import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.0 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import "../widgets" import "../widgets/controls" as Awesome import "../fonts/Twemoji.js" as T import "../utils.js" as Utils import "../styles" ColumnLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true width:parent.width Text { Layout.fillWidth: true } TextField { id: filter placeholderText: "Search.." style: CwtchTextFieldStyle{} anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right anchors.margins: 10 onTextChanged: { bulletinView.filter = text if (bulletinView.model.get(bulletinView.currentIndex).title.indexOf(text) == -1) { bulletinView.currentIndex = -1 } } } Flickable { // THE MESSAGE LIST ITSELF id: sv clip: true Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true contentWidth: parent.width contentHeight: parent.height boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds maximumFlickVelocity: 800 Connections { target: gcd onClearMessages: function() { jsonModel4.clear() } onAppendMessage: function(handle, from, displayName, message, image, mid, fromMe, ts, ack, error) { handler(handle, from, displayName, message, image, mid, fromMe, ts, ack, error) } onPrependMessage: function(handle, from, displayName, message, image, mid, fromMe, ts, ack, error) { handler(handle, from, displayName, message, image, mid, fromMe, ts, ack, error) } function handler(handle, from, displayName, message, image, mid, fromMe, ts, ack, error) { var msg try { msg = JSON.parse(message) } catch (e) { return } if (msg.o != 4) return if (msg.t != undefined) { jsonModel4.insert(0,{ "title":msg.t, "selected":false, "from": from, "displayName": displayName, "timestamp": ts, "complete": false }) } if(msg.c != undefined) { jsonModel4.get(msg.c).complete = true } if (sv.contentY + sv.height >= sv.contentHeight - colMessages.height && sv.contentHeight > sv.height) { sv.contentY = sv.contentHeight - sv.height } } onUpdateContact: function(_handle, _displayName, _image, _server, _badge, _status, _trusted, _blocked, _loading) { if (gcd.currentOpenConversation == _handle) { if (_loading == true) { newposttitle.enabled = false btnSend.enabled = false } else { newposttitle.enabled = true btnSend.enabled = true } } } } ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar{ policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOn } ListView { id: bulletinView anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 10 anchors.topMargin: 10 width: parent.width - 50 height: parent.height - 20 orientation: Qt.Vertical spacing: 10 model: jsonModel4 property string filter: "" delegate: Item { width: parent.width height: title.indexOf(bulletinView.filter) >= 0 ? texttitle.height : 0 visible: title.indexOf(bulletinView.filter) >= 0 Column { width: parent.width RowLayout { CheckBox { checked: complete onClicked: { var msg = JSON.stringify({"o":4, "c":index}) gcd.sendMessage(msg, btnSend.nextMessageID++) } } RowLayout { Text { id: texttitle text: '' + Utils.htmlEscaped(title) + ' by ' + from + "
" + timestamp leftPadding: 10 topPadding: 5 bottomPadding:5 color: windowItem.cwtch_dark_color } } } Rectangle { height: 1 color: windowItem.cwtch_color anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right } } } } focus: true ListModel { id: jsonModel4 } } } GroupBox { //: Add a New List Item title: qsTr("add-list-item") Layout.fillWidth: true RowLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true width: parent.width ColumnLayout { Layout.fillWidth: true Text { //: Add a new item to the list text: qsTr("add-new-item") } TextField { id: newposttitle //: Todo... placeholder text placeholderText: qsTr("todo-placeholder") Layout.fillWidth: true style: CwtchTextFieldStyle{} } SimpleButton { // SEND MESSAGE BUTTON id: btnSend icon: "regular/paper-plane" text: "add" anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: 2 property int nextMessageID: 1 onClicked: { if (newposttitle.text != "") { var msg = JSON.stringify({"o":4, "t":newposttitle.text}) gcd.sendMessage(msg, nextMessageID++) } newposttitle.text = "" } } } } } }