package server import ( "crypto/ed25519" "" "encoding/base64" "encoding/binary" "errors" "fmt" "" "" "" "" tor2 "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "os" "path" "strings" "sync" ) const ( // ServerConfigFile is the standard filename for a server's config to be written to in a directory ServerConfigFile = "serverConfig.json" ) // Server encapsulates a complete, compliant Cwtch server. type Server interface { Identity() primitives.Identity Run(acn connectivity.ACN) error KeyBundle() *model.KeyBundle CheckStatus() (bool, error) Shutdown() GetStatistics() Statistics ConfigureAutostart(autostart bool) Close() Delete(password string) error Onion() string Server() string TofuBundle() string HashName() string } type server struct { service tapir.Service config *Config metricsPack metrics.Monitors tokenTapirService tapir.Service tokenServer *privacypass.TokenServer tokenService primitives.Identity tokenServicePrivKey ed25519.PrivateKey tokenServiceStopped bool onionServiceStopped bool running bool existingMessageCount int lock sync.RWMutex } // NewServer creates and configures a new server based on the supplied configuration func NewServer(serverConfig *Config) Server { server := new(server) server.running = false server.config = serverConfig bs := new(persistence.BoltPersistence) bs.Open(path.Join(serverConfig.ConfigDir, "tokens.db")) server.tokenServer = privacypass.NewTokenServerFromStore(&serverConfig.TokenServiceK, bs) log.Infof("Y: %v", server.tokenServer.Y) server.tokenService = server.config.TokenServiceIdentity() server.tokenServicePrivKey = server.config.TokenServerPrivateKey return server } // Identity returns the main onion identity of the server func (s *server) Identity() primitives.Identity { return s.config.Identity() } // Run starts a server with the given privateKey func (s *server) Run(acn connectivity.ACN) error { s.lock.Lock() defer s.lock.Unlock() if s.running { return nil } identity := primitives.InitializeIdentity("", &s.config.PrivateKey, &s.config.PublicKey) var service tapir.Service service = new(tor2.BaseOnionService) service.Init(acn, s.config.PrivateKey, &identity) s.service = service log.Infof("cwtch server running on cwtch:%s\n", s.Onion()) s.metricsPack.Start(service, s.config.ConfigDir, s.config.ServerReporting.LogMetricsToFile) ms, err := storage.InitializeSqliteMessageStore(path.Join(s.config.ConfigDir, "cwtch.messages"), s.metricsPack.MessageCounter) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not open database: %v", err) } // Needed because we only collect metrics on a per-session basis // TODO fix metrics so they persist across sessions? s.existingMessageCount = len(ms.FetchMessages()) s.tokenTapirService = new(tor2.BaseOnionService) s.tokenTapirService.Init(acn, s.tokenServicePrivKey, &s.tokenService) tokenApplication := new(applications.TokenApplication) tokenApplication.TokenService = s.tokenServer powTokenApp := new(applications.ApplicationChain). ChainApplication(new(applications.ProofOfWorkApplication), applications.SuccessfulProofOfWorkCapability). ChainApplication(tokenApplication, applications.HasTokensCapability) go func() { s.tokenTapirService.Listen(powTokenApp) s.tokenServiceStopped = true }() go func() { s.service.Listen(NewTokenBoardServer(ms, s.tokenServer)) s.onionServiceStopped = true }() s.running = true return nil } // KeyBundle provides the signed keybundle of the server func (s *server) KeyBundle() *model.KeyBundle { kb := model.NewKeyBundle() identity := s.config.Identity() kb.Keys[model.KeyTypeServerOnion] = model.Key(identity.Hostname()) kb.Keys[model.KeyTypeTokenOnion] = model.Key(s.tokenService.Hostname()) kb.Keys[model.KeyTypePrivacyPass] = model.Key(s.tokenServer.Y.String()) kb.Sign(identity) return kb } // CheckStatus returns true if the server is running and/or an error if any part of the server needs to be restarted. func (s *server) CheckStatus() (bool, error) { s.lock.RLock() defer s.lock.RUnlock() if s.onionServiceStopped == true || s.tokenServiceStopped == true { return s.running, fmt.Errorf("one of more server components are down: onion:%v token service: %v", s.onionServiceStopped, s.tokenServiceStopped) } return s.running, nil } // Shutdown kills the app closing all connections and freeing all goroutines func (s *server) Shutdown() { s.lock.Lock() defer s.lock.Unlock() s.service.Shutdown() s.tokenTapirService.Shutdown() s.metricsPack.Stop() s.running = true } // Statistics is an encapsulation of information about the server that an operator might want to know at a glance. type Statistics struct { TotalMessages int } // GetStatistics is a stub method for providing some high level information about // the server operation to bundling applications (e.g. the UI) func (s *server) GetStatistics() Statistics { // TODO Statistics from Metrics is very awkward. Metrics needs an overhaul to make safe total := s.existingMessageCount if s.metricsPack.TotalMessageCounter != nil { total += s.metricsPack.TotalMessageCounter.Count() } return Statistics{ TotalMessages: total, } } // ConfigureAutostart sets whether this server should autostart (in the Cwtch UI/bundling application) func (s *server) ConfigureAutostart(autostart bool) { s.config.AutoStart = autostart s.config.Save() } // Close shuts down the cwtch server in a safe way. func (s *server) Close() { log.Infof("Shutting down server") s.lock.Lock() defer s.lock.Unlock() log.Infof("Closing Token server Database...") s.tokenServer.Close() } func (s *server) Delete(password string) error { s.lock.Lock() defer s.lock.Unlock() if s.config.Encrypted && !s.config.CheckPassword(password) { return errors.New("Cannot delete server, passwords do not match") } os.RemoveAll(s.config.ConfigDir) return nil } func (s *server) Onion() string { return tor.GetTorV3Hostname(s.config.PublicKey) + ".onion" } func (s *server) Server() string { bundle := s.KeyBundle().Serialize() return fmt.Sprintf("server:%s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bundle)) } func (s *server) TofuBundle() string { group, _ := model.NewGroup(tor.GetTorV3Hostname(s.config.PublicKey)) invite, err := group.Invite() if err != nil { panic(err) } bundle := s.KeyBundle().Serialize() return fmt.Sprintf("tofubundle:server:%s||%s", base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bundle), invite) } // TODO demo implementation only, not nearly enough entropy // TODO Apache license // var namesSmall = []string{"ox", "ant", "ape", "asp", "bat", "bee", "boa", "bug", "cat", "cod", "cow", "cub", "doe", "dog", "eel", "eft", "elf", "elk", "emu", "ewe", "fly", "fox", "gar", "gnu", "hen", "hog", "imp", "jay", "kid", "kit", "koi", "lab", "man", "owl", "pig", "pug", "pup", "ram", "rat", "ray", "yak", "bass", "bear", "bird", "boar", "buck", "bull", "calf", "chow", "clam", "colt", "crab", "crow", "dane", "deer", "dodo", "dory", "dove", "drum", "duck", "fawn", "fish", "flea", "foal", "fowl", "frog", "gnat", "goat", "grub", "gull", "hare", "hawk", "ibex", "joey", "kite", "kiwi", "lamb", "lark", "lion", "loon", "lynx", "mako", "mink", "mite", "mole", "moth", "mule", "mutt", "newt", "orca", "oryx", "pika", "pony", "puma", "seal", "shad", "slug", "sole", "stag", "stud", "swan", "tahr", "teal", "tick", "toad", "tuna", "wasp", "wolf", "worm", "wren", "yeti", "adder", "akita", "alien", "aphid", "bison", "boxer", "bream", "bunny", "burro", "camel", "chimp", "civet", "cobra", "coral", "corgi", "crane", "dingo", "drake", "eagle", "egret", "filly", "finch", "gator", "gecko", "ghost", "ghoul", "goose", "guppy", "heron", "hippo", "horse", "hound", "husky", "hyena", "koala", "krill", "leech", "lemur", "liger", "llama", "louse", "macaw", "midge", "molly", "moose", "moray", "mouse", "panda", "perch", "prawn", "quail", "racer", "raven", "rhino", "robin", "satyr", "shark", "sheep", "shrew", "skink", "skunk", "sloth", "snail", "snake", "snipe", "squid", "stork", "swift", "swine", "tapir", "tetra", "tiger", "troll", "trout", "viper", "wahoo", "whale", "zebra", "alpaca", "amoeba", "baboon", "badger", "beagle", "bedbug", "beetle", "bengal", "bobcat", "caiman", "cattle", "cicada", "collie", "condor", "cougar", "coyote", "dassie", "donkey", "dragon", "earwig", "falcon", "feline", "ferret", "gannet", "gibbon", "glider", "goblin", "gopher", "grouse", "guinea", "hermit", "hornet", "iguana", "impala", "insect", "jackal", "jaguar", "jennet", "kitten", "kodiak", "lizard", "locust", "maggot", "magpie", "mammal", "mantis", "marlin", "marmot", "marten", "martin", "mayfly", "minnow", "monkey", "mullet", "muskox", "ocelot", "oriole", "osprey", "oyster", "parrot", "pigeon", "piglet", "poodle", "possum", "python", "quagga", "rabbit", "raptor", "rodent", "roughy", "salmon", "sawfly", "serval", "shiner", "shrimp", "spider", "sponge", "tarpon", "thrush", "tomcat", "toucan", "turkey", "turtle", "urchin", "vervet", "walrus", "weasel", "weevil", "wombat", "anchovy", "anemone", "bluejay", "buffalo", "bulldog", "buzzard", "caribou", "catfish", "chamois", "cheetah", "chicken", "chigger", "cowbird", "crappie", "crawdad", "cricket", "dogfish", "dolphin", "firefly", "garfish", "gazelle", "gelding", "giraffe", "gobbler", "gorilla", "goshawk", "grackle", "griffon", "grizzly", "grouper", "haddock", "hagfish", "halibut", "hamster", "herring", "jackass", "javelin", "jawfish", "jaybird", "katydid", "ladybug", "lamprey", "lemming", "leopard", "lioness", "lobster", "macaque", "mallard", "mammoth", "manatee", "mastiff", "meerkat", "mollusk", "monarch", "mongrel", "monitor", "monster", "mudfish", "muskrat", "mustang", "narwhal", "oarfish", "octopus", "opossum", "ostrich", "panther", "peacock", "pegasus", "pelican", "penguin", "phoenix", "piranha", "polecat", "primate", "quetzal", "raccoon", "rattler", "redbird", "redfish", "reptile", "rooster", "sawfish", "sculpin", "seagull", "skylark", "snapper", "spaniel", "sparrow", "sunbeam", "sunbird", "sunfish", "tadpole", "termite", "terrier", "unicorn", "vulture", "wallaby", "walleye", "warthog", "whippet", "wildcat", "aardvark", "airedale", "albacore", "anteater", "antelope", "arachnid", "barnacle", "basilisk", "blowfish", "bluebird", "bluegill", "bonefish", "bullfrog", "cardinal", "chipmunk", "cockatoo", "crayfish", "dinosaur", "doberman", "duckling", "elephant", "escargot", "flamingo", "flounder", "foxhound", "glowworm", "goldfish", "grubworm", "hedgehog", "honeybee", "hookworm", "humpback", "kangaroo", "killdeer", "kingfish", "labrador", "lacewing", "ladybird", "lionfish", "longhorn", "mackerel", "malamute", "marmoset", "mastodon", "moccasin", "mongoose", "monkfish", "mosquito", "pangolin", "parakeet", "pheasant", "pipefish", "platypus", "polliwog", "porpoise", "reindeer", "ringtail", "sailfish", "scorpion", "seahorse", "seasnail", "sheepdog", "shepherd", "silkworm", "squirrel", "stallion", "starfish", "starling", "stingray", "stinkbug", "sturgeon", "terrapin", "titmouse", "tortoise", "treefrog", "werewolf", "woodcock"} func (s *server) HashName() string { var bytes []byte = s.config.PublicKey var words []string for i := 0; i < 8; i++ { index := int(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(bytes[i*4:(i+1)*4])) % len(namesSmall) words = append(words, namesSmall[index]) } return strings.Join(words, "-") }