image previews

This commit is contained in:
erinn 2021-12-16 16:43:23 -08:00
parent cac25c0d67
commit d59d54ab6a
1 changed files with 31 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package utils
import (
@ -15,14 +14,11 @@ import (
<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> aa102bd169a9f4d71b18d9c16c590f61ba827ab3
type EventProfileEnvelope struct {
@ -280,31 +276,21 @@ func (eh *EventHandler) handleProfileEvent(ev *EventProfileEnvelope) string {
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(ev.Event.Data[event.Data]), &cm)
if err == nil && cm.Overlay == model.OverlayFileSharing {
var fm filesharing.OverlayMessage
log.Debugf("parsing: %v", cm.Data)
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(cm.Data), &fm)
if err == nil {
lname := strings.ToLower(fm.Name)
if strings.HasSuffix(lname, "jpg") || strings.HasSuffix(lname, "jpeg") || strings.HasSuffix(lname, "png") || strings.HasSuffix(lname, "gif") || strings.HasSuffix(lname, "webp") || strings.HasSuffix(lname, "bmp") {
if fm.ShouldAutoDL() {
settings := ReadGlobalSettings()
basepath := settings.DownloadPath
//todo: security
fp, mp := filesharing.GenerateDownloadPath(basepath, fm.Name)
log.Debugf("NMFP: autodownloading file!!!")
log.Debugf("%v | %v | %v | %v | %v | %v", basepath, fm.Name, fp, mp, fm.FileKey(), fm)
fh.DownloadFile(peer, ev.Event.Data[event.RemotePeer], fp, mp, fm.FileKey())
} else {
log.Debugf("NMFP: suffix not jpg/jpeg/png")
log.Debugf("autodownloading file!")
ev.Event.Data["Auto"] = "true"
mID, _ := strconv.Atoi(ev.Event.Data["Index"])
profile.UpdateMessageAttribute(ci.ID, 0, mID, "file-downloaded", "true")
fh.DownloadFile(profile, ci.ID, fp, mp, fm.FileKey())
} else {
log.Debugf("NMFP: not a file overlay message")
} else {
log.Debugf("NMFP: not a message wrapper")
} else {
log.Debugf("NMFP: file experiment is off")
case event.NewMessageFromGroup:
// only needs contact nickname and picture, for displaying on popup notifications
ci, err := profile.FetchConversationInfo(ev.Event.Data["RemotePeer"])
@ -321,6 +307,29 @@ func (eh *EventHandler) handleProfileEvent(ev *EventProfileEnvelope) string {
ev.Event.Data["Picture"] = RandomProfileImage(ev.Event.Data[event.RemotePeer])
conversationID, _ := strconv.Atoi(ev.Event.Data[event.ConversationID])
profile.SetConversationAttribute(conversationID, attr.LocalScope.ConstructScopedZonedPath(attr.ProfileZone.ConstructZonedPath(constants2.Archived)), event.False)
// note careful use of ci.ID versus conversationID
fh, err := filesharing.PreviewFunctionalityGate(ReadGlobalSettings().Experiments)
if err == nil && ci != nil && ci.Accepted {
var cm model.MessageWrapper
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(ev.Event.Data[event.Data]), &cm)
if err == nil && cm.Overlay == model.OverlayFileSharing {
var fm filesharing.OverlayMessage
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(cm.Data), &fm)
if err == nil {
if fm.ShouldAutoDL() {
settings := ReadGlobalSettings()
basepath := settings.DownloadPath
fp, mp := filesharing.GenerateDownloadPath(basepath, fm.Name)
log.Debugf("autodownloading file!")
ev.Event.Data["Auto"] = "true"
mID, _ := strconv.Atoi(ev.Event.Data["Index"])
profile.UpdateMessageAttribute(conversationID, 0, mID, "file-downloaded", "true")
fh.DownloadFile(profile, ci.ID, fp, mp, fm.FileKey())
case event.PeerAcknowledgement:
ci, err := profile.FetchConversationInfo(ev.Event.Data["RemotePeer"])
if ci != nil && err == nil {