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import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import CustomQmlTypes 1.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
import "../opaque" as Opaque
import "../opaque/styles"
import "../opaque/theme"
import "../const"
Opaque.PortraitRow {
property int status: 0
property int badge
property bool loading
property string authorization
// TODO: should be in ContactRow
property bool blocked
badgeColor: Theme.portraitContactBadgeColor
badgeVisible: badge > 0
badgeContent: Label {
id: lblUnread
color: Theme.portraitContactBadgeTextColor
font.pixelSize: Theme.badgeTextSize * gcd.themeScale
font.weight: Font.Bold
text: badge > 99 ? "99+" : badge
ProgressBar { // LOADING ?
id: loadingProgress
property bool running
running: loading
visible: loading
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.leftMargin: 1 * gcd.themeScale
anchors.rightMargin: 25 * gcd.themeScale
height: parent.height * .1
width: 100 * gcd.themeScale
indeterminate: true
style: ProgressBarStyle {
progress: CwtchProgress { running: loadingProgress.running}
Column {
visible: authorization == Const.auth_unknown
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
anchors.leftMargin: 1 * gcd.themeScale
anchors.rightMargin: 25 * gcd.themeScale
spacing: 16 * gcd.themeScale
Opaque.Icon {
source: gcd.assetPath + "core/favorite-24px.svg"
iconColor: Theme.toolbarIconColor
backgroundColor: rowColor
height: 18 * gcd.themeScale
width: 18 * gcd.themeScale
onClicked: { gcd.setPeerAuthorization(handle, Const.auth_approved)}
Opaque.Icon {
source: gcd.assetPath + "core/delete-24px.svg"
iconColor: Theme.toolbarIconColor
backgroundColor: rowColor
height: 18 * gcd.themeScale
width: 18 * gcd.themeScale
onClicked: { console.log("approve"); gcd.setPeerAuthorization(handle, Const.auth_blocked)}
onClicked: function() {
isActive = true
theStack.pane = theStack.messagePane
badge = 0
Component.onCompleted: { setColors(status) }
onStatusChanged: { setColors(status) }
function setColors(status) {
if (authorization == Const.auth_blocked) {
portraitBorderColor = Theme.portraitBlockedBorderColor
portraitColor = Theme.portraitBlockedBackgroundColor
nameColor = Theme.portraitBlockedTextColor
onionColor = Theme.portraitBlockedTextColor
} else if (status == Const.state_synced || status == Const.state_authenticated) {
portraitBorderColor = Theme.portraitOnlineBorderColor
portraitColor = Theme.portraitOnlineBackgroundColor
nameColor = Theme.portraitOnlineTextColor
onionColor = Theme.portraitOnlineTextColor
} else if (status == Const.state_connected || status == Const.state_connecting) {
portraitBorderColor = Theme.portraitConnectingBorderColor
portraitColor = Theme.portraitConnectingBackgroundColor
nameColor = Theme.portraitConnectingTextColor
onionColor = Theme.portraitConnectingTextColor
} else {
portraitBorderColor = Theme.portraitOfflineBorderColor
portraitColor = Theme.portraitOfflineBackgroundColor
nameColor = Theme.portraitOfflineTextColor
onionColor = Theme.portraitOfflineTextColor
target: gcd
onUpdateContactStatus: function(_handle, _status, _loading) {
if (handle == _handle) {
status = _status
loadingProgress.visible = loadingProgress.running = loading = _loading
onIncContactUnreadCount: function(handle) {
if (handle == _handle && gcd.selectedConversation != handle) {