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import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.13
import QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.11
import "../widgets" as Widgets
// import "../styles"
ColumnLayout { // Add Profile Pane
id: profileAddEditPane
anchors.fill: parent
property string mode // edit or add
property string onion
property string tag
property bool deleting
property bool changingPassword
Widgets.StackToolbar {
id: stb
text: mode == "add" ? qsTr("add-profile-title") : qsTr("edit-profile-title")
aux.visible: false
membership.visible: false
stack: "management"
function reset() {
mode = "add"
txtProfileName.text = qsTr("default-profile-name")
changingPassword = false
txtPassword1.text = ""
txtPassword2.text = ""
deleting = false
deleteConfirmLabel.color = "black"
passwordErrorLabel.visible = false
txtCurrentPassword.text = ""
tag = ""
confirmDeleteTxt.text = ""
radioUsePassword.checked = true
passwordChangeErrorLabel.visible = false
function load(userOnion, name, userTag) {
mode = "edit"
tag = userTag
onion = userOnion
txtPassword1.text = ""
txtPassword2.text = ""
onionLabel.text = onion
txtProfileName.text = name
if (tag == "v1-defaultPassword" || tag == "v1-default-password") {
radioNoPassword.checked = true
} else {
radioUsePassword.checked = true
Flickable { stb.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
contentWidth: tehcol.width
contentHeight: tehcol.height
Column {
id: tehcol
leftPadding: 10
spacing: 5
width: profileAddEditPane.width
Widgets.ScalingLabel {
//: Onion
text: qsTr("profile-onion-label") + ":"
visible: mode == "edit"
Widgets.ScalingLabel {
id: onionLabel
visible: mode == "edit"
Widgets.ScalingLabel {
//: Display name
text: qsTr("profile-name") + ":"
Widgets.TextField {
id: txtProfileName
Layout.fillWidth: true
//style: CwtchTextFieldStyle{ width: tehcol.width * 0.8 }
//: default suggested profile name
text: qsTr("default-profile-name")
RowLayout {
//id: radioButtons
Widgets.RadioButton {
id: radioUsePassword
checked: true
//: Password
text: qsTr("radio-use-password")
visible: mode == "add" || tag == "v1-defaultPassword"
onClicked: {
changingPassword = true
Widgets.RadioButton {
id: radioNoPassword
//: Unencrypted (No password)
text: qsTr("radio-no-password")
visible: mode == "add" || tag == "v1-defaultPassword"
onClicked: {
changingPassword = true
Widgets.ScalingLabel {
id: noPasswordLabel
//: Not using a password on this account means that all data stored locally will not be encrypted
text: qsTr("no-password-warning")
visible: radioNoPassword.checked
Widgets.ScalingLabel {
id: currentPasswordLabel
//: Current Password
text: qsTr("current-password-label") + ":"
visible: radioUsePassword.checked && mode == "edit" && tag != "v1-defaultPassword"
Widgets.TextField {
id: txtCurrentPassword
Layout.fillWidth: true
echoMode: TextInput.Password
visible: radioUsePassword.checked && mode == "edit" && tag != "v1-defaultPassword"
Widgets.ScalingLabel {
id: passwordLabel
//: Password
text: qsTr("password1-label") + ":"
visible: radioUsePassword.checked
Widgets.TextField {
id: txtPassword1
Layout.fillWidth: true
//style: CwtchTextFieldStyle{ width: tehcol.width * 0.8 }
echoMode: TextInput.Password
visible: radioUsePassword.checked
onTextEdited: {
changingPassword = true
Widgets.ScalingLabel {
id: passwordReLabel
//: Reenter password
text: qsTr("password2-label") + ":"
visible: radioUsePassword.checked
Widgets.TextField {
id: txtPassword2
Layout.fillWidth: true
//style: CwtchTextFieldStyle{ width: tehcol.width * 0.8 }
echoMode: TextInput.Password
visible: radioUsePassword.checked
Widgets.SimpleButton { // ADD or SAVE button
//: Create Profile || Save Profile
text: mode == "add" ? qsTr("create-profile-btn") : qsTr("save-profile-btn")
onClicked: {
if (mode == "add") {
if (txtPassword1.text != txtPassword2.text) {
passwordErrorLabel.visible = true
} else {
gcd.createProfile(txtProfileName.text, radioNoPassword.checked, txtPassword1.text)
parentStack.pane = parentStack.managementPane
} else {
gcd.updateNick(onion, txtProfileName.text)
if (changingPassword) {
if (txtPassword1.text != txtPassword2.text) {
passwordErrorLabel.visible = true
} else {
gcd.changePassword(onion, txtCurrentPassword.text, txtPassword1.text, radioNoPassword.checked)
} else {
parentStack.pane = parentStack.managementPane
Widgets.ScalingLabel {
id: passwordErrorLabel
//: Passwords do not match
text: qsTr("password-error-match")
visible: false
color: "red"
Widgets.ScalingLabel {
id: passwordChangeErrorLabel
//: Error changing password: Supplied password rejected
text: qsTr("password-change-error")
visible: false
color: "red"
// ***** Delete button and confirm flow *****
Widgets.SimpleButton {
//: Delete Profile
text: qsTr("delete-profile-btn")
icon: "regular/trash-alt"
visible: mode == "edit"
onClicked: {
deleting = true
Widgets.ScalingLabel {
id: deleteConfirmLabel
//: Type DELETE to confirm
text: qsTr("delete-confirm-label")+ ":"
visible: deleting
Widgets.TextField {
id: confirmDeleteTxt
Layout.fillWidth: true
//style: CwtchTextFieldStyle{ width: tehcol.width * 0.8 }
visible: deleting
Widgets.SimpleButton {
id: confirmDeleteBtn
icon: "regular/trash-alt"
//: Really Delete Profile
text: qsTr("delete-profile-confirm-btn")
color: "red"
visible: deleting
onClicked: {
if (confirmDeleteTxt.text == qsTr("delete-confirm-text")) {
deleteConfirmLabel.color = "black"
parentStack.pane = parentStack.managementPane
} else {
deleteConfirmLabel.color = "red"
}//end of column with padding
}//end of flickable
target: gcd
onChangePasswordResponse: function(error) {
if (!error) {
parentStack.pane = parentStack.managementPane
} else {
passwordChangeErrorLabel.visible = true