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2021-06-24 22:30:46 +00:00
package utils
import (
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
constants2 ""
2021-06-24 22:30:46 +00:00
type EventProfileEnvelope struct {
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
Event event.Event
Profile string
2021-06-24 22:30:46 +00:00
type LCG_API_Handler struct {
LaunchServers func()
StopServers func()
2021-06-24 22:30:46 +00:00
type EventHandler struct {
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
app app.Application
appBusQueue event.Queue
profileEvents chan EventProfileEnvelope
api LCG_API_Handler
2021-06-24 22:30:46 +00:00
// We should be reading from profile events pretty quickly, but we make this buffer fairly large...
const profileEventsBufferSize = 512
func NewEventHandler(api LCG_API_Handler) *EventHandler {
eh := &EventHandler{app: nil, appBusQueue: event.NewQueue(), profileEvents: make(chan EventProfileEnvelope, profileEventsBufferSize), api: api}
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
return eh
2021-06-24 22:30:46 +00:00
func (eh *EventHandler) HandleApp(application app.Application) {
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00 = application
application.GetPrimaryBus().Subscribe(event.NewPeer, eh.appBusQueue)
application.GetPrimaryBus().Subscribe(event.PeerError, eh.appBusQueue)
application.GetPrimaryBus().Subscribe(event.PeerDeleted, eh.appBusQueue)
application.GetPrimaryBus().Subscribe(event.Shutdown, eh.appBusQueue)
application.GetPrimaryBus().Subscribe(event.AppError, eh.appBusQueue)
application.GetPrimaryBus().Subscribe(event.ACNStatus, eh.appBusQueue)
application.GetPrimaryBus().Subscribe(event.ACNVersion, eh.appBusQueue)
application.GetPrimaryBus().Subscribe(UpdateGlobalSettings, eh.appBusQueue)
application.GetPrimaryBus().Subscribe(CwtchStarted, eh.appBusQueue)
application.GetPrimaryBus().Subscribe(servers.NewServer, eh.appBusQueue)
application.GetPrimaryBus().Subscribe(servers.ServerIntentUpdate, eh.appBusQueue)
application.GetPrimaryBus().Subscribe(servers.ServerDeleted, eh.appBusQueue)
application.GetPrimaryBus().Subscribe(servers.ServerStatsUpdate, eh.appBusQueue)
application.GetPrimaryBus().Subscribe(event.StartingStorageMiragtion, eh.appBusQueue)
application.GetPrimaryBus().Subscribe(event.DoneStorageMigration, eh.appBusQueue)
2021-06-24 22:30:46 +00:00
func (eh *EventHandler) GetNextEvent() string {
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
appChan := eh.appBusQueue.OutChan()
select {
case e := <-appChan:
return eh.handleAppBusEvent(&e)
select {
case e := <-appChan:
return eh.handleAppBusEvent(&e)
case ev := <-eh.profileEvents:
return eh.handleProfileEvent(&ev)
2021-06-24 22:30:46 +00:00
2022-09-10 18:45:00 +00:00
// track acnStatus across events
var acnStatus = -1
2021-06-24 22:30:46 +00:00
// handleAppBusEvent enriches AppBus events so they are usable with out further data fetches
func (eh *EventHandler) handleAppBusEvent(e *event.Event) string {
2022-09-10 18:45:00 +00:00
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
if != nil {
switch e.EventType {
case event.ACNStatus:
newAcnStatus, err := strconv.Atoi(e.Data[event.Progress])
if err != nil {
if newAcnStatus == 100 {
if acnStatus != 100 {
// just came online
2022-12-03 00:54:39 +00:00
doServers := false
if _, err := groups.ExperimentGate(ReadGlobalSettings().Experiments); err == nil {
doServers = true
for _, onion := range {
profile :=
autostart, exists := profile.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants2.PeerAutostart)
if !exists || autostart == "true" {, true, true, doServers)
} else {
if acnStatus == 100 {
// just fell offline
for _, onion := range {
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
acnStatus = newAcnStatus
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
case event.NewPeer:
onion := e.Data[event.Identity]
profile :=[event.Identity])
if profile == nil {
log.Errorf("NewPeer: skipping profile initialization. this should only happen when the app is rapidly opened+closed (eg during testing)")
log.Debug("New Peer Event: %v", e)
if e.Data["Reload"] != event.True {
// CwtchPeer will always set this now...
tag, _ := profile.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Tag)
e.Data[constants.Tag] = tag
if e.Data[event.Created] == event.True {
profile.SetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants2.Picture, ImageToString(NewImage(RandomProfileImage(onion), TypeImageDistro)))
profile.SetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants2.PeerOnline, event.False)
2022-12-03 00:54:39 +00:00
// disabeling network check for connection attempt reservation, needs rework
//, plugins.NETWORKCHECK)
2022-09-10 17:51:34 +00:00, plugins.ANTISPAM)
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
// If the user has chosen to block unknown profiles
// then explicitly configure the protocol engine to do so..
settings := ReadGlobalSettings()
if settings.BlockUnknownConnections {
} else {
// For completeness
// Start up the Profile
if acnStatus == 100 {
autostart, exists := profile.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants2.PeerAutostart)
if !exists || autostart == "true" {
doServers := false
if _, err := groups.ExperimentGate(ReadGlobalSettings().Experiments); err == nil {
doServers = true
}, true, true, doServers)
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
online, _ := profile.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants2.PeerOnline)
e.Data["Online"] = online
autostart, exists := profile.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants2.PeerAutostart)
// legacy profiles should autostart by default
if !exists {
autostart = "true"
e.Data["autostart"] = autostart
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
// Name always exists
e.Data[constants.Name], _ = profile.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
e.Data[constants2.DefaultProfilePicture] = RandomProfileImage(onion)
// if a custom profile image exists then default to it.
key, exists := profile.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.CustomProfileImageKey)
if !exists {
e.Data[constants2.Picture] = RandomProfileImage(onion)
} else {
e.Data[constants2.Picture], _ = profile.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.FilesharingZone, fmt.Sprintf("%s.path", key))
serializedManifest, _ := profile.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.ConversationScope, attr.FilesharingZone, fmt.Sprintf("%s.manifest", key))
// reset the share timestamp, currently file shares are hardcoded to expire after 30 days...
// we reset the profile image here so that it is always available.
profile.SetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.FilesharingZone, fmt.Sprintf("%s.ts", key), strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10))
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
profile.ShareFile(key, serializedManifest)
log.Debugf("Custom Profile Image: %v %s", e.Data[constants2.Picture], serializedManifest)
// Resolve the profile image of the profile.
// If file sharing is enabled then reshare all active files...
fsf, err := filesharing.FunctionalityGate(settings.Experiments)
if err == nil {
// Construct our conversations and our srever lists
var contacts []Contact
var servers []groups.Server
conversations, err := profile.FetchConversations()
if err == nil {
// We have conversations attached to this profile...
for _, conversationInfo := range conversations {
// Only compile the server info if we have enabled the experiment...
// Note that this means that this info can become stale if when first loaded the experiment
// has been disabled and then is later re-enabled. As such we need to ensure that this list is
// re-fetched when the group experiment is enabled via a dedicated ListServerInfo event...
if conversationInfo.IsServer() {
groupHandler, err := groups.ExperimentGate(ReadGlobalSettings().Experiments)
if err == nil {
servers = append(servers, groupHandler.GetServerInfo(conversationInfo.Handle, profile))
// Prefer local override to public name...
name, exists := conversationInfo.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
if !exists {
name, exists = conversationInfo.GetAttribute(attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
if !exists {
name = conversationInfo.Handle
// Resolve the profile image of the contact
var cpicPath string
var defaultPath string
if conversationInfo.IsGroup() {
cpicPath = RandomGroupImage(conversationInfo.Handle)
defaultPath = RandomGroupImage(conversationInfo.Handle)
} else {
cpicPath = GetProfileImage(profile, conversationInfo, settings.DownloadPath)
defaultPath = RandomProfileImage(conversationInfo.Handle)
// Resolve Save History Setting
saveHistory, set := conversationInfo.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, event.SaveHistoryKey)
if !set {
saveHistory = event.DeleteHistoryDefault
// Resolve Archived Setting
isArchived, set := conversationInfo.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants2.Archived)
if !set {
isArchived = event.False
unread := 0
lastSeenMessageId := -1
lastSeenTimeStr, set := conversationInfo.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants2.LastSeenTime)
if set {
lastSeenTime, err := time.Parse(constants2.DartIso8601, lastSeenTimeStr)
if err == nil {
// get last 100 messages and count how many are after the lastSeenTime (100 cus hte ui just shows 99+ after)
messages, err := profile.GetMostRecentMessages(conversationInfo.ID, 0, 0, 100)
if err == nil {
for _, message := range messages {
msgTime, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, message.Attr[constants.AttrSentTimestamp])
if err == nil {
if msgTime.UTC().After(lastSeenTime.UTC()) {
} else {
lastSeenMessageId = message.ID
groupServer, _ := conversationInfo.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.LegacyGroupZone, constants.GroupServer)
stateHandle := conversationInfo.Handle
if conversationInfo.IsGroup() {
stateHandle = groupServer
state := profile.GetPeerState(stateHandle)
if !set {
state = connections.DISCONNECTED
blocked := false
if conversationInfo.ACL[conversationInfo.Handle].Blocked {
blocked = true
// Fetch the message count, and the time of the most recent message
count, err := profile.GetChannelMessageCount(conversationInfo.ID, 0)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error fetching channel message count %v %v", conversationInfo.ID, err)
lastMessage, _ := profile.GetMostRecentMessages(conversationInfo.ID, 0, 0, 1)
notificationPolicy := constants2.ConversationNotificationPolicyDefault
if notificationPolicyAttr, exists := conversationInfo.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants2.ConversationNotificationPolicy); exists {
notificationPolicy = notificationPolicyAttr
contacts = append(contacts, Contact{
Name: name,
Identifier: conversationInfo.ID,
Onion: conversationInfo.Handle,
Status: connections.ConnectionStateName[state],
Picture: cpicPath,
DefaultPicture: defaultPath,
Accepted: conversationInfo.Accepted,
AccessControlList: conversationInfo.ACL,
Blocked: blocked,
SaveHistory: saveHistory,
Messages: count,
Unread: unread,
LastSeenMessageId: lastSeenMessageId,
LastMessage: strconv.Itoa(getLastMessageTime(lastMessage)),
IsGroup: conversationInfo.IsGroup(),
GroupServer: groupServer,
IsArchived: isArchived == event.True,
NotificationPolicy: notificationPolicy,
Attributes: conversationInfo.Attributes,
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(contacts)
e.Data["ContactsJson"] = string(bytes)
// Marshal the server list into the new peer event...
serversListBytes, _ := json.Marshal(servers)
e.Data[groups.ServerList] = string(serversListBytes)
log.Debugf("contactsJson %v", e.Data["ContactsJson"])
json, _ := json.Marshal(e)
return string(json)
2021-06-24 22:30:46 +00:00
func GetProfileImage(profile peer.CwtchPeer, conversationInfo *model.Conversation, basepath string) string {
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
fileKey, err := profile.GetConversationAttribute(conversationInfo.ID, attr.PublicScope.ConstructScopedZonedPath(attr.ProfileZone.ConstructZonedPath(constants.CustomProfileImageKey)))
if err == nil {
if value, exists := profile.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.FilesharingZone, fmt.Sprintf("%s.complete", fileKey)); exists && value == event.True {
fp, _ := filesharing.GenerateDownloadPath(basepath, fileKey, true)
// check if the file exists...if it does then set the path...
if _, err := os.Stat(fp); err == nil {
image, _ := profile.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.FilesharingZone, fmt.Sprintf("%s.path", fileKey))
return image
return RandomProfileImage(conversationInfo.Handle)
2021-06-24 22:30:46 +00:00
// handleProfileEvent enriches Profile events so they are usable with out further data fetches
func (eh *EventHandler) handleProfileEvent(ev *EventProfileEnvelope) string {
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
// cache of contact states to use to filter out events repeating known states
var contactStateCache = make(map[string]connections.ConnectionState)
if == nil {
log.Errorf(" == nil in handleProfileEvent... this shouldnt happen?")
} else {
profile :=
log.Debugf("New Profile Event to Handle: %v", ev)
switch ev.Event.EventType {
case event.NewMessageFromPeer: //event.TimestampReceived, event.RemotePeer, event.Data
// only needs contact nickname and picture, for displaying on popup notifications
ci, err := profile.FetchConversationInfo(ev.Event.Data["RemotePeer"])
ev.Event.Data[constants2.Picture] = RandomProfileImage(ev.Event.Data["RemotePeer"])
if ci != nil && err == nil {
ev.Event.Data[event.ConversationID] = strconv.Itoa(ci.ID)
profile.SetConversationAttribute(ci.ID, attr.LocalScope.ConstructScopedZonedPath(attr.ProfileZone.ConstructZonedPath(constants2.Archived)), event.False)
ev.Event.Data[constants2.Picture] = GetProfileImage(profile, ci, ReadGlobalSettings().DownloadPath)
} else {
// TODO This Conversation May Not Exist Yet...But we are not in charge of creating it...
log.Errorf("todo wait for contact to be added before processing this event...")
return ""
var exists bool
ev.Event.Data["Nick"], exists = ci.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
if !exists {
ev.Event.Data["Nick"], exists = ci.GetAttribute(attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
if !exists {
ev.Event.Data["Nick"] = ev.Event.Data["RemotePeer"]
// If we dont have a name val for a peer, but they have sent us a message, we might be approved now, re-ask
profile.SendScopedZonedGetValToContact(ci.ID, attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
profile.SendScopedZonedGetValToContact(ci.ID, attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.CustomProfileImageKey)
if ci.Accepted {
handleImagePreviews(profile, &ev.Event, ci.ID, ci.ID)
ev.Event.Data["notification"] = string(determineNotification(ci))
case event.NewMessageFromGroup:
// only needs contact nickname and picture, for displaying on popup notifications
ci, err := profile.FetchConversationInfo(ev.Event.Data["RemotePeer"])
ev.Event.Data[constants2.Picture] = RandomProfileImage(ev.Event.Data["RemotePeer"])
if ci != nil && err == nil {
var exists bool
ev.Event.Data["Nick"], exists = ci.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
if !exists {
ev.Event.Data["Nick"], exists = ci.GetAttribute(attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
if !exists {
ev.Event.Data["Nick"] = ev.Event.Data["RemotePeer"]
ev.Event.Data[constants2.Picture] = GetProfileImage(profile, ci, ReadGlobalSettings().DownloadPath)
conversationID, _ := strconv.Atoi(ev.Event.Data[event.ConversationID])
profile.SetConversationAttribute(conversationID, attr.LocalScope.ConstructScopedZonedPath(attr.ProfileZone.ConstructZonedPath(constants2.Archived)), event.False)
if ci != nil && ci.Accepted {
handleImagePreviews(profile, &ev.Event, conversationID, ci.ID)
gci, _ := profile.GetConversationInfo(conversationID)
groupServer := gci.Attributes[attr.LocalScope.ConstructScopedZonedPath(attr.LegacyGroupZone.ConstructZonedPath(constants.GroupServer)).ToString()]
state := profile.GetPeerState(groupServer)
// if syncing, don't flood with notifications
if state == connections.SYNCED {
ev.Event.Data["notification"] = string(determineNotification(gci))
} else {
ev.Event.Data["notification"] = string(constants2.NotificationNone)
case event.PeerAcknowledgement:
ci, err := profile.FetchConversationInfo(ev.Event.Data["RemotePeer"])
if ci != nil && err == nil {
ev.Event.Data[event.ConversationID] = strconv.Itoa(ci.ID)
case event.ContactCreated:
conversationID, _ := strconv.Atoi(ev.Event.Data[event.ConversationID])
count, err := profile.GetChannelMessageCount(conversationID, 0)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error fetching channel message count %v %v", conversationID, err)
conversationInfo, err := profile.GetConversationInfo(conversationID)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error fetching conversation info for %v %v", conversationID, err)
blocked := constants.False
if conversationInfo.ACL[conversationInfo.Handle].Blocked {
blocked = constants.True
accepted := constants.False
if conversationInfo.Accepted {
accepted = constants.True
acl, _ := json.Marshal(conversationInfo.ACL)
lastMessage, _ := profile.GetMostRecentMessages(conversationID, 0, 0, 1)
ev.Event.Data["unread"] = strconv.Itoa(count) // if this is a new contact with messages attached then by-definition these are unread...
ev.Event.Data[constants2.Picture] = RandomProfileImage(conversationInfo.Handle)
ev.Event.Data[constants2.DefaultProfilePicture] = RandomProfileImage(conversationInfo.Handle)
ev.Event.Data["numMessages"] = strconv.Itoa(count)
ev.Event.Data["nick"] = conversationInfo.Handle
ev.Event.Data["status"] = connections.ConnectionStateName[profile.GetPeerState(conversationInfo.Handle)]
ev.Event.Data["accepted"] = accepted
ev.Event.Data["accessControlList"] = string(acl)
ev.Event.Data["blocked"] = blocked
ev.Event.Data["loading"] = "false"
ev.Event.Data["lastMsgTime"] = strconv.Itoa(getLastMessageTime(lastMessage))
case event.GroupCreated:
// This event should only happen after we have validated the invite, as such the error
// condition *should* never happen.
groupPic := RandomGroupImage(ev.Event.Data[event.GroupID])
ev.Event.Data[constants2.Picture] = groupPic
conversationID, _ := strconv.Atoi(ev.Event.Data[event.ConversationID])
conversationInfo, _ := profile.GetConversationInfo(conversationID)
acl, _ := json.Marshal(conversationInfo.ACL)
ev.Event.Data["accessControlList"] = string(acl)
case event.NewGroup:
// This event should only happen after we have validated the invite, as such the error
// condition *should* never happen.
serializedInvite := ev.Event.Data[event.GroupInvite]
if invite, err := model.ValidateInvite(serializedInvite); err == nil {
groupPic := RandomGroupImage(invite.GroupID)
ev.Event.Data[constants2.Picture] = groupPic
conversationID, _ := strconv.Atoi(ev.Event.Data[event.ConversationID])
conversationInfo, _ := profile.GetConversationInfo(conversationID)
acl, _ := json.Marshal(conversationInfo.ACL)
ev.Event.Data["accessControlList"] = string(acl)
} else {
log.Errorf("received a new group event which contained an invalid invite %v. this should never happen and likely means there is a bug in cwtch. Please file a ticket @", err)
return ""
case event.PeerStateChange:
cxnState := connections.ConnectionStateToType()[ev.Event.Data[event.ConnectionState]]
// skip events the UI doesn't act on
if cxnState == connections.CONNECTING || cxnState == connections.CONNECTED {
return ""
contact, err := profile.FetchConversationInfo(ev.Event.Data[event.RemotePeer])
if ev.Event.Data[event.RemotePeer] == profile.GetOnion() {
return "" // suppress events from our own profile...
// We do not know who this is...don't send any event until we see a message from them
// (at that point the conversation will have been created...)
if contact == nil || err != nil || contact.ID == 0 {
return ""
// if we already know this state, suppress
if knownState, exists := contactStateCache[ev.Event.Data[event.RemotePeer]]; exists && cxnState == knownState {
return ""
contactStateCache[ev.Event.Data[event.RemotePeer]] = cxnState
if contact != nil {
// No enrichment needed
if cxnState == connections.AUTHENTICATED {
// if known and authed, get vars
profile.SendScopedZonedGetValToContact(contact.ID, attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
profile.SendScopedZonedGetValToContact(contact.ID, attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.CustomProfileImageKey)
case event.ServerStateChange:
cxnState := connections.ConnectionStateToType()[ev.Event.Data[event.ConnectionState]]
// skip events the UI doesn't act on
if cxnState == connections.CONNECTING || cxnState == connections.CONNECTED {
return ""
// if we already know this state, suppress
if knownState, exists := contactStateCache[ev.Event.Data[event.RemotePeer]]; exists && cxnState == knownState {
return ""
contactStateCache[ev.Event.Data[event.RemotePeer]] = cxnState
case event.NewRetValMessageFromPeer:
// auto handled event means the setting is already done, we're just deciding if we need to tell the UI
onion := ev.Event.Data[event.RemotePeer]
scope := ev.Event.Data[event.Scope]
path := ev.Event.Data[event.Path]
val := ev.Event.Data[event.Data]
exists, _ := strconv.ParseBool(ev.Event.Data[event.Exists])
conversation, err := profile.FetchConversationInfo(onion)
if err == nil {
if exists && attr.IntoScope(scope) == attr.PublicScope {
zone, path := attr.ParseZone(path)
// auto download profile images from contacts...
settings := ReadGlobalSettings()
if settings.ExperimentsEnabled && zone == attr.ProfileZone && path == constants.CustomProfileImageKey {
fileKey := val
fsf, err := filesharing.FunctionalityGate(settings.Experiments)
imagePreviewsEnabled := settings.Experiments["filesharing-images"]
if err == nil && imagePreviewsEnabled && conversation.Accepted {
basepath := settings.DownloadPath
fp, mp := filesharing.GenerateDownloadPath(basepath, fileKey, true)
if value, exists := profile.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.FilesharingZone, fmt.Sprintf("%s.complete", fileKey)); exists && value == event.True {
if _, err := os.Stat(fp); err == nil {
// file is marked as completed downloaded and exists...
return ""
} else {
// the user probably deleted the file, mark completed as false...
profile.SetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.FilesharingZone, fmt.Sprintf("%s.complete", fileKey), event.False)
log.Debugf("Downloading Profile Image %v %v %v", fp, mp, fileKey)
ev.Event.Data[event.FilePath] = fp
fsf.DownloadFile(profile, conversation.ID, fp, mp, val, constants.ImagePreviewMaxSizeInBytes)
} else {
// if image previews are disabled then ignore this event...
return ""
if val, err := profile.GetConversationAttribute(conversation.ID, attr.LocalScope.ConstructScopedZonedPath(zone.ConstructZonedPath(path))); err == nil || val != "" {
// we have a locally set override, don't pass this remote set public scope update to UI
return ""
case event.TokenManagerInfo:
conversations, err := profile.FetchConversations()
if err == nil {
var associatedGroups []int
for _, ci := range conversations {
groupServer, groupServerExists := ci.Attributes[attr.LocalScope.ConstructScopedZonedPath(attr.LegacyGroupZone.ConstructZonedPath(constants.GroupServer)).ToString()]
if groupServerExists {
gci, err := profile.FetchConversationInfo(groupServer)
if err == nil {
tokenOnion, onionExists := gci.Attributes[attr.PublicScope.ConstructScopedZonedPath(attr.ServerKeyZone.ConstructZonedPath(string(model.KeyTypeTokenOnion))).ToString()]
if onionExists && tokenOnion == ev.Event.Data[event.ServerTokenOnion] {
associatedGroups = append(associatedGroups, ci.ID)
associatedGroupsJson, _ := json.Marshal(associatedGroups)
ev.Event.Data[event.Data] = string(associatedGroupsJson)
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
json, _ := json.Marshal(unwrap(ev))
return string(json)
2021-06-24 22:30:46 +00:00
func unwrap(original *EventProfileEnvelope) *event.Event {
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
unwrapped := &original.Event
unwrapped.Data["ProfileOnion"] = original.Profile
return unwrapped
2021-06-24 22:30:46 +00:00
func (eh *EventHandler) startHandlingPeer(onion string) {
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
eventBus :=
q := event.NewQueue()
eventBus.Subscribe(event.NetworkStatus, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.ACNInfo, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.NewMessageFromPeer, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.UpdatedProfileAttribute, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.PeerAcknowledgement, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.DeleteContact, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.AppError, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.IndexedAcknowledgement, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.IndexedFailure, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.ContactCreated, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.NewMessageFromGroup, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.GroupCreated, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.NewGroup, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.ServerStateChange, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.PeerStateChange, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.NewRetValMessageFromPeer, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.ShareManifest, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.ManifestSizeReceived, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.ManifestError, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.ManifestReceived, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.ManifestSaved, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.FileDownloadProgressUpdate, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.FileDownloaded, q)
eventBus.Subscribe(event.TokenManagerInfo, q)
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
go eh.forwardProfileMessages(onion, q)
2021-06-24 22:30:46 +00:00
func (eh *EventHandler) forwardProfileMessages(onion string, q event.Queue) {
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
log.Infof("Launching Forwarding Goroutine")
// TODO: graceful shutdown, via an injected event of special QUIT type exiting loop/go routine
for {
e := q.Next()
ev := EventProfileEnvelope{Event: e, Profile: onion}
eh.profileEvents <- ev
if ev.Event.EventType == event.Shutdown {
2021-06-24 22:30:46 +00:00
// Push pushes an event onto the app event bus
// It is also a way for libCwtch-go to publish an event for consumption by a UI before a Cwtch app has been initialized
// use: to signal an error before a cwtch app could be created
2021-06-24 22:30:46 +00:00
func (eh *EventHandler) Push(newEvent event.Event) {
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
2021-06-24 22:30:46 +00:00
2021-11-17 20:33:51 +00:00
func getLastMessageTime(conversationMessages []model.ConversationMessage) int {
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
if len(conversationMessages) == 0 {
return 0
time, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, conversationMessages[0].Attr[constants.AttrSentTimestamp])
if err != nil {
return 0
return int(time.Unix())
2021-11-18 23:44:21 +00:00
2021-12-19 01:16:21 +00:00
// handleImagePreviews checks settings and, if appropriate, auto-downloads any images
func handleImagePreviews(profile peer.CwtchPeer, ev *event.Event, conversationID, senderID int) {
2022-08-26 17:58:18 +00:00
settings := ReadGlobalSettings()
fh, err := filesharing.PreviewFunctionalityGate(settings.Experiments)
// Short-circuit if file sharing is disabled
if err != nil {
// Short-circuit failures
// Don't autodownload images if the download path does not exist.
if settings.DownloadPath == "" {
// Don't autodownload images if the download path does not exist.
if _, err := os.Stat(settings.DownloadPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
// Now look at the image preview experiment
imagePreviewsEnabled := settings.Experiments["filesharing-images"]
if imagePreviewsEnabled {
var cm model.MessageWrapper
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(ev.Data[event.Data]), &cm)
if err == nil && cm.Overlay == model.OverlayFileSharing {
var fm filesharing.OverlayMessage
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(cm.Data), &fm)
if err == nil {
if fm.ShouldAutoDL() {
basepath := settings.DownloadPath
fp, mp := filesharing.GenerateDownloadPath(basepath, fm.Name, false)
log.Debugf("autodownloading file!")
ev.Data["Auto"] = constants.True
mID, _ := strconv.Atoi(ev.Data["Index"])
profile.UpdateMessageAttribute(conversationID, 0, mID, constants.AttrDownloaded, constants.True)
fh.DownloadFile(profile, senderID, fp, mp, fm.FileKey(), constants.ImagePreviewMaxSizeInBytes)
2021-12-19 01:16:21 +00:00