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2020-10-09 18:10:03 +00:00
package ui
import (
type MessageModel struct {
handle string
//_ string `property:"handle,auto"`
_ func(string) `signal:"setHandle,auto"`
_ map[int]*core.QByteArray `property:"roles"`
_ func() `constructor:"init"`
_ func(int) `signal:"addMessage,auto"`
_ func(string) `signal:"createLocalFormEntry,auto"`
_ func() `signal:"requestEIR,auto"` // request this.EndInsertRecord() on gui thread
_ func(string) string `slot:"getNick,auto"`
_ func(string) string `slot:"getImage,auto"`
type MessageWrapper struct {
Timestamp int64
PeerID string
Acknowledged bool
RawMessage string
Error string
_ bool `property:"ackd"`
func (this *MessageModel) Handle() string{
return this.handle
func (this *MessageModel) setHandle(handle string) {
this.handle = handle
func (this *MessageModel) init() {
//mdt := reflect.TypeOf([]model.Message{}).Elem()
mdt := reflect.TypeOf([]MessageWrapper{}).Elem()
roles := make(map[int]*core.QByteArray)
for i := 0; i < mdt.NumField(); i++ {
roles[int(core.Qt__UserRole) + 1 + i] = core.NewQByteArray2(mdt.Field(i).Name, -1)
roles[int(core.Qt__DisplayRole)] = core.NewQByteArray2("display", -1)
func (this *MessageModel) roleNames() map[int]*core.QByteArray {
return this.Roles()
func (this *MessageModel) isGroup() bool {
return len(this.Handle()) == 32
func (this *MessageModel) getNick(handle string) string {
return GetNick(handle)
func (this *MessageModel) getImage(handle string) string {
return GetProfilePic(handle)
func (this *MessageModel) num() int {
if this.Handle() == "" || the.Peer == nil {
log.Debugf("num: early returning 0")
return 0
if this.isGroup() {
group := the.Peer.GetGroup(this.Handle())
if group != nil {
return len(group.Timeline.Messages) + len(group.UnacknowledgedMessages)
} else {
contact := the.Peer.GetContact(this.Handle())
if contact != nil {
log.Debugf("num: returning %v", len(contact.Timeline.Messages))
return len(contact.Timeline.Messages)
log.Warnf("group/contact was nil, returning 0")
return 0
func (this *MessageModel) getMessage(idx int) *MessageWrapper {
log.Infof("MessageModel.getMessage(%v)", idx)
var modelmsg model.Message
if this.isGroup() {
group := the.Peer.GetGroup(this.Handle())
if idx >= len(group.Timeline.Messages) {
modelmsg = group.UnacknowledgedMessages[idx - len(group.Timeline.Messages)]
} else {
modelmsg = group.Timeline.Messages[idx]
} else {
contact := the.Peer.GetContact(this.Handle())
if this.Handle() == "" || the.Peer == nil || contact == nil {
modelmsg = model.Message{Message:"oops test hi uhhhhh :/"}
} else if idx >= len(contact.Timeline.Messages) {
log.Errorf("this shouldnt happen")
//modelmsg = contact.UnacknowledgedMessages[idx-len(contact.Timeline.Messages)]
} else {
modelmsg = contact.Timeline.Messages[idx]
return &MessageWrapper {
Message: modelmsg,
Timestamp: modelmsg.Timestamp.Unix(),
RawMessage: modelmsg.Message,
PeerID: modelmsg.PeerID,
Error: modelmsg.Error,
Acknowledged: modelmsg.Acknowledged,
func (this *MessageModel) data(index *core.QModelIndex, role int) *core.QVariant {
log.Infof(", %v)", index.Row(), role)
if !index.IsValid() {
return core.NewQVariant()
if index.Row() >= this.num() {
return core.NewQVariant()
if role == int(core.Qt__DisplayRole) {
role = index.Column() + int(core.Qt__UserRole) + 1
// modelData-element [role]-field value (aka the data ~_~)
mderfv := reflect.ValueOf(*this.getMessage(index.Row())).Field(role - int(core.Qt__UserRole) - 1)
typeStr := reflect.TypeOf([]MessageWrapper{}).Elem().Field(role - int(core.Qt__UserRole) - 1).Type.String()
if typeStr == "string" {
return core.NewQVariant1(mderfv.String())
} else if strings.HasPrefix(typeStr, "int") {
return core.NewQVariant1(mderfv.Int())
} else if strings.HasPrefix(typeStr, "float") {
return core.NewQVariant1(mderfv.Float())
} else if typeStr == "bool" {
return core.NewQVariant1(mderfv.Bool())
return core.NewQVariant1("unknown type " + typeStr)
func (this *MessageModel) headerData(section int, orientation core.Qt__Orientation, role int) *core.QVariant {
if role != int(core.Qt__DisplayRole) || orientation == core.Qt__Vertical {
return this.HeaderDataDefault(section, orientation, role)
mdt := reflect.TypeOf([]model.Message{}).Elem()
return core.NewQVariant12(mdt.Field(section).Name)
func (this *MessageModel) rowCount(parent *core.QModelIndex) int {
return this.num()
func (this *MessageModel) columnCount(parent *core.QModelIndex) int {
return reflect.TypeOf(MessageWrapper{}).NumField()
func (this *MessageModel) addMessage(idx int) {
log.Debugf("MessageModel.addMessage() ZOOP ZOOP %v", this.handle)
this.BeginInsertRows(core.NewQModelIndex(), idx, idx)//this.num(), this.num())
//this.modelData = append(this.modelData, *fe)
// perform this.EndInsertRows() on the gui thread
func (this *MessageModel) requestEIR() {
log.Debugf("MessageModel.requestEIR() ZEEP ZEEP %v", this.handle)
func (this *MessageModel) createLocalFormEntry(name string) {
go this.createLocalFormEntry_thread(name)
func (this *MessageModel) createLocalFormEntry_thread(name string) {
log.Debugf("nyi #9779729343959699492726648294050382")
fe := &model.Message{
Message: "hi!",