
227 lines
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#![doc = include_str!( "../" )]
#![doc(html_logo_url = "")]
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use crate::event::{ConversationID, Event, FileKey, ProfileIdentity, ServerIdentity};
use crate::structs::{MessageWrapper, Settings, SharedFile};
mod bindings_go;
mod cwtchlib_go;
/// Basic structs using data from Cwtch and for deserializing JSON and serializing to JSON to communicate with Cwtch
pub mod structs;
/// Additional structs for advnaced event handling and converstion helpers
pub mod event;
/// Error type for Cwtch lib related errors, intended for use with Result
pub type CwtchError = String;
/// Interface to a Cwtch app with API matching libcwtch
pub trait CwtchLib {
/// Start a cwtch application using app_dir to store all user profile data and looking to tor_path to find tor to run
fn start_cwtch(&self, app_dir: &str, tor_path: &str) -> i32;
/// Return 1 if cwtch has been started and 0 if not
fn started(&self) -> i32;
/// Like StartCwtch, but StartCwtch has already been called so we don't need to restart Tor etc (probably)
/// Do need to re-send initial state tho, eg profiles that are already loaded (used by android when ui state is lost)
fn reconnect_cwtch_foreground(&self);
/// Save and update the settings based on this settings
fn update_settings(&self, settings: &Settings);
/// Activate the networking engine of a profile so it can send and listen to/for messages
fn activate_peer_engine(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity);
/// Deactivate the networking engine of a profile so it cannot send and listen to/for messages
fn deactivate_peer_engine(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity);
/// Pull json of a structs::CwtchEvent off the appbus for responding to
fn get_appbus_event(&self) -> Event;
/// configure a peer's connection settings, listen for incoming connections, connect to peers and connect to servers.
fn configure_connections(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, listen: bool, peers: bool, servers: bool);
/// Create a new profile encrypted with pass
fn create_profile(&self, nick: &str, pass: &str, autostart: bool);
/// Load any profiles encrypted by pass
fn load_profiles(&self, pass: &str);
/// Cause profile to accept conversation
fn accept_conversation(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, conversation_id: ConversationID);
/// Cause profile to block conversation
fn block_conversation(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, conversation_id: ConversationID);
/// Cause profile to unblock conversation
fn unblock_conversation(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, conversation_id: ConversationID);
/// Attempt to peer with a a new peer
fn peer_with(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, new_peer_address: &str);
/// manually disconnect from a conversation
fn disconnect_from_peer(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, peer_id: &str);
/// starts a search process on a profile for pattern. returns a searchID that resulting SearchResult messages will have
fn search_conversations(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, pattern: &str) -> String;
/// Get a specific message for a conversation by its id
fn get_message_by_id(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, conversation_id: ConversationID, message_id: i32) -> String;
/// Get a specific message for conversation of profile by hash
fn get_message_by_content_hash(
profile: &ProfileIdentity,
conversation_id: ConversationID,
hash: &str,
) -> String;
/// Bulk get messages starting at message index and of count amoung
fn get_messages(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, conversation_id: ConversationID, message_index: i32, count: i32) -> String;
/// Send json of a structs::Message from profile to contact. Returns computed sent message (including index and hash values)
fn send_message_raw(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, conversation_id: ConversationID, msg: &str) -> String;
/// Send structs::Message from profile to contact. Returns computed sent message (including index and hash values) or Error
fn send_message(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, conversation_id: ConversationID, message: &MessageWrapper) -> Result<String, CwtchError>;
/// Send profile's contact an invite for/to target. Returns computed sent message (including index and hash values)
fn send_invite_message(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, conversation_id: ConversationID, target_id: i32) -> String;
/// share a file file_path with a conersation. Returns computed sent message (including index and hash values)
fn share_file(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, conversation_id: ConversationID, file_path: &str) -> String;
/// get list of SharedFile for a conversation
fn get_shared_files(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, conversaion_id: ConversationID) -> Vec<SharedFile>;
/// download a file from a conversation to the file_path
fn download_file_default_limit(
profile: &ProfileIdentity,
conversation_id: ConversationID,
file_path: &str,
manifest_path: &str,
file_key: &FileKey,
/// Restart a fileshare (used when restarting app to reoffer a previously created fileshare)
fn restart_fileshare(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, file_key: &FileKey);
/// Stop offering a fileshare
fn stop_fileshare(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, file_key: &FileKey);
/// Query the status of a download
fn check_download_status(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, file_key: &FileKey);
/// Verufy a download is done, and if not, resume it
fn verify_or_resume_download(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, conversation_id: ConversationID, file_key: &FileKey);
/// Ask the ACN inside the Cwtch app to restart the tor connection
fn reset_tor(&self);
/// Cause profile to create a group on server with name
fn start_group(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, name: &str, server: &str);
/// Queue joining a server in the out going connections queue
fn queue_join_server(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, server: &ServerIdentity);
/// Disconnect from a specific server
fn disconnect_from_server(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, server: &ServerIdentity);
/// Publish server status updates for a profile
fn publish_server_update(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity);
/// Get list of known servers for a profile
fn get_server_info_list(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity);
/// Delete server information from a profile, preventing future connections for all groups hosted on it
fn delete_server_info(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, server: &ServerIdentity);
/// Delete profile with encryption/password check of pass
fn delete_profile(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, pass: &str);
/// Cause profile to archive conversation with contact
fn archive_conversation(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, conversation_id: ConversationID);
/// Cause profile to delete contact/group identified by handle
fn delete_conversation(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, conversation_id: ConversationID);
/// Cuase profile to attempt to import a contact/group/keybundle identified by bundle
fn import_bundle(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, bundle: &str);
/// Set a profile attribute key to val
fn set_profile_attribute(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, key: &str, val: &str);
/// Get a profile attribute
fn get_profile_attribute(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, key: &str) -> Result<Option<String>, CwtchError>;
/// Set a profile's contact's attribute of key to val
fn set_conversation_attribute(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, conversation_id: ConversationID, key: &str, val: &str);
/// Update an attribute on a message in a conversation
fn update_message_attribute(
profile: &ProfileIdentity,
conversation_id: ConversationID,
channel_id: i32,
message_id: i32,
attribute_key: &str,
attribute_value: &str,
/// Get an attribute for a conversation
fn get_conversation_attribute(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, conversation_id: ConversationID, key: &str) -> Result<Option<String>, CwtchError>;
/// Change a profile's password to new_pass if old_pass is correct
fn change_password(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, old_pass: &str, new_pass: &str, new_pass_again: &str);
/// Export a profile to filename
fn export_profile(&self, profile: &ProfileIdentity, filename: &str);
/// Import a profile from a file with supplied password. Json of a profile struct returned on success
fn import_profile(&self, filename: &str, password: &str) -> String;
/// Shutdown the cwtch app and associated ACN
fn shutdown_cwtch(&self);
/// Server functions require server experiment to be enabled
/// Load all servers encrypted by password
fn load_servers(&self, password: &str);
/// Create a new server, encrypted with password
fn create_server(&self, password: &str, description: &str, autostart: bool);
/// Delete the specified server (if password is correct)
fn delete_server(&self, server: ServerIdentity, current_password: &str);
/// Launch all loaded servers
fn launch_servers(&self);
/// Launch the specified server
fn launch_server(&self, server: ServerIdentity);
/// Stop the specified server
fn stop_server(&self, server: ServerIdentity);
/// Stop all running servers
fn stop_servers(&self);
/// Destroy all servers leaving htem un-re-runnable. call only on shutdown
fn destroy_servers(&self);
/// Set the specified server's attribute of key to val
fn set_server_attribute(&self, server: ServerIdentity, key: &str, val: &str);
/// Get debug info (mem, goroutine stats) from lcg in json
fn get_debug_info(&self) -> String;
/// Create a new CwtchLib that is backed by bindings to libcwtch-go
pub fn new_cwtchlib_go() -> impl CwtchLib {
bindings_go::CwtchLibGo {}