Improve color accessibility of connection status indicators #101

CwtchEnthusiast atvēra 2019-02-15 16:51:17 +00:00 · 1 comment

Basing the status indicators on color alone is not very accessible.
There's "tor appears to be running just fine!" on mouseover for your own status, but no additional status information for contacts and groups in the GUI.


Basing the status indicators on color alone is not very accessible. There's "tor appears to be running just fine!" on mouseover for your own status, but no additional status information for contacts and groups in the GUI. Cf.

Separators in the contacts pane according to status/entity would be great, too.
(Mock-up attached for both status shapes and separators.)

Separators in the contacts pane according to status/entity would be great, too. (Mock-up attached for both status shapes and separators.)
dan pievienoja atskaites punktu 0.3.3? 2019-12-18 22:45:51 +00:00
dan piešķīra sev 2019-12-18 22:45:55 +00:00
sarah tika noņemta problēma no dan 2019-12-18 22:45:56 +00:00
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Datums līdz nav korekts. Izmantojiet formātu 'gggg-mm-dd'.

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