows.Scan(&id)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error fetching rows: %v", err)
return -1, err
// Return the offset **not** the count
return id - 1, nil
// GetRowNumberByMessageID looks up the row number of a message by the message ID
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) GetRowNumberByMessageID(conversation int, channel int, id int) (int, error) {
channelID := ChannelID{Conversation: conversation, Channel: channel}
_, exists := cps.channelRowNumberStmts[channelID]
if !exists {
conversationStmt, err := cps.db.Prepare(fmt.Sprintf(getLocalIndexOfMessageIDSQLStmt, conversation, channel))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing transaction: %v", err)
return -1, err
cps.channelRowNumberStmts[channelID] = conversationStmt
rows, err := cps.channelRowNumberStmts[channelID].Query(id)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing query: %v", err)
return -1, err
result := rows.Next()
if !result {
return -1, errors.New("no result found")
var rownum int
err = rows.Scan(&rownum)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error fetching rows: %v", err)
return -1, err
return rownum, nil
// GetChannelMessage looks up a channel message by conversation, channel and message id. On success it
// returns the message body and the attributes associated with the message. Otherwise an error is returned.
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) GetChannelMessage(conversation int, channel int, messageID int) (string, model.Attributes, error) {
channelID := ChannelID{Conversation: conversation, Channel: channel}
_, exists := cps.channelGetMessageStmts[channelID]
if !exists {
conversationStmt, err := cps.db.Prepare(fmt.Sprintf(getMessageFromConversationSQLStmt, conversation, channel))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing transaction: %v", err)
return "", nil, err
cps.channelGetMessageStmts[channelID] = conversationStmt
rows, err := cps.channelGetMessageStmts[channelID].Query(messageID)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing query: %v", err)
return "", nil, err
result := rows.Next()
if !result {
return "", nil, errors.New("no result found")
// Deserialize the Row
var body string
var attributes []byte
err = rows.Scan(&body, &attributes)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error fetching rows: %v", err)
return "", nil, err
return body, model.DeserializeAttributes(attributes), nil
// GetChannelMessageCount returns the number of messages in a channel
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) GetChannelMessageCount(conversation int, channel int) (int, error) {
channelID := ChannelID{Conversation: conversation, Channel: channel}
_, exists := cps.channelGetCountStmts[channelID]
if !exists {
conversationStmt, err := cps.db.Prepare(fmt.Sprintf(getMessageCountFromConversationSQLStmt, conversation, channel))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing transaction: %v", err)
return -1, err
cps.channelGetCountStmts[channelID] = conversationStmt
var count int
err := cps.channelGetCountStmts[channelID].QueryRow().Scan(&count)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing query: %v", err)
return -1, err
return count, nil
// GetMostRecentMessages returns the most recent messages in a channel up to a given limit at a given offset
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) GetMostRecentMessages(conversation int, channel int, offset int, limit int) ([]model.ConversationMessage, error) {
channelID := ChannelID{Conversation: conversation, Channel: channel}
_, exists := cps.channelGetMostRecentMessagesStmts[channelID]
if !exists {
conversationStmt, err := cps.db.Prepare(fmt.Sprintf(getMostRecentMessagesSQLStmt, conversation, channel))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing transaction: %v", err)
return nil, err
cps.channelGetMostRecentMessagesStmts[channelID] = conversationStmt
rows, err := cps.channelGetMostRecentMessagesStmts[channelID].Query(limit, offset)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing query: %v", err)
return nil, err
var conversationMessages []model.ConversationMessage
defer rows.Close()
for {
result := rows.Next()
if !result {
return conversationMessages, nil
var id int
var body string
var attributes []byte
var sig string
var contenthash string
err = rows.Scan(&id, &body, &attributes, &sig, &contenthash)
if err != nil {
return conversationMessages, err
conversationMessages = append(conversationMessages, model.ConversationMessage{ID: id, Body: body, Attr: model.DeserializeAttributes(attributes), Signature: sig, ContentHash: contenthash})
// PurgeConversationChannel deletes all message for a conversation channel.
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) PurgeConversationChannel(conversation int, channel int) error {
conversationStmt, err := cps.db.Prepare(fmt.Sprintf(purgeMessagesFromConversationSQLStmt, conversation, channel))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error executing transaction: %v", err)
return err
return conversationStmt.Close()
// PurgeNonSavedMessages deletes all message conversations that are not explicitly set to saved.
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) PurgeNonSavedMessages() {
// Purge Messages that are not stored...
ci, err := cps.FetchConversations()
if err == nil {
for _, conversation := range ci {
if !conversation.IsGroup() && !conversation.IsServer() {
if conversation.Attributes[attr.LocalScope.ConstructScopedZonedPath(attr.ProfileZone.ConstructZonedPath(event.SaveHistoryKey)).ToString()] != event.SaveHistoryConfirmed {
log.Infof("purging conversation...")
// TODO: At some point in the future this needs to iterate over channels and make a decision for each on..
cps.PurgeConversationChannel(conversation.ID, 0)
// Close closes the underlying database and prepared statements
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) Close() {
if cps.db != nil {
for _, v := range cps.channelInsertStmts {
for _, v := range cps.channelUpdateMessageStmts {
for _, v := range cps.channelGetMessageStmts {
for _, v := range cps.channelGetMessageBySignatureStmts {
for _, v := range cps.channelGetCountStmts {
for _, v := range cps.channelGetMostRecentMessagesStmts {
for _, v := range cps.channelGetMessageByContentHashStmts {
// Delete unconditionally destroys the profile directory associated with the store.
// This is unrecoverable.
func (cps *CwtchProfileStorage) Delete() {
err := os.RemoveAll(cps.ProfileDirectory)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error deleting profile directory", err)

peer/profile_interface.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
package peer
import (
// AccessPeeringState provides access to functions relating to the underlying connections of a peer.
type AccessPeeringState interface {
GetPeerState(string) connections.ConnectionState
// ModifyPeeringState is a meta-interface intended to restrict callers to modify-only access to connection peers
type ModifyPeeringState interface {
JoinServer(string) error
// ModifyContactsAndPeers is a meta-interface intended to restrict a call to reading and modifying contacts
// and peers.
type ModifyContactsAndPeers interface {
// ReadServers provides access to the servers
type ReadServers interface {
GetServers() []string
// ModifyGroups provides write-only access add/edit/remove new groups
type ModifyGroups interface {
ImportGroup(string) (int, error)
StartGroup(string, string) (int, error)
// ModifyServers provides write-only access to servers
type ModifyServers interface {
AddServer(string) (string, error)
ResyncServer(onion string) error
// SendMessages enables a caller to sender messages to a contact
type SendMessages interface {
SendMessage(conversation int, message string) error
SendInviteToConversation(conversationID int, inviteConversationID int) error
SendScopedZonedGetValToContact(conversationID int, scope attr.Scope, zone attr.Zone, key string)
// CwtchPeer provides us with a way of testing systems built on top of cwtch without having to
// directly implement a cwtchPeer.
type CwtchPeer interface {
// Core Cwtch Peer Functions that should not be exposed to
// most functions
GenerateProtocolEngine(acn connectivity.ACN, bus event.Manager) (connections.Engine, error)
AutoHandleEvents(events []event.Type)
// GetOnion is deprecated. If you find yourself needing to rely on this method it is time
// to consider replacing this with a GetAddress(es) function that can fully expand cwtch beyond the boundaries
// of tor v3 onion services.
// Deprecated
GetOnion() string
// SetScopedZonedAttribute allows the setting of an attribute by scope and zone
// = value
SetScopedZonedAttribute(scope attr.Scope, zone attr.Zone, key string, value string)
// GetScopedZonedAttribute allows the retrieval of an attribute by scope and zone
// = value
GetScopedZonedAttribute(scope attr.Scope, zone attr.Zone, key string) (string, bool)
// Import Bundle
ImportBundle(string) error
// New Unified Conversation Interfaces
NewContactConversation(handle string, acl model.AccessControl, accepted bool) (int, error)
FetchConversations() ([]*model.Conversation, error)
GetConversationInfo(conversation int) (*model.Conversation, error)
FetchConversationInfo(handle string) (*model.Conversation, error)
AcceptConversation(conversation int) error
BlockConversation(conversation int) error
SetConversationAttribute(conversation int, path attr.ScopedZonedPath, value string) error
GetConversationAttribute(conversation int, path attr.ScopedZonedPath) (string, error)
DeleteConversation(conversation int) error
// New Unified Conversation Channel Interfaces
GetChannelMessage(conversation int, channel int, id int) (string, model.Attributes, error)
GetChannelMessageCount(conversation int, channel int) (int, error)
GetChannelMessageByContentHash(conversation int, channel int, contenthash string) (int, error)
GetMostRecentMessages(conversation int, channel int, offset int, limit int) ([]model.ConversationMessage, error)
UpdateMessageAttribute(conversation int, channel int, id int, key string, value string) error
ShareFile(fileKey string, serializedManifest string)
CheckPassword(password string) bool

peer/response.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package peer
import "errors"
// Response is a wrapper to better semantically convey the response type...
type Response error
const errorSeparator = "."
// ConstructResponse is a helper function for creating Response structures.
func ConstructResponse(prefix string, error string) Response {
return errors.New(prefix + errorSeparator + error)

peer/sql_statements.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package peer
import (
// SQLCreateTableProfileKeyValue creates the Profile Key Value Table
const SQLCreateTableProfileKeyValue = `create table if not exists profile_kv (KeyType text, KeyName text, KeyValue blob, UNIQUE (KeyType,KeyName));`
// SQLCreateTableConversations creates the Profile Key Value Table
const SQLCreateTableConversations = `create table if not exists conversations (ID integer unique primary key autoincrement, Handle text, Attributes blob, ACL blob, Accepted bool);`
// initializeDatabase executes all the sql statements necessary to construct the base of the database.
// db must be open
func initializeDatabase(db *sql.DB) error {
_, err := db.Exec(SQLCreateTableProfileKeyValue)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error On Executing Query: %v %v", SQLCreateTableProfileKeyValue, err)
_, err = db.Exec(SQLCreateTableConversations)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error On Executing Query: %v %v", SQLCreateTableConversations, err)
return nil

peer/storage.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
package peer
import (
const versionFile = "VERSION"
const version = "2"
const saltFile = "SALT"
// CreateKeySalt derives a key and salt from a password: returns key, salt, err
func CreateKeySalt(password string) ([32]byte, [128]byte, error) {
var salt [128]byte
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, salt[:]); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Cannot read from random: %v\n", err)
return [32]byte{}, salt, err
dk := pbkdf2.Key([]byte(password), salt[:], 4096, 32, sha3.New512)
var dkr [32]byte
copy(dkr[:], dk)
return dkr, salt, nil
// createKey derives a key from a password and salt
func createKey(password string, salt []byte) [32]byte {
dk := pbkdf2.Key([]byte(password), salt, 4096, 32, sha3.New512)
var dkr [32]byte
copy(dkr[:], dk)
return dkr
func initV2Directory(directory, password string) ([32]byte, [128]byte, error) {
os.Mkdir(directory, 0700)
key, salt, err := CreateKeySalt(password)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Could not create key for profile store from password: %v\n", err)
return [32]byte{}, [128]byte{}, err
if err = ioutil.WriteFile(path.Join(directory, versionFile), []byte(version), 0600); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Could not write version file: %v", err)
return [32]byte{}, [128]byte{}, err
if err = ioutil.WriteFile(path.Join(directory, saltFile), salt[:], 0600); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Could not write salt file: %v", err)
return [32]byte{}, [128]byte{}, err
return key, salt, nil
func openEncryptedDatabase(profileDirectory string, password string, createIfNotExists bool) (*sql.DB, error) {
salt, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(profileDirectory, saltFile))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
key := createKey(password, salt)
dbPath := filepath.Join(profileDirectory, "db")
if !createIfNotExists {
if _, err := os.Stat(dbPath); errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
return nil, err
dbname := fmt.Sprintf("%v?_pragma_key=x'%x'&_pragma_cipher_page_size=8192", dbPath, key)
db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", dbname)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("could not open encrypted database", err)
return nil, err
return db, nil
// CreateEncryptedStorePeer creates a *new* Cwtch Profile backed by an encrypted datastore
func CreateEncryptedStorePeer(profileDirectory string, name string, password string) (CwtchPeer, error) {
log.Debugf("Initializing Encrypted Storage Directory")
_, _, err := initV2Directory(profileDirectory, password)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debugf("Opening Encrypted Database")
db, err := openEncryptedDatabase(profileDirectory, password, true)
if db == nil || err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to open encrypted database: error: %v", err)
log.Debugf("Initializing Database")
err = initializeDatabase(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debugf("Creating Cwtch Profile Backed By Encrypted Database")
cps, err := NewCwtchProfileStorage(db, profileDirectory)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewProfileWithEncryptedStorage(name, cps), nil
// CreateEncryptedStore creates a encrypted datastore
func CreateEncryptedStore(profileDirectory string, password string) (*CwtchProfileStorage, error) {
log.Debugf("Creating Encrypted Database")
db, err := openEncryptedDatabase(profileDirectory, password, true)
if db == nil || err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to open encrypted database: error: %v", err)
log.Debugf("Initializing Database")
err = initializeDatabase(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debugf("Creating Cwtch Profile Backed By Encrypted Database")
cps, err := NewCwtchProfileStorage(db, profileDirectory)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return cps, nil
// FromEncryptedDatabase constructs a Cwtch Profile from an existing Encrypted Database
func FromEncryptedDatabase(profileDirectory string, password string) (CwtchPeer, error) {
log.Infof("Loading Encrypted Profile: %v", profileDirectory)
db, err := openEncryptedDatabase(profileDirectory, password, false)
if db == nil || err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to open encrypted database: error: %v", err)
log.Debugf("Initializing Profile from Encrypted Storage")
cps, err := NewCwtchProfileStorage(db, profileDirectory)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return FromEncryptedStorage(cps), nil

View File

@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ func (e *engine) eventHandler() {
case event.InvitePeerToGroup:
err := e.sendPeerMessage(ev.Data[event.RemotePeer], pmodel.PeerMessage{ID: ev.EventID, Context: event.ContextInvite, Data: []byte(ev.Data[event.GroupInvite])})
if err != nil {
e.eventManager.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.SendMessageToPeerError, map[event.Field]string{event.RemotePeer: ev.Data[event.RemotePeer], event.EventID: ev.EventID, event.Error: "peer is offline or the connection has yet to finalize"}))
case event.JoinServer:
signature, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(ev.Data[event.Signature])
@ -274,6 +274,15 @@ func (e *engine) listenFn() {
func (e *engine) Shutdown() {
e.shuttingDown = true
e.ephemeralServices.Range(func(_, service interface{}) bool {
connection, ok := service.(*tor.BaseOnionService)
if ok {
log.Infof("shutting down ephemeral service")
return true
@ -403,13 +412,6 @@ func (e *engine) serverConnecting(onion string) {
func (e *engine) serverConnected(onion string) {
e.eventManager.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.ServerStateChange, map[event.Field]string{
event.GroupServer: onion,
event.ConnectionState: ConnectionStateName[CONNECTED],
func (e *engine) serverAuthed(onion string) {
e.eventManager.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.ServerStateChange, map[event.Field]string{
event.GroupServer: onion,

View File

@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ func (ta *TokenBoardClient) MakePayment() error {
log.Debugf("Waiting for successful PoW Auth...")
connected, err := client.Connect(ta.tokenServiceOnion, powTokenApp)
if connected == true && err == nil {
if connected && err == nil {
log.Debugf("Waiting for successful Token Acquisition...")
conn, err := client.WaitForCapabilityOrClose(ta.tokenServiceOnion, applications.HasTokensCapability)
if err == nil {

View File

@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ func (m *Manifest) StoreChunk(id uint64, contents []byte) (uint64, error) {
// Write the contents of the chunk to the file
_, err = m.openFd.Write(contents)
if err == nil && m.chunkComplete[id] == false {
if err == nil && !m.chunkComplete[id] {
m.chunkComplete[id] = true

View File

@ -29,16 +29,16 @@ func TestManifest(t *testing.T) {
t.Logf("%v", manifest)
// Try to tread the chunk
contents, err := manifest.GetChunkBytes(1)
_, err = manifest.GetChunkBytes(1)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("chunk fetch should have thrown an error")
contents, err = manifest.GetChunkBytes(0)
_, err = manifest.GetChunkBytes(0)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("chunk fetch error: %v", err)
contents, err = manifest.GetChunkBytes(0)
_, err = manifest.GetChunkBytes(0)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("chunk fetch error: %v", err)
@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ func TestManifest(t *testing.T) {
json, _ := json.Marshal(manifest)
t.Logf("%s", json)
t.Logf("%s", contents)
func TestManifestLarge(t *testing.T) {

View File

@ -3,25 +3,13 @@ package storage
import (
const profileFilename = "profile"
const versionFile = "VERSION"
const currentVersion = 1
// ProfileStore is an interface to managing the storage of Cwtch Profiles
type ProfileStore interface {
GetProfileCopy(timeline bool) *model.Profile
GetNewPeerMessage() *event.Event
GetStatusMessages() []*event.Event
CheckPassword(string) bool
@ -33,10 +21,8 @@ func CreateProfileWriterStore(eventManager event.Manager, directory, password st
// LoadProfileWriterStore loads a profile store from filestore listening for events and saving them
// directory should be $appDir/profiles/$rand
func LoadProfileWriterStore(eventManager event.Manager, directory, password string) (ProfileStore, error) {
versionCheckUpgrade(directory, password)
return v1.LoadProfileWriterStore(eventManager, directory, password)
func LoadProfileWriterStore(directory, password string) (ProfileStore, error) {
return v1.LoadProfileWriterStore(directory, password)
// ReadProfile reads a profile from storage and returns the profile
@ -46,49 +32,4 @@ func ReadProfile(directory string, key [32]byte, salt [128]byte) (*model.Profile
return v1.ReadProfile(directory, key, salt)
// NewProfile creates a new profile for use in the profile store.
func NewProfile(name string) *model.Profile {
profile := model.GenerateNewProfile(name)
return profile
// ********* Versioning and upgrade **********
func detectVersion(directory string) int {
vnumberStr, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(directory, versionFile))
if err != nil {
return 0
vnumber, err := strconv.Atoi(string(vnumberStr))
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Could not parse VERSION file contents: '%v' - %v\n", vnumber, err)
return -1
return vnumber
func upgradeV0ToV1(directory, password string) error {
log.Debugln("Attempting storage v0 to v1: Reading v0 profile...")
profile, err := v0.ReadProfile(directory, password)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugln("Attempting storage v0 to v1: Writing v1 profile...")
return v1.UpgradeV0Profile(profile, directory, password)
func versionCheckUpgrade(directory, password string) {
version := detectVersion(directory)
log.Debugf("versionCheck: %v\n", version)
if version == -1 {
if version == 0 {
err := upgradeV0ToV1(directory, password)
if err != nil {
//version = 1

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
// Known race issue with event bus channel closure
package storage
import (
const testingDir = "./testing"
const filenameBase = "testStream"
const password = "asdfqwer"
const line1 = "Hello from storage!"
const testProfileName = "Alice"
const testKey = "key"
const testVal = "value"
const testInitialMessage = "howdy"
const testMessage = "Hello from storage"
func TestProfileStoreUpgradeV0toV1(t *testing.T) {
eventBus := event.NewEventManager()
queue := event.NewQueue()
eventBus.Subscribe(event.ChangePasswordSuccess, queue)
fmt.Println("Creating and initializing v0 profile and store...")
profile := NewProfile(testProfileName)
profile.AddContact("2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd", &model.PublicProfile{Attributes: map[string]string{string(model.KeyTypeServerOnion): "2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd"}})
ps1 := v0.NewProfileWriterStore(eventBus, testingDir, password, profile)
groupid, invite, err := profile.StartGroup("2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Creating group: %v\n", err)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Creating group invite: %v\n", err)
fmt.Println("Sending 200 messages...")
for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
ps1.AddGroupMessage(groupid, time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano), time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano), profile.Onion, testMessage, []byte{byte(i)})
fmt.Println("Shutdown v0 profile store...")
fmt.Println("New v1 Profile store...")
ps2, err := LoadProfileWriterStore(eventBus, testingDir, password)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error createing new profileStore with new password: %v\n", err)
profile2 := ps2.GetProfileCopy(true)
if profile2.Groups[groupid] == nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to load group %v\n", groupid)
if len(profile2.Groups[groupid].Timeline.Messages) != 200 {
t.Errorf("Failed to load group's 200 messages, instead got %v\n", len(profile2.Groups[groupid].Timeline.Messages))

View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
package v0
import (
// createKey derives a key from a password
func createKey(password string) ([32]byte, [128]byte, error) {
var salt [128]byte
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, salt[:]); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Cannot read from random: %v\n", err)
return [32]byte{}, salt, err
dk := pbkdf2.Key([]byte(password), salt[:], 4096, 32, sha3.New512)
var dkr [32]byte
copy(dkr[:], dk)
return dkr, salt, nil
//encryptFileData encrypts the cwtchPeer via the specified key.
func encryptFileData(data []byte, key [32]byte) ([]byte, error) {
var nonce [24]byte
if _, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, nonce[:]); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Cannot read from random: %v\n", err)
return nil, err
encrypted := secretbox.Seal(nonce[:], data, &nonce, &key)
return encrypted, nil
//decryptFile decrypts the passed ciphertext into a cwtchPeer via the specified key.
func decryptFile(ciphertext []byte, key [32]byte) ([]byte, error) {
var decryptNonce [24]byte
copy(decryptNonce[:], ciphertext[:24])
decrypted, ok := secretbox.Open(nil, ciphertext[24:], &decryptNonce, &key)
if ok {
return decrypted, nil
return nil, errors.New("Failed to decrypt")
// Load instantiates a cwtchPeer from the file store
func readEncryptedFile(directory, filename, password string) ([]byte, error) {
encryptedbytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(directory, filename))
if err == nil && len(encryptedbytes) > 128 {
var dkr [32]byte
//Separate the salt from the encrypted bytes, then generate the derived key
salt, encryptedbytes := encryptedbytes[0:128], encryptedbytes[128:]
dk := pbkdf2.Key([]byte(password), salt, 4096, 32, sha3.New512)
copy(dkr[:], dk)
data, err := decryptFile(encryptedbytes, dkr)
if err == nil {
return data, nil
return nil, err
return nil, err

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
package v0
import (
// fileStore stores a cwtchPeer in an encrypted file
type fileStore struct {
directory string
filename string
password string
// FileStore is a primitive around storing encrypted files
type FileStore interface {
Read() ([]byte, error)
Write(data []byte) error
// NewFileStore instantiates a fileStore given a filename and a password
func NewFileStore(directory string, filename string, password string) FileStore {
filestore := new(fileStore)
filestore.password = password
filestore.filename = filename = directory
return filestore
func (fps *fileStore) Read() ([]byte, error) {
return readEncryptedFile(, fps.filename, fps.password)
// write serializes a cwtchPeer to a file
func (fps *fileStore) Write(data []byte) error {
key, salt, _ := createKey(fps.password)
encryptedbytes, err := encryptFileData(data, key)
if err != nil {
return err
// the salt for the derived key is appended to the front of the file
encryptedbytes = append(salt[:], encryptedbytes...)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(path.Join(, fps.filename), encryptedbytes, 0600)
return err

View File

@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
package v0
import (
const groupIDLen = 32
const peerIDLen = 56
const profileFilename = "profile"
// ProfileStoreV0 is a legacy profile store used now for upgrading legacy profile stores to newer versions
type ProfileStoreV0 struct {
fs FileStore
streamStores map[string]StreamStore // map [groupId|onion] StreamStore
directory string
password string
profile *model.Profile
// NewProfileWriterStore returns a profile store backed by a filestore listening for events and saving them
// directory should be $appDir/profiles/$rand
func NewProfileWriterStore(eventManager event.Manager, directory, password string, profile *model.Profile) *ProfileStoreV0 {
os.Mkdir(directory, 0700)
ps := &ProfileStoreV0{fs: NewFileStore(directory, profileFilename, password), password: password, directory: directory, profile: profile, streamStores: map[string]StreamStore{}}
if profile != nil {
return ps
// ReadProfile reads a profile from storqage and returns the profile
// directory should be $appDir/profiles/$rand
func ReadProfile(directory, password string) (*model.Profile, error) {
os.Mkdir(directory, 0700)
ps := &ProfileStoreV0{fs: NewFileStore(directory, profileFilename, password), password: password, directory: directory, profile: nil, streamStores: map[string]StreamStore{}}
err := ps.Load()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
profile := ps.getProfileCopy(true)
return profile, nil
// AddGroup For testing, adds a group to the profile (and starts a stream store)
func (ps *ProfileStoreV0) AddGroup(invite string) {
gid, err := ps.profile.ProcessInvite(invite)
if err == nil {
group := ps.profile.Groups[gid]
ps.streamStores[group.GroupID] = NewStreamStore(, group.LocalID, ps.password)
// AddGroupMessage for testing, adds a group message
func (ps *ProfileStoreV0) AddGroupMessage(groupid string, timeSent, timeRecvied string, remotePeer, data string, signature []byte) {
received, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, timeRecvied)
sent, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, timeSent)
message := model.Message{Received: received, Timestamp: sent, Message: data, PeerID: remotePeer, Signature: signature, PreviousMessageSig: []byte("PreviousSignature")}
ss, exists := ps.streamStores[groupid]
if exists {
} else {
// GetNewPeerMessage is for AppService to call on Reload events, to reseed the AppClient with the loaded peers
func (ps *ProfileStoreV0) GetNewPeerMessage() *event.Event {
message := event.NewEventList(event.NewPeer, event.Identity, ps.profile.LocalID, event.Password, ps.password, event.Status, "running")
return &message
// Load instantiates a cwtchPeer from the file store
func (ps *ProfileStoreV0) Load() error {
decrypted, err := ps.fs.Read()
if err != nil {
return err
cp := new(model.Profile)
err = json.Unmarshal(decrypted, &cp)
if err == nil {
ps.profile = cp
for gid, group := range cp.Groups {
ss := NewStreamStore(, group.LocalID, ps.password)
ps.streamStores[group.GroupID] = ss
return err
func (ps *ProfileStoreV0) getProfileCopy(timeline bool) *model.Profile {
return ps.profile.GetCopy(timeline)
// Shutdown saves the storage system
func (ps *ProfileStoreV0) Shutdown() {
/************* Writing *************/
func (ps *ProfileStoreV0) save() error {
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(ps.profile)
return ps.fs.Write(bytes)

View File

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
// Known race issue with event bus channel closure
package v0
import (
const testProfileName = "Alice"
const testKey = "key"
const testVal = "value"
const testInitialMessage = "howdy"
const testMessage = "Hello from storage"
// NewProfile creates a new profile for use in the profile store.
func NewProfile(name string) *model.Profile {
profile := model.GenerateNewProfile(name)
return profile
func TestProfileStoreWriteRead(t *testing.T) {
log.Println("profile store test!")
eventBus := event.NewEventManager()
profile := NewProfile(testProfileName)
ps1 := NewProfileWriterStore(eventBus, testingDir, password, profile)
profile.SetAttribute(testKey, testVal)
groupid, invite, err := profile.StartGroup("2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Creating group: %v\n", err)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Creating group invite: %v\n", err)
ps1.AddGroupMessage(groupid, time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano), time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano), ps1.getProfileCopy(true).Onion, testMessage, []byte{byte(0x01)})
ps2 := NewProfileWriterStore(eventBus, testingDir, password, nil)
err = ps2.Load()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error createing ProfileStoreV0: %v\n", err)
profile = ps2.getProfileCopy(true)
if profile.Name != testProfileName {
t.Errorf("Profile name from loaded profile incorrect. Expected: '%v' Actual: '%v'\n", testProfileName, profile.Name)
v, _ := profile.GetAttribute(testKey)
if v != testVal {
t.Errorf("Profile attribute '%v' incorrect. Expected: '%v' Actual: '%v'\n", testKey, testVal, v)
group2 := ps2.getProfileCopy(true).Groups[groupid]
if group2 == nil {
t.Errorf("Group not loaded\n")

View File

@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
package v0
import (
const (
fileStorePartitions = 16
bytesPerFile = 15 * 1024
// streamStore is a file-backed implementation of StreamStore using an in memory buffer of ~16KB and a rotating set of files
type streamStore struct {
password string
storeDirectory string
filenameBase string
lock sync.Mutex
// Buffer is used just for current file to write to
messages []model.Message
bufferByteCount int
// StreamStore provides a stream like interface to encrypted storage
type StreamStore interface {
Read() []model.Message
Write(m model.Message)
// NewStreamStore returns an initialized StreamStore ready for reading and writing
func NewStreamStore(directory string, filenameBase string, password string) (store StreamStore) {
ss := &streamStore{storeDirectory: directory, filenameBase: filenameBase, password: password}
os.Mkdir(ss.storeDirectory, 0700)
return ss
// Read returns all messages from the backing file (not the buffer, for writing to the current file)
func (ss *streamStore) Read() (messages []model.Message) {
defer ss.lock.Unlock()
resp := []model.Message{}
for i := fileStorePartitions - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", ss.filenameBase, i)
bytes, err := readEncryptedFile(ss.storeDirectory, filename, ss.password)
if err != nil {
msgs := []model.Message{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(bytes), &msgs)
resp = append(resp, msgs...)
// 2019.10.10 "Acknowledged" & "ReceivedByServer" are added to the struct, populate it as true for old ones without
for i := 0; i < len(resp) && (resp[i].Acknowledged == false && resp[i].ReceivedByServer == false); i++ {
resp[i].Acknowledged = true
resp[i].ReceivedByServer = true
return resp
// ****** Writing *******/
func (ss *streamStore) WriteN(messages []model.Message) {
defer ss.lock.Unlock()
for _, m := range messages {
if ss.bufferByteCount > bytesPerFile {
log.Debugf("rotating log file")
// Write adds a GroupMessage to the store
func (ss *streamStore) Write(m model.Message) {
defer ss.lock.Unlock()
if ss.bufferByteCount > bytesPerFile {
log.Debugf("rotating log file")
func (ss *streamStore) initBuffer() {
ss.messages = []model.Message{}
ss.bufferByteCount = 0
func (ss *streamStore) updateBuffer(m model.Message) {
ss.messages = append(ss.messages, m)
ss.bufferByteCount += (104 * 1.5) + len(m.Message)
func (ss *streamStore) updateFile() error {
msgs, err := json.Marshal(ss.messages)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to marshal group messages %v\n", err)
key, salt, _ := createKey(ss.password)
encryptedMsgs, err := encryptFileData(msgs, key)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to encrypt messages: %v\n", err)
return err
encryptedMsgs = append(salt[:], encryptedMsgs...)
ioutil.WriteFile(path.Join(ss.storeDirectory, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", ss.filenameBase, 0)), encryptedMsgs, 0700)
return nil
func (ss *streamStore) rotateFileStore() {
os.Remove(path.Join(ss.storeDirectory, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", ss.filenameBase, fileStorePartitions-1)))
for i := fileStorePartitions - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
os.Rename(path.Join(ss.storeDirectory, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", ss.filenameBase, i)), path.Join(ss.storeDirectory, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", ss.filenameBase, i+1)))

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
package v0
import (
const testingDir = "./testing"
const filenameBase = "testStream"
const password = "asdfqwer"
const line1 = "Hello from storage!"
func TestStreamStoreWriteRead(t *testing.T) {
os.Mkdir(testingDir, 0777)
ss1 := NewStreamStore(testingDir, filenameBase, password)
m := model.Message{Message: line1}
ss2 := NewStreamStore(testingDir, filenameBase, password)
messages := ss2.Read()
if len(messages) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Read messages has wrong length. Expected: 1 Actual: %d\n", len(messages))
if messages[0].Message != line1 {
t.Errorf("Read message has wrong content. Expected: '%v' Actual: '%v'\n", line1, messages[0].Message)
func TestStreamStoreWriteReadRotate(t *testing.T) {
os.Mkdir(testingDir, 0777)
ss1 := NewStreamStore(testingDir, filenameBase, password)
m := model.Message{Message: line1}
for i := 0; i < 400; i++ {
ss2 := NewStreamStore(testingDir, filenameBase, password)
messages := ss2.Read()
if len(messages) != 400 {
t.Errorf("Read messages has wrong length. Expected: 400 Actual: %d\n", len(messages))
if messages[0].Message != line1 {
t.Errorf("Read message has wrong content. Expected: '%v' Actual: '%v'\n", line1, messages[0].Message)

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ func DecryptFile(ciphertext []byte, key [32]byte) ([]byte, error) {
if ok {
return decrypted, nil
return nil, errors.New("Failed to decrypt")
return nil, errors.New("failed to decrypt")
// ReadEncryptedFile reads data from an encrypted file in directory with key

View File

@ -3,18 +3,13 @@ package v1
import (
const groupIDLen = 32
const peerIDLen = 56
const profileFilename = "profile"
const version = "1"
const versionFile = "VERSION"
@ -22,15 +17,11 @@ const saltFile = "SALT"
//ProfileStoreV1 storage for profiles and message streams that uses in memory key and fs stored salt instead of in memory password
type ProfileStoreV1 struct {
fs FileStore
streamStores map[string]StreamStore // map [groupId|onion] StreamStore
directory string
profile *model.Profile
key [32]byte
salt [128]byte
eventManager event.Manager
queue event.Queue
writer bool
fs FileStore
directory string
profile *model.Profile
key [32]byte
salt [128]byte
// CheckPassword returns true if the given password produces the same key as the current stored key, otherwise false.
@ -70,42 +61,14 @@ func CreateProfileWriterStore(eventManager event.Manager, directory, password st
return nil
ps := &ProfileStoreV1{fs: NewFileStore(directory, profileFilename, key), key: key, salt: salt, directory: directory, profile: profile, eventManager: eventManager, streamStores: map[string]StreamStore{}, writer: true}
ps := &ProfileStoreV1{fs: NewFileStore(directory, profileFilename, key), key: key, salt: salt, directory: directory, profile: profile}
return ps
func (ps *ProfileStoreV1) initProfileWriterStore() {
ps.queue = event.NewQueue()
go ps.eventHandler()
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.SetPeerAuthorization, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.PeerCreated, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.GroupCreated, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.SetAttribute, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.SetPeerAttribute, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.SetGroupAttribute, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.AcceptGroupInvite, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.RejectGroupInvite, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.NewGroup, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.NewMessageFromGroup, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.SendMessageToPeer, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.PeerAcknowledgement, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.NewMessageFromPeer, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.PeerStateChange, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.ServerStateChange, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.DeleteContact, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.DeleteGroup, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.ChangePassword, ps.queue)
ps.eventManager.Subscribe(event.UpdateMessageFlags, ps.queue)
// LoadProfileWriterStore loads a profile store from filestore listening for events and saving them
// directory should be $appDir/profiles/$rand
func LoadProfileWriterStore(eventManager event.Manager, directory, password string) (*ProfileStoreV1, error) {
func LoadProfileWriterStore(directory, password string) (*ProfileStoreV1, error) {
salt, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path.Join(directory, saltFile))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -113,7 +76,7 @@ func LoadProfileWriterStore(eventManager event.Manager, directory, password stri
key := CreateKey(password, salt)
ps := &ProfileStoreV1{fs: NewFileStore(directory, profileFilename, key), key: key, directory: directory, profile: nil, eventManager: eventManager, streamStores: map[string]StreamStore{}, writer: true}
ps := &ProfileStoreV1{fs: NewFileStore(directory, profileFilename, key), key: key, directory: directory, profile: nil}
copy(ps.salt[:], salt)
err = ps.load()
@ -121,7 +84,6 @@ func LoadProfileWriterStore(eventManager event.Manager, directory, password stri
return nil, err
return ps, nil
@ -129,7 +91,7 @@ func LoadProfileWriterStore(eventManager event.Manager, directory, password stri
// directory should be $appDir/profiles/$rand
func ReadProfile(directory string, key [32]byte, salt [128]byte) (*model.Profile, error) {
os.Mkdir(directory, 0700)
ps := &ProfileStoreV1{fs: NewFileStore(directory, profileFilename, key), key: key, salt: salt, directory: directory, profile: nil, eventManager: nil, streamStores: map[string]StreamStore{}, writer: true}
ps := &ProfileStoreV1{fs: NewFileStore(directory, profileFilename, key), key: key, salt: salt, directory: directory, profile: nil}
err := ps.load()
if err != nil {
@ -141,143 +103,12 @@ func ReadProfile(directory string, key [32]byte, salt [128]byte) (*model.Profile
return profile, nil
// UpgradeV0Profile takes a profile (presumably from a V0 store) and creates and writes a V1 store
func UpgradeV0Profile(profile *model.Profile, directory, password string) error {
key, salt, err := InitV1Directory(directory, password)
if err != nil {
return err
ps := &ProfileStoreV1{fs: NewFileStore(directory, profileFilename, key), key: key, salt: salt, directory: directory, profile: profile, eventManager: nil, streamStores: map[string]StreamStore{}, writer: true}
for gid, group := range ps.profile.Groups {
ss := NewStreamStore(, group.LocalID, ps.key)
return nil
// NewProfile creates a new profile for use in the profile store.
func NewProfile(name string) *model.Profile {
profile := model.GenerateNewProfile(name)
return profile
// GetNewPeerMessage is for AppService to call on Reload events, to reseed the AppClient with the loaded peers
func (ps *ProfileStoreV1) GetNewPeerMessage() *event.Event {
message := event.NewEventList(event.NewPeer, event.Identity, ps.profile.LocalID, event.Key, string(ps.key[:]), event.Salt, string(ps.salt[:]))
return &message
// GetStatusMessages creates an array of status messages for all peers and group servers from current information
func (ps *ProfileStoreV1) GetStatusMessages() []*event.Event {
messages := []*event.Event{}
for _, contact := range ps.profile.Contacts {
message := event.NewEvent(event.PeerStateChange, map[event.Field]string{
event.RemotePeer: string(contact.Onion),
event.ConnectionState: contact.State,
messages = append(messages, &message)
doneServers := make(map[string]bool)
for _, group := range ps.profile.Groups {
if _, exists := doneServers[group.GroupServer]; !exists {
message := event.NewEvent(event.ServerStateChange, map[event.Field]string{
event.GroupServer: string(group.GroupServer),
event.ConnectionState: group.State,
messages = append(messages, &message)
doneServers[group.GroupServer] = true
return messages
// ChangePassword restores all data under a new password's encryption
func (ps *ProfileStoreV1) ChangePassword(oldpass, newpass, eventID string) {
oldkey := CreateKey(oldpass, ps.salt[:])
if oldkey != ps.key {
ps.eventManager.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.ChangePasswordError, event.Error, "Supplied current password does not match", event.EventID, eventID))
newkey := CreateKey(newpass, ps.salt[:])
newStreamStores := map[string]StreamStore{}
idToNewLocalID := map[string]string{}
// Generate all new StreamStores with the new password and write all the old StreamStore data into these ones
for ssid, ss := range ps.streamStores {
// New ss with new pass and new localID
newlocalID := model.GenerateRandomID()
idToNewLocalID[ssid] = newlocalID
newSS := NewStreamStore(, newlocalID, newkey)
newStreamStores[ssid] = newSS
// write whole store
messages := ss.Read()
// Switch over
oldStreamStores := ps.streamStores
ps.streamStores = newStreamStores
for ssid, newLocalID := range idToNewLocalID {
if len(ssid) == groupIDLen {
ps.profile.Groups[ssid].LocalID = newLocalID
} else {
if ps.profile.Contacts[ssid] != nil {
ps.profile.Contacts[ssid].LocalID = newLocalID
} else {
log.Errorf("Unknown Contact: %v. This is probably the result of corrupted development data from fuzzing. This contact will not appear in the new profile.", ssid)
ps.key = newkey
// Clean up
for _, oldss := range oldStreamStores {
ps.eventManager.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.ChangePasswordSuccess, event.EventID, eventID))
func (ps *ProfileStoreV1) save() error {
if ps.writer {
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(ps.profile)
return ps.fs.Write(bytes)
return nil
func (ps *ProfileStoreV1) regenStreamStore(messages []model.Message, contact string) {
oldss := ps.streamStores[contact]
newLocalID := model.GenerateRandomID()
newSS := NewStreamStore(, newLocalID, ps.key)
if len(contact) == groupIDLen {
ps.profile.Groups[contact].LocalID = newLocalID
} else {
// We can assume this exists as regen stream store should only happen to *update* a message
ps.profile.Contacts[contact].LocalID = newLocalID
ps.streamStores[contact] = newSS
// load instantiates a cwtchPeer from the file store
func (ps *ProfileStoreV1) load() error {
decrypted, err := ps.fs.Read()
@ -301,16 +132,9 @@ func (ps *ProfileStoreV1) load() error {
// Check if there is any saved history...
saveHistory, keyExists := contact.GetAttribute(event.SaveHistoryKey)
if !keyExists {
contact.SetAttribute(event.SaveHistoryKey, event.DeleteHistoryDefault)
if saveHistory == event.SaveHistoryConfirmed {
if contact.Attributes[event.SaveHistoryKey] == event.SaveHistoryConfirmed {
ss := NewStreamStore(, contact.LocalID, ps.key)
ps.streamStores[contact.Onion] = ss
@ -320,15 +144,10 @@ func (ps *ProfileStoreV1) load() error {
delete(cp.Groups, gid)
ss := NewStreamStore(, group.LocalID, ps.key)
ps.streamStores[group.GroupID] = ss
return err
@ -338,238 +157,3 @@ func (ps *ProfileStoreV1) load() error {
func (ps *ProfileStoreV1) GetProfileCopy(timeline bool) *model.Profile {
return ps.profile.GetCopy(timeline)
func (ps *ProfileStoreV1) eventHandler() {
for {
ev := ps.queue.Next()
log.Debugf("eventHandler event %v %v\n", ev.EventType, ev.EventID)
switch ev.EventType {
case event.SetPeerAuthorization:
err := ps.profile.SetContactAuthorization(ev.Data[event.RemotePeer], model.Authorization(ev.Data[event.Authorization]))
if err == nil {
case event.PeerCreated:
var pp *model.PublicProfile
json.Unmarshal([]byte(ev.Data[event.Data]), &pp)
ps.profile.AddContact(ev.Data[event.RemotePeer], pp)
case event.GroupCreated:
var group *model.Group
json.Unmarshal([]byte(ev.Data[event.Data]), &group)
ps.streamStores[group.GroupID] = NewStreamStore(, group.LocalID, ps.key)
case event.SetAttribute:
ps.profile.SetAttribute(ev.Data[event.Key], ev.Data[event.Data])
case event.SetPeerAttribute:
contact, exists := ps.profile.GetContact(ev.Data[event.RemotePeer])
if exists {
contact.SetAttribute(ev.Data[event.Key], ev.Data[event.Data])
switch ev.Data[event.Key] {
case event.SaveHistoryKey:
if event.DeleteHistoryConfirmed == ev.Data[event.Data] {
ss, exists := ps.streamStores[ev.Data[event.RemotePeer]]
if exists {
delete(ps.streamStores, ev.Data[event.RemotePeer])
} else if event.SaveHistoryConfirmed == ev.Data[event.Data] {
_, exists := ps.streamStores[ev.Data[event.RemotePeer]]
if !exists {
ss := NewStreamStore(, contact.LocalID, ps.key)
ps.streamStores[ev.Data[event.RemotePeer]] = ss
} else {
log.Errorf("error setting attribute on peer %v peer does not exist", ev)
case event.SetGroupAttribute:
group := ps.profile.GetGroup(ev.Data[event.GroupID])
if group != nil {
group.SetAttribute(ev.Data[event.Key], ev.Data[event.Data])
} else {
log.Errorf("error setting attribute on group %v group does not exist", ev)
case event.AcceptGroupInvite:
err := ps.profile.AcceptInvite(ev.Data[event.GroupID])
if err == nil {
} else {
log.Errorf("error accepting group invite")
case event.RejectGroupInvite:
case event.NewGroup:
gid, err := ps.profile.ProcessInvite(ev.Data[event.GroupInvite])
if err == nil {
group := ps.profile.Groups[gid]
ps.streamStores[group.GroupID] = NewStreamStore(, group.LocalID, ps.key)
} else {
log.Errorf("error storing new group invite: %v (%v)", err, ev)
case event.SendMessageToPeer: // cache the message till an ack, then it's given to stream store.
// stream store doesn't support updates, so we don't want to commit it till ack'd
ps.profile.AddSentMessageToContactTimeline(ev.Data[event.RemotePeer], ev.Data[event.Data], time.Now(), ev.EventID)
case event.NewMessageFromPeer:
ps.profile.AddMessageToContactTimeline(ev.Data[event.RemotePeer], ev.Data[event.Data], time.Now())
ps.attemptSavePeerMessage(ev.Data[event.RemotePeer], ev.Data[event.Data], ev.Data[event.TimestampReceived], true)
case event.PeerAcknowledgement:
onion := ev.Data[event.RemotePeer]
eventID := ev.Data[event.EventID]
contact, ok := ps.profile.Contacts[onion]
if ok {
mIdx, ok := contact.UnacknowledgedMessages[eventID]
if ok {
message := contact.Timeline.Messages[mIdx]
ps.attemptSavePeerMessage(onion, message.Message, message.Timestamp.Format(time.RFC3339Nano), false)
ps.profile.AckSentMessageToPeer(ev.Data[event.RemotePeer], ev.Data[event.EventID])
case event.NewMessageFromGroup:
groupid := ev.Data[event.GroupID]
received, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, ev.Data[event.TimestampReceived])
sent, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, ev.Data[event.TimestampSent])
sig, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(ev.Data[event.Signature])
prevsig, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(ev.Data[event.PreviousSignature])
message := model.Message{Received: received, Timestamp: sent, Message: ev.Data[event.Data], PeerID: ev.Data[event.RemotePeer], Signature: sig, PreviousMessageSig: prevsig, Acknowledged: true}
ss, exists := ps.streamStores[groupid]
if exists {
// We need to store a local copy of the message...
} else {
log.Errorf("error storing new group message: %v stream store does not exist", ev)
case event.PeerStateChange:
if _, exists := ps.profile.Contacts[ev.Data[event.RemotePeer]]; exists {
ps.profile.Contacts[ev.Data[event.RemotePeer]].State = ev.Data[event.ConnectionState]
case event.ServerStateChange:
for _, group := range ps.profile.Groups {
if group.GroupServer == ev.Data[event.GroupServer] {
group.State = ev.Data[event.ConnectionState]
case event.DeleteContact:
onion := ev.Data[event.RemotePeer]
ss, exists := ps.streamStores[onion]
if exists {
delete(ps.streamStores, onion)
case event.DeleteGroup:
groupID := ev.Data[event.GroupID]
ss, exists := ps.streamStores[groupID]
if exists {
delete(ps.streamStores, groupID)
case event.ChangePassword:
oldpass := ev.Data[event.Password]
newpass := ev.Data[event.NewPassword]
ps.ChangePassword(oldpass, newpass, ev.EventID)
case event.UpdateMessageFlags:
handle := ev.Data[event.Handle]
mIx, err := strconv.Atoi(ev.Data[event.Index])
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Invalid Message Index: %v", err)
flags, err := strconv.ParseUint(ev.Data[event.Flags], 2, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Invalid Message Flags: %v", err)
ps.profile.UpdateMessageFlags(handle, mIx, flags)
if len(handle) == groupIDLen {
ps.regenStreamStore(ps.profile.GetGroup(handle).Timeline.Messages, handle)
} else if contact, exists := ps.profile.GetContact(handle); exists {
if exists {
val, _ := contact.GetAttribute(event.SaveHistoryKey)
if val == event.SaveHistoryConfirmed {
ps.regenStreamStore(contact.Timeline.Messages, handle)
log.Debugf("shutting down profile store: %v", ev)
// attemptSavePeerMessage checks if the peer has been configured to save history from this peer
// and if so the peer saves the message into history. fromPeer is used to control if the message is saved
// as coming from the remote peer or if it was sent by out profile.
func (ps *ProfileStoreV1) attemptSavePeerMessage(peerID, messageData, timestampeReceived string, fromPeer bool) {
contact, exists := ps.profile.GetContact(peerID)
if exists {
val, _ := contact.GetAttribute(event.SaveHistoryKey)
switch val {
case event.SaveHistoryConfirmed:
peerID := peerID
var received time.Time
var message model.Message
if fromPeer {
received, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, timestampeReceived)
message = model.Message{Received: received, Timestamp: received, Message: messageData, PeerID: peerID, Signature: []byte{}, PreviousMessageSig: []byte{}}
} else {
received := time.Now()
message = model.Message{Received: received, Timestamp: received, Message: messageData, PeerID: ps.profile.Onion, Signature: []byte{}, PreviousMessageSig: []byte{}, Acknowledged: true}
ss, exists := ps.streamStores[peerID]
if exists {
} else {
log.Errorf("error storing new peer message: %v stream store does not exist", peerID)
} else {
log.Errorf("error saving message for peer that doesn't exist: %v", peerID)
// Shutdown shuts down the queue / thread
func (ps *ProfileStoreV1) Shutdown() {
if ps.queue != nil {
// Delete removes all stored files for this stored profile
func (ps *ProfileStoreV1) Delete() {
log.Debugf("Delete ProfileStore for %v\n", ps.profile.Onion)
for _, ss := range ps.streamStores {
err := os.RemoveAll(
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("ProfileStore Delete error on RemoveAll on %v was %v\n",, err)

View File

@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
// Known race issue with event bus channel closure
package v1
import (
const testProfileName = "Alice"
const testKey = "key"
const testVal = "value"
const testInitialMessage = "howdy"
const testMessage = "Hello from storage"
func TestProfileStoreWriteRead(t *testing.T) {
log.Println("profile store test!")
eventBus := event.NewEventManager()
profile := NewProfile(testProfileName)
// The lightest weight server entry possible (usually we would import a key bundle...)
profile.AddContact("2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd", &model.PublicProfile{Attributes: map[string]string{string(model.KeyTypeServerOnion): "2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd"}})
ps1 := CreateProfileWriterStore(eventBus, testingDir, password, profile)
eventBus.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.SetAttribute, map[event.Field]string{event.Key: testKey, event.Data: testVal}))
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
groupid, invite, err := profile.StartGroup("2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Creating group: %v\n", err)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Creating group invite: %v\n", err)
eventBus.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.NewGroup, map[event.Field]string{event.TimestampReceived: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano), event.RemotePeer: ps1.GetProfileCopy(true).Onion, event.GroupInvite: string(invite)}))
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
eventBus.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.NewMessageFromGroup, map[event.Field]string{
event.GroupID: groupid,
event.TimestampSent: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
event.TimestampReceived: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
event.RemotePeer: ps1.GetProfileCopy(true).Onion,
event.Data: testMessage,
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
ps2, err := LoadProfileWriterStore(eventBus, testingDir, password)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error createing ProfileStoreV1: %v\n", err)
profile = ps2.GetProfileCopy(true)
if profile.Name != testProfileName {
t.Errorf("Profile name from loaded profile incorrect. Expected: '%v' Actual: '%v'\n", testProfileName, profile.Name)
v, _ := profile.GetAttribute(testKey)
if v != testVal {
t.Errorf("Profile attribute '%v' inccorect. Expected: '%v' Actual: '%v'\n", testKey, testVal, v)
group2 := ps2.GetProfileCopy(true).Groups[groupid]
if group2 == nil {
t.Errorf("Group not loaded\n")
func TestProfileStoreChangePassword(t *testing.T) {
eventBus := event.NewEventManager()
queue := event.NewQueue()
eventBus.Subscribe(event.ChangePasswordSuccess, queue)
profile := NewProfile(testProfileName)
profile.AddContact("2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd", &model.PublicProfile{Attributes: map[string]string{string(model.KeyTypeServerOnion): "2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd"}})
ps1 := CreateProfileWriterStore(eventBus, testingDir, password, profile)
groupid, invite, err := profile.StartGroup("2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Creating group: %v\n", err)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Creating group invite: %v\n", err)
eventBus.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.NewGroup, map[event.Field]string{event.TimestampReceived: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano), event.RemotePeer: ps1.GetProfileCopy(true).Onion, event.GroupInvite: string(invite)}))
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
fmt.Println("Sending 200 messages...")
for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
eventBus.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.NewMessageFromGroup, map[event.Field]string{
event.GroupID: groupid,
event.TimestampSent: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
event.TimestampReceived: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
event.RemotePeer: profile.Onion,
event.Data: testMessage,
event.Signature: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte{byte(i)}),
newPass := "qwerty123"
fmt.Println("Sending Change Passwords event...")
eventBus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.ChangePassword, event.Password, password, event.NewPassword, newPass))
ev := queue.Next()
if ev.EventType != event.ChangePasswordSuccess {
t.Errorf("Unexpected event response detected %v\n", ev.EventType)
fmt.Println("Sending 10 more messages...")
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
eventBus.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.NewMessageFromGroup, map[event.Field]string{
event.GroupID: groupid,
event.TimestampSent: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
event.TimestampReceived: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano),
event.RemotePeer: profile.Onion,
event.Data: testMessage,
event.Signature: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte{0x01, byte(i)}),
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
fmt.Println("Shutdown profile store...")
fmt.Println("New Profile store...")
ps2, err := LoadProfileWriterStore(eventBus, testingDir, newPass)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error createing new ProfileStoreV1 with new password: %v\n", err)
profile2 := ps2.GetProfileCopy(true)
if profile2.Groups[groupid] == nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to load group %v\n", groupid)
if len(profile2.Groups[groupid].Timeline.Messages) != 210 {
t.Errorf("Failed to load group's 210 messages, instead got %v\n", len(profile2.Groups[groupid].Timeline.Messages))

View File

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import (
// This number is larger that the recommend chunk size of libsodium secretbox by an order of magnitude.
// Since this code is not performance-sensitive (and is unlikely to gain any significant performance benefit from
// cache-efficient chunking) this size isnt currently a concern.
// TODO: revise and evaluate better storage options after beta”
const (
fileStorePartitions = 128
bytesPerFile = 128 * 1024

View File

@ -1,27 +1,28 @@
package testing
import (
// Import SQL Cipher
app2 ""
_ ""
mrand "math/rand"
@ -32,71 +33,33 @@ var (
carolLines = []string{"Howdy, thanks!"}
func printAndCountVerifedTimeline(t *testing.T, timeline []model.Message) int {
numVerified := 0
for _, message := range timeline {
fmt.Printf("%v %v> %s\n", message.Timestamp, message.PeerID, message.Message)
return numVerified
func waitForPeerGroupConnection(t *testing.T, peer peer.CwtchPeer, groupID string) {
func waitForConnection(t *testing.T, peer peer.CwtchPeer, addr string, target connections.ConnectionState) {
peerName, _ := peer.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
for {
fmt.Printf("%v checking group connection...\n", peerName)
state, ok := peer.GetGroupState(groupID)
if ok {
fmt.Printf("Waiting for Peer %v to join group %v - state: %v\n", peerName, groupID, state)
if state == connections.FAILED {
t.Fatalf("%v could not connect to %v", peer.GetOnion(), groupID)
if state != connections.SYNCED {
fmt.Printf("peer %v %v waiting connect to group %v, currently: %v\n", peerName, peer.GetOnion(), groupID, connections.ConnectionStateName[state])
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
} else {
fmt.Printf("peer %v %v CONNECTED to group %v\n", peerName, peer.GetOnion(), groupID)
fmt.Printf("%v checking connection...\n", peerName)
state := peer.GetPeerState(addr)
fmt.Printf("Waiting for Peer %v to %v - state: %v\n", peerName, addr, state)
if state == connections.FAILED {
t.Fatalf("%v could not connect to %v", peer.GetOnion(), addr)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
func waitForPeerPeerConnection(t *testing.T, peera peer.CwtchPeer, peerb peer.CwtchPeer) {
for {
state, ok := peera.GetPeerState(peerb.GetOnion())
if ok {
//log.Infof("Waiting for Peer %v to peer with peer: %v - state: %v\n", peera.GetProfile().Name, peerb.GetProfile().Name, state)
if state == connections.FAILED {
t.Fatalf("%v could not connect to %v", peera.GetOnion(), peerb.GetOnion())
if state != connections.AUTHENTICATED {
fmt.Printf("peer %v waiting connect to peer %v, currently: %v\n", peera.GetOnion(), peerb.GetOnion(), connections.ConnectionStateName[state])
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
} else {
peerAName, _ := peera.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
peerBName, _ := peerb.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
fmt.Printf("%v CONNECTED and AUTHED to %v\n", peerAName, peerBName)
if state != target {
fmt.Printf("peer %v %v waiting connect %v, currently: %v\n", peerName, peer.GetOnion(), addr, connections.ConnectionStateName[state])
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
} else {
fmt.Printf("peer %v %v CONNECTED to %v\n", peerName, peer.GetOnion(), addr)
func TestCwtchPeerIntegration(t *testing.T) {
numGoRoutinesStart := runtime.NumGoroutine()
os.Mkdir("tordir", 0700)
dataDir := path.Join("tordir", "tor")
@ -119,8 +82,11 @@ func TestCwtchPeerIntegration(t *testing.T) {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Could not start Tor: %v", err)
pid, _ := acn.GetPID()
t.Logf("Tor pid: %v", pid)
defer acn.Close()
// We don't include ACN in our routine calculations anymore
numGoRoutinesStart := runtime.NumGoroutine()
// ***** Cwtch Server management *****
@ -135,41 +101,36 @@ func TestCwtchPeerIntegration(t *testing.T) {
os.Mkdir(cwtchDir, 0700)
os.RemoveAll(path.Join(cwtchDir, "testing"))
os.Mkdir(path.Join(cwtchDir, "testing"), 0700)
bridgeClient := bridge.NewPipeBridgeClient(path.Join(cwtchDir, "testing/clientPipe"), path.Join(cwtchDir, "testing/servicePipe"))
bridgeService := bridge.NewPipeBridgeService(path.Join(cwtchDir, "testing/servicePipe"), path.Join(cwtchDir, "testing/clientPipe"))
appClient := app2.NewAppClient("./storage", bridgeClient)
appService := app2.NewAppService(acn, "./storage", bridgeService)
numGoRoutinesPostAppStart := runtime.NumGoroutine()
// ***** cwtchPeer setup *****
fmt.Println("Creating Alice...")
app.CreatePeer("alice", "asdfasdf")
app.CreateTaggedPeer("Alice", "asdfasdf", "test")
fmt.Println("Creating Bob...")
app.CreatePeer("bob", "asdfasdf")
app.CreateTaggedPeer("Bob", "asdfasdf", "test")
fmt.Println("Creating Carol...")
appClient.CreatePeer("carol", "asdfasdf")
app.CreateTaggedPeer("Carol", "asdfasdf", "test")
alice := utils.WaitGetPeer(app, "alice")
alice := utils.WaitGetPeer(app, "Alice")
fmt.Println("Alice created:", alice.GetOnion())
alice.SetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name, "Alice")
alice.AutoHandleEvents([]event.Type{event.PeerStateChange, event.ServerStateChange, event.NewGroupInvite, event.NewRetValMessageFromPeer})
bob := utils.WaitGetPeer(app, "bob")
bob := utils.WaitGetPeer(app, "Bob")
fmt.Println("Bob created:", bob.GetOnion())
bob.SetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name, "Bob")
bob.AutoHandleEvents([]event.Type{event.PeerStateChange, event.ServerStateChange, event.NewGroupInvite, event.NewRetValMessageFromPeer})
carol := utils.WaitGetPeer(appClient, "carol")
carol := utils.WaitGetPeer(app, "Carol")
fmt.Println("Carol created:", carol.GetOnion())
carol.SetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name, "Carol")
carol.AutoHandleEvents([]event.Type{event.PeerStateChange, event.ServerStateChange, event.NewGroupInvite, event.NewRetValMessageFromPeer})
waitTime := time.Duration(60) * time.Second
t.Logf("** Waiting for Alice, Bob, and Carol to connect with onion network... (%v)\n", waitTime)
@ -179,289 +140,239 @@ func TestCwtchPeerIntegration(t *testing.T) {
// ***** Peering, server joining, group creation / invite *****
fmt.Println("Alice joining server...")
if _, err := alice.AddServer(string(serverKeyBundle)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to Add Server Bundle %v", err)
fmt.Println("Alice peering with Bob...")
// Simulate Alice Adding Bob
alice2bobConversationID, err := alice.NewContactConversation(bob.GetOnion(), model.DefaultP2PAccessControl(), true)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error adding conversaiton %v", alice2bobConversationID)
bob2aliceConversationID, err := bob.NewContactConversation(alice.GetOnion(), model.DefaultP2PAccessControl(), true)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error adding conversaiton %v", bob2aliceConversationID)
fmt.Println("Alice peering with Carol...")
t.Logf("Alice peering with Carol...")
// Simulate Alice Adding Carol
alice2carolConversationID, err := alice.NewContactConversation(carol.GetOnion(), model.DefaultP2PAccessControl(), true)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error adding conversaiton %v", alice2carolConversationID)
carol2aliceConversationID, err := carol.NewContactConversation(alice.GetOnion(), model.DefaultP2PAccessControl(), true)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error adding conversaiton %v", carol2aliceConversationID)
fmt.Println("Creating group on ", ServerAddr, "...")
groupID, _, err := alice.StartGroup(ServerAddr)
fmt.Printf("Created group: %v!\n", groupID)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to init group: %v", err)
waitForConnection(t, alice, bob.GetOnion(), connections.AUTHENTICATED)
waitForConnection(t, alice, carol.GetOnion(), connections.AUTHENTICATED)
waitForConnection(t, bob, alice.GetOnion(), connections.AUTHENTICATED)
waitForConnection(t, carol, alice.GetOnion(), connections.AUTHENTICATED)
fmt.Println("Waiting for alice to join server...")
waitForPeerGroupConnection(t, alice, groupID)
t.Logf("Alice and Bob getVal")
fmt.Println("Waiting for alice and Bob to peer...")
waitForPeerPeerConnection(t, alice, bob)
// Need to add contact else SetContactAuth fails on peer peer doesnt exist
// Normal flow would be Bob app monitors for the new connection (a new connection state change to Auth
// and the adds the user to peer, and then approves or blocks it
bob.AddContact("alice?", alice.GetOnion(), model.AuthApproved)
bob.SetContactAuthorization(alice.GetOnion(), model.AuthApproved)
alice.SendScopedZonedGetValToContact(alice2bobConversationID, attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
bob.SendScopedZonedGetValToContact(bob2aliceConversationID, attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
waitForPeerPeerConnection(t, alice, carol)
carol.AddContact("alice?", alice.GetOnion(), model.AuthApproved)
carol.SetContactAuthorization(alice.GetOnion(), model.AuthApproved)
fmt.Println("Alice and Bob getVal")
alice.SendScopedZonedGetValToContact(bob.GetOnion(), attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
bob.SendScopedZonedGetValToContact(alice.GetOnion(), attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
alice.SendScopedZonedGetValToContact(carol.GetOnion(), attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
carol.SendScopedZonedGetValToContact(alice.GetOnion(), attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
alice.SendScopedZonedGetValToContact(alice2carolConversationID, attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
carol.SendScopedZonedGetValToContact(carol2aliceConversationID, attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
// This used to be 10, but increasing it to 30 because this is now causing frequent issues
// Probably related to latency/throughput problems in the underlying tor network.
time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
aliceName, exists := bob.GetContactAttribute(alice.GetOnion(), attr.GetPeerScope(constants.Name))
if !exists || aliceName != "Alice" {
t.Fatalf("Bob: alice GetKeyVal error on alice %v\n", exists)
aliceName, err := bob.GetConversationAttribute(bob2aliceConversationID, attr.PublicScope.ConstructScopedZonedPath(attr.ProfileZone.ConstructZonedPath(constants.Name)))
if err != nil || aliceName != "Alice" {
t.Fatalf("Bob: alice GetKeyVal error on alice %v: %v\n", aliceName, err)
fmt.Printf("Bob has alice's name as '%v'\n", aliceName)
bobName, exists := alice.GetContactAttribute(bob.GetOnion(), attr.GetPeerScope(constants.Name))
if !exists || bobName != "Bob" {
t.Fatalf("Alice: bob GetKeyVal error on bob\n")
bobName, err := alice.GetConversationAttribute(alice2bobConversationID, attr.PublicScope.ConstructScopedZonedPath(attr.ProfileZone.ConstructZonedPath(constants.Name)))
if err != nil || bobName != "Bob" {
t.Fatalf("Alice: bob GetKeyVal error on bob %v: %v \n", bobName, err)
fmt.Printf("Alice has bob's name as '%v'\n", bobName)
aliceName, exists = carol.GetContactAttribute(alice.GetOnion(), attr.GetPeerScope(constants.Name))
if !exists || aliceName != "Alice" {
t.Fatalf("carol GetKeyVal error for alice %v\n", exists)
aliceName, err = carol.GetConversationAttribute(carol2aliceConversationID, attr.PublicScope.ConstructScopedZonedPath(attr.ProfileZone.ConstructZonedPath(constants.Name)))
if err != nil || aliceName != "Alice" {
t.Fatalf("carol GetKeyVal error for alice %v: %v\n", aliceName, err)
carolName, exists := alice.GetContactAttribute(carol.GetOnion(), attr.GetPeerScope(constants.Name))
if !exists || carolName != "Carol" {
t.Fatalf("alice GetKeyVal error, carol\n")
carolName, err := alice.GetConversationAttribute(alice2carolConversationID, attr.PublicScope.ConstructScopedZonedPath(attr.ProfileZone.ConstructZonedPath(constants.Name)))
if err != nil || carolName != "Carol" {
t.Fatalf("alice GetKeyVal error, carol %v: %v\n", carolName, err)
fmt.Printf("Alice has carol's name as '%v'\n", carolName)
// Group Testing
// Simulate Alice Creating a Group
fmt.Println("Alice joining server...")
if _, err := alice.AddServer(string(serverKeyBundle)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to Add Server Bundle %v", err)
t.Logf("Waiting for alice to join server...")
err = alice.JoinServer(ServerAddr)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("alice cannot join server %v %v", ServerAddr, err)
waitForConnection(t, alice, ServerAddr, connections.SYNCED)
// Creating a Group
t.Logf("Creating group on %v...", ServerAddr)
aliceGroupConversationID, err := alice.StartGroup("Our Cool Testing Group", ServerAddr)
t.Logf("Created group: %v!\n", aliceGroupConversationID)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to init group: %v", err)
// Invites
fmt.Println("Alice inviting Bob to group...")
err = alice.InviteOnionToGroup(bob.GetOnion(), groupID)
err = alice.SendInviteToConversation(alice2bobConversationID, aliceGroupConversationID)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error for Alice inviting Bob to group: %v", err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
fmt.Println("Bob examining groups and accepting invites...")
for _, message := range bob.GetContact(alice.GetOnion()).Timeline.GetMessages() {
fmt.Printf("Found message from Alice: %v", message.Message)
if strings.HasPrefix(message.Message, "torv3") {
gid, err := bob.ImportGroup(message.Message)
if err == nil {
fmt.Printf("Bob found accepting %v...", gid)
} else {
t.Fatalf("Bob could not accept invite...%v", gid)
// Alice invites Bob to the Group...
message, _, err := bob.GetChannelMessage(bob2aliceConversationID, 0, 1)
t.Logf("Alice message to Bob %v %v", message, err)
var overlayMessage model.MessageWrapper
json.Unmarshal([]byte(message), &overlayMessage)
t.Logf("Parsed Overlay Message: %v", overlayMessage)
err = bob.ImportBundle(overlayMessage.Data)
t.Logf("Result of Bob Importing the Bundle from Alice: %v", err)
fmt.Println("Waiting for Bob to join connect to group server...")
waitForPeerGroupConnection(t, bob, groupID)
t.Logf("Waiting for Bob to join connect to group server...")
err = bob.JoinServer(ServerAddr) // for some unrealism we skip "discovering the server from the event bus
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("alice cannot join server %v %v", ServerAddr, err)
bobGroupConversationID := 3
waitForConnection(t, bob, ServerAddr, connections.SYNCED)
numGoRoutinesPostServerConnect := runtime.NumGoroutine()
// ***** Conversation *****
t.Logf("Starting conversation in group...")
checkSendMessageToGroup(t, alice, aliceGroupConversationID, aliceLines[0])
checkSendMessageToGroup(t, bob, bobGroupConversationID, bobLines[0])
checkSendMessageToGroup(t, alice, aliceGroupConversationID, aliceLines[1])
checkSendMessageToGroup(t, bob, bobGroupConversationID, bobLines[1])
fmt.Println("Starting conversation in group...")
// Conversation
fmt.Printf("%v> %v\n", aliceName, aliceLines[0])
err = alice.SendMessage(groupID, aliceLines[0])
// Alice invites Bob to the Group...
message, _, err = carol.GetChannelMessage(carol2aliceConversationID, 0, 1)
t.Logf("Alice message to Carol %v %v", message, err)
json.Unmarshal([]byte(message), &overlayMessage)
t.Logf("Parsed Overlay Message: %v", overlayMessage)
err = carol.ImportBundle(overlayMessage.Data)
t.Logf("Result of Carol Importing the Bundle from Alice: %v", err)
t.Logf("Waiting for Carol to join connect to group server...")
err = carol.JoinServer(ServerAddr) // for some unrealism we skip "discovering the server from the event bus
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Alice failed to send a message to the group: %v", err)
t.Fatalf("carol cannot join server %v %v", ServerAddr, err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)
carolGroupConversationID := 3
waitForConnection(t, carol, ServerAddr, connections.SYNCED)
fmt.Printf("%v> %v\n", bobName, bobLines[0])
err = bob.SendMessage(groupID, bobLines[0])
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Bob failed to send a message to the group: %v", err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)
numGoRoutinesPostCarolConnect := runtime.NumGoroutine()
fmt.Printf("%v> %v\n", aliceName, aliceLines[1])
alice.SendMessage(groupID, aliceLines[1])
time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)
t.Logf("Shutting down Alice...")
fmt.Printf("%v> %v\n", bobName, bobLines[1])
bob.SendMessage(groupID, bobLines[1])
time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)
// Check Alice Timeline
checkMessage(t, alice, aliceGroupConversationID, 1, aliceLines[0])
checkMessage(t, alice, aliceGroupConversationID, 2, bobLines[0])
checkMessage(t, alice, aliceGroupConversationID, 3, aliceLines[1])
checkMessage(t, alice, aliceGroupConversationID, 4, bobLines[1])
fmt.Println("Alice inviting Carol to group...")
err = alice.InviteOnionToGroup(carol.GetOnion(), groupID)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error for Alice inviting Carol to group: %v", err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 60) // Account for some token acquisition in Alice and Bob flows.
fmt.Println("Carol examining groups and accepting invites...")
for _, message := range carol.GetContact(alice.GetOnion()).Timeline.GetMessages() {
fmt.Printf("Found message from Alice: %v", message.Message)
if strings.HasPrefix(message.Message, "torv3") {
gid, err := carol.ImportGroup(message.Message)
if err == nil {
fmt.Printf("Carol found accepting %v...", gid)
} else {
t.Fatalf("Carol could not accept invite...%v", gid)
fmt.Println("Shutting down Alice...")
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
numGoRoutinesPostAlice := runtime.NumGoroutine()
fmt.Println("Carol joining server...")
waitForPeerGroupConnection(t, carol, groupID)
numGoRotinesPostCarolConnect := runtime.NumGoroutine()
fmt.Printf("%v> %v", bobName, bobLines[2])
bob.SendMessage(groupID, bobLines[2])
// Bob should have enough tokens so we don't need to account for
// token acquisition here...
fmt.Printf("%v> %v", carolName, carolLines[0])
carol.SendMessage(groupID, carolLines[0])
time.Sleep(time.Second * 30) // we need to account for spam-based token acquisition, but everything should
// be warmed-up and delays should be pretty small.
// ***** Verify Test *****
fmt.Println("Final syncing time...")
checkSendMessageToGroup(t, carol, carolGroupConversationID, carolLines[0])
checkSendMessageToGroup(t, bob, bobGroupConversationID, bobLines[2])
time.Sleep(time.Second * 30)
alicesGroup := alice.GetGroup(groupID)
if alicesGroup == nil {
t.Error("aliceGroup == nil")
// Check Bob Timeline
checkMessage(t, bob, bobGroupConversationID, 1, aliceLines[0])
checkMessage(t, bob, bobGroupConversationID, 2, bobLines[0])
checkMessage(t, bob, bobGroupConversationID, 3, aliceLines[1])
checkMessage(t, bob, bobGroupConversationID, 4, bobLines[1])
checkMessage(t, bob, bobGroupConversationID, 5, carolLines[0])
checkMessage(t, bob, bobGroupConversationID, 6, bobLines[2])
fmt.Printf("Alice's TimeLine:\n")
aliceVerified := printAndCountVerifedTimeline(t, alicesGroup.GetTimeline())
if aliceVerified != 4 {
t.Errorf("Alice did not have 4 verified messages")
// Check Carol Timeline
checkMessage(t, carol, carolGroupConversationID, 1, aliceLines[0])
checkMessage(t, carol, carolGroupConversationID, 2, bobLines[0])
checkMessage(t, carol, carolGroupConversationID, 3, aliceLines[1])
checkMessage(t, carol, carolGroupConversationID, 4, bobLines[1])
checkMessage(t, carol, carolGroupConversationID, 5, carolLines[0])
checkMessage(t, carol, carolGroupConversationID, 6, bobLines[2])
bobsGroup := bob.GetGroup(groupID)
if bobsGroup == nil {
t.Error("bobGroup == nil")
fmt.Printf("Bob's TimeLine:\n")
bobVerified := printAndCountVerifedTimeline(t, bobsGroup.GetTimeline())
if bobVerified != 6 {
t.Errorf("Bob did not have 6 verified messages")
carolsGroup := carol.GetGroup(groupID)
fmt.Printf("Carol's TimeLine:\n")
carolVerified := printAndCountVerifedTimeline(t, carolsGroup.GetTimeline())
if carolVerified != 6 {
t.Errorf("Carol did not have 6 verified messages")
if len(alicesGroup.GetTimeline()) != 4 {
t.Errorf("Alice's timeline does not have all messages")
} else {
// check message 0,1,2,3
aliceGroupTimeline := alicesGroup.GetTimeline()
if aliceGroupTimeline[0].Message != aliceLines[0] || aliceGroupTimeline[1].Message != bobLines[0] ||
aliceGroupTimeline[2].Message != aliceLines[1] || aliceGroupTimeline[3].Message != bobLines[1] {
t.Errorf("Some of Alice's timeline messages did not have the expected content!")
if len(bobsGroup.GetTimeline()) != 6 {
t.Errorf("Bob's timeline does not have all messages")
} else {
// check message 0,1,2,3,4,5
bobGroupTimeline := bobsGroup.GetTimeline()
if bobGroupTimeline[0].Message != aliceLines[0] || bobGroupTimeline[1].Message != bobLines[0] ||
bobGroupTimeline[2].Message != aliceLines[1] || bobGroupTimeline[3].Message != bobLines[1] ||
bobGroupTimeline[4].Message != bobLines[2] || bobGroupTimeline[5].Message != carolLines[0] {
t.Errorf("Some of Bob's timeline messages did not have the expected content!")
if len(carolsGroup.GetTimeline()) != 6 {
t.Errorf("Carol's timeline does not have all messages")
} else {
// check message 0,1,2,3,4,5
carolGroupTimeline := carolsGroup.GetTimeline()
if carolGroupTimeline[0].Message != aliceLines[0] || carolGroupTimeline[1].Message != bobLines[0] ||
carolGroupTimeline[2].Message != aliceLines[1] || carolGroupTimeline[3].Message != bobLines[1] ||
carolGroupTimeline[4].Message != carolLines[0] || carolGroupTimeline[5].Message != bobLines[2] {
t.Errorf("Some of Carol's timeline messages did not have the expected content!")
fmt.Println("Shutting down Bob...")
t.Logf("Shutting down Bob...")
time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
numGoRoutinesPostBob := runtime.NumGoroutine()
fmt.Println("Shutting down Carol...")
t.Logf("Shutting down Carol...")
time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
numGoRoutinesPostCarol := runtime.NumGoroutine()
fmt.Println("Shutting down apps...")
t.Logf("Shutting down apps...")
fmt.Printf("app Shutdown: %v\n", runtime.NumGoroutine())
fmt.Printf("appClientShutdown: %v\n", runtime.NumGoroutine())
fmt.Printf("appServiceShutdown: %v\n", runtime.NumGoroutine())
fmt.Printf("bridgeClientShutdown: %v\n", runtime.NumGoroutine())
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
fmt.Printf("brideServiceShutdown: %v\n", runtime.NumGoroutine())
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
fmt.Printf("Done shutdown: %v\n", runtime.NumGoroutine())
t.Logf("Done shutdown: %v\n", runtime.NumGoroutine())
numGoRoutinesPostAppShutdown := runtime.NumGoroutine()
fmt.Println("Shutting down ACN...")
t.Logf("Shutting down ACN...")
// acn.Close() TODO: ACN Now gets closed automatically with defer...attempting to close twice results in a dead lock...
time.Sleep(time.Second * 2) // Server ^^ has a 5 second loop attempting reconnect before exiting
time.Sleep(time.Second * 30) // the network status plugin might keep goroutines alive for a minute before killing them
numGoRoutinesPostACN := runtime.NumGoroutine()
// Printing out the current goroutines
// Very useful if we are leaking any.
pprof.Lookup("goroutine").WriteTo(os.Stdout, 1)
fmt.Printf("numGoRoutinesStart: %v\nnumGoRoutinesPostAppStart: %v\nnumGoRoutinesPostPeerStart: %v\nnumGoRoutinesPostPeerAndServerConnect: %v\n"+
"numGoRoutinesPostAlice: %v\nnumGoRotinesPostCarolConnect: %v\nnumGoRoutinesPostBob: %v\nnumGoRoutinesPostCarol: %v\nnumGoRoutinesPostAppShutdown: %v\nnumGoRoutinesPostACN: %v\n",
t.Logf("numGoRoutinesStart: %v\nnumGoRoutinesPostAppStart: %v\nnumGoRoutinesPostPeerStart: %v\nnumGoRoutinesPostPeerAndServerConnect: %v\n"+
"numGoRoutinesPostAlice: %v\nnumGoRoutinesPostCarolConnect: %v\nnumGoRoutinesPostBob: %v\nnumGoRoutinesPostCarol: %v\nnumGoRoutinesPostAppShutdown: %v",
numGoRoutinesStart, numGoRoutinesPostAppStart, numGoRoutinesPostPeerStart, numGoRoutinesPostServerConnect,
numGoRoutinesPostAlice, numGoRotinesPostCarolConnect, numGoRoutinesPostBob, numGoRoutinesPostCarol, numGoRoutinesPostAppShutdown, numGoRoutinesPostACN)
numGoRoutinesPostAlice, numGoRoutinesPostCarolConnect, numGoRoutinesPostBob, numGoRoutinesPostCarol, numGoRoutinesPostAppShutdown)
if numGoRoutinesStart != numGoRoutinesPostACN {
t.Errorf("Number of GoRoutines at start (%v) does not match number of goRoutines after cleanup of peers and servers (%v), clean up failed, leak detected!", numGoRoutinesStart, numGoRoutinesPostACN)
if numGoRoutinesStart != numGoRoutinesPostAppShutdown {
t.Errorf("Number of GoRoutines at start (%v) does not match number of goRoutines after cleanup of peers and servers (%v), clean up failed, v detected!", numGoRoutinesStart, numGoRoutinesPostAppShutdown)
// Utility function for sending a message from a peer to a group
func checkSendMessageToGroup(t *testing.T, profile peer.CwtchPeer, id int, message string) {
name, _ := profile.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
t.Logf("%v> %v\n", name, message)
err := profile.SendMessage(id, message)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Alice failed to send a message to the group: %v", err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)
// Utility function for testing that a message in a conversation is as expected
func checkMessage(t *testing.T, profile peer.CwtchPeer, id int, messageID int, expected string) {
message, _, err := profile.GetChannelMessage(id, 0, messageID)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected message %v expected: %v got error: %v", profile.GetOnion(), expected, err)
if message != expected {
t.Fatalf("unexpected message %v expected: %v got: [%v]", profile.GetOnion(), expected, message)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
package encryptedstorage
import (
// Import SQL Cipher
app2 ""
_ ""
mrand "math/rand"
func TestEncryptedStorage(t *testing.T) {
os.Mkdir("tordir", 0700)
dataDir := filepath.Join("tordir", "tor")
os.MkdirAll(dataDir, 0700)
// we don't need real randomness for the port, just to avoid a possible conflict...
socksPort := mrand.Intn(1000) + 9051
controlPort := mrand.Intn(1000) + 9052
// generate a random password
key := make([]byte, 64)
_, err := rand.Read(key)
if err != nil {
acn, err := tor.NewTorACNWithAuth("./tordir", path.Join("..", "..", "tor"), controlPort, tor.HashedPasswordAuthenticator{Password: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(key)})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Could not start Tor: %v", err)
cwtchDir := path.Join(".", "encrypted_storage_profiles")
os.Mkdir(cwtchDir, 0700)
fmt.Println("Creating Alice...")
defer acn.Close()
app := app2.NewApp(acn, cwtchDir)
app.CreateTaggedPeer("alice", "password", constants.ProfileTypeV1Password)
app.CreateTaggedPeer("bob", "password", constants.ProfileTypeV1Password)
alice := utils.WaitGetPeer(app, "alice")
bob := utils.WaitGetPeer(app, "bob")
// To keep this large test organized, we will break it down into sub tests...
subTestAliceAddAndDeleteBob(t, alice, bob)
conversations, err := alice.FetchConversations()
if err != nil || len(conversations) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected issue when fetching all of alices conversations. Expected 1 got : %v %v", conversations, err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 40)
alice.SendMessage(2, "Hello Bob")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("alice should have been able to fetch her own message")
_, attr, _ := alice.GetChannelMessage(2, 0, 1)
if attr[constants.AttrAck] != "false" {
t.Fatalf("Alices message should have been acknowledged...yet")
time.Sleep(time.Second * 30)
ci, _ := bob.FetchConversationInfo(alice.GetOnion())
body, _, err := bob.GetChannelMessage(ci.ID, 0, 1)
if body != "Hello Bob" || err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unexpected message in conversation channel %v %v", body, err)
} else {
t.Logf("succesfully found message in conversation channel %v", body)
// Check that we received an ACk...
_, attr, err = alice.GetChannelMessage(2, 0, 1)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("alice should have been able to fetch her own message")
if attr[constants.AttrAck] != "true" {
t.Fatalf("Alices message should have been acknowledged.")
if count, err := alice.GetChannelMessageCount(2, 0); err != nil || count != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Channel should have a single message in it. Instead returned %v %v", count, err)
messages, err := alice.GetMostRecentMessages(2, 0, 0, 10)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("fetching messages over offset should not result in error: %v", err)
if len(messages) != 1 || len(messages) > 0 && messages[0].Body != "Hello Bob" {
t.Fatalf("expeced GetMostRecentMessages to return 1, instead returned: %v %v", len(messages), messages)
// Sub Test testing that Alice can add Bob, delete the conversation associated with Bob, and then add Bob again
// Under a different conversation identifier.
func subTestAliceAddAndDeleteBob(t *testing.T, alice peer.CwtchPeer, bob peer.CwtchPeer) {
t.Logf("Starting Sub Test AliceAddAndDeleteBob")
alice.NewContactConversation(bob.GetOnion(), model.AccessControl{Read: true, Append: true, Blocked: false}, true)
// Test Basic Fetching
bobCI, err := alice.FetchConversationInfo(bob.GetOnion())
if bobCI == nil || err != nil {
t.Fatalf("alice should have been able to fetch bobs conversationf info ci:%v err:%v", bobCI, err)
} else {
t.Logf("Bobs Conversation Info fetched successfully: %v", bobCI)
oldID := bobCI.ID
// Test Basic Fetching
bobCI, err = alice.FetchConversationInfo(bob.GetOnion())
if bobCI != nil {
t.Fatalf("alice should **not** have been able to fetch bobs conversationf info ci:%v err:%v", bobCI, err)
} else {
t.Logf("expected error fetching deleted conversation info: %v", err)
alice.NewContactConversation(bob.GetOnion(), model.AccessControl{Read: true, Append: true, Blocked: false}, true)
// Test Basic Fetching
bobCI, err = alice.FetchConversationInfo(bob.GetOnion())
if bobCI == nil || err != nil {
t.Fatalf("alice should have been able to fetch bobs conversationf info ci:%v err:%v", bobCI, err)
} else {
t.Logf("Bobs Conversation Info fetched successfully: %v", bobCI)
if oldID == bobCI.ID {
t.Fatalf("bob should have a different conversation ID. Instead it is the same as the old conversation id, meaning something has gone wrong in the storage engine.")

View File

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ import (
// Import SQL Cipher
_ ""
mrand "math/rand"
@ -30,31 +32,26 @@ import (
func waitForPeerPeerConnection(t *testing.T, peera peer.CwtchPeer, peerb peer.CwtchPeer) {
for {
state, ok := peera.GetPeerState(peerb.GetOnion())
if ok {
//log.Infof("Waiting for Peer %v to peer with peer: %v - state: %v\n", peera.GetProfile().Name, peerb.GetProfile().Name, state)
if state == connections.FAILED {
t.Fatalf("%v could not connect to %v", peera.GetOnion(), peerb.GetOnion())
if state != connections.AUTHENTICATED {
fmt.Printf("peer %v waiting connect to peer %v, currently: %v\n", peera.GetOnion(), peerb.GetOnion(), connections.ConnectionStateName[state])
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
} else {
peerAName, _ := peera.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
peerBName, _ := peerb.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
fmt.Printf("%v CONNECTED and AUTHED to %v\n", peerAName, peerBName)
state := peera.GetPeerState(peerb.GetOnion())
//log.Infof("Waiting for Peer %v to peer with peer: %v - state: %v\n", peera.GetProfile().Name, peerb.GetProfile().Name, state)
if state == connections.FAILED {
t.Fatalf("%v could not connect to %v", peera.GetOnion(), peerb.GetOnion())
if state != connections.AUTHENTICATED {
fmt.Printf("peer %v waiting connect to peer %v, currently: %v\n", peera.GetOnion(), peerb.GetOnion(), connections.ConnectionStateName[state])
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
} else {
peerAName, _ := peera.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
peerBName, _ := peerb.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
fmt.Printf("%v CONNECTED and AUTHED to %v\n", peerAName, peerBName)
func TestFileSharing(t *testing.T) {
numGoRoutinesStart := runtime.NumGoroutine()
@ -81,7 +78,10 @@ func TestFileSharing(t *testing.T) {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Could not start Tor: %v", err)
defer acn.Close()
numGoRoutinesStart := runtime.NumGoroutine()
app := app2.NewApp(acn, "./storage")
usr, _ := user.Current()
@ -91,11 +91,12 @@ func TestFileSharing(t *testing.T) {
os.Mkdir(path.Join(cwtchDir, "testing"), 0700)
fmt.Println("Creating Alice...")
app.CreatePeer("alice", "asdfasdf")
app.CreateTaggedPeer("alice", "asdfasdf", "testing")
fmt.Println("Creating Bob...")
app.CreatePeer("bob", "asdfasdf")
app.CreateTaggedPeer("bob", "asdfasdf", "testing")
t.Logf("** Waiting for Alice, Bob...")
alice := utils.WaitGetPeer(app, "alice")
bob := utils.WaitGetPeer(app, "bob")
@ -105,13 +106,15 @@ func TestFileSharing(t *testing.T) {
queueOracle := event.NewQueue()
app.GetEventBus(bob.GetOnion()).Subscribe(event.FileDownloaded, queueOracle)
t.Logf("** Launching Peers...")
waitTime := time.Duration(30) * time.Second
t.Logf("** Waiting for Alice, Bob to connect with onion network... (%v)\n", waitTime)
bob.AddContact("alice?", alice.GetOnion(), model.AuthApproved)
bob.NewContactConversation(alice.GetOnion(), model.DefaultP2PAccessControl(), true)
alice.NewContactConversation(bob.GetOnion(), model.DefaultP2PAccessControl(), true)
fmt.Println("Waiting for alice and Bob to peer...")
@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ func TestFileSharing(t *testing.T) {
filesharingFunctionality, _ := filesharing.FunctionalityGate(map[string]bool{"filesharing": true})
err = filesharingFunctionality.ShareFile("cwtch.png", alice, bob.GetOnion())
err = filesharingFunctionality.ShareFile("cwtch.png", alice, 1)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Error!: %v", err)
@ -130,21 +133,21 @@ func TestFileSharing(t *testing.T) {
// Wait for the messages to arrive...
time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)
for _, message := range bob.GetContact(alice.GetOnion()).Timeline.GetMessages() {
message, _, err := bob.GetChannelMessage(1, 0, 1)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("could not find file sharing message: %v", err)
var messageWrapper model.MessageWrapper
json.Unmarshal([]byte(message.Message), &messageWrapper)
var messageWrapper model.MessageWrapper
json.Unmarshal([]byte(message), &messageWrapper)
if messageWrapper.Overlay == model.OverlayFileSharing {
var fileMessageOverlay filesharing.OverlayMessage
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(messageWrapper.Data), &fileMessageOverlay)
if messageWrapper.Overlay == model.OverlayFileSharing {
var fileMessageOverlay filesharing.OverlayMessage
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(messageWrapper.Data), &fileMessageOverlay)
if err == nil {
filesharingFunctionality.DownloadFile(bob, alice.GetOnion(), "cwtch.out.png", "cwtch.out.png.manifest", fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", fileMessageOverlay.Hash, fileMessageOverlay.Nonce))
if err == nil {
filesharingFunctionality.DownloadFile(bob, 1, "cwtch.out.png", "cwtch.out.png.manifest", fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", fileMessageOverlay.Hash, fileMessageOverlay.Nonce))
fmt.Printf("Found message from Alice: %v", message.Message)
// Wait for the file downloaded event
@ -153,15 +156,14 @@ func TestFileSharing(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("Expected file download event")
manifest, err := files.CreateManifest("cwtch.out.png")
manifest, _ := files.CreateManifest("cwtch.out.png")
if hex.EncodeToString(manifest.RootHash) != "8f0ed73bbb30db45b6a740b1251cae02945f48e4f991464d5f3607685c45dcd136a325dab2e5f6429ce2b715e602b20b5b16bf7438fb6235fefe912adcedb5fd" {
t.Fatalf("file hash does not match expected %x: ", manifest.RootHash)
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
numGoRoutinesPostACN := runtime.NumGoroutine()
// Printing out the current goroutines

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ go list ./... | xargs go vet
echo ""
echo "Linting:"
go list ./... | xargs golint
staticcheck ./...
echo "Time to format"
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ ineffassign .
# misspell (
echo "Checking for misspelled words..."
misspell . | grep -v "vendor/" | grep -v "go.sum" | grep -v ".idea"
misspell . | grep -v "testing/" | grep -v "vendor/" | grep -v "go.sum" | grep -v ".idea"

View File

@ -5,12 +5,10 @@ pwd
go test -race ${1} -coverprofile=model.cover.out -v ./model
go test -race ${1} -coverprofile=event.cover.out -v ./event
go test -race ${1} -coverprofile=storage.v0.cover.out -v ./storage/v0
go test -race ${1} -coverprofile=storage.v1.cover.out -v ./storage/v1
go test -race ${1} -coverprofile=storage.cover.out -v ./storage
go test -race ${1} -coverprofile=peer.connections.cover.out -v ./protocol/connections
go test -race ${1} -coverprofile=peer.filesharing.cover.out -v ./protocol/files
go test -race ${1} -coverprofile=peer.cover.out -v ./peer
echo "mode: set" > coverage.out && cat *.cover.out | grep -v mode: | sort -r | \
awk '{if($1 != last) {print $0;last=$1}}' >> coverage.out
rm -rf *.cover.out