Adding user after delete is broken #211

sarah tarafından 2019-08-28 17:56:32 +00:00 açıldı · 3 yorum

Steps to reproduce:

  • Add a user
  • Delete a user
  • Attempt to re-add the user

The user does not show up in the contact list

Steps to reproduce: * Add a user * Delete a user * Attempt to re-add the user The user does not show up in the contact list

Note that this also stays the case when the deleted user sends a message to the user.

Note that this also stays the case when the deleted user sends a message to the user.

i've seen something like this: i believe it's fixed if you restart the app

I believe what i saw was because the GCD/uistate isn't listening to this event right or deleting something, so on add, there is a check if it already exists, and since it does, cus it never got deleted right in the ui, it isn't "readded"

i've seen something like this: i believe it's fixed if you restart the app I believe what i saw was because the GCD/uistate isn't listening to this event right or deleting something, so on add, there is a check if it already exists, and since it does, cus it never got deleted right in the ui, it isn't "readded"
dan 2019-12-18 22:32:40 +00:00 0.3.2 kilometre taşına ekledi

fixed? needs confrimation

fixed? needs confrimation
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