package app import ( "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "os" path "path/filepath" "strconv" "sync" ) type application struct { eventBuses map[string]event.Manager directory string peerLock sync.Mutex peers map[string]peer.CwtchPeer acn connectivity.ACN plugins sync.Map //map[string] []plugins.Plugin engines map[string]connections.Engine appBus event.Manager appmutex sync.Mutex } // Application is a full cwtch peer application. It allows management, usage and storage of multiple peers type Application interface { LoadProfiles(password string) CreateTaggedPeer(name string, password string, tag string) ImportProfile(exportedCwtchFile string, password string) (peer.CwtchPeer, error) DeletePeer(onion string, currentPassword string) AddPeerPlugin(onion string, pluginID plugins.PluginID) GetPrimaryBus() event.Manager GetEventBus(onion string) event.Manager QueryACNStatus() QueryACNVersion() ActivePeerEngine(onion string, doListen, doPeers, doServers bool) DeactivatePeerEngine(onion string) ShutdownPeer(string) Shutdown() GetPeer(onion string) peer.CwtchPeer ListProfiles() []string } // LoadProfileFn is the function signature for a function in an app that loads a profile type LoadProfileFn func(profile peer.CwtchPeer) // NewApp creates a new app with some environment awareness and initializes a Tor Manager func NewApp(acn connectivity.ACN, appDirectory string) Application { log.Debugf("NewApp(%v)\n", appDirectory) os.MkdirAll(path.Join(appDirectory, "profiles"), 0700) app := &application{engines: make(map[string]connections.Engine), eventBuses: make(map[string]event.Manager), directory: appDirectory, appBus: event.NewEventManager()} app.peers = make(map[string]peer.CwtchPeer) app.acn = acn statusHandler := app.getACNStatusHandler() acn.SetStatusCallback(statusHandler) acn.SetVersionCallback(app.getACNVersionHandler()) prog, status := acn.GetBootstrapStatus() statusHandler(prog, status) return app } // ListProfiles returns a map of onions to their profile's Name func (app *application) ListProfiles() []string { var keys []string app.peerLock.Lock() defer app.peerLock.Unlock() for handle := range app.peers { keys = append(keys, handle) } return keys } // GetPeer returns a cwtchPeer for a given onion address func (app *application) GetPeer(onion string) peer.CwtchPeer { if peer, ok := app.peers[onion]; ok { return peer } return nil } func (ap *application) AddPlugin(peerid string, id plugins.PluginID, bus event.Manager, acn connectivity.ACN) { if _, exists := ap.plugins.Load(peerid); !exists { ap.plugins.Store(peerid, []plugins.Plugin{}) } pluginsinf, _ := ap.plugins.Load(peerid) peerPlugins := pluginsinf.([]plugins.Plugin) newp, err := plugins.Get(id, bus, acn, peerid) if err == nil { newp.Start() peerPlugins = append(peerPlugins, newp) log.Debugf("storing plugin for %v %v", peerid, peerPlugins) ap.plugins.Store(peerid, peerPlugins) } else { log.Errorf("error adding plugin: %v", err) } } func (app *application) CreateTaggedPeer(name string, password string, tag string) { app.appmutex.Lock() defer app.appmutex.Unlock() profileDirectory := path.Join(, "profiles", model.GenerateRandomID()) profile, err := peer.CreateEncryptedStorePeer(profileDirectory, name, password) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error Creating Peer: %v", err) app.appBus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.PeerError, event.Error, err.Error())) return } eventBus := event.NewEventManager() app.eventBuses[profile.GetOnion()] = eventBus profile.Init(app.eventBuses[profile.GetOnion()]) app.peers[profile.GetOnion()] = profile if tag != "" { profile.SetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Tag, tag) } app.appBus.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.NewPeer, map[event.Field]string{event.Identity: profile.GetOnion(), event.Created: event.True})) } func (app *application) DeletePeer(onion string, password string) { log.Infof("DeletePeer called on %v\n", onion) app.appmutex.Lock() defer app.appmutex.Unlock() if app.peers[onion].CheckPassword(password) { // soft-shutdown app.peers[onion].Shutdown() // delete the underlying storage app.peers[onion].Delete() // hard shutdown / remove from app app.shutdownPeer(onion) // Shutdown and Remove the Engine log.Debugf("Delete peer for %v Done\n", onion) app.appBus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.PeerDeleted, event.Identity, onion)) return } app.appBus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.AppError, event.Error, event.PasswordMatchError, event.Identity, onion)) } func (app *application) AddPeerPlugin(onion string, pluginID plugins.PluginID) { app.AddPlugin(onion, pluginID, app.eventBuses[onion], app.acn) } func (app *application) ImportProfile(exportedCwtchFile string, password string) (peer.CwtchPeer, error) { profileDirectory := path.Join(, "profiles") profile, err := peer.ImportProfile(exportedCwtchFile, profileDirectory, password) if profile != nil || err == nil { app.installProfile(profile) } return profile, err } // LoadProfiles takes a password and attempts to load any profiles it can from storage with it and create Peers for them func (app *application) LoadProfiles(password string) { count := 0 migrating := false files, err := os.ReadDir(path.Join(, "profiles")) if err != nil { log.Errorf("error: cannot read profiles directory: %v", err) return } for _, file := range files { // Attempt to load an encrypted database profileDirectory := path.Join(, "profiles", file.Name()) profile, err := peer.FromEncryptedDatabase(profileDirectory, password) loaded := false if err == nil { // return the load the profile... log.Infof("loading profile from new-type storage database...") loaded = app.installProfile(profile) } else { // On failure attempt to load a legacy profile profileStore, err := storage.LoadProfileWriterStore(profileDirectory, password) if err != nil { continue } log.Infof("found legacy profile. importing to new database structure...") legacyProfile := profileStore.GetProfileCopy(true) if !migrating { migrating = true app.appBus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.StartingStorageMiragtion)) } cps, err := peer.CreateEncryptedStore(profileDirectory, password) if err != nil { log.Errorf("error creating encrypted store: %v", err) } profile := peer.ImportLegacyProfile(legacyProfile, cps) loaded = app.installProfile(profile) } if loaded { count++ } } if count == 0 { message := event.NewEventList(event.AppError, event.Error, event.AppErrLoaded0) app.appBus.Publish(message) } if migrating { app.appBus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.DoneStorageMigration)) } } // installProfile takes a profile and if it isn't loaded in the app, installs it and returns true func (app *application) installProfile(profile peer.CwtchPeer) bool { app.appmutex.Lock() defer app.appmutex.Unlock() // Only attempt to finalize the profile if we don't have one loaded... if app.peers[profile.GetOnion()] == nil { eventBus := event.NewEventManager() app.eventBuses[profile.GetOnion()] = eventBus profile.Init(app.eventBuses[profile.GetOnion()]) app.peers[profile.GetOnion()] = profile app.appBus.Publish(event.NewEvent(event.NewPeer, map[event.Field]string{event.Identity: profile.GetOnion(), event.Created: event.False})) return true } // Otherwise shutdown the connections profile.Shutdown() return false } // ActivePeerEngine creates a peer engine for use with an ACN, should be called once the underlying ACN is online func (app *application) ActivePeerEngine(onion string, doListen, doPeers, doServers bool) { profile := app.GetPeer(onion) if profile != nil { app.engines[profile.GetOnion()], _ = profile.GenerateProtocolEngine(app.acn, app.eventBuses[profile.GetOnion()]) if doListen { profile.Listen() } if doPeers { profile.StartPeersConnections() } if doServers { profile.StartServerConnections() } } } // DeactivatePeerEngine shutsdown and cleans up a peer engine, should be called when an underlying ACN goes offline func (app *application) DeactivatePeerEngine(onion string) { if engine, exists := app.engines[onion]; exists { engine.Shutdown() delete(app.engines, onion) } } // GetPrimaryBus returns the bus the Application uses for events that aren't peer specific func (app *application) GetPrimaryBus() event.Manager { return app.appBus } // GetEventBus returns a cwtchPeer's event bus func (app *application) GetEventBus(onion string) event.Manager { if manager, ok := app.eventBuses[onion]; ok { return manager } return nil } func (app *application) getACNStatusHandler() func(int, string) { return func(progress int, status string) { progStr := strconv.Itoa(progress) app.appmutex.Lock() app.appBus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.ACNStatus, event.Progress, progStr, event.Status, status)) for _, bus := range app.eventBuses { bus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.ACNStatus, event.Progress, progStr, event.Status, status)) } app.appmutex.Unlock() } } func (app *application) getACNVersionHandler() func(string) { return func(version string) { app.appmutex.Lock() defer app.appmutex.Unlock() app.appBus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.ACNVersion, event.Data, version)) } } func (app *application) QueryACNStatus() { prog, status := app.acn.GetBootstrapStatus() app.getACNStatusHandler()(prog, status) } func (app *application) QueryACNVersion() { version := app.acn.GetVersion() app.appBus.Publish(event.NewEventList(event.ACNVersion, event.Data, version)) } // ShutdownPeer shuts down a peer and removes it from the app's management func (app *application) ShutdownPeer(onion string) { app.appmutex.Lock() defer app.appmutex.Unlock() app.shutdownPeer(onion) } // shutdownPeer mutex unlocked helper shutdown peer func (app *application) shutdownPeer(onion string) { app.eventBuses[onion].Publish(event.NewEventList(event.ShutdownPeer, event.Identity, onion)) app.eventBuses[onion].Shutdown() delete(app.eventBuses, onion) app.peers[onion].Shutdown() delete(app.peers, onion) if _, ok := app.engines[onion]; ok { app.engines[onion].Shutdown() delete(app.engines, onion) } log.Debugf("shutting down plugins for %v", onion) pluginsI, ok := app.plugins.Load(onion) if ok { plugins := pluginsI.([]plugins.Plugin) for _, plugin := range plugins { log.Debugf("shutting down plugin: %v", plugin) plugin.Shutdown() } } app.plugins.Delete(onion) } // Shutdown shutsdown all peers of an app func (app *application) Shutdown() { app.appmutex.Lock() defer app.appmutex.Unlock() for id := range app.peers { log.Debugf("Shutting Down Peer %v", id) app.shutdownPeer(id) } log.Debugf("Shutting Down App") app.appBus.Shutdown() log.Debugf("Shut Down Complete") }