libCwtch-go changes for storage engine refactor and profile api changes #47

sarah merged 14 commits from cwtch_refactor into trunk 2021-12-08 00:44:03 +00:00
1 changed files with 96 additions and 73 deletions
Showing only changes of commit bd176f89cd - Show all commits

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@ -126,91 +126,106 @@ func (eh *EventHandler) handleAppBusEvent(e *event.Event) string {
online, _ := profile.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants2.PeerOnline)
// Name always exists
e.Data[constants.Name], _ = profile.GetScopedZonedAttribute(attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
// Resolve the profile image of the profile.
e.Data[constants2.Picture] = RandomProfileImage(onion)
e.Data["Online"] = online
// Construct our conversations and our srever lists
var contacts []Contact
var servers []groups.Server
conversations, err := profile.FetchConversations()
if err != nil {
/// um....
return ""
for _, conversationInfo := range conversations {
// Only compile the server info if we have enabled the experiment...
// Note that this means that this info can become stale if when first loaded the experiment
// has been disabled and then is later re-enabled. As such we need to ensure that this list is
// re-fetched when the group experiment is enabled via a dedicated ListServerInfo event...
if conversationInfo.IsServer() {
groupHandler, err := groups.ExperimentGate(ReadGlobalSettings().Experiments)
if err == nil {
servers = append(servers, groupHandler.GetServerInfo(conversationInfo.Handle, profile))
if err == nil {
// We have conversations attached to this profile...
for _, conversationInfo := range conversations {
// Only compile the server info if we have enabled the experiment...
// Note that this means that this info can become stale if when first loaded the experiment
// has been disabled and then is later re-enabled. As such we need to ensure that this list is
// re-fetched when the group experiment is enabled via a dedicated ListServerInfo event...
if conversationInfo.IsServer() {
groupHandler, err := groups.ExperimentGate(ReadGlobalSettings().Experiments)
if err == nil {
servers = append(servers, groupHandler.GetServerInfo(conversationInfo.Handle, profile))
name, exists := conversationInfo.GetAttribute(attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
if !exists {
name, exists = conversationInfo.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
// Prefer local override to public name...
name, exists := conversationInfo.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
if !exists {
name = conversationInfo.Handle
name, exists = conversationInfo.GetAttribute(attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
if !exists {
name = conversationInfo.Handle
var cpicPath string
if conversationInfo.IsGroup() {
cpicPath = RandomGroupImage(conversationInfo.Handle)
} else {
cpicPath = RandomProfileImage(conversationInfo.Handle)
saveHistory, set := conversationInfo.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, event.SaveHistoryKey)
if !set {
saveHistory = event.DeleteHistoryDefault
isArchived, set := conversationInfo.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants2.Archived)
if !set {
isArchived = event.False
state := profile.GetPeerState(conversationInfo.Handle)
if !set {
state = connections.DISCONNECTED
// Resolve the profile image of the contact
var cpicPath string
if conversationInfo.IsGroup() {
cpicPath = RandomGroupImage(conversationInfo.Handle)
} else {
cpicPath = RandomProfileImage(conversationInfo.Handle)
// Resolve Save History Setting
saveHistory, set := conversationInfo.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, event.SaveHistoryKey)
if !set {
saveHistory = event.DeleteHistoryDefault
// Resolve Archived Setting
isArchived, set := conversationInfo.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants2.Archived)
if !set {
isArchived = event.False
// Resolve Peer State (should probably be DISCONNECTED)
state := profile.GetPeerState(conversationInfo.Handle)
if !set {
state = connections.DISCONNECTED
// Resolve Conversation Auth State
// TODO: Align this with ACLs
authorization := model.AuthUnknown
if conversationInfo.Accepted {
authorization = model.AuthApproved
// If ACL has blocked conversation then hide them...
if acl, exists := conversationInfo.ACL[conversationInfo.Handle]; exists && acl.Blocked {
authorization = model.AuthBlocked
// Check if we are a server...
groupServer, _ := conversationInfo.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.LegacyGroupZone, constants.GroupServer)
// Fetch the message count, and the time of the most recent message
count, err := profile.GetChannelMessageCount(conversationInfo.ID, 0)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error fetching channel message count %v %v", conversationInfo.ID, err)
lastMessage, _ := profile.GetMostRecentMessages(conversationInfo.ID, 0, 0, 1)
contacts = append(contacts, Contact{
Name: name,
Identifier: conversationInfo.ID,
Onion: conversationInfo.Handle,
Status: connections.ConnectionStateName[state],
Picture: cpicPath,
Authorization: string(authorization),
SaveHistory: saveHistory,
Messages: count,
Unread: 0,
LastMessage: strconv.Itoa(getLastMessageTime(lastMessage)),
IsGroup: conversationInfo.IsGroup(),
GroupServer: groupServer,
IsArchived: isArchived == event.True,
authorization := model.AuthUnknown
if conversationInfo.Accepted {
authorization = model.AuthApproved
if acl, exists := conversationInfo.ACL[conversationInfo.Handle]; exists && acl.Blocked {
authorization = model.AuthBlocked
groupServer, _ := conversationInfo.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.LegacyGroupZone, constants.GroupServer)
count, err := profile.GetChannelMessageCount(conversationInfo.ID, 0)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error fetching channel message count %v %v", conversationInfo.ID, err)
lastMessage, _ := profile.GetMostRecentMessages(conversationInfo.ID, 0, 0, 1)
contacts = append(contacts, Contact{
Name: name,
Identifier: conversationInfo.ID,
Onion: conversationInfo.Handle,
Status: connections.ConnectionStateName[state],
Picture: cpicPath,
Authorization: string(authorization),
SaveHistory: saveHistory,
Messages: count,
Unread: 0,
LastMessage: strconv.Itoa(getLastMessageTime(lastMessage)),
IsGroup: conversationInfo.IsGroup(),
GroupServer: groupServer,
IsArchived: isArchived == event.True,
bytes, _ := json.Marshal(contacts)
@ -246,14 +261,22 @@ func (eh *EventHandler) handleProfileEvent(ev *EventProfileEnvelope) string {
// TODO This Conversation May Not Exist Yet...But we are not in charge of creating it...
log.Errorf("todo wait for contact to be added before processing this event...")
ev.Event.Data["Nick"], _ = ci.GetAttribute(attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
var exists bool
ev.Event.Data["Nick"], exists = ci.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
if !exists {
ev.Event.Data["Nick"], _ = ci.GetAttribute(attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
ev.Event.Data["Picture"] = RandomProfileImage(ev.Event.Data["RemotePeer"])
case event.NewMessageFromGroup:
// only needs contact nickname and picture, for displaying on popup notifications
ci, err := profile.FetchConversationInfo(ev.Event.Data["RemotePeer"])
if ci != nil && err == nil {
ev.Event.Data["Nick"], _ = ci.GetAttribute(attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
var exists bool
ev.Event.Data["Nick"], exists = ci.GetAttribute(attr.LocalScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
if !exists {
ev.Event.Data["Nick"], _ = ci.GetAttribute(attr.PublicScope, attr.ProfileZone, constants.Name)
dan marked this conversation as resolved

fall back to handle if neither exist. in a group setting we are very likely not to be peered with everyone (there for unable to fetch names)

fall back to handle if neither exist. in a group setting we are very likely not to be peered with everyone (there for unable to fetch names)
ev.Event.Data["Picture"] = RandomProfileImage(ev.Event.Data[event.GroupID])
conversationID, _ := strconv.Atoi(ev.Event.Data[event.ConversationID])