import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQuick.Window 2.11 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import "../opaque" as Opaque import "../opaque/styles" import "../opaque/theme" import "../opaque/fonts" import "../const" Item { id: root anchors.fill: parent width: parent.width height: profile.height implicitHeight: profile.height property string image property string nick property string onion property string tag property bool dualPane: false property bool profileOnline: false property real logscale: 4 * Math.log10(gcd.themeScale + 1) onDualPaneChanged: { realignProfile() } function realignProfile() { if (dualPane) { profile.height = Theme.contactPortraitSize * logscale portrait.baseWidth = Theme.contactPortraitSize * logscale portrait.height = Theme.contactPortraitSize * logscale portrait.anchors.horizontalCenter = undefined portrait.anchors.left = profile.left portrait.anchors.leftMargin = 25 * logscale nameRow.anchors.right = undefined nameRow.anchors.left = portrait.right = undefined nameRow.anchors.verticalCenter = portrait.verticalCenter nameCenter.anchors.horizontalCenter = undefined nameCenter.anchors.left = nameRow.left } else { profile.height = (Theme.contactPortraitSize * 2 * logscale) portrait.size = Theme.contactPortraitSize * 1.5 portrait.anchors.left = undefined portrait.anchors.leftMargin = undefined portrait.anchors.horizontalCenter = profile.horizontalCenter nameRow.anchors.left = profile.left nameRow.anchors.right = profile.right nameRow.anchors.verticalCenter = undefined = portrait.bottom nameCenter.anchors.left = undefined nameCenter.anchors.horizontalCenter = nameRow.horizontalCenter } } Rectangle { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right width: parent.width id: profile color: Theme.backgroundMainColor Opaque.Portrait { id: portrait source: root.image badgeColor: Theme.portraitProfileBadgeColor portraitBorderColor: Theme.portraitOnlineBorderColor portraitColor: Theme.portraitOnlineBackgroundColor badgeContent: Image {// Profle Type id: profiletype source: tag == "v1-userPassword" ? gcd.assetPath + "core/lock-24px.webp" : gcd.assetPath + "core/lock_open-24px.webp" height: Theme.badgeTextSize * gcd.themeScale width: height } } Rectangle { id: nameRow height: name.height color: Theme.backgroundMainColor Rectangle { id: nameCenter width: name.width + addBtn.width Label { id: name color: Theme.portraitOnlineTextColor elide: Text.ElideRight font.pixelSize: Theme.usernameSize * gcd.themeScale font.weight: Font.Bold font.styleName: "ExtraBold" text: nick } Opaque.Button { // Add Button id: addBtn anchors.left: name.right icon: "fontawesome/solid/plus" height: name.height width: height radius: width * 0.3 onClicked: { theStack.currentIndex = theStack.addPeerGroupPane } } } } } function updateStatus() { if (gcd.torStatus != Const.statusOnline) { // Tor network offline portrait.portraitBorderColor = Theme.portraitOfflineBorderColor portrait.portraitColor = Theme.portraitOfflineBackgroundColor name.color = Theme.portraitOfflineTextColor } else { // TODO: update to include logic on if a peer wants to be online or not (not implemented) if (profileOnline == false) { portrait.portraitBorderColor = Theme.portraitConnectingBorderColor portrait.portraitColor = Theme.portraitConnectingBackgroundColor name.color = Theme.portraitConnectingTextColor } else { portrait.portraitBorderColor = Theme.portraitOnlineBorderColor portrait.portraitColor = Theme.portraitOnlineBackgroundColor name.color = Theme.portraitOnlineTextColor } } } Component.onCompleted: { updateStatus() } Connections { target: gcd onUpdateMyProfile: function(_nick, _onion, _image, _tag, _showBlocked, _online) { nick = _nick onion = _onion image = _image tag = _tag profileOnline = _online updateStatus() } onResetProfile: { realignProfile() } onTorStatusChanged: function() { updateStatus() } onUpdateProfileNetworkStatus: function(_onion, online) { if (onion == _onion) { profileOnline = online updateStatus() } } } Connections { target: Theme onThemeChanged: { updateStatus() } } }