Save draft message when leaving conversation #450

otworzone 2020-12-10 22:12:21 +00:00 przez dan · 0 komentarzy

saving state phase 2 - as with existing save state, when a message pane is being left but there is a typed message, save it to that peers local attributes and reload next time conversation is loaded. make sure to clean each send

saving state phase 2 - as with existing save state, when a message pane is being left but there is a typed message, save it to that peers local attributes and reload next time conversation is loaded. make sure to clean each send
dan dodaje to do kamienia milowego Cwtch UI Redesign 2020 Beta 2020-12-10 22:12:21 +00:00
dan dodano
etykiety 2020-12-10 22:12:21 +00:00
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