
140 lines
7.3 KiB

/* Code generated by cmd/cgo; DO NOT EDIT. */
/* package */
#line 1 "cgo-builtin-export-prolog"
#include <stddef.h>
typedef struct { const char *p; ptrdiff_t n; } _GoString_;
/* Start of boilerplate cgo prologue. */
#line 1 "cgo-gcc-export-header-prolog"
typedef signed char GoInt8;
typedef unsigned char GoUint8;
typedef short GoInt16;
typedef unsigned short GoUint16;
typedef int GoInt32;
typedef unsigned int GoUint32;
typedef long long GoInt64;
typedef unsigned long long GoUint64;
typedef GoInt64 GoInt;
typedef GoUint64 GoUint;
typedef size_t GoUintptr;
typedef float GoFloat32;
typedef double GoFloat64;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <complex.h>
typedef _Fcomplex GoComplex64;
typedef _Dcomplex GoComplex128;
typedef float _Complex GoComplex64;
typedef double _Complex GoComplex128;
static assertion to make sure the file is being used on architecture
at least with matching size of GoInt.
typedef char _check_for_64_bit_pointer_matching_GoInt[sizeof(void*)==64/8 ? 1:-1];
typedef _GoString_ GoString;
typedef void *GoMap;
typedef void *GoChan;
typedef struct { void *t; void *v; } GoInterface;
typedef struct { void *data; GoInt len; GoInt cap; } GoSlice;
/* End of boilerplate cgo prologue. */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Dangerous function. Should only be used as documented in ``
extern void c_FreePointer(char* ptr);
extern int c_Started();
extern int c_StartCwtch(char* dir_c, int len, char* tor_c, int torLen);
// the pointer returned from this function **must** be freed using c_Free
extern char* c_GetAppBusEvent();
extern void c_ReconnectCwtchForeground();
extern void c_ShutdownCwtch();
extern void c_SetProfileAttribute(char* profile_ptr, int profile_len, char* key_ptr, int key_len, char* val_ptr, int val_len);
extern char* c_GetProfileAttribute(char* profile_ptr, int profile_len, char* key_ptr, int key_len);
extern void c_SetConversationAttribute(char* profile_ptr, int profile_len, int conversation_id, char* key_ptr, int key_len, char* val_ptr, int val_len);
extern char* c_GetConversationAttribute(char* profile_ptr, int profile_len, int conversation_id, char* key_ptr, int key_len);
extern void c_ResetTor();
extern void c_UpdateSettings(char* json_ptr, int json_len);
extern char* c_GetDebugInfo();
extern void c_ActivatePeerEngine(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len);
extern void c_DeactivatePeerEngine(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len);
extern void c_ConfigureConnections(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, char listen1, char peers2, char servers3);
extern void c_CreateProfile(char* name_ptr, int name_len, char* password_ptr, int password_len, char autostart4);
extern void c_LoadProfiles(char* password_ptr, int password_len);
extern void c_DeleteProfile(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, char* password_ptr, int password_len);
extern char* c_ImportProfile(char* file5_ptr, int file5_len, char* password_ptr, int password_len);
extern void c_ChangePassword(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, char* current6_ptr, int current6_len, char* newPassword7_ptr, int newPassword7_len, char* newPasswordAgain8_ptr, int newPasswordAgain8_len);
extern void c_ExportProfile(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, char* file9_ptr, int file9_len);
extern char* c_ImportBundle(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, char* bundle10_ptr, int bundle10_len);
extern void c_ArchiveConversation(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, int conversation);
extern void c_AcceptConversation(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, int conversation);
extern void c_BlockConversation(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, int conversation);
extern void c_UnblockConversation(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, int conversation);
extern void c_DeleteConversation(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, int conversation);
extern void c_PeerWithOnion(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, char* handle11_ptr, int handle11_len);
extern void c_DisconnectFromPeer(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, char* handle12_ptr, int handle12_len);
extern char* c_GetConversationAccessControlList(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, int conversation);
extern void c_UpdateConversationAccessControlList(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, int conversation, char* json13_ptr, int json13_len);
extern char* c_SearchConversations(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, char* pattern14_ptr, int pattern14_len);
extern char* c_SendMessage(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, int conversation, char* msg15_ptr, int msg15_len);
extern char* c_GetMessageById(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, int conversation, int message_id);
extern char* c_GetMessageByContentHash(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, int conversation, char* contentHash16_ptr, int contentHash16_len);
extern char* c_GetMessages(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, int conversation, int index, unsigned int count);
extern char* c_SendInviteMessage(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, int conversation, int target);
extern void c_UpdateMessageAttribute(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, int conversation, int channel_id, int message_id, char* attributeKey17_ptr, int attributeKey17_len, char* attributeValue18_ptr, int attributeValue18_len);
extern void c_StartGroup(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, char* name19_ptr, int name19_len, char* server20_ptr, int server20_len);
extern void c_QueueJoinServer(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, char* handle21_ptr, int handle21_len);
extern void c_DisconnectFromServer(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, char* handle22_ptr, int handle22_len);
extern void c_PublishServerUpdate(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len);
extern void c_GetServerInfoList(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len);
extern void c_DeleteServerInfo(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, char* serverOnion23_ptr, int serverOnion23_len);
extern void c_DownloadFileDefaultLimit(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, int conversation, char* filepath24_ptr, int filepath24_len, char* manifest25_ptr, int manifest25_len, char* filekey26_ptr, int filekey26_len);
extern void c_RestartFileShare(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, char* filekey27_ptr, int filekey27_len);
extern void c_StopFileShare(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, char* filekey28_ptr, int filekey28_len);
extern void c_CheckDownloadStatus(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, char* filekey29_ptr, int filekey29_len);
extern void c_VerifyOrResumeDownloadDefaultLimit(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, int conversation, char* filekey30_ptr, int filekey30_len);
extern char* c_ShareFile(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, int conversation, char* filepath31_ptr, int filepath31_len);
extern char* c_GetSharedFiles(char* onion_ptr, int onion_len, int conversation);
extern void c_CreateServer(char* password_ptr, int password_len, char* description32_ptr, int description32_len, char autostart33);
extern void c_SetServerAttribute(char* handle34_ptr, int handle34_len, char* key35_ptr, int key35_len, char* val36_ptr, int val36_len);
extern void c_LoadServers(char* password_ptr, int password_len);
extern void c_LaunchServers();
extern void c_LaunchServer(char* handle37_ptr, int handle37_len);
extern void c_StopServer(char* handle38_ptr, int handle38_len);
extern void c_StopServers();
extern void c_DestroyServers();
extern void c_DeleteServer(char* handle39_ptr, int handle39_len, char* password_ptr, int password_len);
#ifdef __cplusplus