Feedback: Provide a way to export a deniable transcript #428

открыта 2020-11-27 19:30:06 +00:00 sarah · комментариев: 0
sarah прокомментировал(а) 2020-11-27 19:30:06 +00:00

Really nice idea:

Demonstrate the offline deniability properties of Cwtch by allowing people to export a transcript with public keys, session key and a copy of the encrypted messages for that session - along with an explanation that the entire transcript can be forged (maybe even also provide a tool (built into cwtch or otherwise) that wil allow people to forge transcripts that produces the same output)

Really nice idea: Demonstrate the offline deniability properties of Cwtch by allowing people to export a transcript with public keys, session key and a copy of the encrypted messages for that session - along with an explanation that the entire transcript can be forged (maybe even also provide a tool (built into cwtch or otherwise) that wil allow people to forge transcripts that produces the same output)
sarah добавил(а) метки
2020-11-27 19:30:06 +00:00
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