// nolint:nilaway - the infiniteBuffer function causes issues with static analysis because it is very unidomatic. package event /* This package is taken from https://github.com/eapache/channels as per their suggestion we are not importing the entire package and instead cherry picking and adapting what is needed It is covered by the MIT License https://github.com/eapache/channels/blob/master/LICENSE */ // infiniteChannel implements the Channel interface with an infinite buffer between the input and the output. type infiniteChannel struct { input, output chan Event length chan int buffer *infiniteQueue } func newInfiniteChannel() *infiniteChannel { ch := &infiniteChannel{ input: make(chan Event), output: make(chan Event), length: make(chan int), buffer: newInfiniteQueue(), } go ch.infiniteBuffer() return ch } func (ch *infiniteChannel) In() chan<- Event { return ch.input } func (ch *infiniteChannel) Out() <-chan Event { return ch.output } func (ch *infiniteChannel) Len() int { return <-ch.length } func (ch *infiniteChannel) Close() { close(ch.input) } func (ch *infiniteChannel) infiniteBuffer() { var input, output chan Event var next Event input = ch.input for input != nil || output != nil { select { case elem, open := <-input: if open { ch.buffer.Add(elem) } else { input = nil } case output <- next: ch.buffer.Remove() case ch.length <- ch.buffer.Length(): } if ch.buffer.Length() > 0 { output = ch.output next = ch.buffer.Peek() } else { output = nil //next = nil } } close(ch.output) close(ch.length) }