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// +build unix linux android
package os
import (
// CheckProcessAndKill first executes a process search on the system by the last known pid, if the name of the
// process matches the expected name, then it is killed.
// On unix systems the command "ps" is practically universal and should suffice for this...
func CheckProcessAndKill(pid uint64, processName string) {
log.Debugf("killing: %v", pid)
bytes,err := exec.Command("ps", "-p", strconv.Itoa(int(pid)), "-o", "command").Output()
if err == nil {
// check for a binary @ "/<process_name>"
if strings.HasSuffix(string(bytes),"/"+processName) {
log.Debugf("pid did not relate to expected process, not killing out of caution")
// no such process
log.Debugf("no such process %v", pid)
// Kill a process based on pid
func Kill(pid uint64) {
log.Debugf("killing: %v", pid)
bytes,err := exec.Command("kill", strconv.Itoa(int(pid))).Output()
if err == nil {
log.Debugf("kill %v successful: %s", pid, bytes)
} else {
// this might now always succeed
log.Debugf("could not kill pid: %v %v", pid, err)