package connections import ( "crypto/rand" "" "" "" "" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "" "net" "testing" "time" ) func PeerAuthValid(hostname string, key ed25519.PublicKey) (allowed, known bool) { return true, true } func runtestpeer(t *testing.T, tp *TestPeer, identity identity.Identity, listenChan chan bool) { ln, _ := net.Listen("tcp", "") listenChan <- true conn, _ := ln.Accept() defer conn.Close() rc, err := goricochet.NegotiateVersionInbound(conn) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Negotiate Version Error: %v", err) } err = connection.HandleInboundConnection(rc).ProcessAuthAsV3Server(identity, PeerAuthValid) if err != nil { t.Errorf("ServerAuth Error: %v", err) } tp.RegisterChannelHandler("im.cwtch.peer", func() channels.Handler { cpc := new(peer.CwtchPeerChannel) cpc.Handler = tp return cpc }) rc.Process(tp) } type TestPeer struct { connection.AutoConnectionHandler ReceivedIdentityPacket bool ReceivedGroupInvite bool } func (tp *TestPeer) HandleGroupInvite(gci *protocol.GroupChatInvite) { tp.ReceivedGroupInvite = true } func TestPeerPeerConnection(t *testing.T) { pub, priv, _ := ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader) identity := identity.InitializeV3("", &priv, &pub) profile := model.GenerateNewProfile("alice") hostname := identity.Hostname() manager := &event.Manager{} manager.Initialize() engine := NewProtocolEngine(identity, priv, connectivity.LocalProvider(), manager, nil) ppc := NewPeerPeerConnection("|"+hostname, engine) tp := new(TestPeer) tp.Init() listenChan := make(chan bool) go runtestpeer(t, tp, identity, listenChan) <-listenChan state := ppc.GetState() if state != DISCONNECTED { fmt.Println("ERROR state should be disconnected") t.Errorf("new connections should start in disconnected state") } go ppc.Run() time.Sleep(time.Second * 5) state = ppc.GetState() if state != AUTHENTICATED { t.Errorf("connection state should be authenticated(3), was instead %v", state) } _, invite, _ := profile.StartGroup("2c3kmoobnyghj2zw6pwv7d57yzld753auo3ugauezzpvfak3ahc4bdyd") ppc.SendGroupInvite(invite) time.Sleep(time.Second * 3) if tp.ReceivedGroupInvite == false { t.Errorf("should have received an group invite packet") } }