license? #12

opened 2020-02-09 08:10:08 +00:00 by Ghost · 2 kommentarer

I'm not seeing any mention of any. In order to incorporate this into other free software projects we'll need some kind of license.

I'm not seeing any mention of any. In order to incorporate this into other free software projects we'll need some kind of license.

( please consider GPL version 3 or later? :) )

( please consider GPL version 3 or later? :) )

(Sorry this took so long, 2020 has been a -year-)

Added explicit MIT License (as with all OPen Privacy projects to date)- I'll note that there will be a few specific changes to this code in the next couple of months as we prepare for a Cwtch Beta release :)

(Sorry this took so long, 2020 has been a -year-) Added explicit MIT License (as with all OPen Privacy projects to date)- I'll note that there will be a few specific changes to this code in the next couple of months as we prepare for a Cwtch Beta release :)
sarah stängde ärendet 2020-06-17 19:40:08 +00:00
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