
236 lines
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package files
import (
path "path/filepath"
// FileSharingSubSystem encapsulates the functionality necessary to share and download files via Cwtch
type FileSharingSubSystem struct {
// for sharing files
activeShares sync.Map // file key to manifest
// for downloading files
prospectiveManifests sync.Map // file key to serialized manifests
activeDownloads sync.Map // file key to manifests
// ShareFile given a file key and a serialized manifest, allow the serialized manifest to be downloaded
// by Cwtch profiles in possession of the fileKey
func (fsss *FileSharingSubSystem) ShareFile(fileKey string, serializedManifest string) {
var manifest Manifest
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(serializedManifest), &manifest)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("could not share file %v", err)
fsss.activeShares.Store(fileKey, &manifest)
// FetchManifest given a file key and knowledge of the manifest size in chunks (obtained via an attribute lookup)
// construct a request to download the manifest.
func (fsss *FileSharingSubSystem) FetchManifest(fileKey string, manifestSize uint64) model.PeerMessage {
fsss.prospectiveManifests.Store(fileKey, strings.Repeat("\"", int(manifestSize*DefaultChunkSize)))
return model.PeerMessage{
Context: event.ContextRequestManifest,
ID: fileKey,
Data: []byte{},
// CompileChunkRequests takes in a complete serializedManifest and returns a set of chunk request messages
// TODO in the future we will want this to return the handles of contacts to request chunks from
func (fsss *FileSharingSubSystem) CompileChunkRequests(fileKey, serializedManifest, tempFile, title string) []model.PeerMessage {
var manifest Manifest
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(serializedManifest), &manifest)
var messages []model.PeerMessage
if err == nil {
manifest.TempFileName = tempFile
manifest.Title = title
err := manifest.PrepareDownload()
if err == nil {
fsss.activeDownloads.Store(fileKey, &manifest)
log.Debugf("downloading file chunks: %v", manifest.GetChunkRequest().Serialize())
messages = append(messages, model.PeerMessage{
ID: fileKey,
Context: event.ContextRequestFile,
Data: []byte(manifest.GetChunkRequest().Serialize()),
} else {
log.Errorf("couldn't prepare download: %v", err)
return messages
// RequestManifestParts given a fileKey construct a set of messages representing requests to download various
// parts of the Manifest
func (fsss *FileSharingSubSystem) RequestManifestParts(fileKey string) []model.PeerMessage {
manifestI, exists := fsss.activeShares.Load(fileKey)
var messages []model.PeerMessage
if exists {
oldManifest := manifestI.(*Manifest)
serializedOldManifest := oldManifest.Serialize()
log.Debugf("found serialized manifest")
// copy so we dont get threading issues by modifying the original
// and then redact the file path before sending
// nb: manifest.size has already been corrected elsewhere
var manifest Manifest
json.Unmarshal([]byte(serializedOldManifest), &manifest)
manifest.FileName = path.Base(manifest.FileName)
serializedManifest := manifest.Serialize()
chunkID := 0
for i := 0; i < len(serializedManifest); i += DefaultChunkSize {
offset := i
end := i + DefaultChunkSize
// truncate end
if end > len(serializedManifest) {
end = len(serializedManifest)
chunk := serializedManifest[offset:end]
// request this manifest part
messages = append(messages, model.PeerMessage{
Context: event.ContextSendManifest,
ID: fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", fileKey, chunkID),
Data: chunk,
return messages
// ReceiveManifestPart given a manifestKey reconstruct part the manifest from the provided part
func (fsss *FileSharingSubSystem) ReceiveManifestPart(manifestKey string, part []byte) (fileKey string, serializedManifest string) {
fileKeyParts := strings.Split(manifestKey, ".")
if len(fileKeyParts) == 3 { // rootHash.nonce.manifestPart
fileKey = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", fileKeyParts[0], fileKeyParts[1])
log.Debugf("manifest filekey: %s", fileKey)
manifestPart, err := strconv.Atoi(fileKeyParts[2])
if err == nil {
serializedManifest, exists := fsss.prospectiveManifests.Load(fileKey)
if exists {
serializedManifest := serializedManifest.(string)
log.Debugf("loaded manifest")
offset := manifestPart * DefaultChunkSize
end := (manifestPart + 1) * DefaultChunkSize
log.Debugf("storing manifest part %v %v", offset, end)
serializedManifestBytes := []byte(serializedManifest)
if len(serializedManifestBytes) > offset && len(serializedManifestBytes) >= end {
copy(serializedManifestBytes[offset:end], part[:])
if len(part) < DefaultChunkSize {
serializedManifestBytes = serializedManifestBytes[0 : len(serializedManifestBytes)-(DefaultChunkSize-len(part))]
serializedManifest = string(serializedManifestBytes)
fsss.prospectiveManifests.Store(fileKey, serializedManifest)
log.Debugf("current manifest: [%s]", serializedManifest)
var manifest Manifest
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(serializedManifest), &manifest)
if err == nil && hex.EncodeToString(manifest.RootHash) == fileKeyParts[0] {
log.Debugf("valid manifest received! %x", manifest.RootHash)
return fileKey, serializedManifest
return "", ""
// ProcessChunkRequest given a fileKey, and a chunk request, compile a set of responses for each requested Chunk
func (fsss *FileSharingSubSystem) ProcessChunkRequest(fileKey string, serializedChunkRequest []byte) []model.PeerMessage {
log.Debugf("chunk request: %v", fileKey)
// fileKey is rootHash.nonce
manifestI, exists := fsss.activeShares.Load(fileKey)
var messages []model.PeerMessage
if exists {
manifest := manifestI.(*Manifest)
log.Debugf("manifest found: %x", manifest.RootHash)
chunkSpec, err := Deserialize(string(serializedChunkRequest))
log.Debugf("deserialized chunk spec found: %v [%s]", chunkSpec, serializedChunkRequest)
if err == nil {
for _, chunk := range *chunkSpec {
contents, err := manifest.GetChunkBytes(chunk)
if err == nil {
log.Debugf("sending chunk: %v %x", chunk, contents)
messages = append(messages, model.PeerMessage{
ID: fmt.Sprintf("%v.%d", fileKey, chunk),
Context: event.ContextSendFile,
Data: contents,
return messages
// ProcessChunk given a chunk key and a chunk attempt to store and verify the chunk as part of an active download
// If this results in the file download being completed return downloaded = true
// Always return the progress of a matched download if it exists along with the total number of chunks and the
// given chunk ID
// If not such active download exists then return an empty file key and ignore all further processing.
func (fsss *FileSharingSubSystem) ProcessChunk(chunkKey string, chunk []byte) (fileKey string, progress uint64, totalChunks uint64, chunkID uint64, title string) {
fileKeyParts := strings.Split(chunkKey, ".")
log.Debugf("got chunk for %s", fileKeyParts)
if len(fileKeyParts) == 3 { // fileKey is rootHash.nonce.chunk
// recalculate file key
fileKey = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", fileKeyParts[0], fileKeyParts[1])
derivedChunkID, err := strconv.Atoi(fileKeyParts[2])
if err == nil {
chunkID = uint64(derivedChunkID)
log.Debugf("got chunk id %d", chunkID)
manifestI, exists := fsss.activeDownloads.Load(fileKey)
if exists {
manifest := manifestI.(*Manifest)
totalChunks = uint64(len(manifest.Chunks))
title = manifest.Title
log.Debugf("found active manifest %v", manifest)
progress, err = manifest.StoreChunk(chunkID, chunk)
log.Debugf("attempts to store chunk %v %v", progress, err)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("error storing chunk: %v", err)
// malicious contacts who share conversations can share random chunks
// these will not match the chunk hash and as such will fail.
// at this point we can't differentiate between a malicious chunk and failure to store a
// legitimate chunk, so if there is an error we silently drop it and expect the higher level callers (e.g. the ui)
//to detect and respond to missing chunks if it detects them..
// VerifyFile returns true if the file has been downloaded, false otherwise
// as well as the temporary filename, if one was used
func (fsss *FileSharingSubSystem) VerifyFile(fileKey string) (tempFile string, filePath string, downloaded bool) {
manifestI, exists := fsss.activeDownloads.Load(fileKey)
if exists {
manifest := manifestI.(*Manifest)
if manifest.VerifyFile() == nil {
log.Debugf("file verified and downloaded!")
return manifest.TempFileName, manifest.FileName, true
return "", "", false