Confusing Behaviour with Empty Passwords #256

2020-01-13 21:41:22 +00:00 geopend door sarah · 0 opmerkingen

Creating accounts with an empty password doesn't cause those accounts to get automatically loaded (the user has to instead submit an unlock with an empty password)

This confused me and I thought saving was broken. I'm not sure what the behavior should be but it should probably change.

Creating accounts with an empty password *doesn't* cause those accounts to get automatically loaded (the user has to instead submit an unlock with an empty password) This confused me and I thought saving was broken. I'm not sure what the behavior should be but it should probably change.
sarah heeft dit 2020-11-26 22:33:33 +00:00 aan zichzelf toegewezen
dan heeft dit probleem gesloten 2020-11-26 23:05:28 +00:00
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