Feedback: Allow messages to be marked up to convey bolid/italic/underline etc. #427

créé 2020-11-27 19:27:29 +00:00 par sarah · 0 commentaire

This should be safe with some rich text parsing (especially with qt networking shut off...but my biggest concern here is what happend when we "upgrade" to Qt 5.15+)

Needs security testing and review prior to adoption.

This should be safe with some rich text parsing (especially with qt networking shut off...but my biggest concern here is what happend when we "upgrade" to Qt 5.15+) Needs security testing and review prior to adoption.
sarah a ajouté les labels
2020-11-27 19:27:29 +00:00.
sarah a remplacé le titre Feedback: Allow messages to be marked up to convery bolid/italic/underline etc. par Feedback: Allow messages to be marked up to convey bolid/italic/underline etc. 2020-11-27 22:58:56 +00:00.
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