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159 lines
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import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import "../widgets"
import "../overlays"
ColumnLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
property alias title: toolbar.text
id: overlay
property string name
property bool accepted
property bool inGroup
StackToolbar {
id: toolbar
membership.visible: gcd.selectedConversation.length == 32
membership.onClicked: overlayStack.overlay = overlayStack.membershipOverlay
aux.onClicked: {
if (gcd.selectedConversation.length == 32) {
theStack.pane = theStack.groupProfilePane
} else {
theStack.pane = theStack.userProfilePane
back.visible: true
RowLayout {
visible:!overlay.accepted && (gcd.selectedConversation.length == 32)
Text {
//: Do you want to accept the invitation to $GROUP
text: qsTr("accept-group-invite-label") + " " + + "?"
SimpleButton {
//: Accept group invite button
text: qsTr("accept-group-btn")
icon: "regular/heart"
onClicked: {
SimpleButton {
//: Reject Group invite button
text: qsTr("reject-group-btn")
icon: "regular/trash-alt"
onClicked: {
theStack.pane = theStack.emptyPane
RowLayout {
id: switcher
SimpleButton {
text: qsTr("chat-btn")
onClicked: overlayStack.overlay = overlayStack.chatOverlay
SimpleButton {
text: qsTr("lists-btn")
onClicked: overlayStack.overlay = overlayStack.listOverlay
SimpleButton {
text: qsTr("bulletins-btn")
onClicked: overlayStack.overlay = overlayStack.bulletinOverlay
SimpleButton {
text: qsTr("puzzle-game-btn")
onClicked: overlayStack.overlay = overlayStack.game1Overlay
StackLayout {
id: overlayStack
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom switcher.bottom
implicitHeight: height
currentIndex: 0
property alias overlay: overlayStack.currentIndex
readonly property int chatOverlay: 0
readonly property int listOverlay: 1
readonly property int bulletinOverlay: 2
readonly property int game1Overlay: 3
readonly property int membershipOverlay: 4
ChatOverlay { //0
Layout.maximumHeight: overlayStack.height
Layout.maximumWidth: overlayStack.width
ListOverlay{ //1
Layout.maximumHeight: overlayStack.height
Layout.maximumWidth: overlayStack.width
BulletinOverlay{ //2
Layout.maximumHeight: overlayStack.height
Layout.maximumWidth: overlayStack.width
Game1Overlay{ //3
Layout.maximumHeight: overlayStack.height
Layout.maximumWidth: overlayStack.width
MembershipOverlay { //4
Layout.maximumHeight: overlayStack.height
Layout.maximumWidth: overlayStack.width
Connections {
target: gcd
onResetMessagePane: function() {
overlayStack.overlay = overlayStack.chatOverlay
overlay.inGroup = false
onSupplyGroupSettings: function(gid, name, server, invite, accepted, addrbooknames, addrbookaddrs) { = name
overlay.accepted = accepted
overlay.inGroup = true