AddGroupPane create-group-title Créer un groupe server-label Server label Serveur group-name-label Group name label Groupe default-group-name default suggested group name Un super groupe create-group-btn create group button Créer AddPeerGroupPane profile-oniblon-label Send this address to peers you want to connect with copy-btn Copier copied-to-clipboard-notification notification: copied to clipboard Copié dans le presse-papier add-peer-tab create-group-tab join-group-tab peer-address Address peer-name Name group-name Group Name server Server invitation Invitation group-addr Address BulletinOverlay new-bulletin-label Nouveau bulletin post-new-bulletin-label Post a new Bulletin Post Envoyer un nouveau bulletin title-placeholder title place holder text titre... ChatOverlay chat-history-default This conversation will be deleted when Cwtch is closed! Message history can be enabled per-conversation via the Settings menu in the upper right. chat-history-disabled Message history is disabled. chat-history-enabled Message history is enabled. ContactList paste-address-to-add-contact ex: "... paste an address here to add a contact ..." ... coller une adresse ici pour ajouter un contact... blocked GroupSettingsPane server-label Serveur copy-btn Copier copied-to-clipboard-notification notification: copied to clipboard Copié dans le presse-papier invitation-label Invitation server-info server-connectivity-connected server-connectivity-disconnected server-synced server-not-synced view-server-info group-name-label Nom du groupe save-btn Sauvegarder invite-to-group-label Invite someone to the group Inviter quelqu'un invite-btn Invitation delete-btn Effacer ListOverlay add-list-item Add a New List Item Ajouter un nouvel élément add-new-item Add a new item to the list Ajouter un nouvel élément à la liste todo-placeholder Todo... placeholder text A faire... search-list ex: "Find..." peer-not-online add-list-item-btn MembershipOverlay membership-description Below is a list of users who have sent messages to the group. This list may not reflect all users who have access to the group. Liste des utilisateurs ayant envoyés un ou plusieurs messages au groupe. Cette liste peut ne pas être representatives de l'ensemble des membres du groupe. Message dm-tooltip Click to DM Envoyer un message privé could-not-send-msg-error Could not send this message Impossible d'envoyer ce message acknowledged-label Confirmé pending-label En attente MessageEditor peer-blocked-message Peer is blocked peer-offline-message Peer is offline, messages can't be delivered right now MyProfile copy-btn Button for copying profile onion address to clipboard Copier copied-clipboard-notification Copied to clipboard Copié dans le presse-papier new-group-btn create new group button Créer un nouveau groupe paste-address-to-add-contact ex: "... paste an address here to add a contact ..." ... coller une adresse ici pour ajouter un contact... OverlayPane accept-group-invite-label Do you want to accept the invitation to $GROUP Voulez-vous accepter l'invitation au groupe accept-group-btn Accept group invite button Accepter reject-group-btn Reject Group invite button Refuser chat-btn Discuter lists-btn Listes bulletins-btn Bulletins puzzle-game-btn Puzzle PeerSettingsPane address-label Adresse copy-btn Copier copied-to-clipboard-notification notification: copied to clipboard Copié dans le presse-papier display-name-label Pseudo save-btn Sauvegarder save-peer-history Save Peer History save-peer-history-description dont-save-peer-history delete-btn Effacer block-btn ProfileAddEditPane copy-btn Copier copied-to-clipboard-notification notification: copied to clipboard Copié dans le presse-papier radio-use-password Password radio-no-password Unencrypted (No password) no-password-warning Not using a password on this account means that all data stored locally will not be encrypted new-profile New Profile || Edit Profile edit-profile profile-oniblon-label Send this address to peers you want to connect with your-display-name Your Display Name current-password-label Current Password password1-label Password password2-label Reenter password password-error-empty Passwords do not match create-profile-btn Create || Save save-profile-btn password-error-match password-change-error Error changing password: Supplied password rejected delete-profile-btn Delete Profile delete-confirm-label Type DELETE to confirm delete-profile-confirm-btn Really Delete Profile delete-confirm-text DELETE ProfileList add-new-profile-btn ProfileManagerPane enter-profile-password Enter a password to view your profiles password error-0-profiles-loaded-for-password 0 profiles loaded with that password your-profiles Your Profiles your-servers Your Profiles unlock Unlock SettingsPane cwtch-settings-title Cwtch Settings title Préférences Cwtch zoom-label Interface zoom (mostly affects text and button sizes) Interface zoom (essentiellement la taille du texte et des composants de l'interface) setting-language Language locale-en locale-fr locale-pt locale-de locale-es locale-it setting-interface-zoom Interface Zoom medium-text-label medium text large-text-label large text Large setting-theme Theme theme-light theme-dark experiments-enabled Enable experiments Text magnification reference Acknowledgements extra special thanks!!!! don't translate yet... we should come up with something to write here as a team<3 version %1 tor %2 Version %1 with tor %2 builddate %2 Built on: %2 default-scaling-text "Default size text (scale factor: " Taille par défaut du texte (échelle: small-text-label small text Petit SplashPane loading-tor Loading tor... Statusbar network-status-disconnected Disconnected from the internet, check your connection network-status-attempting-tor Attempting to connect to Tor network network-status-connecting Connecting... network-status-online Online main new-connection-pane-title New Connection