Fork 16

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Getting Started

Sign up to the Open Privacy Gogs instance

Get the code

clone gogs@git.openprivacy.ca:cwtch.im/cwtch.git

Make a development branch to do your work

git checkout -b work-branch-name

If you are using Goland as an IDE, now would be a good time to enable automatic gofmt on save of files with the File Watches plugin https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33774950/execute-gofmt-on-file-save-in-intellij

Pull Requests

When you are done, rebase squash any multiple commits you have into one

git rebase -i master

Test the code and check it has not quality issues


Ideally run the integration tests (~5 minutes)

cd testing
go test

push your branch (-f for force in the case you've rebased and squashed)

git push origin work-branch-name -f

create a pull request

If you have fixes, you can amend them to the current commit rather than a new one with

git commit --amend
git push -f

Review Board

For very large and complicated Pull Requests we have created a Review Board instance to facilitate more in depth review and discussion at https://review.openprivacy.ca

First acquire the client, RBTools, on Ubuntu:

apt install rbtools

Then hookup your git repo to review board with:

rbt setup-repo

Using the repo cwtch

Finally you will be able to create commits with

rbt post --parent master

It possibly will need the arguments --tracking-branch=cwtch/master --branch=YOUR-BRANCH -d (-d for debug if you are having trouble)