theme-ability #265

créé 2020-03-02 23:03:36 +00:00 par dan · 0 commentaire
  • create globally referenced theme object that can init from theme files, create initial color theme for marcia's color scheme
  • wire in to all uses of color in qml
- create globally referenced theme object that can init from theme files, create initial color theme for marcia's color scheme - wire in to all uses of color in qml
dan a ajouté ça au jalon QML refactor 2020-03-02 23:03:36 +00:00.
dan a remplacé le titre theme abiity par theme-ability 2020-03-02 23:04:31 +00:00.
dan a ajouté le label
2020-03-02 23:11:07 +00:00.
dan a fermé ce ticket 2020-10-23 19:58:11 +00:00.
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