package event import ( "" "sync" ) // IPCMessage is a wrapper for a regular eventMessage with a destination (onion|AppDest) so the other side of the bridge can route appropriately type IPCMessage struct { Dest string Message Event } type pipeBridge struct { in chan IPCMessage out chan IPCMessage closedChan chan bool closed bool lock sync.Mutex } // IPCBridge is an interface to a IPC construct used to communicate IPCMessages type IPCBridge interface { Read() (IPCMessage, bool) Write(message *IPCMessage) Shutdown() } // MakePipeBridge returns a simple testing IPCBridge made from inprocess go channels func MakePipeBridge() (b1, b2 IPCBridge) { chan1 := make(chan IPCMessage) chan2 := make(chan IPCMessage) closed := make(chan bool) a := &pipeBridge{in: chan1, out: chan2, closedChan: closed, closed: false} b := &pipeBridge{in: chan2, out: chan1, closedChan: closed, closed: false} go monitor(a, b) return a, b } func monitor(a, b *pipeBridge) { <-a.closedChan a.closed = true b.closed = true a.closedChan <- true } func (pb *pipeBridge) Read() (message IPCMessage, ok bool) { message, ok = < return } func (pb *pipeBridge) Write(message *IPCMessage) { pb.lock.Lock() defer pb.lock.Unlock() log.Infof("pb.Write: %v\n", message) if !pb.closed { pb.out <- *message } } func (pb *pipeBridge) Shutdown() { if !pb.closed { close( close(pb.out) pb.closedChan <- true <-pb.closedChan } }