This repository has been archived on 2021-06-24. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import CustomQmlTypes 1.0
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
import "../opaque" as Opaque
import "../opaque/styles"
import "../opaque/theme"
import "../const"
RowLayout {
id: root
property alias handle: prow.handle
property alias displayName: prow.displayName
property alias image: prow.image
property alias tag: prow.tag
property alias badgeColor: prow.badgeColor
property var rowClicked: {}
property var editClicked: {}
property bool profileOnline: false
Opaque.PortraitRow {
id: prow
badgeColor: Theme.portraitProfileBadgeColor
Layout.fillWidth: true
portraitBorderColor: Theme.portraitOnlineBorderColor
portraitColor: Theme.portraitOnlineBackgroundColor
nameColor: Theme.portraitOnlineTextColor
onionColor: Theme.portraitOnlineTextColor
badgeContent: Image {// Profle Type
id: profiletype
source: tag == "v1-userPassword" ? gcd.assetPath + "core/lock-24px.webp" : gcd.assetPath + "core/lock_open-24px.webp"
height: Theme.badgeTextSize * gcd.themeScale
width: height
onClicked: rowClicked(handle)
function updateStatus() {
if (gcd.torStatus != Const.statusOnline) { // Tor network offline
portraitBorderColor = Theme.portraitOfflineBorderColor
portraitColor = Theme.portraitOfflineBackgroundColor
nameColor = Theme.portraitOfflineTextColor
onionColor = Theme.portraitOfflineTextColor
} else {
// TODO: update to include logic on if a peer wants to be online or not (not implemented)
if (profileOnline == false) {
portraitBorderColor = Theme.portraitConnectingBorderColor
portraitColor = Theme.portraitConnectingBackgroundColor
nameColor = Theme.portraitConnectingTextColor
onionColor = Theme.portraitConnectingTextColor
} else {
portraitBorderColor = Theme.portraitOnlineBorderColor
portraitColor = Theme.portraitOnlineBackgroundColor
nameColor = Theme.portraitOnlineTextColor
onionColor = Theme.portraitOnlineTextColor
Component.onCompleted: { prow.updateStatus() }
Connections {
target: gcd
onTorStatusChanged: function() {
onUpdateProfileNetworkStatus: function(onion, online) {
if (handle == onion) {
profileOnline = online
Connections {
target: Theme
onThemeChanged: {
Opaque.Icon {// Edit BUTTON
id: btnEdit
source: gcd.assetPath + "core/edit-24px.webp"
Layout.minimumWidth: 80
Layout.fillHeight: true
backgroundColor: Theme.backgroundMainColor
hilightBackgroundColor: Theme.backgroundHilightElementColor
iconColor: Theme.altTextColor
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
// Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
height: root.height / 2
width: root.height / 2
size: root.height / 2
onClicked: editClicked(handle, displayName, tag, image)